Name: Kou Giwa
Gender: Male
Age and date of birth: 13, 23 August
Age Appearance: Early Teens
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Parents: Jiya Giwa and Zen Namikaze
Length and build: 66 inches(167cm); Athletic build
Weight: 147lbs(67kgs)
Favorite weather and season: Warm; Autumn

Village: Konoha
Birthplace: Konoha
Organization: N/A
Clan/Bloodline: Giwa/Namikaze
Rank: Genin
Chakra Nature: Fuuton, Doton - (has no knowledge of his elemental affinities yet and won't for a while; will unlock wind a while later...)

Kou has spiky black hair that reaches his shoulders. Down the middle of his hair is a silver streak of hair that grows that way naturally. He has thick eyebrows(not like Guy/Lee). His eyes are both gray, and there is a horizontal scar under his right eye. He often wears a gray sleeveless hoodie. Both of his forearms are wrapped in white bandages. He wears black pants, and black sandals. On both hands are black fingerless combat gloves. He wears his Konoha headband loosely around his neck.

Kou doesn't really have the best personality to gain popularity or friends. His mouth has no filter and he acts like he doesn't care about others' feelings. He often has dark thoughts due to an incident his witnessed while younger. Other people around him tend to annoy him quite easily. He very much enjoys his personal space, and hates anyone who enters it uninvited. He is also a bit paranoid, refusing to trust those around him no matter what. Kou can be described as emotionless. He has never killed another human, but he thinks about it a lot and feels that once he finally does he will love it. He's kinda screwed up.
Despite his number of troubling traits, Kou is incredibly tactful, and carries a good amount of knowledge about things he is interested in. In his free time he is either training or reading. He can come up with ideas or tactics on the fly and conceal his objectives from his opponent to give himself the upperhand in battle. Kou's self awareness is pretty high, and his mind is always being fed with new information. He remembers the tiniest things.

Jiya and Zen, Kou's mother and father met in Konoha. Jiya was born into the Giwa Clan. The Giwa Clan was a small clan located near Konoha in their own small settlement. They specialized in forging and using many different types of weapons. Having little interest in weaponry, Jiya moved to Konoha once she turned eighteen and worked in a supply store until she could save enough money to open up her own clothing shop. Zen was born into the Namikaze Clan, a clan specializing in kekkai ninjutsu, as well as fuinjutsu. Zen was also not born in Konoha, but moved there when he was younger so that he could train to become a shinobi at the ninja academy. He met Jiya while he was a Chunin, and started dating her soon after. By the time Zen had become a Jonin, he and Jiya were married, and soon had Kou. Kou was often hard to control as a child. He would wander off and find new ways to get into trouble, but his father often bailed him out. Kou had a strong desire to be like both his parents. When he wasn't getting in trouble he would be training with his father if possible, and gathering information about his family history from both his parents. Kou had already decided to follow in his father's footsteps at a young age and join the ninja academy, so training with his father was largely important to him. He would go back to his mother's old home and meet with his family from his mother's side. They would teach him about the different weapons they made, and how they made and used them.
When Kou wasn't training with his father, he was with his uncle, his mother's brother, training with various weaponry. And he also found time to travel to his father's homeland to learn about the techniques they employed in battle soaking up the information and knowledge like a sponge. Kou could hardly wait until he was eligible to join the ninja academy. He would often sneak off to go and train by himself. When he did this in Konoha, his parents did not care much as there wasn't much danger right outside of the gate, but anytime he traveled to his father's home, they would forbid him from going into the woods during the night. There was nothing but trouble for him. Kou, being the hardhead that he is, had learned of a new technique and he couldn't wait to try it out for the first time. Instead of waiting until daybreak, Kou went out in the middle of the night figuring if something came for him he would be able to kill it. His cockiness quickly proved to be deadly, as a group of ruthless bandits paraded the woods, stumbling across a young Kou. Kou opted to stand his ground instead of running and was easily caught. THe sun rose, and his parents quickly discovered that he was missing. Zen wasted no time leaving to search for the boy while Jiya worried helplessly. Following a trail of struggle in the woods, Zen appeared before the hideout of the bandits. Zen easily broke through, killing the guards with no remorse. He entered the hideout and quickly came across Kou being held captive. The bandit leader appeared before the shinobi demanding an impossible ransom once he found out that Kou was his child. Zen swiftly refused and the bandit leader pulled out a kunai, throwing it in the direction of Kou. The kunai was thrown skillfully, only managing to leave a cut under one of Kou's eyes. The bandit leader had thrown it purposely to spook Zen, and it barely worked. Zen instantly identified the bandit leader as an old Konoha shinobi who had been banished from the village a long time ago, and he remembered that he was no slouch. In a remarkable display of speed and wit, Zen managed to apply a barrier around Kou while taking out a few bandits in the area. Enranged, the bandit leader called on the rest of his subordinated to attack Zen while also going after Kou's father himself. Zen masterfully killed bandit after bandit ruthlessly. They had his son, and threatened his life. Zen would not let anyone live. Kou stared on in disbelief at the amount of bloodshed his father was causing. Zen had never fought with such darkness in his eyes. The bandits' hideout was painted red. Zen tired himself out, and it was only him and the bandit leader left. Zen in a normal setting would have been able to dispatch of this man with no issues but he had foolishly tired himself out with his last onslaught of the lesser bandits. The bandit leader sensed this and a battle to the death ensued. Zen went toe to toe with the bandit leader, neither gaining ground. Kou looked on, eyes wide, without a word escaping his mouth.
A shadow appaered in the entrance of the hideout and Kou quickly recognized his mother. Why did she have to come? That was the question that haunted Kou for the rest of his life. When catching wind of his shocked mother, Kou yelled out her name. Zen, hearing the name of his wife, turned from the battle in disbelief at her presence. Seeing an opening, the bandit leader delivered a fatal blow to Zen, leaving Jiya to shriek in horror. The bandit leader began to smirk and began walking towards Kou's mother, hoping to kill her in revenge for the trouble that Zen had caused. Kou screamed for her to run, but Jiya's body was frozen. Not yet dead, Zen intervened, evening the score. The bandit leader fell to his knees, slowly turning around to see that he had been impaled through the heart with a sharp object by a half-dead Zen. Both men fell to their deaths moments later, leaving a gruesome scene for a mother and her nine year old son. This was the incident that shaped Kou today. His mother blamed herself for her husband's death, and Kou blamed himself for everything. His mother begged Kou never to bring up becoming a ninja again, or even trying to practice any techniques but he refused, and the day that he became eligible to apply, she hung herself leaving Kou to come back home to the sight of her lifeless body. This event further shaped his derailment from normal actions or thoughts. Kou still decided to become a shinobi
Theme Song:


-Kou is proficient with more than just the weapons that are used given to shinobi of his rank(kunai/shuriken).
-He is a versatile fighter, able to switch from long ranged combat to close ranged comba with little effort.

Special Traits
+Above Average Stamina(For a genin)
+Above Average Agility(For a genin)

Kekkei Genkai:
Name of Kekkei Genkai:
