
Name: Gia
Age: appears to be in her early 20's but in reality only a few months old
Gender: Female
Class: Android - Genesis model
Background and/or Personality: Gia was created and programmed for a specific purpose : the latest in the governments attempts to find and eradicate malfunctioning androids. Gia is the first of several androids to form a special squad to hunt down and terminate malfunctioning androids and report, and at times take into custody, any human harboring a malfunctioning android. The squad has been named : Genesis.
As for a personality, Gia has none. She follows orders to the letter and is only focused on completing her objective.
The eyes opened, blinking at the appropriate intervals. As the robotic arms pieced her together, the female android looked around, her computer-like vision identifying and categorizing everything she saw. There was a blankness in her stare that to any human would seem cold and unnerving.
"Name?" a serious female voice said over an intercom system.
"Gia," the android responded immediately.
"Cogative brain function online and operational," the voice said. "State your primary objective."
"Location and termination of all malfunctioning android units," she replied again, no hesitation or flicker of interest in her blank stare.
"Restate primary objective in German."
"Lage und Beendigung aller Fehlfunktion android Einheiten."
"State your secondary objective."
"The reporting and incidental capture and incarceration of any human harboring a malfunctioning android unit."
"Restate secondary objective in Portuguese."
"A elaboração de relatórios e captura incidental e encarceramento de qualquer ser humano abrigar uma unidade android com defeito."
"Language function online and operational. Demonstrate agility and range of motion," the voice ordered.
Gia, who now had her arms and legs connected and operational, crouched down before sprinting across the space, leaping up and rebounding off of the wall before flipping and landing in a crouch, with one leg extended to the side, the other knee bent up, one hand on the ground and the other out stretched out on the same side as the outstretched leg. Her head snapped up and she did several backhand springs before pushing off with one hand and twisting in the air before landing straight on her two feet, standing at attention like a soldier.
"Good. Genesis unit is fully operational and ready for deployment."