booksmusicanime said
Your options are:
I just listed eight Pokemon games that can be played on a DS Lite. Fourteen if you count the twin games all as separate titles.
Also that's only counting main series games and not counting spin-offs like Pokemon Dash, Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, etc...
I don't know who told you that there are no Pokemon games for DS - because, I mean, not only is
that wrong but the DS (originals and Lites) can play both DS and GBA games, and there are plenty of Pokemon GBA games, as well - but whoever told you that is a dirty fucking liar and they need to burn in punishment for their sins. Either that or they're a complete noob who thinks that Gen VI is where Pokemon all started. Which is almost just as bad. (Edit: Hell, having a DS Lite probably gives you
more options than, say, a DSi, since you can still play the GBA games. It might not be a 3DS but it's not as bad as it could be. You still got options, girl. Pokemon didn't just come around last year.)
Sure, maybe you can't play any of the
current Pokemon games that are out now. And maybe you can't play the
classics from like Gen I or II, but there are still
plenty to choose from. (Edit: Actually Black 2 and White 2 are still fairly recent, having come out in 2012. Have we really reached the point where a mere 2-3 years ago feels ancient to us? For fucks sake, society...)
Out of the games listed, I suggest either Firered/Leafgreen
or Heartgold/Soulsilver. Firered/Leafgreen is a remake of Red/Blue/Green which were the original Pokemon games, so it's about as close as you can get to playing the original Pokemon story that started it all. Heartgold/Soulsilver is a remake of the Gen II Gold/Silver, which is also a rather classic story and, overall, I just feel like Heartgold/Soulsilver is a really well-made game.
Or you could pick up Ruby/Sapphire since the remakes of those were released recently, so you can at least play the original versions of the games that everyone's talking about. Except, if you want a Gen III storyline, I recommend Emerald. It's a vast improvement over Ruby/Sapphire. Black/White I personally don't hate but the creature design for Gen V gets a lot of criticism, so it might not be a great place to start. I've actually never played Black2/White2 but I hear they're actual proper sequels or something, so you probably shouldn't go to them if you haven't played the original Black/White. Diamond/Pearl I'm just personally not a huge fan of and if you really want to play a DS title as opposed to a GBA one, I recommend Heartgold/Soulsilver. Platinum I hear is a lot better than Diamond/Pearl but I'm not sure I ever actually played that one, either.
Get playing.
Seriously though, who the fuck told you that there are no Pokemon games that you can play on a DS Lite?
Edit: Aaaaugh now I can't even sleep cuz you got me all riled up about this. I assumed you just never had any Nintendo consoles growing up or w/e but man you grab just about any handheld Nintendo console and I could throw several handfuls of games at you. The fact that this misconception has gone uncorrected for so long is seriously bothering me. Like hell I get that you're still young put presumably you knew that Pokemon was a thing 2-3 years ago? Did you still have the DS Lite then? Cuz I'm assuming a console that old wasn't exactly a recent purchase. If it was then it must've been obtained at a used game store, and a used game store would surely have at least
some of the above titles stocked. It would also make you aware of the fact that used game stores exist - as the only possible explanation I can think of for you not thinking that you could buy any Pokemon games is if you didn't know that you could buy them used. But if that's the case then you didn't buy the DS used, which means you must've bought it when the DS Lite was a new thing, which means that Pokemon games compatible with it were new and being sold at that time. Which means you must've been aware of them and you knew that they existed so you couldn't have thought that no Pokemon games were compatible with a DS Lite. Also you could've bought and played them then. The only other possible explanation is that you just weren't aware that the Pokemon franchise existed at that time, which is not only extremely implausible but the fact that you said you were a "sad child" made it seem like you knew that Pokemon was a popular thing and you have known it for a while - and you're not just some kid who's only just discovering Pokemon for the first time.
This is driving me mad. Not just "mad" as in "crazy" but also "mad" as in "upset" cuz man I was just about to go to sleep and now I can't stop thinking about this which is making me mildly angry. Get online and explain yourself.
Edit2: Fuuuuuck I guess I'll just go find a politics thread or something and bore myself to sleep. That always seems to work.
Edit3: This is why I shouldn't have started watching Sherlock. I officially hate life. I'm just done. I am a thousand times done.

There's no need to blame yourself for all this, Books. I'm just mad at everything, now.
Edit4: Seriously though please reply.
Edit5: If possible, I want the liar's name and photograph. *clicks pen*