Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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"Oh, a powerful alien threat is approaching this planet? You don't say, sounds like a real blast." Tyrus chuckled as he absentmindedly twirled the umbrella in his hands. "I knew this place would be interesting, I've heard second-hand information but this world really does seem to have threats all the time. It will be perfect for getting the demon world back on its feet and out of its stagnant state." Tyrus had been wrapped up in his own thoughts he had forgotten about Violet for a moment, but now he remembered.

"Peace and cooperation? Nay child, the demon realm has been at a standstill for too long, it is in our nature to conquer all that stand before us but we have gone soft on our world, too comfortable with each other, frankly its been rather a boor even with the incessant squabbles and attempts to gain power, its lost its excitement. Besides, it is not like I can speak for my people as I never wished to rule them. Once the portal is open I am sure they will do what is in their nature, destruction and subjugation, an invasion from the outside will just add flavor to the delectable dessert I see in front of me." Tyrus didn't really care what happened, as long as it proved amusing.


Glacier nodded to Maximus as the robot carried Amber away. There really never was a dull moment around here it seemed, which was not true at all but for the moment that appeared as the current reality. "Such a troublesome monkey," Glacier whispered to herself at Wolf's actions, he really did make all their lives much more complicated. Still, like it or not he was necessary in the upcoming battles and he needed to get healed up as soon as possible, especially since it appeared a new threat had appeared. They would have a hard enough time stopping the dark saiyans, they didn't need another invasion on their hands.

Glacier glanced over at Kalifer and Alice. The human scientist was perhaps useless in combat but her inventions would not doubt prove invaluable to her cause, as for the pure-blood saiyan, she really did not know what to think of her as of yet. Glacier could not help but give a wry smile as the pure-blood called the rest of them 'barbarians', to her people the saiyans had been complete barbarians whose only use had been as front line soldiers and population exterminators, the absolute epitomy of what a barbarian was. The ice-jinn race on the other hand had been rulers, and had a vast enterprise of commercial trade, planets being the largest commodity on the market. "In any case it appears that our workload has vastly increased. At least we have some time, if those demons are looking for that dragon radar then I assume that means their attempts at locating the dragon balls have been quite slow and somewhat unsuccessful. Our best bet is to prepare ourselves at the moment until we can formulate a plan of action."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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"Attacking? After the Majins calmed down, the next people to throw a punch were ours. I don't know who the other party was, but from what I sensed, their only moves were retaliation and defensive. You are not the same as your 'allies'. It's a good thing to stick by your friends, but this time they were going too far. Never thought I'd hear myself say this but I'm with the Dark Saiyan on this one.

Speaking of which, where did he go?"

By the time Kaliflur finished speaking, Alice had already left. Kaliflur scratched her head, then started wandering in a random direction.
"I am determined to harness the raw strength of the demon army to the advantage of the human race. Since a peaceful agreement between leaders is our of the question, I will have to look into other alternatives, such as aiming the doorway at the enemy, or only helping you once we're already being invaded. All I need to do is to hide one dragonball in a place impenetrable to any radar and you'll need my help, which means you'll have to agree to my terms. Maybe we could pack you all on a ship and let you loose on the Dark Sayian empire.

Really, the possibilities for us both being happy are endless."

>She criked her neck.

"Or you could try and kill me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

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Maximus entered the medical bay where he gently placed Amber on one of the beds, her injury wasn't fatal, she would be awake soon, Maximus walked to the side of the bed and pushed a button on it, a glass tube covered the bed to allow Amber to have a quiet recovery from Wolf's attack. Maximus left the med bay and headed towards the gravity training rooms, with the threat to the lab gone for the time being, he could resume his training. When he entered the hall that had the doors to the gravity rooms he walked past the room Wolf was in, he stopped and looked through the round window, and it didn't look good, he watched as Wolf was helplessly beaten and knew that if it continued Wolf would be killed, Maximus knew he couldn't let Wolf die, not only would Alice never forgive him for allowing such an event to happen, but the survival of Earth and the human race could depend on Wolf being with them to help them fight.

As the combat droid placed it's hand to Wolf's mouth and began charging an energy blast Maximus opened the door, without hesitation he sped into the room in what seem to be a blur, in less than a split second he appeared between Wolf and the combat droid. Maximus grabbed the droids arms and wrenched them off Wolf, then he pulled the droid towards him before sending a powerful kick into the droids torso while holding it's arms which were ripped off it's body as it was kicked. The droid's body slammed into the wall and slid to the floor with a clank, it twitched before shutting down, Maximus dropped the arms and turned to look at Wolf
"... your actions were yet again reckless... going into a fight while being injured... when you have the option to receive medical treatment before doing so..." Maximus droned as he approached Wolf
"I advise you seek medical attention if you can still do so on your own... if you require assistance... I offer my help..." he droned to Wolf as he held his left hand out towards Wolf to offer his shoulder to him so that he may help him walk towards the med bay
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wolf gasped for air the moment the drone's hand was removed from his mouth, the blast intially meant for him rocketed into the wall and exploded upon contact with the wall. The dark saiyan began to writhe from the pain he had felt, unable to contain himself, grunting in intense agony as he attempted to get to his feet to no avail. He looked up at the machine, Maximus, his apparent 'savior' as it seemed. A look of anger and frustration was plastered on the face of Wolf, he was still dwarfed in power by the machine. "Why does he insist on help his enemy? What is it with this pathetic species, their kindness is getting them nowhere...so why..why do they still attempt?" He questioned in thought before turning to look toward the blast's aftermath, a look of shock appearing on his face. "Surely that would have been the end of me." He thought to himself before turning to look up at the machine once more, trying to understand why he had been so intent on keeping his life preserved. Then a hand was reached out, a gesture of kindness, this was an insult to Wolf, like Maximus was calling him weak in his own special way, so weak in fact that he needed assistance. "I require nothing from you!" He hissed at him, slapping away the machine's hand and using the wall to get himself up. "The only reason none of you are dead is so I can let Kental kill you! Every last one of your species, the earth womam especially!" He spat angrily, speaking of Alice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Kaliflur walked into the medical bay, following the sound of shouting. She stood in the doorway, and whistled.

"Robot man. He doesn't want your help. He's injured but he's not weak."

She folded her arms and walked further into the room.

"And you. Dark Saiyan. Like it or not, we're allies now. If you don't believe it, why are we still alive? You're not like the rest. You're honorable. You put your pride before the need to win by any means necessary, and you do what you think is right instead of what's easiest. Maybe there's some Saiyan blood in you.

I also trust that the attack on our primitive comrades was justified, but I don't know the whole story. Mind filling me in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wolf was seething, suddenly surprise washed ver the Dark Saiyan's face in response to the presence of someone new, the female saiyan. "I..." He was flustered by her words, what more could he say, agreeing with her would make him sound arrogant, not that he cared about their opinions. But her words were surprising, he had no idea what to say to her. As she continued to speak he was snapped out of his somewhat dumbfounded state, finding her words precise, she had a point, his glare softened as he looked to the ground momentarily. His face figuratively went pale when she said there might have been true saiyan blood in him, did she know? Or at least have an idea about him, no she couldn't have, none of them paid that much attention to him, but she seemed to have been. Everything she was saying about him, it was true though, he began to explain himself once she asked about his actions earlier on. "Had those idiots actually fought, this whole lab would be gone..." He explained to her, he didn't see the enemy as of any true importance, the lab though, without that place, how would any of the injured be healed, even if they were just humans? "Perhaps you're right, Kaliflur." He spoke, his breaths wavering a little as he struggled to stay to his feet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Kaliflur sat down opposite Wolf.

"I know a Saiyan when I see one.

And these people...they're like children. They have a very strong mentality of 'that guy is evil, so I will stop at nothing until the world is rid of him.' Maybe it's a by-product of the repeated invasions this planet has suffered at the hands of tyrants like Frieza, or the horrific creation that was Majin Buu, or even the out of control Broly, one of our own.

Still, it's an infantile, black-and-white outlook at the same. If this wasn't the planet Vegeta and Kakarot chose as home, I'd have left by now, and let your kin take it. But...this is where our Prince is laid to rest, and I won't see it come to harm. Especially not at the hands of a Dark Saiyan.

...No offense."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wolf repressed the idea to shift away from her, he decided to let her stay near him, he hadn't known what to do or how to react at this point. Her next set of words made his eyes widen, she, she new a saiyan when she saw one? "Wha....?" He stuttered a bit, eventually just staying quiet. Her reasons were somewhat just, not in his eyes necessarily but in the eyes of anyone else they would be. "Hmmph..." He snorted in reaction to her not meaning any offense. "So what's your reeason for wanting to fight your own kin?" He asked Kaliflur.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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"It's an understatement to say our races have differing opinions. We're different in many aspects. After the destruction of Planet Vegeta, my people vowed not to let power and conquest rule us, and vowed to make the Saiyan name mean something more than 'murderous monkeys working for the Planet Trade.' We wanted it to be associated with honor and pride.

But we're dwindling. We're dying out. Many believe it is a form of cosmic retribution for out sins.

Your race instead revels in conquest, power, and destruction, and it thrives, and grows, and grows stronger. There have been more than one of us who followed your example but were not strong enough, and were killed by other races. Every one of us who defects tarnishes our name and lessens our number.

You're killing my people without even realizing. As our blood grows thinner, I resent the Dark Saiyans more and more. For all our efforts, you have what we deserve."

As Kaliflur was talking, she was getting increasingly tense and her power level was rising independently. Upon the last sentence, she blinked, and lowered it again.

"...Maybe we're the ones who are wrong. I don't know anymore. I just don't know. What am I even doing here? What do I hope to solve?


...What do you fight for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Wolf had sat there and listened to her words, he could hear how much emotion she trailed into them. He knew how much the Dark Saiyans and their way of life had truly taken away from her. His heart, or at least what little of it was left sank, he understood her pain more than she thought he would, the painful memories of the moon the growing handful of saiyans he knew as family being struck down without mercy. Her anger was somewhat alarming, her frustration seeming to make her power rise, he was already hurt enough and he didn't need her using him as a punching bag for what he may have done. He spent a minute staring down at the ground before looking in her direction, her question ringing through his head. "I fight for my family..." He said in tone that voice some hint of pain, his eyes darting away from her rather quickly.
"Guard captain, I-..." Paused the voice of the dark saiyan called Timber, brother to Wolf, a saiyan apart of the elite royal guard chosen to defend the crown. The dark saiyan quickly remembered his place, kneeling down before the captain of the guard who had apparently been speaking exclusively to an elite dark saiyan that was among the ranks of his own. "Timber, you've arrived just in time...at ease guardsman." The guard captain spoke, a dark saiyan that seemed to hold some sort of prestige, his armor of a different design than most, he had a cape at his back, perhaps to let others know of his status, his hair, like most of the siayan race was black, his eyes grey. Timber stood up as he was told, looking over to the dark sayain that looked to be the epitome of all things evil, his hair was a reddish black and his eyes were odd, displaying black sclera's instead of white, his eyes looking as if they had burned through the souls of many helpless lifeforms. "The king himself commanded that we accompany behind Kental, this planet was underestimated it seems...." The guard captain spoke, the two saiyans before him along with himself were to provide support for the saiyan general. "Make haste, every second we spend here is one we could have spent taking this planet.." The captain spoke, jetting off in flight to a personal pod, Arko and Timber followed not to far behind, the trio departed quickly, speeding towards the planet earth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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R'yak felt angry, he was angry with how these humans were so forgiving while they didn't seem to care how evil or genocidal the dark saiyans. all he wanted right now was to see their blood and he would not be satisfied until their blood was on his hands. no matter how much he tried to make something good out of the situation, every time the dark saiyan opened his mouth, R'yak wanted to kill him in the name of his dead family and take his vengeance, but through some miraculous restraint he kept himself from attempting to do such a thing.

"These earthlings never understood what it is like to loose family, they're too greedy and selfish in their ways to really care" he said to himself. No wonder the saiyans found a home here, the humans may not have been as strong as the saiyans but their pride was almost as huge as the alien species. even when he tried to find some reason to care about the people of earth, he couldn't find one. he just wanted dark saiyan blood to avenge his people and see the race destroyed.

the anger he felt earlier when they fought the Devastator was what helped tap into his great power and his mind wandered back to the time when he had heard the elder of his race speak to him of the prophesy. the prophesy said that he would be a powerful warrior with a great amount of rage in his heart and he would become strong after he lost everything and knew what true pain felt like. he didn't really believe the elder's words but that appeared to have been a mistake and now his family was dead, and he was full rage and his powers had grown greatly. there was nothing in this universe that he wanted since his family was dead and his race almost extinct, all that mattered was killing the dark saiyans and he would keep his hate deep inside of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 3 days ago

Maximus quietly stood a few feet away from Wolf and Kaliflur as they spoke, he didn't say anything as he watched and listened to them, though he could have been using the time he was waiting listening to them to train, something kept him standing there to listen, when Wolf answered Kaliflur he waited for a few seconds of silence before he would speak, he took a step toward them to get their attention, he metal feet clanking gently on the floor as he did
"I understand that it is considered rude to interrupt... but I must insist that you seek medical attention as soon as you can Wolf... lest you wish that your injury's progress further... to the point of permanently damaging your body..." Maximus droned to him
"if you refuse to accept my aid... the least I can do to is direct you to the medical bay... so that you may get there on your own..." Maximus said as he walked towards the door, when it opened he turned his head slightly towards Wolf
"down this corridor to the right... take a right turn, then a left, the last door down that hall is the medical bay... just lay down on one of the beds, they will do the rest..." he droned before he left the room, the door closing behind him before he went to the training room next door
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