Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

In 2041 the world held its breath as the by then anemic ocean currents faltered and died, the water too hot for it to sink at the poles as it had done since before the dinosaurs. Earth's waters stood still, the vast ocean conveyor now a thing of the past as one of the cornerstones of life on Earth died not with a bang, but a whimper.

It was a whimper that would be felt throughout the world.

Algae bloomed uncontrolled in the warm oceans, choking out what lived below as they churned out toxins. The scientists looked at the data, the leaders looked at the data, the average person looked at the data, the world looked at the data- the data didn't paint a pretty picture.

The oceans were a stagnant graveyard, nothing lived, save some archaea and other resilient microorganisms. And the algae. The algal blooms smothered everything, Plenty of freshwater lakes and rivers were just as clean as they would normally be, it was a comforting drop in the bucket, but a drop in the bucket nonetheless.

Many thought it couldn't get worse, that surely things would soon right themselves and the world would learn a valuable lesson- speaking of dinosaurs...

Ma' always said nature has a way of restoring balance, if humans tampered with things too much, the planet would kill us off like so many flies under a swatter.

And so nature did. The toxins in the ocean began to leach into the atmosphere, soon permeating all of the lower layer in a blanket of gaseous death. Billions died choking on the breath they held once the snowball had began rolling, it ran out all too quickly. Some had prepared themselves, and took longer to die. Many killed themselves, unwilling to suffocate in their own atmosphere. The cities of humanity became eerie mausoleums. Great tombs of concrete and steel, they crumbled to ruin with humanity, steel girders no more resistant to hydrogen sulfide as we were.

But there were survivors, like flies, humanity is hard to kill completely. Billions may die, and yet some will survive.

Well before the apocalypse, alert minds saw what was coming and sought to prevent it. They approached wealthy nations and cities with plans for great domes and life support system to cover large swaths of land, primarily city, and spare the inhabitants from meeting an untimely demise. Many laughed outright, even more scoffed in disdain, and even more raised objections about the cost. Only a handful of cities around the world accepted, and work began almost immediately. The domes were a marvel of engineering, and the engineers themselves felt proud of their work, much as they hoped it would never be needed.

When the poison leeched from the waters and into the air, these cities sealed down, locking out the world around as it sputtered and died. Civilization lived on in these enclaves of life and humanity, beacons in a world where the very air is poison.

Welcome to 2057, the apocalypse, as you can see, there is a distinct lack of zombies. Now, don’t forget your gas mask and hazmat suit…

Some notes if you are interested.

This isn’t going to be an idyllic stroll through a lush forest with a friendly tour guide, there will be death, despair, death, decaying bodies, more death, brutal murder, and a bit more death. Expect anybody who is not prepared adequately to die very horribly- this includes player characters if they are stupid enough.

As you likely guessed from the description above, the very atmosphere is highly toxic. And yes, this has happened before, most everything on the planet died. Gas mask and an airtight hazmat suit mandatory for survival outside.

This RP will start out in the ruins of the United States, in or near the Dome constructed over most of Dallas, Texas. That is not to say it will stay in the US, should there be some real cause to go to a different place, and the means to get there are available, that’s in all likelihood what will happen.

If you’d like any more information before saying whether you’re interested, please feel free to ask.

EDIT: I'm looking for around 4-6 people to do this, one of them being myself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

You misspelled "Bacon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by EldritchOne
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EldritchOne Nephren-Ka Was Here Bruh.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

You have my interest. :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mortalbean

Mortalbean Chosen at random

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Interested! How many years after the apocalypse will the RP be taking place?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mortalbean said
Interested! How many years after the apocalypse will the RP be taking place?

Oh, thank you for reminding me, I meant to put that in there!

This starts in 2057, so it's been 16 years since the apocalypse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sure I'm in, I'll be ready to get a CS up once there's a template.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Damiann47 said
Sure I'm in, I'll be ready to get a CS up once there's a template.


So that brings it to four people. I'll try to get the OOC up tomorrow for the rest of y'all so you can make your char sheets and such, along with more specific rules.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Right, so. While I am working on the OOC intro for the RP, it has been brought to my attention that the way this is currently set up essentially makes the RP almost impossible to play and get any real enjoyment from. That being said, would any of you be opposed to a slightly different scenario, where instead of anoxic oceans poisoning the atmosphere, we have a supervolcano -such as Yellowstone- eruption? We'd still have our Domes and unbreathable atmosphere, it would simply work better because I managed to forget some basic chemistry otherwise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damiann47
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Damiann47 Local Planetary Body

Member Seen 1 yr ago

What bought me was the toxic atmosphere so anything is fine, mostly a means to an end for me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Damiann47 said
What bought me was the toxic atmosphere so anything is fine, mostly a means to an end for me.

Ah, good. I was having a bit of a panic attack, so I'm glad that works out for you. I should have the OOC up in a bit, keep that gas mask handy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Darcs
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Darcs Madama Witch

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Soooooooo interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Darcs said
Soooooooo interested.

Glad to hear it! I'm working on the OOC right now, so just as long as you saw the bit where I'm having to retcon this a little to account for things I failed to account for, that makes this four interested plus myself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mortalbean

Mortalbean Chosen at random

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Monochromatic Rainbow said
Ah, good. I was having a bit of a panic attack, so I'm glad that works out for you. I should have the OOC up in a bit, keep that gas mask handy.

Yeah, the toxic air sets this apart, makes for a completely different atmosphere (hehe) than most post apocalyptic RPs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mortalbean said
Yeah, the toxic air sets this apart, makes for a completely different atmosphere (hehe) than most post apocalyptic RPs.

Yeah, I figured that was part of it :P

Just clarifying that it's the toxic atmosphere that matters and not whether it's a volcano or anoxic ocean.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This sounds a lot more interesting than some of the other tired apocalyptic scenarios. Count me in.

Just out of curiosity (and you don't have to answer if it's plot-critical or whatever) but what cities aside from Dallas managed to construct appropriate safeguards?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Polyphemus said
This sounds a lot more interesting than some of the other tired apocalyptic scenarios. Count me in.Just out of curiosity (and you don't have to answer if it's plot-critical or whatever) but what cities aside from Dallas managed to construct appropriate safeguards?

Heh, thanks for the interest. I'm currently undergoing several technical difficulties with making this a viable apocalypse (whether it's the oceans or a volcano is up for debate at this point, I'm a bit too perfectionist), but the unbreathable atmosphere will remain a constant. And as for the cities, these are the known ones.
Couple in Russia
Three or four in the US
Two in Germany
One in Switzerland
Couple in China
One in Japan
Canada has one
The Scandinavian countries actually banded together and made a city entirely underground- like a vault
Nobody is sure why
They don't talk to anybody

Anyway, Saudi oil princes and such have one
It's smaller and more luxurious
And while it isn't confirmed, everyone thinks Israel had one

As far as if anyone wonders why the US has the most cities, it's simply because I live in the US and am more familiar with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mortalbean

Mortalbean Chosen at random

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Monochromatic Rain said
if anyone wonders why the US has the most cities, it's simply because I live in the US and am more familiar with it.

Actually with two on east coast and one in the Midwest it makes sense that the US could have 5, the other countries(like Russia) have their populations more heavily focused in one area.

Also, could you just say that all the pollutants caused poisonous gas clouds to form which engulfed the earth(because there is a delay between when pollutants are released and when they reach the "upper" atmosphere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mortalbean

Mortalbean Chosen at random

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Acvidental double post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Mortalbean said
Actually with two on east coast and one in the Midwest it makes sense that the US could have 5, the other countries(like Russia) have their populations more heavily focused in one area.Also, could you just say that all the pollutants caused poisonous gas clouds to form which engulfed the earth(because there is a delay between when pollutants are released and when they reach the "upper" atmosphere.

I was likely going to just use mutated algae and a different fictional gas as suggested by someone else, but I think I'll definitely incorporate that idea. Now that my panic attack is over it should be up relatively soon, because I won't be spasming over rewrites.

EDIT: And also, thanks. I'm not an expert on how the global population is dispersed, so that helps a lot!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ragnarok


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

If you are looking for one more sorrid soul I am interested.
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