Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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"Azazel, you are lord of what? Perhaps Lord of Shadow," Maria stated, not realizing that most wealthy British-folk were called lords. "Full name is Makarianda, Maria is easy," she told Azazel. Even in the circumstances they were now in, Maria felt no more than she did at home in the Amazon jungle, where wild animals were always on the hunt. "We need food now, and shelter. Perhaps strange primates taste good. Build fire to see in darkness and cook." She quickly started to gather wood from the trees that were recently destroying by Azazel's power.

After building the fire, Maria started up working on a spell to create an underground shelter for them. Opening up her chakra and letting energy flow through her, she noticed a different type of, almost wicked, energy inside her. She completed the spell which moved the earth and allowed a burrow to be created in the ground. "Inside now," she ordered at Azazel, dragging one of the dead beast's body with her. When inside she decided to meditate on her newfound energy. After letting it flow through her entire being she opened her eyes to see if anything was different. To Maria, all seemed to be perfectly normal, but little did she know that she could not be found by any means. She had vanished from the senses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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The thorny forest of obsidian spikes subsided, melting into the ground and dissipating, leaving Azazel and maria amongst the debris and blood. The corpses of the two beasts fell to the ground in eviscerated heaps as the spike that impaled them receded into the shadows. As Maria began to gather up the violently sliced up wood, Azazel crouched down, fixing his gaze on the bloody remains of the beast. "This is...somehow familiar...this feeling." Stern eyes looked over the beast as an ominous urge drove Azazel to pull off his glove and lay a hand against it's rough, bristly hide. As his skin touched it's still warm flesh, a spark of energy zapped from the creatures corpse and absorbed into his fingertips, coursing up his arm and into his body. He gritted his teeth as a mysterious pain riddled his chest but swiftly had his attention snagged as Maria beckoned for him to enter a makeshift shelter she fashioned from some for of wizardry. He stared at her silently for a moment, the pain in his chest subsiding, before standing up and stepped into the shelter. "I suppose sticking together is a rather wise idea." Spoke Azazel, rubbing his chest absently as the strange familiar feeling calmed within him. "But we shouldn't stay here long. The scent of blood is likely to attract more...inconveniences." He sat down on a toppled tree trunk, holding his hand up to the warmth of the fire. "Assuming these...things are edible, we should leave after we finish eating and try to find civilization. Lest we wind up prey to another unearthly monster."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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Maria, having vanished from all senses without realizing it, started to slice the primate creatures apart, preparing them to be cooked. There skin was fairly soft, and easy to cut through. There muscles were a very different story. They were extremely tough from the years of being a predator in this harsh world of fighting and death. Maria selected prime pieces to be consumed by her and Azazel: the thighs, the arms, the breasts, and the hearts. The rest of the creatures were taken outside and disposed of away from their shelter, as to draw the least amount of attention.

As Maria began to roast the meat over the fire she started a conversation with Azazel, "You remember anything before this land? Wear such strange clothes. Not a warrior, nor shaman, nor priest, nor worker you are." She had still completely vanished. When he didn't respond, she felt as though something were off in the situation. She moved in front of Azazel where he would normally be able to see her, but he produced no reaction from her. It was then that she realized the strange energy was still coursing through her body. Maria focused on the energy and calmed it. Suddenly she appeared in front of Azazel, seemingly from nowhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Relaxing for a moment, Azazel gazed into the dancing flames. The events of the day repeated in his head as he tried to remember where he was before appearing in this mysterious place. The look of those beasts was also unfamiliar to him. On top of it all, he pondered the new energy that formed inside of him. His head lightly twinged with a dull ache as he finally came to realize he appeared to be alone "Madam?" He looked around for a moment, confused. He had been wrapped up and distracted by the situation, he let himself loose track of Maria. A look of brief concern crossed his face, slowly beginning to stand, when the sudden appearance of Maria's form put him on heels. Like a reflex, a cloud of thorny, bladed darkness had shot up from the flickering shadows across the back wall of the shelter. Azazel stopped himself just before the darkness closed in, seeing Maria baring no hostility. Catching a breath of air, Azazel rubbed a hand over his face and sat back down. The frightening conglomeration of voidish weapons slowly receded back into the twitching shadows as Azazel's feet. Finally he shot Maria a glare. "Are you mad?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Right after he'd yelled those words a piercing screech rang through the air, as a small object came flying out of the dirt, aimed directly at Azazel's temple. There was only a few seconds before it'd hit, with quite a bit of force behind it. The creature seemed to be a head-sized worm with a a three-pincer mouth, large spines along either side. Another one went for Maria, but missed it's target, falling and disappearing back into the soil.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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Before Maria could respond to Azazel, two large worm-leech creatures flew from the dirt towards both of them. Although the effects of her potion were waning, they still affected her. Because of this her reaction time was higher than anyone could ever normally have. Moving closer to Azazel, she dodged the worm-leech headed for her, and at the same time swung her staff upwards with incredible force towards the one attacking Azazel. Mere inches before it connected with his head, Maria's staff sliced through the worm-leech with mystical energy. This caused the small creature to be cleaved in half while the energy froze the two pieces in mid-air. She looked around for the one who attacked her, but it seemed to have retreated into the earth. "I have idea. I will vanish and you lure worm beast out. I will kill it like other one," Maria explained to Azazel before quickly vanishing from all senses. And now, she waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Still recovering from the slight shock, Azazel was totally unaware of the swiftly moving insect darted toward him. He would have been struck if it weren't for the haste in Maria's actions. The lash of her staff blew a small gust of wind past his face as she batted it away from his head. He hesitated for a moment before standing up and walking toward the exit of the shelter, glossing over Maria's words with a lack of attention as he stepped out of the light of the camp fire and stood in the shadows of the makeshift clearing. "I have a better Idea." Announced Azazel finally, a look of frustration across his face. He knelt down and placed his hand in the air, as if to pet some invisible beast. A dark glow emanated from his eyes as writhing shades crept across the ground and welled up underneath his hand. The shadows moaned and clicked as they interwove and meshed, growing and taking shape. A smattering of eyes pulled apart across the shadowy blobs form as a tangle of legs, claws, and fangs took shape. In moments, the darkness as finally solidified, taking the form of a pack of hound like creatures of different sizes and shapes.

The beasts panted and snarled as they awaited the command of their creator. "No more surprises..." Spoke Azazel through a scowl, sending the beats into a rabid fury as they quickly shot into the foliage surrounding them. One stayed behind, sniffing the ground with a set of strange nostrils at the end of it's razor filled maw. The creature sensed a presence though it could not detect a smell or sight. It snarled and drooled as it approached the invisible Maria, almost as if it could somehow detect her in her current vanished state. "Not that one." Said Azazel under his breath, halting the beast and redirecting it to the ground where sniffed for enemies. "Lets go back inside. I'll sniff anything out around her and be rid of it." Declared Azazel despite not being able to detect Maria. He stepped back into the shelter, sitting on the log once again. "Just finish up here as quickly as you can so we can get moving again. We're only attracting predators and parasites by sticking around here." Realizing how long it had been, he cleared the dryness from his throat and looked out into the dark forest. "We also need to find water if we cant find civilization." Though as he said it, Azazel started to doubt their chances at finding anything earthly at all. This place was becoming increasingly strange and dangerous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Michael stopped as the wild vampire child gave him a look, maybe fighting this monster wasn't what he needed right now. Michael backed away leaving the western knight to deal with it, then he quickly sliced up a large amount of the beast. Taking the unconscious military man's backpack he stored it all in there. While he was at it he looked around the other unconscious humans, it was unlikely if they hadn't woken up yet that they ever would. Michael took two pistols from one of the bodies, he had heard of this before, they were powerful weapons, and he would have to experiment with them later. Michael hoisted the backpack onto his shoulders and put some distance between himself and the vampire, his next priority should be finding water as soon as possible. He saw a large forest nearby and figured he should head into that, given that trees required water right? He planned to wander through the forest listening and looking for any hint of a water supply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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As Azazel and Maria prepared for more attacks, the dead body of the worm did not attract Maria as the Devil Monkeys had attracted Azazel... These things came from the human realm... Another one slid around them, hiding beneath the ground, far enough that an attack would meet only dirt.

Michael saw as a large object flies by, like large torpedo zooming through the ground, pushing up the earth it was on its way to the two humans that were killing its young. It ignored the man and kept on like a freight train. It must have been as large as a car! The ground shook beneath Michael's feet as it passed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Michael jumped to the side as a large creature torpedoed through the ground underneath him, it watched it quickly tunnel towards some unknown destination. Michael decided to follow it, if he could kill such a thing then he would sleep much easier tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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Maria could feel a slight rumbling coming towards them. Before the second worm made it's appearance, she came back from her vanished form. "Come Azazel! Must leave this burrow. Get above ground. Something is coming," she commanded. Quickly, she traced a spell into the dirt underneath them. She grabbed Azazel and jumped out from there short-lived shelter. Once outside, she shot the spell she drew with energy from her staff while chanting, "Convertimini ad pulverem flammae." As soon as the energy hit the spell, it light up a bright yellow and the dirt underneath it melted into a sea of flames before their eyes. At this point the shaking of the ground became very apparent. Something was definitely on it's way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Yips and growls rumbled from the darkness of the trees around as Azazel's shadow born hounds prowled the area. Heading Maria word, Azazel stepped out of the hut and observed silently as she chanted in some harsh language and cast a spell out onto the ground, eventually burning away into fire. With a sword in hand and vigilance in his eyes, Azazel stepped away from the light of the flames and began to move through the forest. "Leaving sounds like a fair enough plan to me." He declared, setting a path for himself through the woods and to higher ground. But not before picking up and submerging the end of a branch into the flames to use and a makeshift torch, and possibly a deterrent to monsters. "Right then...Tally ho..." Spat Azazel, not looking forward to the likely to be rigorous journey to safety.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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The beast that had been heading for them quickly was nearly upon them when it approached the flames. It redirected itself quickly enough, feeling the heat of the burning soil, only seconds away from being roasted itself. The giant worm burst out of the ground, roaring, and quickly dove back in, away from danger. The smaller worm, not so keen on giving up, picked up its speed and also burst forth from the ground, over the pit of fire, heading right for Maria in the trees. The larger one began stalking Azazel, feeling him walking away, thinking him easy prey, soon erupting form the ground again. It's mouth opened wide to reveal several other mouths, the tongues of this creature seeming to be creatures of their own, and the beast attempted to swallow him whole.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Julian woke up, face down on the ground. As he rose from his position on the ground, he made sure to take in his surroundings.
"I must be in the depth of Tartarus, to bear witness to abominations such as these."

He was in the middle of a sort of clearing that had held the corpses of two giant monsters. A little ways off he saw a woman being held in place by a disfigured thing. He also noticed another demon that was moving towards the forest.

He slowly rose from the ground, grabbing his shield and pilum from where they lay in the ground, his supplies in his pack and his gladius in its sheath.

Now came the choice, he could go after the thing that held the woman captive, or face of against the seemingly less dangerous tailed demon that was heading for the forest. He didn't like his odds either way, but he decided to cautiously and stealthly approach the woman and the malformed creature holding her captive, so as to strike it down before it has a chance to kill her.

He also noticed the disturbing sprit the knelt at the base of a withered tree, wondering if it was a danger as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

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Even as he approached the woman with the vampire the woman disappeared, with a small 'pop'. The vampire, at first being confused, sniffed the air and growled. He turned and searched for a target before he saw the muscular man heading for him. "You! Was it you who used that magic?!" He asked, angry. "That was my kill damn it!" Even as the vamp spoke the other humans, still unconscious in the clearing, disappeared as well, a small symphony of the soft pops that still echoed around for a ways. The vamp looked at each pop and seemed to be growing more and more... afraid. He looked at the human and spoke quickly. "If you aren't doing it then run, NOW!" The vampire began running towards the forest as well, quickly, having lost it's appetite. "DAMN WITCH!" He called back as he disappeared into the trees. It is just now that the two humans noticed the area was painfully still.

No creature stirred, they seemed to be completely alone, despite the feeding frenzy happening among other spots where humans landed. For whatever reason, despite knowing full well that there was two perfectly good humans for the munching, the beasts stayed away. Even a few beasts not two far away looked over, definitely seeing the two humans, but trotted away quickly upon sensing danger...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Julian was confused by the woman's disappearance and the creature's sudden flight, but he followed it lead and ran into the forest. He knew that silence in wild places was never a good thing, as it meant that an Alpha predator is on the prowl.

As he ran, he replaced his shield on his back, and took hold of his pilum in both hands, keeping ever vigilant for signs of danger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Michael looked back as he made his way to the edge of the forest to see the vampire yelling at another new arrival, some sort of gladiator. After several loud popping noises the vampire began to run into the forest. Michael quickly scaled a tree and looked for something big enough to scare the vampire off but found nothing. He watched as the gladiator ran into the forest as well, and decided to follow him, silently teleporting from tree branch to tree branch staying above the cautious man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zakara


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The beasts arrived. The smaller one, having avoided the flames, it leapt at Maria. She quickly threw one of her kunai into the worms mouth, ripping the creature in half. Turning her attention to what seemed to be the alpha-worm, she jumped down from the trees. After invoking her staff in a spell that will poison anything it hits, she ran towards the beast. The distance between her and the worm was greater than the distance between it and Azazel. Hopefully he would notice before it reached him. When she got halfway to her target, Maria jumped into the air and raised her staff above her head as to bring it down upon the monster. Her mind was blank during the decent, concentrating all power into the killing blow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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As they ran, they got the distinct impression they were being followed, though no amount of turning and searching lead them to see their pursuer. The vampire, growing fond of life in those few minutes, turns back to look at the humans. "Follow me!" It took off, faster now, but it was still slow enough that they could just barely keep up. It weaved through the forest like an expert, showing it must live somewhere within. Even with all the twisting and turning, they still got the sense they were being followed, and whoever was doing so was doing a very good job of hiding their presence. "Damn, as persistent as ever... Why doesn't she leave me alone?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Michael curiously looked around as he continued to teleport from branch to branch following the vampire, what manner of creature was following them, perhaps a witch of some sort.
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