The Fated Fallen said
I really appreciate the effort, this isn't on your head. Clearly I'm an idiot, I know, I get that a lot
I'm going to give my two cents here, and try to sum up everything:
Aeon doesn't want an RP where it's a group of players who are forced together for reasons that don't make sense. Most of the time those characters would be so different and so "ragtag"-ed that they would never work in a real world. This is a Roleplay where we each have our individual characters and a storyline. You saying that you want to try to get a group of characters together to complete
your guy's goal goes against this. Why would any of the rest of our characters care about what happened to your guy?
I know it sounds a bit rude, but that's how it is. It's very unlikely that anyone would bother helping him. I know that, for my character at least, she wouldn't even consider helping him unless he could either give her something that would help her in her own agenda, or she had to do it regardless to complete her own goal.
From my point of view, it seems like you're trying to force a "Adventurers slay the dragon" scenario into this RP, which it was never even meant to be. Furthermore, what you see as a "True Roleplay" is the thing I mentioned before about slaying a dragon, but that's just one type of Roleplay. Roleplaying is taking on a "role," as in pretending to be someone you are not for one purpose or another, be it adapting to a social situation or playing a game like this one.
Look at it this way: This Roleplay isn't centered around just a small group of people, but an entire
world. The scope is much grander which is why a small group of characters travelling together wouldn't work. Yes, you're right when you say that we each write our own story, and while our characters may interact with each other, that's not an important thing. At all.
The best analogy here isn't that we're Roleplaying characters, but Roleplaying the world around us, but we're multiple players about a single "character" (The island), and what we each do may have effect on what the others might do/what would happen to them.
can interact with other characters, and seek them out (provided you get to know about them), but don't expect them to want to follow you if they have their own agenda. Actually... calling the Characters wouldn't be precise enough. What we're actually playing are People--each with their own personality and opinions, as well as wishes and wants. You're a stranger to them (unless you have agreed with someone else that your People know each other), so why would they care?
Again, it sounds rude, I know, but that's simply how it is.
I hope this clears up some stuff.