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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Slendy said
Kevin grabbed Chester's hand and stopped her moment. " I don't have the proper equipment to do all that I won't on you. Plus I can't do anything without toy soldier (Roxy) approval." He buttons her blazer up.

"As long as she is willing I dont care." Roxy told him. "Find an empty room and set it up." Her job was to make sure the beings stay in the pyramid until they were cleared. And to make sure that the beings were not mistreated by the scientist that came to investigate them. Beyond those two things she had no interest in the pyramid. She moved towards the door that lead out. As far as she knew it was the only way in or out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Kevin mind slipped. "Lead the way. Since you know this place better than me you should be able to find me a room that might have something similar to an operating table." Kevin stood and looked at Roxy." Chester's gonna give me a quick run down of the pyramid! We'll be back before you know it!" He says winking at Roxy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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Chester blinked in confusion. "Wait so you're not the one who brought me here?" She asked and cocked her head. "I just woke up here with a terrible headache and a growling hunger." She said running a hand through her hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Nope I'm just another important person sent to investigate this pyramid. Soldier (Roxy) did you or anyone here bring beer or any type of alcohol. I can really go for one right now."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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"I'll follow you to wherever is the best place." She said with a sigh. She still had no clue why she was here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


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nerminator said
"Too be honest I actually have no Idea" Tanikazi said as he noticed that the second human female [gwen] was helping him get out of his cell. there was almost no openings on the door. it was remote controlled by the robots. so the only real way was to cut open a hole in the door and cut the Red wire "well I have almost no Idea but last time I checked theres a colored wire that opens the door when cut" Tanikazi said to the female human [gwen]

Gwen looked over towards the hinges of the locked cell and noticed an electronic box with a slit, much like an electrical security lock. The slit looked as though she could fit her ID card through there and she wondered whether it was possible. She knew her card was linked with the systems at work alone but she couldn't be sure if it would apply here. It couldn't though, they were different systems... right? Gwen looked up at the furry creature, holding up the keycard around her neck.

"I'm going to see if this works first, which I doubt it will. It's just that I don't really wanna be screwing up the circuits by cutting the wires and potentially tripping off an alarm or something so I gotta weigh my options," Gwen explained. She silently hoped in her mind that this would work and quickly slid the card through the slit. She held her breath as she waited for a sound, a beep or anything that would tell her if it worked or not. No response.

"Alright then, I guess we can assume that didn't work. Plan B it is," Gwen said with a sigh as she opened up one of her metal suitcases. She didn't have any scissors with her but she did have a scalpel. Considering that the instrument was all metal, there was a good chance that she would get a bit of a shock from the electricity of the cable if she wasn't careful. She could have worn her gloves but she doubted silicone could stop the sparks.

Gwen bent down at the set of cables that the fur creature had indicated to and took hold of the bundle of wires. There was a red, green and blue wire and the rest were black. She picked the red one out and held her scalpel underneath it. She took a deep breath and yanked at the wires. There was suddenly a loud creak and screech, a sound that sounded almost like nails on a blackboard. Gwen looked up to find that the door was already slightly opened.

"Well, will you look at that," Gwen said with a grin. "Looks like the ID card must have worked after all. Now I don't have to be nervous about this wire business." But it seemed she had spoken too soon. Her scalpel was now caught underneath the red wire in the bundle of cables. The system must have detected the obstruction, for the loud screaming of a security siren was heard bleeping down the hall. "Alert! Alert! Equipment vandalism and obstruction! Security lockdown activated in Sector K-2!" The voice of the PA system must have echoed throughout the whole pyramid. The lights in the room suddenly changed to red and the door to the sector was slowly rolling down.

Gwen turned to the kitsune with urgency. "Come on, we gotta get out of here or we're trapped!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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*Well I guess all of the humans aren't dumbasses after all*. tanikazi kicked the door really hard and it flung open. almost hitting the human in the face [gwen] "Got it!" Tanikazi quickly ran towards the nearest door which was already halfway closed and attempted to slide under it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Slendy said
"Nope I'm just another important person sent to investigate this pyramid. Soldier (Roxy) did you or anyone here bring beer or any type of alcohol. I can really go for one right now."

"I'm afraid I didn't. I'm not the drinking type." Roxy told him. "Make a list of why you need for your lab and I'll see what I can get approved." She dent know what they would authorize and what they wouldn't. It wasn't he place to decide. She was here to protect. It was the only thing she had ever wanted to do. She wanted to protect people the way she had never been protected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Slendy said
"Nope I'm just another important person sent to investigate this pyramid. Soldier (Roxy) did you or anyone here bring beer or any type of alcohol. I can really go for one right now."

"I'm afraid I didn't. I'm not the drinking type." Roxy told him. "Make a list of why you need for your lab and I'll see what I can get approved." She dent know what they would authorize and what they wouldn't. It wasn't he place to decide. She was here to protect. It was the only thing she had ever wanted to do. She wanted to protect people the way she had never been protected.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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KatherinWinter said
"I'm afraid I didn't. I'm not the drinking type." Roxy told him. "Make a list of why you need for your lab and I'll see what I can get approved." She dent know what they would authorize and what they wouldn't. It wasn't he place to decide. She was here to protect. It was the only thing she had ever wanted to do. She wanted to protect people the way she had never been protected.

" All I need is sleeping gas , an operating table and a DNA splicer. Oh! And maybe a specialist on the study of DNA." His scalpel slides out of his sleeve and into his hand." I have my scalpel , so that's mainly the basics of everything I need to dissect Chester."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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Chester grabbed Kevin's wrist. "No-I'm not going under while you dissect me. I intend on being fully awake-just give me something to numb up the area a bit, or some whiskey."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Slendy said
" All I need is sleeping gas , an operating table and a DNA splicer. Oh! And maybe a specialist on the study of DNA." His scalpel slides out of his sleeve and into his hand." I have my scalpel , so that's mainly the basics of everything I need to dissect Chester."

"You're in luck one of the scientist is a specialist in DNA. I think she went to check on the fox spirit guy." Roxy told him. "I'll let her ken that you'll be needing her help. I'm sure she has her own supervisor and tasks but she should be willing to help you. Your list should be manageable. The sleeping gas should be on its way. I'll let you know when it gets here. The rest will tae a few hours."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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"Thank you soldier." Kevin states. "Look Chester being dissected isn't gonna feel great even if I do numb the pain or not its gonna sting and burn like hell. But since you being dissected and me getting perfect scans of your DNA is priority number one I'll do what ever you say."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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She nodded. "Now Take me to where ever you are so you can play with my insides." She purred
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiaRainx


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

nerminator said
*Well I guess all of the humans aren't dumbasses after all*. tanikazi kicked the door really hard and it flung open. almost hitting the human in the face [gwen] "Got it!" Tanikazi quickly ran towards the nearest door which was already halfway closed and attempted to slide under it

Gwen quickly followed the furry creature as he slid under the door that was still rolling down slowly. She almost felt a bit like Indiana Jones as she lowered herself, managing a relatively smooth glide underneath the giant metal door. Unfortunately, she had forgotten that she had left one of her metal suitcases in there. Although most of the equipment she needed was duplicated in her other case, there were some items that were not. She stood and looked back at the door that was now shut behind them. "Damn, I hope I didn't leave anything important in there," she said aloud, clutching tighter to her remaining metal case.

Now she knew that it definitely was not a good idea for her to venture out on her own, she thought it would be a good idea to head back to the others. But before she did, Gwen knew that she needed to do her job first. She turned to the furry creature. "Well, that was close." She said with a laugh. "I'm Gwen Harlow by the way. I don't think we ever caught your name?"

Gwen knew that this creature was not familiar with the Earth and its customs, so it may not be familiar with her work. So if she wanted a DNA sample, she was going to have gain his trust first. Besides, DNA samples aren't too difficult to extract. Hell, she could even take a swab of his saliva if he disagreed to everything else but the best samples were the blood. There is the least probability of contamination.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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She wasnt sure where to start. The self-declared mad scientist had taken what she assumed was a vampire to one if the other area. She hadnt brought anything with her other then her notebook. She would start by observing and taking notes while they waited for the things they needed to arrive. She headed down the hall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

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Tanikazi quickly got up off of the ground and said "heh no shit sherlock" Tanikazi laughed. The whole door thing was really close. Tanikazi swore he saw a flashback of his past. not a very pretty flashback since Tanikazi lived on a planet of anchary. tanikazi knew he could trust Gwen so Tanikazi said "yeah my name is Tanikazi order. which planet are we on right now?" Tanikazi told Gwen and looked at the Pyramid hallway. the hallway was a pretty generic one.lots of crazy stuff in cells. and there didn't appear to be any light at all. Kitsunes could see in the dark so it wasn't a problem
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nookzer
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James turned to Roxy and said "I'm going to go further down and see what else I can find I'll meet you later radio me I if you need anything" he gave her a extra radio he had on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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nookzer said
James turned to Roxy and said "I'm going to go further down and see what else I can find I'll meet you later radio me I if you need anything" he gave her a extra radio he had on him.

Rocky took the radio and slipped it into her pocket. "Be careful. We don't know what else could be in this thing. We don't know if anything we have will work on them."
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