I lay on the bed with my eyes closed for a full five minutes before I heard a hushed conversation from across the room.
"What do we-"
"No, I think he's asleep. He's been lying there for a while, I mean, if you look like that when you're awake then somethings wrong with you." I willed myself not to move a muscle, feeling their eyes looking over at me.
"Do you really think we'll be sent out there? What if they're just trying to scare us-"
"Why would they be doing that? What would they gain from scaring us? No. They want to get rid of us, because they can't afford us." A low voice growled, interrupting the worried whisper of the younger boy.
"Well, yeah, but what would they gain from killing us? Stop it, Joe. Listen." A females stern voice grew louder as the older of the two boys tried to interrupt. "Why wouldn't they just send us out to other camps? I mean some of those bases are more like cities and towns, there's plenty of room for us. It doesn't smell right to me, they're covering something up."
"Yeah but what? We don't know anything, and you heard what they said, Em... if we don't go we'll get thrown in jail for the rest of our lives- probably released into the front line eventually."
"Then lets get out of here." The younger boy seemed to squeak at this suggestion from the girl, Em. "Listen to me, Spence. We can't just sit here and do nothing. Either we'll die tomorrow or we'll die the next day, or the day after that. Don't you see what I'm saying? We're in this war, we're probably going to die, and I'd rather do it fighting!"