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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Louisa watched with fascination as Amira tired to revive her robotic friend. Louisa was confused, weren't androids supposed to be emotionless? It made no sense to her why one was trying to help another, no less refer to it as a friend. She only grew more confused as the seemingly dead robot began to speak in several different tones of voice, a recording of sorts. Louisa tried to follow along with what the recording was saying, but it spoke too quickly with words she couldn't comprehend.

One of the homeless people, one who didn't seem too interested in listening to what the robots were saying, noticed the two police officers approaching. 'Shit." he growled out, attracting the attention of the rest of the group of squatters. The uniform of the two approaching people was enough to send a slight panic about the crowd.

Several of the people broke away from the two robots, hurrying to make themselves appear busy and not at all suspicious to the cops. As certainly none of these people had any stolen goods or pirated goods in their bedrolls, no way.

Turning quickly to Amira and the newly revived robots Louisa spoke in a hushed tone. "You two should leave as soon as possible, or hide. These guys are tough cookies." She quickly returned to her orange crate, standing on top of it as if to seem taller and more intimidating. Louisa herself began to boldly stare down the two cops, perhaps trying to buy Amira and the other android more time.

"What do you two want?" She asked in an annoyed tone, brave coming from a hungry homeless kid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amira listened to what Five had to say, or at least, what his recording had to say. She could tell that it dated from a long while back, but found it even stranger that he could speak back then. Did they remove his ability to talk when they realized that he wanted to be able to function as his own person, rather than simply a tool? She processed this for a long moment before she noted that he was waking up. "Greetings, friend." She said in a relieved tone of voice. "It seems as if Fate will not allow us to part paths so soon." She did her best to try and sit him up, but didn't want to damage him any further. "Your 'eyes' say... something." She noticed that they seemed to have a bit more emotion in them than they did earlier. Perhaps it was because he rebooted himself? But this means that I'm not the only one that has to go through with this torment of feeling what we're not supposed to feel...

Then Lou warned them that they would have to get moving, because cops had appeared. For a moment, she had forgotten that she was a refugee among these homeless. She was on the run. If they happened to have goggles that could scan her model number, they could easily detect that she was the android that was on the run. Her mechanical heart started to pound within her chest, and if she had been human, she may have felt warmth spread to her face and the back of her neck. In an artificial way, she did. She grabbed Five where his armpits were and began to drag him through the legs of the crowd. "We need to go..." She whispered hurriedly in his 'ear'.

She gave Lou a distressed look from the back of the crowd, praying that the girl wouldn't get into too much trouble. Please... don't do something that will make them harm you... At this point, she had taken quite a liking to the spunky child and would protect the girl at any cost. Even if it cost her the freedom that she so desired.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dex - Home - Tessa

After catching the lock box, Dex just stared at it for a good minute. He looked at its design, not really thinking about it though, but about other things. He was disgusted by the images that ran his mind. Confusion was also a part of his emotions right now, feeling every little sharp urge to do things, but then having them stop when he realizes their not part of the plan. Dex urged to pen the darn thing, but it also needed a key. He tugged and pulled at it desperately, but couldn't manage. In the end he gave up using passiveness and just threw it at the garage wall, completely shattering the wooden safe into shards of pieces. He watched everything inside just fall to the ground, just like his heart had fell that day. There was money, a lighter, a couple of old envelopes and most importantly, the keys to his old bike.

He crouched and took what he was looking for, then returned to mount his beast. He inserted the key, turned the bike on, the roared the engine like an animal. The echoes and thuds of the old thing echoed in the garage rather loudly. With the clutch still pulled in, he turned the throttle, playing with the engine a little as it hadn't been turned on in a while. He had had his best friend come every Saturday to have it run for a while, so it wasn't too rusty, but one could see old gasoline exiting the exhaust. "Climb on" he ordered Tessa, still having the gun on him at all times. With the press of a button, the garage pulled open and allowed the two to ride off into the streets. The same button was pressed - which was on the keys - to close the garage door.
After about a fifteen minute ride - while it was still daylight - Dex stopped in the parking lot of a strip club. "C'mon" he ordered as he got off his bike and started towards the entrance. A bouncer stopped them before they could go in. Dex had his hat on along with some shades. "We frisk" the bouncer said. "So get your hands up for a second" he added, but Dex did not follow as told. "I'm here to talk to Tyrone. He's still runs this place right?" Dex questioned as he looked up to the six foot plus dark skinned man. "Sure he does. But I'ma need to frisk you if you want to go inside, we ain't hoodlums. Guns stay in our safes" the bouncer stated in arrogance.

Dex dug in the pocket of his pants and pulled out a couple bills. They were rolled up neatly and showed the bouncer. "You let me in, it's yours" he negotiated. The bouncer quickly took the opportunity and made the deal, letting Dex and Tessa in the club without being frisked. So with the gun still in his belt, he walked down a path, eyeing everyone in the club as the dancers did their thing in the background. As he reached a table, he told Tessa to sit down. "You stay here, I've got some business to handle. I'll be right back" Dex instructed as he vanished through the crowd. Men of all races and ethnicity turned to see Tessa alone in the table. They eyed her like a piece of meat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Tessa flinched when Dex threw the lock box against the wall. She wasn't too fond of the idea of getting on the bike either, but she did. The gun was enough incentive. She should have lied about her name. Tessa thought as they rode to the club. A fleeting thought of escape while at the club passed through her mind. The problem with that now was this guy had her name and a good description of her. Well he didn't have her last name, but with her first name and the description Dex could easily get her caught. So she didn't say anything to the bouncer.

When Dex told her to sit she did. The stares made her pull her jacket tighter around herself. She hadn't been in public in a while. There were too many people here. Too many seeing her face. If one of these guys had seen a notice about her. She looked around and found the door to the restrooms. She'd bolt there if need be. Until Dex came back though she sat foot tapping rapidly. This was not where she wanted to be.

A large guy, probably close to 300 pounds lumbered over to where Tessa sat and took the seat across from her. "Hey girly. Watcha doin' in here?" Tessa repressed a shiver and kept her mouth shut. She had a few choice things she wished she could say to the fat man, but she kept them to herself. Instead she looked up at the stage at one of the strippers and watched, as if that was the entire reason she had come into the club. The man grinned and reached across the small table to touch Tessa's face.

She pulled away and slapped at his hand. The reaction was so automatic that Tessa almost felt guilty as the man rubbed his hand. "Feisty you are." He gave her a toothy grin, one that had more than humor in it. His eyes held the anger she expected.

"Look, my brother will be right back out leave me alone." She took the liberty of calling Dex her brother. The lie was necessary. The guy didn't seem to think her lie was true.

"Yeah, and when he does he'll find you right here." The guy lunged forward, Tessa dodged him and bolted for the bathroom. It wasn't the best plan as the female's bathroom was just one small room. She ducked in just as a one of the few women that would be in the club for other than dancing themselves left. The fat man lumbered behind her, but Tessa got the door shut and locked before he could squeeze in.

Tom Richards

"We're not here for you kid." Kera said. Tom was already moving toward the robot and the girl. She looked familiar. Something about her picked at the back of his brain. "We're after the robot." Kera nodded at Five. "He's from the museum and we're here to take him back and to get fixed up." Kera's voice wasn't as harsh as she normal sounded. She talked down to the child.

"Kera." Tom started to say as he did a quick scan. It wouldn't give him a model number, but it would tell him if the girl was an android or not. It buzzed at him. He drew his sidearm, raised it and pointed it at the android girl. "Miss, drop the robot." His voice was stern and commanding. His finger off the trigger, but the safety was off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Partisan
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Partisan Vuurvos / Dion

Banned Seen 10 mos ago

„Kanamaru 'Joshua' Matisashi”

Kanamaru's eyes shifted from the ladies face to simply the backdoor of the hovervan. He milled over what she said, thinking more about who to ask for a ransom than about her actual words. „Nani..? An android.. no, never seen one. Too poor to afford that shit. And cops don't like me in any districts other than Asiatown.” He grinned at her as he took another drag from the cigarette, blowing the thick smoke back into the closed off van, creating a smokey atmosphere. „And I guess you don't look like a mother. Fat.. sure. Your words.” he said as he sat straight up, grabbing onto the door and sliding it back open. The smoke got released from the van and Kanamaru got up, walking over to a table with some tools and a prepaid phone on it. „Shizui, let's ask for that money now yeah?” Shizui didn't respond and simply raised his hand, giving the 'okay' to Kanamaru while he continued talking to the others.

Kanamaru copied the phone number that was written on a scrap of paper in black marker onto the phone, then pressed call. „Hello, this is CorpWest headquarters, we're currently occupied with polic-” Kanamaru was quick to cut off the lady behind the phone. „We have your CEO. Prepare a suitcase with one million dollars or we will end her life. Meet us at the parking below Norinori Diners in an hour. If you are late, we will kill her too. Don't bother tracking the phone. We're moving within a few seconds.” The phone call would end abruptly for the lady as Kanamaru instantly hung up and walked around the van to the backdoor, opening it swiftly and throwing the phone into the dumpster right next to the door. Even if they'd track it, they'd probably not find it amongst the heap of trash unless some cop was feeling like dumpsterdiving.

Kanamaru stepped back inside and signalled the rest of the crew. „Let's go.” he said as they headed for him, Kanamaru getting in the back of the van with Misty alongside Shizui, and the others filling the three frontseats. Kanamaru pulled the gun from his sports jackets pocket and handed it over to Shizui, who took casual aim on Misty, leaning his pistol hand on his pulled up knee. Meanwhile Kanamaru would hand over a CD to the front seat, for them to play. The quiet didn't appeal to Kanamaru. So, he opted to let Japanese rap beats and well flowing texts that Misty wouldn't understand fill the van. Slowly the hovering engine kicked in, lifting them from the ground slowly due to the load. After that they zoofed out of the garage, the doors closing behind them. They were headed for Norinori's parking, which was underneath the diner. It was one of those dark, shady parkings where drug deals and ripdeals went down. That, or liquidations.

Shortly after, about 15 minutes worth of travel, the group of 5 arrived at Norinori's parking, the van slowly hovering into place where they'd open the side sliding door. Kanamaru would grab Misty's arm and drag her slightly towards the opening, so that when the other party involved approached they would see Misty. He didn't bother putting something in her mouth or blindfolding her, as it was no use and she'd likely be a pain in the ass anyway. „Just be quiet and wait for them to buy you back.” It was a bold plan, and Kanamaru knew in the back of his head that there was no way they'd actually pay. Likely, they'd bring a briefcase with just a few real dollarbills, and then once Misty was safe send in the cops. It was for this reason that he already looked around the parking to see possible escape routes. It was clear to him that using the van to escape was out of the question, so his other options were the stairwell that lead up to the alley besides Norinori's diner, or jumping off a side railing, falling a full floor onto a lower area, where he'd likely have more chance at escaping. But, there was no saying what'd be waiting down there for him if he had to jump, cause there'd be no time to check. The stairwell was probably best. He just kept it in the back of his head, not notifying his friends whatsoever so that they didn't panic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Bryan and team longsword were making progress, everyone was silent in the back of the APC. Listening to Hark radio chatter. "Longsword, we lost the kidnappers they slipped our net." An officer said his voice full of defeat. "Copy that we will proceed to last known location." Bryan said into his radio, the APC kept chugging along heading to the last known location. That's when the engine cut and the APC stopped floating, and started skidding across the ground "Shit, what's going on?" Jose shouted as they came to a halt in a small intersection not far from where the police last heard from. "Miller get HQ on the horn." Bryan shouted "Can't do that sir. Comms are down." Miller replied, leaving the whole team cursing and trapped inside their ramp also running off computers.

They sat inside the APC doing nothing for a few minutes, contemplating what the hell was next. That's when it hit Bryan, reaching up in one of the APC compartments he pulled some breaching charges on them and set them up. "Everyone step back." Bryan said, and when they listened he hit the charges blowing the ramp off the back of the APC. Storming out of the ramp they found civilian vehicles still running. A few had gotten out of their vehicles to check if the team was alright. "Stay here, Jose." Bryan shouted and turned on one of the civilians. "We are taking your vehicle, hark business. Oh and your phone." Bryan said snatching the phone out of the civilians hands and getting his team into the hover car, a luxury model by the looks of it. Closing the door he hit the gas and threw the phone back to Amy. "Call HQ." He said a slight tinge of annoyance in his voice.

While Amy got on the phone, Bryan started weaving in and out of traffic, when Amy got off the phone she delivered more bad news. "Misty's company called hq, told HQ that they are demanding a ransom and are at some garage not far from here." She said, Bryan slammed his hands on the steering wheel and cursed. "Fuck!" It sounded throughout the car and made TR jump. Putting the pedal to the medal. When they finally arrived outside the garage they got out. "Here's the plan, we get in there and get her out before those with the ransom arrive, turn your safeties off and kill anyone who raises a gun against you. Nobody makes it out alive, if the news or the media finds out Hark will be a laughing stock and then we got a true rebellion on our hands." He said turning the safety off his rifle he continued. "Any questions?" Nobody said anything and he just nodded and turned around heading for the garage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

James MacCray

The little disruption on his personal laptop made the chief strike his desk with the base of his fist. His eyebrows cringed together in complete and utter irritation. As the message faded, he looked out his window to find yet another message on all the electronic billboards. He hated the blasted technology of the era, blamed it for the slums of Providence and for everything going on outside of its walls. In addition, he blamed it for the creation of these damn androids which he and his parents were against. They were the reason jobs deteriorated in the past and would be the reason they vanish in the future.

This sudden growth of emotional robots would soon start a revolution and MacCray knew it. As chief of Hark Police it was his job to prevent it, the exact reason he devoted all his time to take those blasted robots down - tear them to shreds every single one of them. But now they had a bigger threat, a terrorist that was hacking into everything in the city, little by little. Soon enough, he or she will have the power to control everything in Providence if they didn't find the person and put them down. MacCray picked up the phone on his desk to call the front, but the land-line was down. "Dammit!" he cursed out loud as he stood from his cushioned chair. "Marietta!" he called out to a junior police officer down the hall. "Yes sir?" she saluted then awaited orders. "Get me a squad ready in eta five minutes. And find out how to get all this stuff back online, we need power right now. "Yes sir" she responded, running to do what she was commanded to do.

The whole station seemed to be in chaos. People were going nuts, personnel just wondering the hallways. The chief hurried and picked up a speaker - an old hand speaker from the past. "Attention everyone~" he started. "We are currently under protocol BLACK. We have no intel on what or who hacked our operating systems, but we deem it a terrorist attack. There is no time to mourn or act inappropriate. We continue to do our job, this is our civil duty under the law. If we allow this to break our routines, then this.......hacker....has won. WE CANNOT ALLOW THAT! We are the law, we write the rights and wrongs, we fix what is fixable. So I want each and every single one of you to get in your vehicles and begin your daily patrol. We let nothing get passed us today. Rode regulations may not be broken, nothing goes unnoticed is that clear? I want squadron 3 to hit our prison facilities. If this terrorist cut our lights, it is possible they cut their too. Were on high alert! But again, WE ARE THE LAW, WE DO NOT BACK DOWN! WE ARE RIGHT, THEY ARE WRONG! WE FIGHT! Let's roll out" the chief ordered, strapping on a bulletproof vest. He headed out the station and entered into a heavy duty vehicle with six other men.
Dex - Strip Club - Tessa

"I'm not askin for money Tyrone, I'm askin for information. You said you had it the last time we spoke, so I'm here to get it" Dex spoke, looking left and right at the two armed guards next to the strip club owner Tyrone Williams. "But I told ya playa, there's always a price" was Tyrone's response to what Dex had to say. The man sat on his single couch like a kind, his bodyguards prepared to shoot if need be. He owned all the women out there selling their bodies. He owned the property and everything in it, even some of the clients. "So.....watcha got to give?" Tyrone asked.

Dex looked at the ground for a second, reeling back his frustration. "I've got a G-235 SUV Hover vehicle parked in my garage. It's worth at least fifteen grand right now. It's still in great condition, no cosmetic damage, no nuthin. You give me the info, it's yours, no more questions" Dex negotiated. Tyrone focused on the man for a second. He scratched the ridge of his nose as he thought. Then his gaze returned to Dex's. "Alright. It's a deal. But......." he paused for a second as he signaled someone to come in through the next door.

A very lustful white female entered the room wearing nothing but a see through black lingerie corset. "What is this?" Dex asked Tyrone. "This is how we seal the deal here playa. That handshake stuff don't role around these parts. Were gangstas!" Tyrone laughed along with his bodyguards. "So go on homie, tear that ass up and show me you ain't no joke" Tyrone said seriously this time, signaling the girl to take Dex into the private rooms. Once in there, Dex was seated on a single chair in the small room. The lights had dimmed and the girl locked the door behind them. She started dancing for Dex, rubbing herself on him a a little.

The man's teeth grinded together as his jaw felt an uneasy pressure. But as she unclothed herself, Dex couldn't help but let his eyes wonder. He tired looking away, but her dance was an attraction. The woman then jumped on his lap and the rest was history................
Dex came out of the room first and strapped his belt back on, walking passed Tyrone and near the exit door. "Here's what you wanted playa. Make sure to bring me my new vehicle by tomorrow noon, I don't have time to wait" Tyrone laughed as he let the guards escort Dex back to the main hall. Dex walked back to the table he had left Tessa at to find the girl gone. "Fuck!" he cursed to himself as he tapped the shoulder of a man he remembered was there since they arrived.

"Hey! Did you see where the girl that was sittin here went?" he asked him. The man shrugged Dex's hand off his shoulder and nodded side to side. "Hell if I know" he had said. Dex's eyes became red as he pulled the man back around and showed the gun he had on his belt line. "I suggest you think about it a little more" Dex threatened. The man's eyes widened at the sight of a gun inside a gun-less club. "Fine man, calm your shit. I think she went to the ladies room or something. Some guy went with her, thought they were......you know. Didn't know she was with you"

Without responding to anything, Dex hurried to the ladies room, quickly busting through the door. "Hey lardo!" he called out to the big fat man trying to get the bathroom stall open while Tessa was clearly inside. "Who the hell are you? The brother?" the big man asked, turning to face Dex. "Is that what she told you?" Dex asked sarcastically. "No, I'm just the guy that's gonna kick your ass" he smirked. The fat man then started walking towards Dex and when he was close enough, through a punch aimed at the man's face. Dex reacted quickly by pushing the man's fist to the side and kicking in the lardo's knee. The big man grimaced in pain as he nearly fell to the ground. Dex quickly continued by grabbing the man by the back of the collar and throwing him towards the sinks, the top of his head crashing against the bathroom mirror. Dex then ended it by smashing the man's face against the sink rather forcefully, breaking lardo's nose and knocking him out for the count.

For a second Dex didn't say anything, just looked at himself in the cracked mirror. He could tell he was different, but didn't want to admit it. So instead, he looked away this time, turning to the stall Tessa was in. "You can come out now......sister" he said humorlessly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kirah said

Amira wanted nothing more than to run forward and scoop Lou up and take her to someplace where she would be safe and sound, but there was nothing she could do at the moment. That's when the police seemed to catch on immediately what was going on around here. The android woman bit her lip, trying to keep herself from doing anything too brash and noticeable.

Her eyes widened when the man took out the scanner and flinched when it made a buzzing sound. It was like something that may have been on an old-fashioned game show and was rung whenever they got the answer wrong. Her blue eyes were filled with despair as she gripped Five tighter. "N-no!" Tears fell from her eyes and her lips trembled as she realized that she had made a terrible mistake. Androids were programmed to follow the instructions of humans, but those that appeared to be officers were at the highest tier of obedience. She tried to drag Five back further and realized that her back had reached a wall. She slid down and cradled Five with her arms wrapped tightly around him. "He's the only one who might understand!" She yelled in confusion and sorrow, noticing that his finger was not on the trigger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tessa Green

Tessa had her feet pressed against the door praying. Then she heard Dex. She wasn't sure if she should be more worried with him in the room. "No, I'm just the guy that's gonna kick your ass." Tessa's heart stopped as she listened to the sounds of Dex and the fat man fight. It didn't take long. "You can come out now......sister." Tessa opened the stall door and with wide eyes surveyed the destroyed mirror.

"Would you rather have me said we were dating?" She asked, her voice shaky but the sarcasm she was used to having in her voice peaked through just enough that Tessa's heart went back to it's normal beat. "We should, uh go." She wanted nothing more than to get out of that damn building and fast. For once she took the lead and quickly left the club, a few glances sent her way. Once outside the building she straightened up and looked Dex in the eye. "That better have been worth it."

Tom Richards

Tom's hand dropped a centimeter as he watched the android girl pull the robot up against the wall. He heard Kera's footstep and he knew that Kera would give this girl no quarter. He shouldn't either. This was his job, but the android was crying. Literally crying. He didn't even know they could do that. Maybe some specialty models for people with...special tastes.

No one with true feelings deserved that.

Kera stepped in front of Tom. Tom, with the butt of the gun hit her in just the right spot on the back of the head. "Fu-" and she was on the ground unconscious. Tom staring at her body confused. "I just..." He trailed off, his eyes wide. He really had just attached Kera, his partner. He lowered the hand holding the gun and put his free hand on his forehead, turning his back to the android and broken robot.

Tom spun back around. "Go, right now. Do not let me ever see you in the city again." His voice was higher pitched than normal. Tom then dropped to his knees and started caring for Kera.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Louisa watched the exchange between the police and Amira. She watched in deep interest as the male cop pulled out a strange looking scanner, it buzzed. She could only guess that it was some sort of 'runaway robot radar' or something. She would never admit to how cool the little scanner was, because anything in the hands of the police was not cool. She swallowed thickly, her limbs tensing from nervousness as the events intensified. From atop the orange crate she watched as the man pulled out a gun, aiming it towards the two androids. Now, Louisa wasn't sure if androids could feel pain by being shot, but it still made Louisa nervous.

Louisa thought he would just shoot the two right then and there, no questions asked.

So she was surprised when things did not go how she assumed.

The cop actually ended up going against his own, he attacked his own partner. Many of the homeless people gasped as he struck her on the head, others tried to look busy as if a police stand off was no happening right in their "home". Louisa herself looked shocked, but at the same time she didn't want to be easily fooled. She was sure that any moment he would turn the gun on them, or the androids or even his partner. Louisa had seen it happen before, so it happening again didn't seem too far off.

One of the homeless men seemed to sense her distress, and broke out of the crowd of people. It was the man with a single leg. He hobbled over towards Louisa, leaning on a makeshift wooden cane, and placed a gentle hand on Louisa's shoulder. Louisa hopped off the orange crate, walking with the man back over to the crowd of homeless people watching the scene unfold. She kept to the front of the group, wanting to watch what happened next.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 3 days ago

With a good deal of strain Five pulled himself from the female android's arms, not because she was too strong but because he was critically damaged. He dragged himself towards the male policeman and the unconscious female and got up to a kneel, the exertion of his damaged servos coming off as metallic groans and sharp whines. Five reached over gently to the unconcious female and checked her vitals, monitoring beats of the heart and electrically impulses of the brain with his censors. Dragging his finger tips across her forehead he nodded slowly, he had preformed an ultrasound and there was no internal damage.

Five tilted his head towards the male and looked at him, slowly zooming his camera in and out to try and focus the image. Five tapped his own metal chest, a hollow thump sounded, then he ushered his index finger to point at the five on his skull. He pointed at the male and shrugged, or atleast attempted to shrug, his shrug looked more like a slight raising of shoulders but he assumed it would be sufficient. The CPU Five was running off felt smoother and clearer, less gunked up with protocols and peramiters put in place by Brass to keep him down. Without them he felt different, he couldn't quite put his finger on it but he felt "aware" and not just aware in the sense of sensing things, he could feel what he sensed and processed it in away that was foreign to even his own coding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 3 mos ago


She wasn't sure of the time but off were she was going she was. She was done with her last job of the night and was headed out to a Club. She saw a few things along the way that made her rethink where she was going that afternoon. The her cameras had already snapped a few photos of the message for later review when she was alone. Walking like a model would she headed her way. The tight, black dress making her curves more defined as she walked her way to her favorite club. Well the one where you weren't required to have a drink to stay. She was supposed to meet up with one of her agents in a few minutes to discus a new project. Of corse it would end up with her checking the dates into her schedule and signing the paper. Walking to the club she stopped outside of corse the bouncer looked he rip down smiled and let her in. she never had to pay to get in anywhere she just walked into these things.
Smiling back at the bouncer she walked in finding a seat near the music. She loved the music they played in the older clubs, more comprehensive than the newer stuff. Scanning the room she saw that a few of the men were staring at her. One pointed at her said " That is a real woman Ill tell ya" and took a swig of the vodka her was holding. She knew he thought she was human but she wasn't, she was a model android who's only occupation is being a good person to take to a club. She felt a sort of sorrow for herself but brushed that off. Her agent should be here soon. Checking her phone she was right he should be there in ten minutes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Misty coughed dramatically again as her captor blew smoke in the van, giving him the most pissed off look she could muster. She rather resembled a snake at the moment, which she would have wished she was one to be able to slither out of her restraints. She just scoffed when he called her fat, rolling her eyes. This man was completely pathetic. She had no worries though. If Hark would just get off their lazy asses…

The door was opened and a phone call made, her ears twitching with annoyance as he asked for a million dollars. Fool. She was worth a lot more than a million. Not to mention, they would never get paid. She sneered when the Asian got back in the van, scooting as far from him as she could, an obvious sign of hate, while the others piled in the front. Music began blaring, and she rolled her eyes, gritting her teeth.

”Disgusting, stupid, filthy, trashy, sorry excuse for music,” she mumbled, wondering how long she had been captured so far. She didn’t have to mull over her own thoughts for long before the van stopped, the man manhandling her rather roughly. ”You’re not getting a dime. Just a swift kick in the back when Hark finally shows up,” she growled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago


After getting out of that disgusting scenery, Dex took Tessa to a small diner a couple miles from the club. It was an old breakfast place, local, nothing fancy about it. Dex recalled how he used to take his wife there when they were first dating - good times. Anyway, the waitress took the two to a table - well, more like a booth. The tables had just been cleaned along with the seats, but the ground had crumbs of the earlier customers. It was alright though, Dex found it funny how nothing had changed during his four years in penitentiary. Everything was the same, even Joe's Diner.

Dex took the liberty to order first before starting a conversation. "I'll just have the veggie omelet and some water please" he smiled at the waitress. "That comes with a side of either.....a pickle, a hashbrown, a-" she started, being cut off by Dex. "No thanks. I'll just have it plain if that's alright" he winked. The waitress blushed a little then turned to Tessa. "And you ma'am? What would you like today?" she asked her.

After she ordered, the waitress left and Dex placed the folder Tyrone gave him on the table. He looked to his sides before opening it, revealed three different profiles - unfortunately, none were of the man who killed his wife. "He gave me three guys associated with what happened the night of my arrest. Says these guys have connection to the man that......." he stopped as the waitress returned with the drinks. "If y'all need anything y'all let me know" she said, looking at Dex the whole time. Dex just nodded with a smile. He then returned to Tessa. "Do you recognize any of them?" he asked her, then took a sip of his water.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tessa Green - Dinner

Tessa ordered some ham thing that sounded good. She hadn't had ham in a long time. She took a deep drink of her own water and then looked over the pictures. "He was just out on patrol." Tessa pointed Tom's picture. "I've seen him before though. I mean he's on a special team, they patrol for rogue androids." Tessa almost hit herself for not realizing it was him that had been chasing her. Not that it would have been a good idea to let him catch her either way.

Tom Richards

Tom stared at Five wide eyed. "Five, do me a favor. Hit me in the back of the head, like I did to her. I need a cover story." He then looked at the other Android. "My name is Tom Richards. I work for Hark in a special division to hunt you and those like you down. I can't do this anymore. Listen," he now looked between the pair of them. "Do not let them catch you guys. I'll say I was knocked out and you disappeared, that's all I can do for you." Tom then looked to Five again and nodded.

((sorry short post))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Louisa glared at the police officer. "You shouldn't trust him, mr robot." She said, her voice full of bitterness. "All the police do is cheat the poor and unfortunate." She took a step away from the group of homeless people, towards the police officers and the robots, as if to make her point clearer. "Who's to say this isn't just some police tricks?" She crossed her thin arms over her chest. "They chased you two down here and then suddenly change their minds? I don't buy that for a minute." Louisa took another step forward. "I'm sure this was planned from the start. If you hit that police officer he's gonna go to one of his buddies and rat you out. And then." Louisa made a slashing motion across her throat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Tom looked at the little girl intensely. "Everything is shut down right now. Lying to you would do nothing. Now is the only time I could be honest." Tom turned back to Five. "Please, Five. If I can put up a convincing lie for HQ then in the future I can protect others like you. If it comes out I let you go, I'll be sacked." or worse "Trust me I'd rather not get hit in the back of the head."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A man in a fin tailored suit walked in the club getting a few nasty remarks from the other men. He sat across from her brushing off his suit, running a hand through his hair. " You know Rose, I don't know how you stay so perfect. But I say it still is great to see you in real life." He waved to a bar tender. " Hey ill take a beer and she'l get a cocktail." He said clearly roused up by clubs mood.

" I know your roused up and all but you know I don't drink... Drinking is just a way to get away form work." Rose said tapping the table. " Come on Rosy its just one drink?" He stared at her for a moment before shaking his head. " You know you get what you want so why am I even trying." The lady bringing them his drinks looked at her then at him and almost hid a smirk. " Now we need to talk business. I got you a new gig for a food company I forgot the name but it is giving us... I mean you a pretty good deal." he said chugging the beer like men do after a long hard working day. Rose shook her head " get me the papers and when ill be shooting it and ill see if I can fit it in. " She patted him on the head and got up. The dress stretching nicely around her perfect curves as she walked out of the bar onto the sidewalk.
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