2642 C.E. - Starship Carrier IV Midnight Rain directed to move fleets into Messier 83, the epicenter of riots once called protests; many of which have destroyed entire wards and killed thousands.
Currently, the IV Midnight Rain is focusing on peacekeeping in areas not yet affected, suppression in rioting planets, and aid to those whose homes and lives were destroyed by the stages. Pirates have also become a major concern for the IA, their numbers growing exponentially as the protests turned into mindless riots. They are thought to be partly responsible for the escalation of violence and general crime, along with the riots spreading like a disease. The crew has been advised to take caution around civilians, many becoming highly unstable and going rogue as their government collapses. A few incidents involving these rogues taking over small fighter jets have already been reported. Plagues have also been on the increase as general upkeep and well being declines.
The OOC is here with the rules and CS, for anyone interested.