Sorry for the late reply guys. I've been out all day today and will be tomorrow, so I will be slow in posting.
Dmessenger said
Ok I was thinking of making the pyramid be some sort of alien Ark that was created by a extinct alien race and the pyramid has been running on its own for years collecting alien species from all over the universe. The robots have been taking people by force, because the central AI which was going to be the brain of the pyramid itself now believes that the universe is going to blow up because it was made to be used in a emergency, but it was accidentally turned on. what do you think?
TheDevilAndTheDragon said
Name: Lt. James S. DawkinsAge: 21Species: Human RaceAppearance: Bio: James Dawkins has been serving under the police force for quite a while. With his calm, yet brash attitude, many criminals know he likes to do things the hard way, not the easy way. With this growing reputation as a bad cop, James still carries a soft spot for those in trouble, whether it maybe an innocent civilian or one of his friends. However, his greatest weakness may be in his ego, always willing to pick a fight with any opponent he comes across.
YamiCuoreLaroux said
I'm still here, just trying to decide what to post. I'll get something up tonight once I get some homework done.
YamiCuoreLaroux said
I'm still here, just trying to decide what to post. I'll get something up tonight once I get some homework done.
nookzer said
James walked across the corridor when he came across the door deciding to check the room before he carried on he cautiously open the door and aimed his rifle only to be met with a strange looking creature that looked a bit like the stereotypical alien.
22xander said
Name: VulpinAge: 13Species: Shade/shadow personAppearance: He usually doesn't have an appearance, but when he chooses to show himself he looks like a paleskined, black haired kitsune.Bio: the shades are each created to atack a single being. Normaly one would be raised from birth to fight the being in question, but Vulpin was not because of the acsident. Now he has no perpos.