Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Torris


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kou Giwa
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 13, 23 August
Age Appearance: Early Teens
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Parents: Jiya Giwa and Zen Namikaze
Length and build: 66 inches(167cm); Athletic build
Weight: 147lbs(67kgs)
Favorite weather and season: Warm; Autumn

Village: Konoha
Birthplace: Konoha
Organization: N/A

Clan/Bloodline: Giwa/Namikaze

Rank: Genin

Chakra Nature: Fuuton, Doton - (has no knowledge of his elemental affinities yet and won't for a while; will unlock wind a while later...)

Kou has spiky black hair that reaches his shoulders. Down the middle of his hair is a silver streak of hair that grows that way naturally. He has thick eyebrows(not like Guy/Lee). His eyes are both gray, and there is a horizontal scar under his right eye. He often wears a gray sleeveless hoodie. Both of his forearms are wrapped in white bandages. He wears black pants, and black sandals. On both hands are black fingerless combat gloves. He wears his Konoha headband loosely around his neck.

Kou doesn't really have the best personality to gain popularity or friends. His mouth has no filter and he acts like he doesn't care about others' feelings. He often has dark thoughts due to an incident his witnessed while younger. Other people around him tend to annoy him quite easily. He very much enjoys his personal space, and hates anyone who enters it uninvited. He is also a bit paranoid, refusing to trust those around him no matter what. Kou can be described as emotionless. He has never killed another human, but he thinks about it a lot and feels that once he finally does he will love it. He's kinda screwed up.

Despite his number of troubling traits, Kou is incredibly tactful, and carries a good amount of knowledge about things he is interested in. In his free time he is either training or reading. He can come up with ideas or tactics on the fly and conceal his objectives from his opponent to give himself the upperhand in battle. Kou's self awareness is pretty high, and his mind is always being fed with new information. He remembers the tiniest things.

Jiya and Zen, Kou's mother and father met in Konoha. Jiya was born into the Giwa Clan. The Giwa Clan was a small clan located near Konoha in their own small settlement. They specialized in forging and using many different types of weapons. Having little interest in weaponry, Jiya moved to Konoha once she turned eighteen and worked in a supply store until she could save enough money to open up her own clothing shop. Zen was born into the Namikaze Clan, a clan specializing in kekkai ninjutsu, as well as fuinjutsu. Zen was also not born in Konoha, but moved there when he was younger so that he could train to become a shinobi at the ninja academy. He met Jiya while he was a Chunin, and started dating her soon after. By the time Zen had become a Jonin, he and Jiya were married, and soon had Kou. Kou was often hard to control as a child. He would wander off and find new ways to get into trouble, but his father often bailed him out. Kou had a strong desire to be like both his parents. When he wasn't getting in trouble he would be training with his father if possible, and gathering information about his family history from both his parents. Kou had already decided to follow in his father's footsteps at a young age and join the ninja academy, so training with his father was largely important to him. He would go back to his mother's old home and meet with his family from his mother's side. They would teach him about the different weapons they made, and how they made and used them.

When Kou wasn't training with his father, he was with his uncle, his mother's brother, training with various weaponry. And he also found time to travel to his father's homeland to learn about the techniques they employed in battle soaking up the information and knowledge like a sponge. Kou could hardly wait until he was eligible to join the ninja academy. He would often sneak off to go and train by himself. When he did this in Konoha, his parents did not care much as there wasn't much danger right outside of the gate, but anytime he traveled to his father's home, they would forbid him from going into the woods during the night. There was nothing but trouble for him. Kou, being the hardhead that he is, had learned of a new technique and he couldn't wait to try it out for the first time. Instead of waiting until daybreak, Kou went out in the middle of the night figuring if something came for him he would be able to kill it. His cockiness quickly proved to be deadly, as a group of ruthless bandits paraded the woods, stumbling across a young Kou. Kou opted to stand his ground instead of running and was easily caught. THe sun rose, and his parents quickly discovered that he was missing. Zen wasted no time leaving to search for the boy while Jiya worried helplessly. Following a trail of struggle in the woods, Zen appeared before the hideout of the bandits. Zen easily broke through, killing the guards with no remorse. He entered the hideout and quickly came across Kou being held captive. The bandit leader appeared before the shinobi demanding an impossible ransom once he found out that Kou was his child. Zen swiftly refused and the bandit leader pulled out a kunai, throwing it in the direction of Kou. The kunai was thrown skillfully, only managing to leave a cut under one of Kou's eyes. The bandit leader had thrown it purposely to spook Zen, and it barely worked. Zen instantly identified the bandit leader as an old Konoha shinobi who had been banished from the village a long time ago, and he remembered that he was no slouch. In a remarkable display of speed and wit, Zen managed to apply a barrier around Kou while taking out a few bandits in the area. Enranged, the bandit leader called on the rest of his subordinated to attack Zen while also going after Kou's father himself. Zen masterfully killed bandit after bandit ruthlessly. They had his son, and threatened his life. Zen would not let anyone live. Kou stared on in disbelief at the amount of bloodshed his father was causing. Zen had never fought with such darkness in his eyes. The bandits' hideout was painted red. Zen tired himself out, and it was only him and the bandit leader left. Zen in a normal setting would have been able to dispatch of this man with no issues but he had foolishly tired himself out with his last onslaught of the lesser bandits. The bandit leader sensed this and a battle to the death ensued. Zen went toe to toe with the bandit leader, neither gaining ground. Kou looked on, eyes wide, without a word escaping his mouth.

A shadow appaered in the entrance of the hideout and Kou quickly recognized his mother. Why did she have to come? That was the question that haunted Kou for the rest of his life. When catching wind of his shocked mother, Kou yelled out her name. Zen, hearing the name of his wife, turned from the battle in disbelief at her presence. Seeing an opening, the bandit leader delivered a fatal blow to Zen, leaving Jiya to shriek in horror. The bandit leader began to smirk and began walking towards Kou's mother, hoping to kill her in revenge for the trouble that Zen had caused. Kou screamed for her to run, but Jiya's body was frozen. Not yet dead, Zen intervened, evening the score. The bandit leader fell to his knees, slowly turning around to see that he had been impaled through the heart with a sharp object by a half-dead Zen. Both men fell to their deaths moments later, leaving a gruesome scene for a mother and her nine year old son. This was the incident that shaped Kou today. His mother blamed herself for her husband's death, and Kou blamed himself for everything. His mother begged Kou never to bring up becoming a ninja again, or even trying to practice any techniques but he refused, and the day that he became eligible to apply, she hung herself leaving Kou to come back home to the sight of her lifeless body. This event further shaped his derailment from normal actions or thoughts. Kou still decided to become a shinobi

Theme Song:


-Kou is proficient with more than just the weapons that are used given to shinobi of his rank(kunai/shuriken).
-He is a versatile fighter, able to switch from long ranged combat to close ranged comba with little effort.

Special Traits
+Above Average Stamina(For a genin)
+Above Average Agility(For a genin)

Kekkei Genkai:

Name of Kekkei Genkai:

Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AlterNathan


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Aniru Kazen Nickname/Alias: Ameno Rannaa (the rain runner, or, runner of the rain) Gender: Female Age and date of birth: 26, seventh of March Age Appearance: 24 Sexuality: Bisexual Parents: Kyo and Mizuri Aniru (deceased) Length and build 5'8 athletic build Weight 125 lbs. Favorite weather and season a cool spring rain Village: Amegakure Birthplace: Amegakure Organization Amegakure Military forces. Clan/Bloodline: Aniru Rank: (Formerly ANBU) Jounin Chakra Nature: Suiton, Fuuton Appearance: Personality: Kazen is very laid back and easy going. Her usually jolly nature either cheers people up or annoys the hell out of them. Behind all the jolliness hides a serious side of her. Kazen has a very high sense of responsibility and justice. what she believes and wants will come to pass unless there is really no other way. Her favorite things are training, mainly her speed by running. And teasing Nazari. 'Yeah well' are words she too often uses to start a sentence, commonly to much annoyance of Nazari and other people. Her attitude towards others is often friendly but if you show hostility or act like an asshole, you will meet with the only thing that is sharper than her blade, her tongue. Her way of doing might be a bit different than you expect. You could say she’s a bit, different but in no way insane or crazy. Kazen does not like formality and often acts like it does not exist. Her history with the ANBU black ops has changed Kazen. She will sometimes zone-out, relinquishing every emotion and turn into an effective cold-blooded killer. History: Kazen was born into the proud Aniru clan. The Aniru are a group of nomadic warriors offering their services to the highest bidder. Roaming around Amegakure, which was still a divided country at that time, was not a business without dangerous. But the Aniru were well known and were made sure not to be crossed. Kyo and Mizuri, Kazen’s parents, were part of the communication and scouting branch and so Kazen was trained in chakra control (e.g. water walking & tree climbing) early so she could get to places easily were other could not. She was also trained in running speed, stamina and agility to make her way from A to B in the fastest and most effective way. Kazen loved to run and often ran for days after each other. The faster the better and so Kazen trained her legs more than anything becoming the fastest teenager the Aniru branch had ever raised. It did not take long for Kazen to be recruited for missions. Relaying messages to clients and back. In order to protect herself, since she knew no jutsu, her parents gave her a ninjato. Kazen trained with the ninjato (which she often uses in reverse grip) and practiced in different ways of the sword. Several years later Kazen ran into Nazari, a Chuunin Shinobi. Instead of being killed by her she helped reach her client in time and saved her from a couple of angry Genin. Little did they know and a friendship started to grow between the two as they met later. Kazen’s jobs started to dwindle as her speed increased, not because of that. She was always on time, much to the delight of her clients. It was because of the imminent war. Kazen came across a severely wounded Nazari and saved the girl from her assailants. Nazari said she would make an excellent shinobi, Kazen shrugged it off, patched the girl up and made it to her client in the nick of time. Her last job almost became Kazen fatal, she was way early as her speed had increased even more than last time. And instead of relaying a message she had to fight for her life, apparently it was a set up. Kazen fought valiantly but lost but Nazari who showed up just before it was too late saved her life. She convinced Kazen to become Shinobi. That was when the war started, The Aniru were hired by a landlord to defend him and his land from forces of the great Shinobi nations, they used the Ame as the battleground for their quarrels. But one clan could not stand up to an entire nation or two and was wiped out after a battle that lasted for two weeks. Kazen graduated as Genin pretty fast as she was already skilled in chakra control, taijutsu and kenjutsu. Het speed also helped a great deal. Kazen speed ran through the ranks making it to Jounin in no time. After that she was drafted into the ANBU were she learned a lot. Getting better with the ninjato, advanced taijutsu techniques, weapon usage and more agility and speed training. This made her the fastest shinobi Amegakure has ever seen. After a few years serving the ANBU black ops Kazen was relieved from her duties and was appointed as a sensei for fresh graduates. The Amekage saw her abilities fit and wishes Kazen to learn the new graduates what she knew. So she became part of the new Team-Teach project where two jounin-sensei were appointed to a group a young genin. The Amekage set up this program to unlock the full potential of new genin since two could teach more than one. Kazen was happy to find out that Nazari was her jounin-sensei partner. But she overslept the first day of her sensei-ship. Theme Song: [youtube]Wbo3NNvVqVk[/youtube] Weapons/Items; Name of Weapon or Item: Kaze Katana Description: A ninjato, worn horizontally on her lower back. This blade has affinity for Fuuton jutsu and empowers this for little bit extra chakra, for the rest this is just your average katana, hence a little sturdier. Kazen's main swordplay is Battojutsu (quick draw) but she is also adept in 'normal'/reverse grip swordplay Appearance: Name of Weapon or Item: Runners goggles Description: easy to use goggles that Kazen puts on when running to avoid things getting into her eye, its also tooled with a microphone and receiver Appearance: Like this but longer so it covers both eyes Name of Weapon or Item: Basic Shinobi weaponry like; Kunai, Shuriken, Wires, Exploding tags, etc. etc. Skills/Abilities * High chakra control * High stamina * Average endurance * Average strength * Average chakra reserves Special Traits * Very high speed * High agility * Good reflexes * Expert in Taijutsu * Expert in Weapon usage * low skill in Ninjutsu. (thus making her techniques less effective) Kekkei Genkai: none Jutsu: Academy jutsu: Clone, transformation, replacement, etc. Mikazuki no Mai (Leaf's dance of the crescent moon) Suiton: Teppodama (Water release: Gunshot) Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu (Water release: Water Dragon Bullet) Fuuton: Shinkūgyoku (Wind release: Vacuum Bullets) Fuuton: Atsugai (Wind release: Pressure Damage) Shuriken Kage bunshin no jutsu (Shuriken shadow clones) Custom Jutsu [spoiler] Name of Technique: Kaze Cutter Type of Jutsu: Fuuton, Katana Rank: C-rank Range: Self, Blade Nature Type: Fuuton Handseals: None Description: This Jutsu utilizes the air surrounding it and using chakra, similar to chakra flow and the flying swallow technique it increases the size of the original katana with solid air. Weakness: Constantly consumes chakra from the user. It consumes more chakra depending on the length of the katana. Name of Technique: Fuuton: Kaze Sanpo (wind style: Wind walk) Type of Jutsu: Movement Rank: B-rank Range: self Nature Type: Fuuton (wind) Handseals: Bird, Dog, Snake Description: this Jutsu will increase the speed of the user by about 60%, making them appear to be a blur of motion and difficult to spot or hit by inexperienced ninja. But this is more often used outside of battle then inside. Weakness: Constantly consumes chakra while active, need to be good at chakra control, does not increase speed of reflexes and hand seals, may result in Damaging the body when used too frequent or too long. Summons none -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Chizuko Irozaki
Nickname/Alias: White Lightning
Gender: Female
Age and date of birth: 25, born on the 1st of March
Age Appearance: early twenties
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parents: Yukiko and Akinobu Irozaki (Deceased)
Length and build 5ft'9 and toned
Weight 159 lbs
Favorite weather and season Snow and Rain in Winter

Village: Hidden Cloud
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Organization: ANBU
Clan/Bloodline: Irozaki
Rank: ANBU
Chakra Nature: Storm (by combining Lightning and Water)


Personality: Chizuko is quiet, reserved, and level headed. Normally only speaks when spoken to or it is extremly necessairy, and has a great sense of loyalty and pride in her villiage. She can be trusted to follow through with tasks without complaining or asking questions. A natural born leader and can quickly instill courage in others. She tends to have a hard time loosening up when not working, but has been improving. Though she says little, and despite her current occupation, Chizuko is actually kinder than most assume her to be upon first sight.

Born and raised in the small Irozaki clan, Chizuko has been one of the brightest kunoichi's that the clan has produced. Prodigy in name and skill, she has been able to pass theAcademy without much of a trouble. Together living in the small compound, there was little that she had to worry about. As she was enrolled to become a genin in a team, the imment war however changed something. Just in time, she had been hidden away by her parents as they feared that it would result that their daughter would be ordered to join the bloodshed. Though they were getting in some trouble with the clan, due this, they still managed to gain some success in this.

But while Chizuko was hidden away, a small raid would change her life forever. Being hidden away by some good friends of her parents, thus away from the clan that would turn her up to join the forces of Kumogakure, thus being sent to fight in the war, she would hear much later the news. Her parents had been killed when some raiding forces of Iwagakure managed to slip deep into the ground of Kumogakure and able to launch an attack on the Irozaki clan. Devasted by the news, it was the event that caused the bright and smart girl to become quiet and reserved. Eventually she also started to join the war, but it was on the third year. Meaning that it was already too late to really get a satisfied feeling of revenge. Kumogakure after all had managed to wreak havoc on Iwagakure and having beat back some attacks of Kirigakure. Still, she kept on fighting on the front line.

It was also the time where she served under the command of a fellow Irozaki, Chase Irozaki. A jounin at the time, Chase appointed Chizuko as his lieutenant and managed to achieve success after success on the field of battle. Only to then be ordered that they were needed to stand guard at the border. The Raikage at the time, Genmyou, was keeping them there for some reasons that made no sense. He told them that he was fearing that Kirigakure and Iwagakure were plotting a strike against them. Chase openly went against the orders of Genmyou, leading a group of Kumogakure shinobi back to the front. Due the feeling that she hadn't done enough, Chizuko also went against the orders. Due this, she wasn't promoted to become a jounin. Even while some people had recognized her talent and skill, saying she was ready to become one. It is still unknown if it was either due Genmyou's dislike for her or because he was too afraid it would mean he had a jounin that wasn't loyal enough, Chizuko didn't seem to be bothered by it. She just kept on doing what she was doing so far, being a kunoichi of the Cloud.

For some time, her life wasn't a really eventful one. Chizuko had no real revenge feeling towards Iwagakure, simply trying to continue her life that she had. Staying in contact with her clan, she had almost no enemy and managed to not catch Genmyou's attention by not doing that might set attention on her. Actually, the only event that caused her to briefly be surprised was that Chase Irozaki had been rumoured to leave the Cloud. Becoming a high ranked missing nin. Though it caught her off guard, Chizuko would stay with the clan and not chase her relative. It was after all better not to get involved into that. Genmyou would then likely link her to Chase and she wasn't out to get herself some troubles.

But a new time came, both for Kumogakure and Chizuko. After some time, it was revealed that Genmyou was killed and an imposter having taken his place. The grim news was one she took however with a shrug. Like many, she never cared much for the Third Raikage. With the new Raikage, Jinaryu Sanosuke, she started to make jumps in her carreer. Her record had likely impressed the man, as she was promoted to be an ANBU. At the age of 22, she was enrolled into the ANBU division. Only to be promoted to become an ANBU captain two years later.

With the rise of Shoji, Chizuko was able to raise a band of rebels and causing some distraction on the country. With the march, she didn't join, but stayed back at Kumogakure in case the offensive march would end up in a failure. Meanwhile, Jinyaru seemed to have fallen into a coma, due some Metsuke managing to poison him. With him now not able to stay as the Fourth Raikage, a new one was chosen. One that kept his identity hidden away with a mask, much like Genmyou. Only this man, Takeru, started to make Kumogakure bloom again. Chizuko was still being appointed as an ANBU captain, unknown to her that she was again serving under the same Irozaki she had served so many years ago.

And soon she would learn the truth.

Theme Song:


  • Exceptional in Kenjutsu

  • Good in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu

  • Good agility and speed

  • Advanced Chakra control, Average levels

  • Special Traits
  • Unwavering loyalty to her villiage

  • Not easily intimidated

  • Quick Thinker

  • Does not give up easily

  • Kekkei Genkai:
    Name of Kekkei Genkai: Storm Release
    Clan: The Irozaki Family
    Description: An advanced nature kekkei genkai that combines lightning and water-based chakra to create energy beams that can be guided towards the enemy.


    Custom Jutsu

    Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AlterNathan


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Name: Hyuuga Ezuri Nickname/Alias: The unmarked one Gender: Male Age and date of birth: 14 - june 17th Age Appearance: 15 Sexuality: Straight Parents: --- Length and build about 5'4, athletic build Weight 60 kg Favorite weather and season a warm, sunny spring day Village: Konoha Birthplace: Konoha OrganizationKonohagakure Guardians Clan/Bloodline: Hyuuga, main family Rank: Genin Chakra Nature: Suiton Appearance: Personality: Ezuri is a dedicated Shinobi always trying to improve himself. Although he never really had much contact with other people, you don’t recognize this of his actions. He is friendly and kind to almost everyone and does not see evil in any action unless quite obvious. He’s also quite naïve in other optics as well. History:Ezuri was born in the last few years of the first Shinobi WO. In fear of the war, his parents moved to a small cabin hidden in the woods of the land of fire, close to Konoha. As soon as he was able to stand on his own two feet his Parents taught him all he needed to know to live off the land. Taught him which plants were edible and which were not. They taught him how to swim. Before they left on what would be their last mission they taught Ezuri how to mold his chakra, how to use his Byakugan and how to use the Gentle Fist Taijutsu technique. As well as the basics of some Eight Trigram Techniques. And then they left. Ezuri was ten years old at that time and was already quite skilled for his age, given all the personal training he received from his parents. He kept training with Jūken and the Byakugan. From time to time he met travellers while he was fishing in the river or finding some food. He learned a lot from them. One of those things were how to utilize the Byakugan and making his own jutsu’s based on stories he heard of examples of these jutsu’s which he tried to copy. He learned Eight Trigrams Sixteen Palms from his parents and heard there were also 64 or even 128 palm versions. Another thing was that his parents were no longer alive. Ezuri’s parents last mission was to aid in the war against Kirigakure, after some years of training together with a lot of other shinobi. The fight lasted long and although their byakugan was a useful asset in battle it was not enough to save their lives. Ezuri reached the age of thirteen at that time. Ezuri knew his parents would be looking down at him from the high heavens and vowed to make them proud. For the next year Ezuri dedicated all his time to his training and developed a technique similar to Hakkeshō Kaiten as well as some other techniques who looked more like the originals. At the age of fourteen he left the little cabin in the woods, hid it and left for Konoha to attend the Academy to become a full-fledged Shinobi. He was taking in by his uncle after proving that he Indeed was Hyūga Ezuri. Now that he is done with his education at the Academy and passed with flying colors he will be placed in a team with other shinobi who passed with good grades. Theme Song: [youtube]XYKUeZQbMF0[/youtube] Weapons/Items ; Name of Weapon or Item: Standard Shinobi tools. Description: Kunai, shuriken and the everyday tools of a shinobi. smoke bombs, exploding tags, etc. Name of Weapon or Item; Konoha earphone communicator Description: A convenient communicator that enables better communication in and between teams. The communicator is small and designed to not cause any irritation for the user. It has some channels, each for a specific group. The range/radius to which messages and communication can be held with the use of the communicators is about 2.5 km wide. Channel A : Is for the team, thus everything that is said in station A will only be transferred and heard by those within the team. Channel B : Is for every other team in the 2.5 km radius. It will enable and provide communication to Konoha teams and thus enables better teamwork for when two or more teams are in each other radius, which can lead that more missions will have a higher chance of success. Channel C: This is only available for Jounins and leaders of teams. The C station provides communication for leaders of teams, without thus the problem that can be caused if the students also talk through the communicator. It will mostly be used for leaders of teams to direct their teams better in a synchronized attack or movement etc. Appearance : Skills/Abilities * Is able to use as fighting style : Jûken * Good Taijutsu skills * Good Chakra control * Fast, in moving and punching. * Can weave handseals a bit faster than average. * Average strength and endurance. * Average stamina. Special Traits * Average Chakra reserves. * Very observant * Good in analyzing Kekkei Genkai: Name of Kekkei Genkai: Byakugan Clan: Hyuuga Description: The Byakugan (白眼; Literally meaning "White Eye", Meaning (Viz) "All Seeing White Eye") is the dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Hyūga clan. It is one of the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu; Literally meaning "Three Great Eye Techniques"), along with the Sharingan and the Rinnegan. Jutsu: Knows and has mastered every Academy Jutsu. Hakke Kūshō - Eight Trigrams Air Palm Shōtei - Palm Heel Strike Mizu Bunshin No Jutsu - Water Clone Technique Custom Jutsu Name of Technique: Four Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai, Taijutsu Rank: C Range: Self Nature Type: N/A Handseals: N/A, needs to focus and moulds chakra as then spin around. Description: Ezuri performs a weaker based Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven. This version works in a similiar version but with less power. It defends Ezuri much like the Eight Trigrams, thus causing a whirling protective sphere around him. Weakness: Like the parent jutsu, the Four Trigrams won't work if Ezuri can't spin around. The strength of the jutsu is also weaker. Though it will repel thrown weapons and simple taijutsu attacks, it won't be off help against attacks with a strong blow. This means that jutsu above C rank will likely, depending on their use, will break through the defense. ==================== Name of Technique: Eight Trigrams, Sixteen Palm Strike Type of Jutsu: Kekkei Genkai, Taijutsu Rank: C Range: Melee - Short. Nature Type: N/A Handseals: N/A takes a specific stance Description: a weaker version of Hakke Sanjūni Shō, Ezuri has managed to create a his own version with hard work and extensive training. Like the Four Tigrams Revolving Heaven, he is able to create a working, but for now weaker version of it. Once someone is within range of his field of divination, Maruki assumes his Gentle Fist stance and begins to deliver his attack: ◦ First, two consecutive strikes to make two. ◦ Second, another two consecutive strikes to make four. ◦ Third, four consecutive strikes to make eight. ◦ Fourth, eight consecutive strikes to make sixteen. Weakness: The enemy/target needs to be in range as well that Ezuri needs to land every strike. While it can be a strong attack, it isn't yet as strong as the Hakke Sanjūni Shō Technique.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
    Avatar of Agent B52

    Agent B52

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Name: Kichiro Kakurenbo
    Nickname/Alias: MITSUO
    Gender: Male
    Age and date of birth: 13 years old, born on 14th of May
    Age Appearance: 14
    Sexuality: Hetero

    Parents: Saburo Kakurenbo (father) X Masami Oda
    Length and build 178, toned build
    Weight 70 kg
    Favorite weather and season Sunny late summer

    Village: Kirigakure
    Birthplace: Kirigakure
    Organization: Kirigakure Shinobi Corps

    Clan/Bloodline: None

    Rank: Genin

    Chakra Nature: Water

    Seen here Kichiro is dressed for a local play, the sword is a stage prop that he does not actually use. He possesses several outfits that are as baggy as this to hide what hand-seals he makes underneath the sleeves or to otherwise obscure what he is doing.

    Personality: Absolutely FABULOUS. He copied a lot of the more dramatic flair that his mother usually displays on stage, though he tries to behave around strangers. When he believes he can get away with it Kichiro will do his poses and tends to articulate certain words with EMPHASIS and EMOTION. Said emotion may or may not be fake, as smoke and mirrors is an integral part of his identity. On the whole he prefers STYLE over substance.

    Where possible Kichiro takes a moment to assess situations before responding to anything, and prefers to come in from unexpected angles to take his 'audience' by surprise. This extends to his every day life, as life itself is one grand play that demands the very best of it's actors at all hours.

    In combat he prefers to distract and misdirect his opponents and blind them with flashy and suggestive movements before going in for the kill. His fluid taijutsu borrows elements of various dances to misdirect those who try to read his body language. On top of regular taijutsu he likes to throw in illusions mid-combat to throw his opponents off balance even further. Even in defeat Kichiro leaves those who face him with at the very least a lasting headache.

    An avid taijutsu enthusiast Kichiro can often be found on the training fields outside the academy to improve his style. Other hobbies include going to the theatre and, oddly enough, cooking.

    History: At the heart of it his parents marriage was unexpected for all involved. An offspring of a successful family of spies, Saburo was on a mission in the land of Hotsprings when he fell head over heels for the charming lead actress Masami. An exciting story of forbidden romance, high speed chases and epic ninja action followed, and eventually concluded with Kichiro's birth in the Hidden Mist. With his father still on active duty, Kichiro was mostly raised by his mother and initially thought about following in her footsteps.

    Kichiro's relationship with his father is markedly cooler. They have respect for one another, but between his father's long absences as well as the fact his mother raised him on more romantic idealistic stories means they just don't really understand each other. Saburo frequently had to deal with the worst parts of human nature in the game of shadows, such as betrayal and deceit. Kichiro on the other hand still believed in fairy tales for most of his youth.

    In the midsts of the uprising of 470 the vicious fighting led to his mother being severly injured. While she survived, the incident transformed Kichiro and turned his ambitions on their head. No longer content to be an actor, instead the boy dreamed to become strong enough to protect his family. While his father ostensibly supported the move Saburo did not truly believe his son had it in him to become a ninja.

    Initially ridiculed for his flair for the dramatic, Kichiro persevered. He worked long and hard to prove himself. Even when it was discovered he had an extremely low chakra capacity he simply plowed on determined to focus on what he could accomplish. He freely admits that without the support of his mother he would likely have failed, however anyone who calls him a momma's boy will soon be reminded that Kichiro was among the best in taijutsu for a good reason.

    During his time in the academy he adapted his dance lessons to taijutsu training and added a slightly more fluid touch to the standard style. Of course as he is a mere genin the emphasis on 'slightly' cannot be enough, however Kichiro is confident that given time something will grow from it.

    Theme Song: Ping pong circulate


    Kichiro is remarkably apt at taijutsu and genjutsu, however he does not have a great amount of talent for ninjutsu. His skills outside of his areas of expertise are merely adequate for a fresh genin.
    Excellent chakra control

    Special Traitsl
    Low chakra reserves (they are mediocre by academy student standards)

    Kekkei Genkai: None


    Custom Jutsu
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
    Avatar of Sketcher

    Sketcher The Sketchful

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Name: Uchiha Katsu
    Nickname/Alias: N/A
    Gender: Male
    Age and date of birth: 16, April 21s
    Age Appearance: 16
    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Parents: Uchiha Kaeda and Natsu
    Length and build 1.77m (5'10'')
    Weight 68 kg (149 pounds)
    Favorite weather and season Cloudy yet sunny/Summer

    Village: Konohagakure
    Birthplace: Konohagakure
    Organization: Konoha Shinobi

    Clan/Bloodline: Uchiha

    Rank: Chu-nin

    Chakra Nature: Wind, Lightning, Fire

    [img style="max-width:100%;"]


    Personality: Katsu is a strange young boy. Of course, that sounds vague, but you’ll understand what I mean. He’s a highly intelligent and calculating child. He’s mostly shy when he’s being sincere to someone he isn’t close to, however he can act as if he knew the person for years, speaking comfortably when he’s lying or trying to impress someone.

    He's very compassionate and kind but can kill people he doesn't know without having any moral contradictions. This tends to give people around him an uneasy feeling when they're with him, as there have been rumours about him having killed his own mentor but people who truly know him know this to be untrue, knowing his kind nature.

    He's uncannily intelligent and seen as one of the brightest youths of the Uchiha clan.

    History: WIP

    Theme Song:
    [img style="max-width:100%;"]

    Name of Weapon or Item: Chakra Blade

    Description: It's shaped like any other short ninja sword but it conducts chakra perfectly.

    Appearance: [img src="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/230/3/c/wakizashi_japanese_short_sword_by_bakenekogirl-d46zkns.jpg" style="max-width:100%;"]

    (other than that, standard kunai and shuriken)

    He has an exceptional control of his chakra flow, so he can use his limited chakra better than most people who have enormous reserves. He is incredibly adept at kenjutsu and is quite good at ninjutsu.

    Special Traits

    Kekkei Genkai:

    Name of Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan
    Clan: Uchiha
    Description: http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Sharingan

    Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by AlterNathan


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    [img=http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png] Name: Arisaka Namine Nickname/Alias: Mirage Gender: Female Age and date of birth: 19 – September 12th Age Appearance: 17 Sexuality: Prefers the ladies Parents: Arisaka Kisame & Tenshi Umeko Length and build 5,2 and slender Weight 48 kg Favorite weather and season A warm and windy afternoon [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] Village: Kumogakure Birthplace: Takigakure Organization: Kumogakure ANBU black ops Clan/Bloodline: Ariska Rank: ANBU Chakra Nature: Fire (affinity) & Lightning (secondary) [img=http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png] Appearance: Credit to: xxNami-Raixx [img=http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png] Personality: Namine is a shy and silent girl at first sight but her thoughts run wild sometimes and every now and then it comes out. She is kind friendly and fun to be around. Sometimes her remarks are sharp but she does not mean any harm. She is intelligent and bright. Chizuko Irozaki reminds her of her sister, who she always adored, and fell in love with her. [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] History: Namine was born into the Arisaka clan, in Takigakure and her clan was a very prominent part of Takigakure. Her clan focused in Kenjutsu, using weapons in conjunction with their fire release Jutsu. Their clan had multiple branches that served many different purposes in the village, warriors, supply, political and etc. Her father, who was the right hand of the head of the Arisaka clan and her mother, a simple fire ninjutsu teacher. Both meeting the other in a clan meeting where they sat across from the other, from what started with a very intense heated argument about the stance of which the clan was going to take on a certain political debate. That argument led to many more, which led to some very nice conversations and respect of the other. They were soon married the next year, Umeko was already with child with Ysera. An 'argument' that led to a very intense intimate moment between the two as they fell in love with the others smart mouth comments. About four years later with Ysera, Umeko became with child again but this time with Namine. Seven months later, Umeko made a mistake and disgraced the Arisaka clan in front of the Jounin Commander at a festival. Insulting him, quite vividly after he said something quite offensive to her but the clan saw it as her fault. There was only two choices for her then, leave Takigakure or surrender her life to the Jounin commander. Having two young children to look after, she chose to leave with Ysera and Namine. Her father unable to leave at the time, followed a month later and helped raised the children in Kumogakure. Namine was a rather shy but bright individual, a quick study as well and managed to impress quite a few people in Kumo. Her older sister, who was also quite bright, very gifted and skilled also attracted a lot of attention. But once Ysera was able, at the rank of Chuunin, she took a mission that had her in Taki, which her clan recognized her. Her clan sent a young man to talk with her, one that convinced her to also work for Taki. Splitting her loyalty, her heart as well as she fell for the young man and would often take missions back to Taki to see him. But, she had no clue that he had no affection for her in the least and kept that fact from her to secure her loyalty. Namine was close with her sister, Ysera being very kind and loving while also being a double agent. Namine often would beg Ysera to tell her about her missions, in which Ysera would make missions up quite well to satisfy her little sister. As Ysera's missions kept her in Taki, she missed seeing Namine graduate to Genin then Chuunin. On what was supposed to be a simple a mission of gathering info on Taki, once Namine was a Jounin, did she learn the truth. Her squad had made it to the wall of the village, everything was going smoothly until they ran into a masked figure. This figure that was able to quite easily kill off her teammates, did the real fight begin and thus, the two sisters engaged in combat. Both nearly equal in combat, skill and intelligence. It was coming down to who was faster, who was more agile and who was more capable. In which just when Namine was about to lose everything did she finally gain the upper hand, the figure dropped down to avoid a possible fatal blow only to realize that it was an act. The sword pieced the figures heart, the mask falling away and revealing the identity of the masked figure. Namine had just killed Ysera. Taking both her teammates and sister back to Kumo, explaining what had happened to everyone. It became clear that Ysera was a double agent, betraying Kumo, while they were glorifying Namine for the victory over her sister. But Namine became angry, brushing off the praise because of how they rejoiced at her sisters’ death. Even though she was angry, she was promoted to ANBU for her loyalty that she showed. Theme Song: [youtube]1slqbnQ1aIg[/youtube] [img=http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png] Weapons/Items: [hider=Weapons or Items] Standard Shinobi equipment (e.g. shuriken, kunai, smoke bombs, exploding tags) Standard ANBU equipment (e.g. Mask, Katana, Armor) Some extra equipment for het jutsu (e.g. More wires and the big shuriken things) [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [/hider] [img=http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png] Skills/Abilities High Chakra Reserves Decent chakra control Relatively high Stamina Average strength Average endurance Very skilled in Kenjutsu Good reflexes Fast and Agile - No exceptional skills in taijutsu and ninjutsu - Hard time in catching non-verbal communication [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] Special Traits Creative Keen Eyes - Afraid of bugs [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] Kekkei Genkai: N/A [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] Jutsu: [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] Custom Jutsu
    [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] Summons
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
    Avatar of Eklispe

    Eklispe SSP

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Name:Michio(Man on the right path) Yuki
    Age and date of birth: 12
    Age Appearance: 10
    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Parents: Father- Kobo Yuki, Mother- Kuniko Yuki
    Length and build 5" Lean kind of muscle
    Favorite weather and season Windy/Autumn

    Village: Kirigakure
    Birthplace: Kirigakure
    Organization: None
    Chakra Nature:Water


    Personality:Michio is naturally curious but holds it back because of his poor childhood experiences. His early childhood also caused him to have initial trust-issues with adults until they prove themselves, so he normally acts rather reclusive towards them. He is very determined to reach his goals but won't bullheadedly pursue them.

    History:Michio's mother is a courier ninja who gets the money for the family. His father stays at home and takes care of Michio and the house work. His father isn't much of a ninja and isn't ashamed to admit that his wife is much stronger than him. They have a nice house and they make enough money to go out for nice things every once in a while. Michio always admired how strong his mother was and wanted to become strong like her and help earn money for his family. For some reason Michio has never been able to use the ice chakra from his bloodline but both his mother and his father encourage him to become a strong ninja and Michio works on his chakra control restlessly hoping to someday be able to use his so far hidden ice chakra.

    They got Michio after being married for about a year, and were very happy to get a child. Michio was always loved as a child but when he was very young he was playing in the street and one of the Mizukage's patrols came by. Michio didn't move out of the way quickly enough and one of shinobi kicked Michio into a wall. His father came rushing out of the house when he heard the bang and rushed outside. Kobo saw the shinobi moving towards his son and moved into the way, he begged the guard to leave Michio alone and the guard cut of his arm for sticking it where it didn't belong. Kuniko arrived back from a deliver soon after and used her healing jutsu to stop Kobo from bleeding out but his arm couldn't be saved. Michio was always more reclusive and watchful from then on and began to pay attention to the mistreatment of everyone by the Mizukage's shinobi. Michio never forgave those Shinobi and wanted to became the Mizukage to stop such bad things from happening. A childish dream perhaps in such a brutal place, but one that Michio has held on to.

    Theme Song:Unbreakable


    -Good stamina
    -Good chakra control
    -Low speed

    Special Traits
    -High pain tolerance
    -No fashion sense
    -Low chakara reserves

    Custom Jutsu

    Custom Jutsu
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GuySenpai


    Member Offline since relaunch

    Name: Akira Kurasawa
    Nickname/Alias: ---
    Gender: Male
    Age and date of birth: 4/5/463-13 years old
    Age Appearance: 14
    Sexuality: No real interest in romance yet.

    Parents: Shuya and Mika Kurasawa
    Length and build 5'1" Short and stocky
    Weight 50KG
    Favorite weather and season Windy dry Autumn

    Village: Konohagure
    Birthplace: A small village not far from Konohagure
    Organization: None

    Clan/Bloodline: Kurasawa

    Rank: Genin

    Chakra Nature: Kaze/wind


    Personality: A fairly laid back and relaxed person for the most part Akira tends to try and avoid extraneous work when he can. Training is something he does as and when he feels like it with no real schedule for things, preferring to tackle problems as they come. He's an optimist and likes to look on the bright side of things while avoiding difficult confrontations. Socially he's somewhat of a everyman, he's neither particularly shy or attention seeking and is quite comfortable on his own, he often takes a little bit to loosen up in new groups. He varies between instinctive and patient depending on the situation he is in. Akira is and most likely will always be the kind of person to put himself first, in a life of death situation he would sooner turn and flee than die on the battle field, this side of him he keeps secret and hopes he will never have to face these kinds of situations.

    History: The Kurasawa family is old and well respected though not as mighty ninja warriors or heroic healers, as traders. For generations the men of the family have traveled the lands, peddling goods and forming business contacts. Akira was the youngest of the current generation and his brothers had already gone on to inherit important duties by the time he was ready to start, luckily he had no interest in business and trading, all that counting coins and calculating loss, profit and potential gain as well as being forced to remember the figures for import taxes in the various towns and nations bored him greatly. Having been raised on stories of brave Konohagure it was not surprising that he decided to enrol in the academy as soon as he came of age.

    Akira's hopes of becoming a legendary ninja were almost cut short however after the first few stages of the academy indicated that he had extremely low Chakra levels, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu came naturally to the other students and while Akira tried hard to keep up he soon came to realise the hard truth that he simply couldn't match them. With the prospect of dropping out of the academy and returning home and having to join his brothers in trading hanging over him Akira was spurred on to focus on mastering Taijutsu to keep his place, he worked hard and perfected the basic techniques but it wasn't enough, then he received a gift from one of the older and more experienced ninjas, he never caught the man's name and since that day he's never seen him but the bushy brows certainly made sure he'd never be forgotten. The gift was a wooden training sword, the man had said something about finding your own way and not needing chakra mastery to be a ninja, a toothy grin and a thumbs up and they were gone. After that Akira honed his Taijutsu skills, incorporating a unique self taught sword style and then going on to continue his time in the academy.

    At times it was tough, watching the others walk up trees was hard but he just figured he'd be able to climb it much faster. He was mocked and teased from time to time, people told him that a boy with trader blood wasn't cut out for ninja training. Instead of feeling sorry for himself Akira focused on other things, he learnt to use each of the basic ninja tools, utilising them and figuring out how to make his own custom versions, he made a few friends too, they showed him a few basic Chakra techniques to enhance Taijutsu performance. Eventually he graduated from the academy, against all odds he'd succeeded. His father, who had been one of the few family members to support his ninja aspirations, gave him a beautiful set of crystal Tantõs to celebrate and then Akira set out to continue down his path.

    Theme Song: http://youtu.be/z_mdSEuZ7k8


    Good reflexes and perceptive abilities.
    Capable of short burst of great speed and energy.
    Great skill with his blades and Taijutsu.

    Lack of advanced chakra control or utilisation.
    Limited stamina when traveling long distances.

    Special Traits
    Better than average eyesight and hearing.
    He only uses his swords and Taijutsu in combat.

    Kekkei Genkai: None (that he knows of)

    Name of Kekkei Genkai:---


    Custom Jutsu

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
    Avatar of JessieTargaryen

    JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    Name: Ryuu Uchiha
    Nickname/Alias: (He doesn't have one yet)
    Gender: Male
    Age and date of birth: 14. 05/21/462
    Age Appearance: 15-16
    Sexuality: Straight

    Parents: Hatsune and Takashi Uchiha
    Length and build: Ryuu is 6 Feet tall exactly, and is very lean. Not too many muscles but he is nowhere near fat or too skinny.
    Weight: 150 Lbs
    Favorite weather and Season: Stormy Weather, and Winter.

    Village: Amegakure
    Birthplace: Konohoagakure
    Organization: Amegakure

    Clan/Bloodline: Uchiha

    Rank: Genin

    Chakra Nature: Fire


    Personality: Ryuu is not a very social individual, he always tends to keep to himself and shut out others as a way of defense against his own insecurity. He always feels like he is inferior to those around him and worries about simply fading away as one of the average. He wants to stand out and be exceptional, as the boy has made it his mission to prove himself worthy of being an Uchiha in more than just name. Since his parents had decided to leave the Village for Amegakure when he was just a baby. Since then he has grown up with his parents constantly reminding him that he would never be accepted by the clan, or welcomed into their compound. That he would never be loved. Ryuu's parents had said these mean things as a way to put down the child they had never wanted, the boy who ruined their lives and made them move away so they wouldn't be forced to raise him and instead could leave the boy to his own devices. This treatment led to a very sad and lonely boy. Ryuu wants only three simple things in life; To be Loved by somebody, Having friends for the first time, and to be an Uchiha in more than just name. The boy is also very intelligent and extremely loyal to his comrades.

    History: When Ryuu was only 4 months old his parents left their home Village for Amegakure. They had done so because they had never wanted a child, yet Ryuu had been born. Both parents hated their son for everything he was and they refused to raise him. By leaving the Village and basically being shunned by their clan, Ryuu's parents found a way to ignore the child and pretend he wasn't there without being pestered by the clan. Throughout his life, Ryuu was constantly told by his parents that he would be a failure and that nobody loved him and nobody ever would. This only drove the boy to work harder at his training. So he could prove that he was worth something. Then, one day when he was 10 his father showed him how to do the Fireball Jutsu that the clan had held. As a way to spite the clan. Ensuring a Non-member of the clan could do the Jutsu. Then 2 years later at age 12, Ryuu unlocked his basic Sharingan. It was a this point his parents deemed him old enough and left. To who knows where. The boy was now more alone than ever and he had no friends to help. At the academy, Ryuu was considered to weird anti-social kid and was often made fun of. This cause him to distance himself from others and focus on one thing only, training.

    Theme Song: Warrior by Disturbed



    ● Very Intelligent

    ● Excellent at hiding and attacking from the shadows

    ● Good Chakra Control

    Special Traits

    ● His high intelligence.

    Kekkei Genkai:

    Name of Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan
    Clan: Uchiha


    Custom Jutsu

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

    Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    The CS for my Konoha Genin

    Name: Ayuuki Misaki
    Gender: Female
    Age and date of birth: Born June 24th, Age 16
    Age Appearance: 16
    Sexuality: Hetero

    Parents: Ayumu (Father) and Yuuka (Mother) Misaki
    Length and build 158cm
    Weight 48kg
    Favorite weather and season Autumn, and Fall Showers

    Birthplace: Konohagakure
    - Konohagakure, Team 2.
    - Konohagakure Guardians member.

    Clan/Bloodline: Misaki

    Rank: Genin

    Chakra Nature:


    Personality: Ayuuki has never been afraid to speak her mind for fear of hurting someone’s feelings and she isn’t above tossing a snarky remark or two when the situation calls for it. The majority of her repertoire consists of sarcastic comments accompanied by a sardonic smirk or raising of an eyebrow. The girl has often been called cold and emotionless. This is mostly untrue. Ayuuki has extremely selective empathy, being that she cannot bring herself to understand the ridiculous reasons which cause a great deal of upset and alarm to most people. Crying at the drop of a hat is simply annoying and a waste of the human body’s functions. Tear glands exist for the purpose of keeping one’s eyes moist to prevent them drying out, not to stream torrents of water down one’s face because of a boy’s rejection. A firm believer of independence, she absolutely loathes damsels in distress. She’s quite determined and headstrong when it comes to accomplishing tasks. Despite all appearances, Ayuuki is not always as uptight as she seems, and has a completely different side when she is alone, a more relaxed side that she keeps hidden from many. For her own reasons. She wouldn’t mind making friends if only she could stand most people for more than 10 minutes at a time without wanting to get away and be alone. It usually takes a great deal for her to take a liking towards someone and even when she does, she has little to no idea how to go about showing it.

    Ayuumu Misaki, a jounin ranked shinobi, has been reported to help to lead a platoon, to relieve a siege on a Konohagakure camp that was being harrassed by Kirigakure forces. Yuuka Misaki, a jounin ranked kunoichi, has been the leading figure in some operations against Iwagakure, but later was transfered to help in the front against Kirigakure. Together they were assigned to lead a platoon of Konohagakure shinobi and were able to help with regaining land from Kirigakure invasion forces. But during their time working together, they fell alove. Which of course caused Yuuka to become pregnant. After this was revealed, Yuuka was sent back to Konohagakure.

    In the year of 460, Ayuuki was born in Konohagakure.. Her father however was kept to fight at the grim front against Kirigakure. But due skill, luck and the leadership that lead the forces at that front, he managed to survive the many battlefields that came to existance due the warring Konoha and Kirigakure shinobi. After the war, both parents were stationed in Konohagakure after requesting it. They were set to become part of the shinobi that would be helping to defend the village or doing missions nearby the village.

    Meanwhile, Ayuuki was thus raised without knowing the pain or grim world that the war gave. And though she wished to become a kunoichi, her parents wouldn't let her attend and go to the Academy until a later age. Probably due their own experience after the First Shinobi World War. But in the end she was allowed to enter the Academy at the age of thirteen years old. During the Academy Ayuuki became more interested due the stories of adventures and the aspect of learning ninjutsu was what the final push for her to strive to become a kunoichi.

    The problem however came that she was bad at taijutsu and agility, shown in many tests where she scored quite low. With scoring better in other fields, it became clear that she would need to work on those parts. With her wanting to strive to become better and decent grades at the other fields, she would also enroll into the Konohagakure Guardians. The mentors of the Academy signed her up for her own good, hoping she would be able to get more help there as well her parents bribing her with the thought of making new friends and acquring new summonings. Something she has found really interesting.

    On the age of fifteen she had been accepted into the Guardians organization, obtaining the rank of protégé member. Training more often, she managed to graduate at the age of sixteen. Promised that they would give her a present, Ayuuki was given on her graduation day a new weapon. A large fan to support her Wind Release affinity. Next to that her first summoning, Ryuuga. Not only happy, but even more motivated, she would be assigned to Team 2.

    Her goal is currently to follow in the footsteps of her parents, who are renowned and respected shinobi. Other than that, she wishes to gather and master techniques with all different kinds of summoning beasts and creatures.

    Theme Song:


  • Above Average Stamina

  • Below Average Taijutsu Skills

  • Average Chakra Control

  • Below Average Agility

  • Special Traits
  • A bit above Average Chakra Levels

  • Low Pain Tolerance

  • Good at Decieving Others

  • Easily Adapts to Tough Situations

  • Kekkei Genkai:

    Name of Kekkei Genkai: None


    Custom Jutsu

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlterNathan


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Name: Shishi Natsu
    Gender: Male
    Age and date of birth: 11, april 16th
    Age Appearance: 13
    Sexuality: Straight

    Parents: Shishi Kobu & Shishi Anami
    Length and build 5 feer
    Weight 46 kg
    Favorite weather and season A dry day in autumn

    Village: Kirigakure
    Birthplace: Kirigakure
    Organization: Kirigakure Military forces

    Clan/Bloodline: Shishi

    Rank: Genin

    Chakra Nature: Doton (Earth release) (Affinity)

    credit to xDaisukeMisorax

    Natsu is a bold and very outgoing person. Always boasting about the great power he has, while that is not all that impressive. He talks down on most of the people and even more on those he likes while he is very formal and kind to his higher ups. Natsu Holds an obsession for all kinds of animals and would love a summon but on the other hand he thinks he’s too good for them.

    Natsu's parents succeeded to escape the danger of the civil wars during the reign of Kang Nomonoto, when Anami was pregnant of the boy. Fleeing to the outskirts of a village in the south of the water country. They stayed there until it was time for Natsu to join the Shinobi academy at the age of eight. In Natsu's early years he helped his father fishing and mother around the house. He loved the sand of the beach and the rocky coast; this became even more as he discovered the nature of his chakra, earth. From then on he started training on his own.

    At the age of five a brief two-day civil war erupted in Kirigakure. Natsu did not get involved; neither got his family because they still lived outside of the village. In this time Natsu fought his own wars, or rather, rumbles on the streets. He had kind of a rough childhood. Natsu loves to boast and talk big, telling people he was way stronger than them often got his ass kicked. Natsu learned his taijutsu on the streets; this resulted in an original fighting style, different from his fellow shinobi academy students.

    Natsu moved back to Kirigakure by the time the Suzu clan met its demise. Luckily he did not get too close to the fighting, but now that he knew the way Kirigakure and Fumiyo dealt with its residents he decided to stay out of sight. His boasting reduced during this time, did not get in too many fights and stopped showing off. This behavior only lasted for a year as he joined the academy by then.

    During Natsu's academy years Kirigakure was still under the reign of Fumiyo and the rest returned. Natsu learned some Ninjutsu, different from most of his classmates, he was the only one with earth release and was both loved and rejected by it. this increased his boasting of course, but also his training. He was quite talented and liked to show it too.

    During Natsu's last years Kirigakure was once again shaken, this time by the return of the last member of the Suzu clan, who killed Fumiyo and took the title of Mizukage for her own. That was a total turnaround for Kirigakure, it seemed like everything was starting to get better. Natsu's parents were relieved that Natsu became a shinobi now rather than a few years earlier.

    Now Natsu is graduated from the academy he is waiting for the Mizukage to assign him to a team, or at least that is what he thought...

    Theme Song:


    Average chakra reserve
    Little bit above average chakra control
    Below average Edurance
    Below average strenght
    Below average stamina

    Special Traits
    Taleted at Ninjutsu
    Bad at Genjutsu and Kenjutsu
    Average at Taijutsu (has a unique way of fighting)

    Kekkei Genkai:



    Custom Jutsu

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