Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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PeppermintKisses said
Jimmy sat down next to Liz. She had two cups of coffee-one clearly more bitter than the other-and two muffins. "I wasn't sure whatcha wanted so I just got a muffin." She said as she slid the sweetened coffee and muffin to her. "Take it easy okay?" She said as she bit into her muffin. "You don't have to put everything on the line to help someone, take care of yourself first okay?" She said knowing that Liz was the kind of person who would drain herself before she let someone have a paper-cut.

"I'm not important." Liz told her. She wrapped her hands around he cup of coffee. She knew Zjimmy didn't understand. Sometimes she didnt understand herself. But she knew that she had to heal no matter the cost. She took a sip of the coffee. Wow! She thought. Jimmy really had added alot if sugar. It was rxamctky what she needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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Jimmy slammed her fists on the table and stood up abruptly. "Don't you ever say that again Elizabeth! Never again! You are important. And don't you dare ever think any differently." She shouted before she sat back down and stuffed her face to keep from saying anything else stupid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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PeppermintKisses said
Jimmy slammed her fists on the table and stood up abruptly. "Don't you ever say that again Elizabeth! Never again! You important. And don't you dare ever think any differently." She shouted before she sat back down and stuffed her face to keep from saying anything else stupid.

Liz curled up into a ball. She waited for the beating to start. She hadnt meant to angry the girl. "Please..." She whispered softly. "Don't call me that." She hated that name. Her father called that. Specially when he was angerly with her. She huddled in the chair afraid to move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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Jimmy swallowed. "I-uh..." She put her hand on Liz's back, gently rubbing it in a circular motion. "Sorry." She grumbled. "I just don't want you to think badly about yourself. Your amazing and this team is lucky to have you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

PeppermintKisses said
Jimmy swallowed. "I-uh..." She put her hand on Liz's back, gently rubbing it in a circular motion. "Sorry." She grumbled. "I just don't want you to think badly about yourself. Your amazing and this team is lucky to have you."

Liz flinched at the touch. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly. She was use to hearing mean things spoken in a harsh voice. She didnt know how to react to Jimmy's gently tone and touch. She stayed huddled in her ball afraid to move. She didnt want to anger her new family. She wanted to prove that she was more than nothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Levi woke up before the announcement for breakfast he just decided to do a few exercises before he goes. After about 10 minutes of lifting two 50 pound barbells Levi dried himself off and put on a sleeveless shirt that had his zodiac symbol on it. He walks into the breakfast area and greets everyone like nothing ever happened yesterday. "Hey everyone!" He makes a plate full of fruits and sits a table by himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bosesbjorn


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The breakfast announcement woke Emily up. She wanted to go back to sleep, she had barely slept at all last night, but she was too hungry. She followed her nose down to the dining hall. She stopped as she entered, seeing both Levi and jimmy. Her eyes glared daggers, and she watched them both like a hawk, as she picked the path furthest away from them, having to walk sideways or backwards to keep from having her back to them. Once she reached the food she snatched a plate and ran to a corner so that she could have her back to a wall, and began wolfing the food down, glancing up between bites to glare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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KatherinWinter said
Liz flinched at the touch. "I'm sorry." She whispered softly. She was use to hearing mean things spoken in a harsh voice. She didnt know how to react to Jimmy's gently tone and touch. She stayed huddled in her ball afraid to move. She didnt want to anger her new family. She wanted to prove that she was more than nothing.

"Why?" She asked her "You didn't do anything wrong." She said taking her hand away form Liz and picking up her own coffee and taking a sip of the bitter drink. She blinked "Damn that's strong." She said and took another sip.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Levi finished his plate and threw it away. He walked over to Jimmy and Liz and stood behind Jimmy tapping her on the shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

PeppermintKisses said
"Why?" She asked her "You didn't do anything wrong." She said taking her hand away form Liz and picking up her own coffee and taking a sip of the bitter drink. She blinked "Damn that's strong." She said and took another sip.

"I am always doing something wrong. Father says I couldn't do something right if my life depending on it." Liz told her softly. She slowly sat back up. It was odd that Jimmy hadn't laid into her the way her father would have. It was also kind of nice. It made Liz more inclined to trust the other girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PeppermintKisses


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"Then your old man's a moron." She said casually, taking another sip of her coffee. She scratched the back of her head. "Liz I don't think you could do something wrong if you tried." She said and gave her a soft, tired smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"When you are done please come down to the meeting room." Alpha announced from the door way. "We will go over today's agenda which will include repairing the library. The cost will come out of your checks."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"He's crazy if he thinks we're going to pay for it. It's his own goddamn fault." Gwen muttered, going to the library to find Alpha. She stormed into the library, looking for him.
"Why the hell should we pay for it when your the one who decided we were going on a mission today? If I hadn't gotten them together last night, this meltdown would have happened out there, where human lives could be lost? They can't be thrown into a mission yet. They can barely sit in the same room with each other without trying to kill each other, and not even that as witnessed by last night. How about you let them get to know each other first, before throwing other responsibilities at them." Gwen said, as she looked for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kaalee said
"He's crazy if he thinks we're going to pay for it. It's his own goddamn fault." Gwen muttered, going to the library to find Alpha. She stormed into the library, looking for him."Why the hell should we pay for it when your the one who decided we were going on a mission today? If I hadn't gotten them together last night, this meltdown would have happened out there, where human lives could be lost? They can't be thrown into a mission yet. They can barely sit in the same room with each other without trying to kill each other, and not even that as witnessed by last night. How about you let them get to know each other first, before throwing other responsibilities at them." Gwen said, as she looked for him.

"Because they are needed. If I had time for them to work out their differences I would let them. But we have been called to duty. When the world needs us we will answer. All I can do is hope that the mission helps bring them together rather then pushing them further apart." Alpha told them. "You will pay for the repairs because you took it upon yourself to arrange a meeting and then you lost control of t. That makes you responsible".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"What do you think would have happened if I hadn't? If you had let them loose on the world without knowing their working dynamic?" Gwen asked him, with a raised eyebrow.
"If you dock my pay for trying to figure out a way for this group to work together, then I will leave and there is nothing you can do to stop me Alpha. I left my world back in Wales because I thought this was a worth my time, but the second I find that it's not, I'm leaving and I'm taking Cowyn with me." Gwen said, venom in her voice.
"You throw them out into the world like this, and they're useless to you. They'll end up dead, and more then likely take innocent lives with them. They are untrained and unfocused. They have no idea what the fuck their doing, so in the interest of saving the world and all, fix them before you try and use them." Gwen said, shaking her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"You have no idea what I am capable of little girl. I am stronger then all 13 of you combined." Alpha warned her. "You joined the group you don't get to leave it unless your dead. I would love to train them but I cant. We have a threat now. I was hoping to give them a couple of weeks to get use to each other but that isn't the case. What do you suggest I do about the current threat ? Ignore it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Are you going to kill me? Because that's the only reason I wouldn't return home if I so choose and if you kill me how long do you think the rest of them are going to stick around, once they realize you're attempting to strip them of their autonomy? You apparently have some need for them, so I would suggest working with us, instead of threatening us all the time. Because eventually we're going to get tired of your shit." Gwen advised him.
"And as for this threat, why can't you take care of it Mr. High and Mighty?" Gwen asked him with a raised eyebrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savi
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Savi Haze Fae

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Faeya finally walked into the room, her knuckles were wrapped from last night's anger. She saw the others and shoved her hands in her sleeves. "Hey everyone" she said softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I don't have to kill you Gwen. You are bound to the building." Alpha told her grimly. "I've been doing this a long time. Your not the first team of teenage heroes I've lead. I have learned from my mistakes. All of you can only leave the estate if I allow it. I did this too keep hot headed teenaged from running around with powers they dont know shit about. As far the threat I would have to leave the thirteen of you unsupervised. Do you think I'm willing do do that after last night?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"I think that we have lives outside of this building and that if you don't let us go, how do you expect us to do anything for you? You're a damn idiot is what you are. I'm not doing anything for you until you let me have some semblance of freedom." Gwen said, turning away from him.
"Gwen," Cowyn started but she didn't let him finish.
"Nid yw hyn yn hyn yr wyf yn cofrestru ar gyfer Cowyn! Beth am Alis? Ni allaf adael iddi heb fam! Rydych yn addo i mi fyddwn i'n gallu ei gweld. A ydych yn gelwyddog nawr hefyd? Nid wyf yn gallu ymdrin รข hyn, yr wyf yn fam yn anad dim a byddaf yn damned os byddaf yn gadael i fab hwn o ast fy nghadw i ffwrdd oddi wrth fy merch" Gwen yelled at him before storming out.
"I don't agree with her tactics but I do agree with her. By keeping us cooped up and isolated from our families, you're only setting us up for failure." Cowyn urged Alpha, before leaving as well, although he didn't follow his sister.
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