In other news: Sinterklaas, or Saint Nicholas, is a thing over here in the Netherlands. In short, it's sort of like Christmas, except for that presents are far more personal and tend to be accompanied by a short poem. Also, normally you're supposed to make a 'surprise' (Essentially a piece of handycraft that serves as an overly complicated form of wrapping), but most of us didn't have the time for it this year due to the short notice. I say 'most of us', because I secretly took a day off to make them anyway so that I could surprise (no pun intended) everyone else :D.
Anyway, behold! The brown block in the middle may be a bit hard to recognise due to the bad lighting, but that's supposed to be a book. The green box is obviously supposed to be a soccer/European Football field (for someone who loves sports, especially soccer/European Football) complete with goals made from a fish scoop net. Finally, the horse is both a reference to Sinterklaas's horse (only one, unlike materialist Santa who has to have eight reindeer for some reason) and the fact that the recipient likes horse too. All of these contain one or more nice gifts

(Also, behold the kitty in the center left who has no idea what all the fuss is about :P)