Falrielle, Senior-Vigilant of StendarrName: Falrielle
Age: 78
Race: Bosmer
Class: Senior-Vigilant
Bio: Falrielle was born in the 123rd Year of the 4th Era in the cold northern lands of Skyrim. While born as the twin to her brother, Faendell, Falrielle was different as while she was of Bosmer in blood, her skin and hair were as white as the snow fields of Skyrim. But in the end it mattered little to her parents, they loved their daughter in as any proud parent would. Life as a child in the cold lands of Skyrim was difficult for Falrielle; she spent her entire childhood garbed in loose thick robes by her parents as if to hide her deformities. As a child, she always believed that her parents were secretly ashamed of their daughter; a Mer with the skin and eyes of a man. See unlike the rest other of her kin, Falrielle was not skilled in the ways of the Bow & Arrow for one simple reason; she couldn’t see. Her affliction did much more to her other than change the colour of her skin she thought; to her it even robbed her of her people’s gift of the bow.
However at her parent’s encouragement, Falrielle learned to “compensate”. While her sight was poor, she learned how to sharpen her other senses. While her brother trained in the ways of the Bow & Arrow, Falrielle practiced the tools of the club and sword. As siblings grew so did their skills. Faendell grew sharper and more accurate with the box while Falrielle was quicker and more precise in her blows. By their 18th birthday, both siblings left their home in search of fame and fortune as sellswords. Life as adventurers honestly was just as they thought it would be; dangerous but well-paying work. At the moment the siblings would get their pay, it’s off to the closest inn to drink their fortunes away but not before saving a cut to be sent home to their parents. After all, they taught them everything they knew about combat.
Decades pass as the two continued sellsword work which continued to pay well despite the occasional dry spells. Their adventures continued on until the closing years of the 7th decade when it was clear that an inevitable war between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion was going to erupt any time soon. While wars have always been a gold mine for knife work, everyone knew that this one was different and the outcome of this war would change everything. As relatively young elves both siblings did their best to avoid the conflict, deciding to remain in Skyrim rather than actually fighting in a battlefield. And as everyone predicted, war broke out between the two empires in the second year of the 8th decade.
With many men and women leaving their homes to defend their Empire, Skyrim was ironically left vulnerable to the enemies on the inside and thus demand for sellswords was booming. Taking advantage of the war, brigands and all sorts of less than patriotic criminal elements spread the land like wildfire and wealthy landowners would pay any able-bodied person to protect their property. Like good mercenaries, the inner conflict drew the siblings like moths to a flame as contracts bloomed like flowers in spring. Work was particularly good in the lands of the Reach; with the Nords and Imperials gone, the local secessionist Reachmen took this opportunity to begin their attack to gain their independence as a nation. While brutal, these rebels consist of many disorganised cells which were easy to eliminate if acted upon early. During a routine mission, Falrielle and her brother were ambushed by the Reachmen and while the siblings fought hard, it was not enough and the Reachmen left both for dead. With her brother long gone and with barely enough strength to even hold her weapon, Falrielle was sure that this was her time or so she thought.
As she drew what she thought was her final breathes, a small cadre of paladins of the order of the Vigils of Stendarr did battle with the Reachmen before all went black. When she awoke, she saw herself not face down in a pool of her own blood in the dirt but under a sheet of warm furs next to a roaring fire. For a moment she thought this was just some dying dream but the truth couldn’t hit her harder than the blows of a Reachmen’s axe; she is alive and her brother isn’t. A quick scan of the room and she knew who her saviours were and Falrielle had finally found her true calling. At the very moment she could stand herself up, Falrielle immediately pledged her life and loyalty to the Vigils of Stendarr; service to a god she had never once prayed to before and to adopt the unbreakable zeal of the extermination of the Daedra and their worshippers.
Farielle took her oath to heart and by the time she survived training, Farielle was far more devout than any of her peers. While she did not personally believed that all Daedra are inherently evil, she owed the Vigilants and Stendarr her life and it was this dedication and zeal that allowed Farielle to climb the ranks of this holy order. Training with some of the best Vigilants and training acolytes of her own, Farielle is one of their most senior members by the turn of the 3rd century of the 4th Era. With the threat of civil war and the return of the dragons, Skyrim is in a time of peril. But in the end, the Vigils of Stendarr are not afraid. No, the Vigils of Stendarr stand ready to bring retribution to injustice and evil and Farielle is more than happy to be the tip of their spear.
Equipment: As an Albino, Farielle wears a thick set of Senior Vigilant robes that covers her whole body except for her head which a pelt hood would suffice. As with her comrades, Farielle’s robes are enchanted with the blessings of Stendarr granting her greater protection from the unholy. While unremarkable, Farielle’s gauntlets and boots are pelted to keep her warm as she treks the cold lands of Skyrim. She also carries a satchel slung over her shoulders in the event she requires more supplies. Like other Vigilants, Farielle’s weapon of choice is the humble steel mace simple enough to train but deadly enough to defeat any armoured foe.