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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Qirin


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Diary of Thomas, excerpts

23rd of March 2015

This is an introductory message to whomever might be reading this diary. I've started writing in it so you might know what happened to the world in 2015, the year of what probably might be the greatest plague humankind has ever faced. I'm no historian like Plutarch or Thucydides, but I'll try to write down my experiences as accurately as possible.

To give you a sketch of what happened: in September of 2014, Gregorian calendar, a meteor crashed down on earth in India, killing thousands of people. In December of that same year, a disease broke out, nicknamed Goldilocks. In a few months, millions of people died in China and India. At the moment, over 70 million people have died since it's outbreak. An enormous number. Even the bubonic plague wasn't that aggressive. Or Ebola for that matter.
If anything, this disease shows that there is life outside of earth... Interesting facts for future scientists if there are any.

7th of May 2015

Goldilocks has made major casualties in Europe, though for the moment, Belgium has been spared so far. Years of immigration couldn't get the government to close the borders, but apparently, a pandemic could. This on his own has been a historical fact already: the ever-squabbling Belgian politicians could set aside their linguistical problems and agree on a nation-wide policy.
On a personal note, my best friend Liz invited me for her birthday today. She seemed happy with the present I bought her. It was a simple statuette of a cat, covering his eyes, part of a set of three. She pulled me close to her and kissed my cheek. Always my cheek. She then looked me deep in the eyes. I thought about kissing her, but I couldn't. Even after three years, I still couldn't.

21st of May 2015

Happy birthday...
Always hated it, now I have even more reason to. My parents and brother have both been contaminated by Goldilocks. It has spread to Belgium about a week ago and has made over a million casualties so far, with about four million people being ill. More or less. I'm left alone to take care of Hendrik, my youngest brother. Mother asked me to look after him and Luna, while they left the house to go to the beach apartment. She thinks it might help. Maybe it will. Don't know if I want that. He won't understand. He's like a three-year-old, always asking when mother is coming home and saying that he misses her. Try to keep his mind of her by walking the dog as often as I can. Had to resort to stealing food from supermarkets, in order to keep us fed. I can't do a job while watching over him.

3rd of June 2015

Liz died.
Didn't cry over my grandparents' death, didn't cry over my parents' death. Cried over hers.
Tried to write her a poem. They all sucked elephant balls, one by one. Don't know what else to do. Should have kissed her. I really should have. I still don't understand why I didn't. I've had so many opportunities. All those evenings I spent with her. Why, why, why? Why you, Liz?

I love you

13th of August 2015

More than half of the human world population has died. It's just me and Hendrik now. Even Luna has died. I said I would never get another dog after her, but I do miss the companionship.
I decided to travel to Italy with him. They say it's moderately safe over there. Plus, if I'm about to die, I just might visit Rome one last time. Maybe Hendrik would like it. He probably wouldn't care. I've been saving up tanks of gas for the journey, might be able to steal another car if we don't get there. Maybe there would be trains riding in southern France. Let's hope so. Packed my most essential things with me: some warm blankets, first-aid-kit, some fire-starting gear, multi-tool and pocket-knife and my father's old toolbox. And all the food I could find.

I can't imagine how hard this must be for Hendrik. Hell, it's enormously hard for me. He still doesn't understand. Keeps asking for mother. Keeps asking for Luna. I just wished he would forget about them, about them all. It would help me forget. Sometimes I wonder why he should be the one to survive. I love him, but... he's such a burden. I miss Kristof. At least him, I could talk to. He was a royal pain in the ass at times, but he was... normal.

And I miss Liz.
I love you

23rd of October 2015

I'm sorry mother! I'm so, so, sorry. I lost him. I told him to stay put but he didn't. I've been searching for him for over a week now. I just can't find him.
I didn't mean to abandon him, I just had to get us some food. I'm so, so sorry... Why couldn't he just for once not wander of?

2nd of November 2015

It's Kristof's birthday today. Sang him a birthday song. Never thought I'd get so soft over him.
It's been over three weeks since I lost Hendrik. I ju I had to give him up. I didn't mean to. He's probably dead. God, I sure hope he's dead. He shouldn't be wandering alone. I sometimes pray that he died easy, that he didn't have to suffer. Can't stand the thought. I should have watched over him. I failed him. I'm sorry, Hendrik.

Sometimes I hear him, an echo on the road, in the woods. Now, I not only have that fucking tone, I'm also hearing voices now... Maybe I am going insane. Maybe I have been a while ago and only realizing it now.
I'm hearing Liz' voice as well, though I can't quite remember what it sounded like.

I miss you, Liz
I lo

I love you

30th of November

Arrived in Bari, apparently, there'll be some kind of meeting here tomorrow. People have been gathering. More people than I've seen in weeks. Maybe I should join them.

1st of december 2015

Most of the people had already entered the town hall when I arrived there. It was actually quite crowded, considering the circumstances. Although it might just be the large amount of dogs, barking and whining making the place look busy. A man standing at the front of the hall with some farmer's tools in his hands was speaking to the people. Guess I was a little late. Couldn't care too much though. I stopped caring about time a long while ago. I leaned against the wall at the back of the hall, holding my self-made walking stick firmly in one hand, checking all the pockets of my camouflage trousers with the other.This seemed like a place for pickpockets and I wasn't about to place my stuff on that table. Don't think anyone would notice anyways.

The farmtool man spoke surprisingly passionately. If anything, he was a good speaker, in another time, he might have become a politician. And he seemed sincere. He had even cried during his speech. People were nodding and quietly seemed to endorse his words. "Will you help me?" he asked the crowd.

Maybe I should, it's been a while since I had some real people to talk with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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Huh, make a group. I've considered it once or twice before but never tried it, now was the time. I let my hood and snood down and spoke up. "Yeah, I'll help ya too." I said and walked over to the man. "Name's Bear... or Callum, I guess, hehe." I said, I turned to the others. "I think the guy's right, a group would be extremely beneficial, teamwork and all that, and bandits would think twice before messin' with us too." I advised the others. This might actually work, if people are willing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bird
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Bird Your Friendly Neighborhood / Know-it-all

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Namelos-mann said
I chuckled a bit and smile held out my right hand and said "oh just wonderful, My name's Andrew."


I smiled - genuinely - and took his hand in mine. "Nice to meet you, Andrew. I'm Jean." Akira whined and interrupted me. "Yes, yes. These are my dogs, Akira and Roscoe. Attention hogs."

I jumped slightly when I heard a loud crashing sound behind me. Akira's pulled his ears back and growled, but I quickly soothed him with a pat on the head. I turned to see some guy, who had dumped a few things on top of the pile of weapons. He spoke clearly, though quietly at first, drawing everyone in and making the crowd quiet. I listened to his story, letting it sink in. I wasn't sure I liked how he accused us all of just fending for ourselves - I mean, what did he know? - but I wouldn't hold it against him. He seemed to have good drive, and a goal in mind. I thought maybe he was being a tad sentimental, but it was a good speech nonetheless. I was just never good at the whole sentiment thing.

He mentioned an abandoned farm, and my heart sort of did this weird little flip-flop thing. Nah, there are lots of farms in Italy. I thought to myself, pushing the idea from my head before I even knew what I was thinking about.

He finished his speech strong, asking who would join him on his quest. Immediately, people started to raise their hands and speak up, offering their support. I was still standing next to Andrew, and glanced over at him. He seemed nice. So did the guy who gave the speech, as well as a few others I noticed. This group would be good for us, wouldn't it?

I raised my hand and spoke up, loud enough to be heard over the quiet murmur that had risen in the crowd. "I'm in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Namelos-mann
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Bird said
I smiled - genuinely - and took his hand in mine. "Nice to meet you, Andrew. I'm Jean." Akira whined and interrupted me. "Yes, yes. These are my dogs, Akira and Roscoe. Attention hogs."

I smiled and reached down to pet one of the dogs and said "they always are" I heard a loud crash and jumped and looked up at the table where it came from. There was a man who began to speak he started off with something that really hit me hard after he said it all I could do was morn the loss of family in New York I knew it was bad but I didn't think it was to the point of New York City being reduced to a population of one.
and after that he told us that he was disappointed in all of us for not trying to help people survive having no Idea what the hell any of had been through, after that he told someone story about what he went through. Then he brought up some abandoned farm and asked people to join him there to help improve the world and make some sort of secur community.
And at first I was furious at this guy for the first part of his speech but I can't really blame him for getting people motivated. So I stood there and thought for a little bit and then I looked around and saw that a few people around the room including Jean had agreed to join this guy. So I raised my hand and spoke so everyone could hear me "I'm with you"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It bothered me how few people in the crowd had said anything. Dozens of people and only a handful have spoken up. The silence is awkward.
"Damnit what's WRONG with you people? I'll be the first to admit I didn't trust this guy or his little mouse in the corner there. I mean I hid under a window to keep them from having my weapons. But how can you not SEE what this man is OFFERING you!" I look around at the slightly miffed faces in front of me...
"When was the last time you had HOPE? I know what we've all been through. WE ALL KNOW. I know that EVERY SINGLE ONE of you has held your family in your arms and WATCHED them die in morbid helplessness. I know you have all STARVED for weeks at a time, searching for food. I know the people who's evils have awakened in this new world have come across you. And I know every one of you have done what you needed to survive. WHATEVER that may be. Well this should be no different damnit.
For God's sakes our weapons are RIGHT THERE. If we wanted we could gut these two where they stand. But we haven't. We all can tell who and what this man is. We all know he's transparent. The only thing holding you people back is your hope. We stand a better chance together than alone. We can make better decisions, protect eachother and most of all, BRING BACK THE PERSON WHO WAS THERE BEFORE THE SHIT HIT THE FAN.
We are reduced by our lack of hope. And this man is offering to give that back to you
He's offering to save you instead of the savages this world requires.
He has a vision that you are apart of.
And if you weren't willing to be apart of it, then you never would have come to this building hoping for EXACTLY THIS.
We all know what we came here for.
This is it.
I am willing to hope alongside this man.
I hope you have the balls to admit you're willing to do the same."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I was left shell shocked. Jed's speech has stirred something inside all of us. Murmurs flared up around the room. Then like a slap to the face a shout echoed through the hall. I looked around and there was no source. Everyone looked around confused. Then I noticed a woman near the back with dark brown hair frowing at the ceiling. Looking up I found who had yelled: it was the blond from earlier. Perched on some kind of rafter he was looking down on everyone with a determined expression. I frowned up at him, my mouth making a perfect O as I gawped at him how did you get up there? Why are you there?

"Yeah, I'll help ya too." A ginger said, walking over "Name's Bear... or Callum, I guess. I think the guy's right, a group would be extremely beneficial, teamwork and all that, and bandits would think twice before messin' with us too." Some shook their heads at his words, two others gave their pledge with rephrasings of "I'm in!" A girl with two german shephards was one of them, but she looked skeptical. The other was another blond guy. I realised that blondie 2 was not as loud as the other as spidey boy began ranting. At first he yelled at the people, which was followed by him calling me a mouse. I gritted my teeth you little shit He was obviously passionate about his argument but I didn't see the point of it. Then the others spoke up as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Half-listening to the music coming out of my single headphone, half-listening to the man giving the speech, I realised that this man wasn't just speaking nonsense. I wondered whether I could help or not. After all, I was a trained first aider. Surely people could use one of those, in case people became unwell. I thought that I could help these people, and maybe it would make God forgive me for killing those two people.

I slowly, and quietly removed the headphone from my sleeve, and pulled down my hood. I stood up, and said "I'll help, too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathdaeg


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I sat with the dogs, biting my tongue and thinking. The young guy was giving a motivational speech about unity, helping people and surviving, but the way he was wording things worried me. Words like my haven and a fortress for myself. I was always paranoid about that sort of thing and how quickly it could devolve into my rules and my decision. But he was right, we needed to work together as a community in order to survive. We needed medical books to learn how to treat injuries or make salves or medicines. If we could find a doctor, even better, but we needed to be mindful of taking in dangerous people, too.
As wary as I was of the situation devolving, we'd need to figure out punishment for crimes, places to hold anyone particularly bad. We'd also need irrigation if we were going to grow crops, maybe figure a way to desalinate the ocean water or collect dew. It was getting cold, so we'd need wood to burn and blankets to keep us warm. We'd need fires to boil water, too.
If we could find a hardware store with some shovels and digging tools, we could lay pipe. If we found any. Probably 1-inch black poly, since white PVC pipe could shatter if it got too cold and wasn't buried. We'd also need concrete to start building a water tank, ideally high up so it would be gravity-fed and we'd need to locate a water source to tap a well in order to be able to fill the tank. Solar panels and wind turbines could power the pumps.

As I was planning all of this in my head though, someone started raising their voice. They sounded like they were getting pretty passionate, too. I couldn't see who it was, but it sounded like he was voicing his own rallying cry and mentioning something about hiding on the roof.

"Look, that's all good n' well," I said, standing up as the dogs shifted, "But we need to actually make some other plans here. We need food and water, like young lad says, and we can't scavenge forever. That means farming, which means fertilizer and irrigation. We need animals, which means fencing. We need to actually know what we're doing. It's one thing to say what we need, but does anyone here know how to do it?"

I waved over to the main young guy who had called the assembly "Do we even have the tools to treat a severed artery? Let's face it, we're in a position where the flu could kill us, never mind an infected wound." I nodded to my dogs, "As it stands, our pets aren't going to live as long as they would've anymore. We don't have rabies or parvo vaccines any more, or heart worm treatment. There are some things we just can't do anymore. Now, we can learn splints and things, but we need materials. We need books, which means raiding bookstores and libraries. Unless we plan on going vegan and starving from the first failed harvest, we need to learn fishing, skinning, butchering and animal husbandry for food, clothes and fertilizer. We need to learn up on wiring solar panels, and what kind of manure is too high in nitrogen. And in case we run into the wrong people or the wrong people come to us, we need weapons and jails." I gestured around the Town Hall, "We need to learn how to maintain this shit on our own. We can't rely on any one person anymore, especially when a bad cold could rob us of their expertise. We have to become carpenters, electricians, farmers, butchers, plumbers and even doctors. I get that we need to work as a community, but we need to have a plan, too."

I looked at the young guy once more, "So if you want us to join you, then I for one am going to need more than promises and good intentions. I need to know your plan."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

One of the men with the dogs spoke up after me. He brought up the same points I had pondered earlier, but assumed they would be voiced. It was good that someone else thought of it, because now I don't have to claim any responsibility for bringing it up. He may not understand now, but I feel certain he will realize the position being the one to say it puts him in. Its not even necessarily a negative thing yet. It may never be. It depends on what kind of person he is. And what kind of people these are. I still don't trust any of them... but having them trust eachother could be beneficial for all of us. Now surely the only person who will notice me leave may be the one who is speaking now, but even he may be distracted. I slip through my window, back into the shadow of my alley.

Climbing back to the top of the building, I hunt the skyline for a high place where I will be able to see much of the city. Choosing a high bell tower off of a church as my goal, I draw one of my swords and march off towards it, keeping an eye out for specific shops and vehicles...

I would be back, I already had a good idea of how this meeting was gonna go. And I need to make sure that I plan for it. And take my advantages where i can find them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Qirin


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Several people began to speak up. The two most noticeable were the blond parcours-guy and the brownbearded vet. I didn't quite know what to think of the parcours-guy. One side of me, admired his ability to climb that high, the other part was really annoyed by his attention seeking behavior. Climbing up to the ceiling and then shouting downwards? I decided not to pay any attention to him, not at the moment. The vet on the other hand posed some interesting questions. Well, interesting in the long run at least. Having the right tools is essential in any situation. Now, however, I was most interested in how we would provide food and shelter... I was getting hungry, and I had enough of sleeping in bushes.

Some more people started talking and shouting, but very few of them asked the correct questions. At least, to my opinion. They were all concerned about what if this happens, what if that happens. But then again, maybe the important questions were lost to me because I couldn't hear them over the ruckus.

"If I may," I tried, but no-one really payed any attention to it. Dear cockamamies, I'd probably had to shout for the crowds to hear me. As much as I hated it, it was time for some drastic measures. I climbed on a table and hit it a few times with my walking stick. Now who's attention seeking now, Gandalf a small voice said to me. I decided to ignore it.

"If I may," I tried again, louder this time. The sound of my voice combined with the butting on the table seemed to be able to silence most of the people this time.
"Ahem, yes. Well, as my dear brownbeard fellow -terribly sorry for the bad nickname, but I don't know your real one- has already stated, we should be making some plans first. Perhaps if we could start by deciding who would actually be interested in joining this endeavor and gathering them, that would be a good beginning. We should probably also make a list of skills these people have, and the equipment they brought with them. I'm quite sure we could use one of the buildings in town as a temporary shelter, until we've established who's who and what's what."
As I finished, an odd silence fell over the group, as if expecting more.
"Anyway, ehm, that's my two cents. Please continue."
I stepped down and went back to my place near the door, watching as the rest of the debate unfolded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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I pointed to the the bearded man and the quiet guy after they both spoke. "See? This kinda stuff is good, agreeing, disagreeing, suggestions." I began saying, I turned to the original speaker. "Sorry to interrupt." I apologised then turned to the others again. "Look, this is crap at the moment, I know. I get that, but c'mon guys, think about it? Using all of our suggestions together we can actually do something. We don't have to survive anymore, we can live!" I said, explaining my thoughts and using appropriate hand gestures to further demonstrate my point. I couldn't believe something half-decent could happen, even after all of this. I'm 16 yeah but hey, I can still contribute, I thought to myself. It seemed like everyone needed... motivation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathdaeg


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Catching movement out of the corner of my eye, I glanced up. Someone was crawling around in the rafters and scampering out the window.

What in the world is he...? I ignored it, but I stayed mindful. The last thing we needed was someone in the rafters taking shots at the people below. It was during that time that someone stepped up on a table, banging a stick to be heard and calling me Brown Beard, which made me smile. It made me feel like a pirate or something. It sounded like there were other people in favor of forming a plan, too. The first few weeks or months would probably be spent scavenging food and materials while planting crops and getting a more sustainable operation established. We likely wouldn't be wasting too much time planning, either. The longer we planned, the less we'd actually get done and the hungrier we'd become, making our situation much more desperate. And if there was one thing we didn't need, it was high tensions and empty stomachs.

I suddenly also became very aware that I had potentially hijacked the meeting, probably making myself sound like some sort of outspoken trouble maker, but I mentally shook the thought out of my head. I was only saying what needed to be said, it wasn't like I was calling anyone's leadership into question. Plus Walking Stick sounded like they agreed with me, somewhat.
That was when some British kid voiced their agreement, apparently a 16-year old. I nodded to the guy on the table and the other kid and pushed the paranoia out of my head. After all, if I didn't bring it up, who would? It did us no good to sit on my hands and stay silent, otherwise when trouble hit I'd be to blame for not saying something sooner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Balthazar


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Check OOC!
A dark haired boy who was obviously listening to music pulled out his earphone and voiced his allegiance, then a man with a rather impressive beard stood up and talked. Unlike Jed, this man talked about what needed to be done and less about emotion.

He talked about the needs of a farm, first aiding, vaccinations, supplying electricity, and a prison. As he was talking the first thing that came to mind was one of those African tribes we studied in history. When I was 9 and my parents were still around we visited relatives in Lesoto (South Africa) and lived with a tribe for the week. Despite the obvious racial differences the tribe accepted my dad's uncle Bill completely and he took to repairing shacks, making furniture, and plumbing. While I was there I cut my leg pretty badly and the locals jumped on me and carried me to the shaman. I was terrified and kicked and screamed thinking they were going to perform some ritual on me, then it turned out the shaman was a fully qualified doctor that studied and everything. The scar healed nicely and six months later there was no evidence to my injury.

This man then demanded a full plan out of Jed, although he tried to hide, I could see Jed getting more and more edgy. Then another blonde stood up, he suggested a list which Jed obviously though of as well as he walked over and pulled a book and pen out of the counter behind me. He handed it to me to write down my name and skills:
  • Dog and horse care

  • Can drive

  • First aid

  • Basic plant farming knowledge

  • Can build fences

  • Basic knowledge on clothing production

  • Then passed the book onto the nearest person: a ginger boy who also began to talk, promoting the debate or something. For a moment I wondered if anyone could read my handwriting, it's been months since I held a pen, but watching others write neither have they. I thought on the african tribe idea while the others spoke. Then I decided to speak up, someone else was going on about something and there were murmurs flying. At least the people were talking now.

    I waited for the current speaker to finish then in their moment of silence I struck "well what about a tribe?" people stopped and looked at me bulls eye then I realised this would mean people were watching me. Suddenly I turned cherry red and became flustered and self concious. Embarrassed I cleared my throat "well what about we form a tribe, like in Africa, with people allocated to oversee various things. We could have a chief, a doctor, a chef, hunters, herders, clothing makers. We have the advantage of a town's worth of resources. We can have a woodcutter to chop down trees during the day, and guards against predators. And once we have a strong foothold we can venture out and look for others."

    People wanted to talk, but I wasn't finished. My next statement was making me extra embarrassed, "and uhm.. someone to look after children and stuff." Many were confused and then it hit... we would need children at some point. Not really to repopulate but more to look after us when we could not care for ourselves.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Deathdaeg


    Member Seen 10 yrs ago


    I chuckled slightly as the fairly tall girl spoke up. I hadn't wanted to say it myself out of embarrassment, but she was right. We were going to need midwives. And her idea of a tribe wasn't bad. It held all the sense of community that we would need to survive, and we could take on apprentices to make sure people knew our skills for when we... Well, when we died.

    "Tribe. I like that. Very Sepultura." I said with a chuckle. "So... Do we elect a chief, or do they just have to prove themselves through their deeds?" I asked. Christ knew I didn't want to be Chief. Teacher? Fine. Repairman? Sure. Leader? Hell no. Anxiety made me sick enough as it was.

    When the book was handed around to me I glanced over it briefly, acknowledging the skills written within before writing my own.


  • Irrigation.

  • Drive manual and auto.

  • Fence building.

  • Basic farming.

  • Cattle ranching.

  • Hunting.

  • Basic electrical knowledge.

  • Basic Metalwork.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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    AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AngelNoire
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    AngelNoire Lovecraft Divine

    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    It wasn't long before I found the vehicles I needed. Two trucks with removable trailer hitches. Even better! One of them was filled with some pretty flexible baseboards for some house renovation or another. Unhitching them and dragging them both into the middle of the road so the were facing away from eachother must've took fifteen minutes, they were so damned heavy. But I got them where I needed them, and used the hitch pin from one to attach the two hitches together, making one, completely a pain in the ass to push, double sized cart. Breaking into a nearby house, I found a hammer and some nails, as well as some Jack's Beef Jerky. Munching away at it, I nail eight of the baseboards to the ends sticking straight up, and discard the rest, as they'll make poor building material anyways and aren't worth weighting down the cart with.

    Afterwards I notched the top of each of the boards twice and, taking eight of those once seemingly ridiculous survival rope wrist bands out of my bag, I untie them, and noose them tightly onto the notches i made. Then, grabbing the middle of a rope, I hopped off the make-shift cart, letting gravity bend the baseboard down, and wrapping the cord around the axle tightly, Taking a brick from a nearby lawn, I use it to wedge the tire in place. I then repeat this process with the other eight baseboards, four to each axle. Then one by one I remove the brick stops. After the the second one is removed, my handmade, self propelled cart starts rolling over the other two. Quickly I hop in, and the tension in the cords from the bent baseboards rolls the cart along towards the town hall. When the tension runs out I grab the middle of the cords and wind them again. When I need to turn the cart a little I grab one of the cords to prevent the tension release, causing one tire to have propulsion without the other. Of course this is all killer on the tires, but... as much as there is a lack of working vehicles, there are still plenty of tires to steal, so I'm not too concerned about it.

    And back I drive to the town hall. I know I'm being a bit of a show off, but I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when they see this...
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Namelos-mann
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    People started discussing very important things we were trying to form a plan and the people had really good ideas and someone with a brown beard asked something about how we would elect a leader "here's what we do about leadership for now because none of us really know each other we go on a true democratic system until we have the capability to properly elect someone based on their character." They started passing around a book for people to record their skills.
    • basic plumbing
    • basic medical care
    • can drive
    • impressed explosive enthusiasts
    • cooking
    • knowledge of mental illnesses
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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    Member Seen 6 mos ago

    I was passed a document and told to list my skills down. Hmmm....


    I have no skills that can contribut to help making a functioning society however I am willing to volunteer for anything. I may prove most useful in guarding and/or scavenging. Simply, I'm an extra hand.
    Equipment: Hockey Stick, Backpack, kitchen knife, bread knife.

    I passed it on to the next person and simply listened in, a tribe idea sounded great plus a democratic style of choosing a leader too. My handwriting was kinda terrible.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gogojakeo


    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    I was passed a book, and told to write down my name and skills, I did as asked, and then passed it onto the next person.

    First aid training,
    Can drive gearshift and automatic,
    Knowledge of some Air Traffic Control procedures,
    Small knowledge of flight,
    Can be a good doctor, provided given a medical textbook
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Qirin


    Member Seen 6 yrs ago


    It was always good to feel people listened to my ideas. Makes me feel accomplished. I was more than happy when I saw people passing around a book in which to write our names and whatever we were good at. While the list was going around, other people started to speak up as well. A young woman, not much more than a teen in my eyes started speaking about tribes and midwives. Talking about creating children. Dear goodness, I thought to myself , if things had gone any other way, I might be teaching a girl like her at school now... Hearing a woman her age talk about that... It made me feel quite uneasy. For the first time, it hit me how far this entire situation had crossed the boundaries of my comfort zone. Of anyone's comfort zone. This was an actual post-apocalypse. These were people banding together in order to survive, just like all those movies I'd seen. Luckily, there aren't any intelligent monkeys around, I thought to myself.

    When the book reached me, I filled in the information it required:

    Name: Thomas
    plumbing (installing boilers, heaters, waterways)
    basic metalwork: (welding, soldering)
    knowledgeable in exercise and physiology
    camouflaging and hiding
    planning and organizing

    Wasn't too big a list, but then again, I wanted to be sure I really could do the things I wrote down well enough. I might had added some more, but I wasn't too comfortable about those. It was the same reason why I removed some of the things I wrote down again. I wasn't too bad at planning stuff out, creating lists, coming up with schedules, but then again, anyone could do that and, well, I was horrible at keeping to those things. While adding to the list, it really struck me how little of all the things I had learned were useful at this moment. Some part of me felt like I had wasted my whole life, spending on theoretical studies. All those hours reading philosophical treatises and learning history books by heart. It all seemed so useless.

    I passed the book on to the next person and decided to start talking to someone. I needed to talk to someone, in order to get rid of my own thoughts. I saw Brownbeard and noticed that he had two dogs at his side. Dogs were a good topic to start a conversation about. I walked up to him and greeted his dogs by holding my hand in front of their noses. I knew that animals appreciated polite greetings, just like humans did and had been doing that same routine for many years. "Nice dogs you have," I said, looking up at the man, "my name is Thomas." I offered him my hand as well.
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