Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

So did I get the a-okay for my dude?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Byrd, can we have a collab on Sync.in?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Let me knock out an introductory post and then we can maybe do something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thanks, Byrd!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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Hm. Now that you said that actually, let me think here.

Okay, I can heavily modify this whilst keeping the location of Phoenix and the surround urban area known as the Valley. I don't think this concept could reasonably stretch out beyond the immediate outlying areas of Phoenix. It'd practically be a severely more militant force born of survival. They'd still have a hefty amount of Legion indoctrination branded in their minds, with some key changes. With their situation so dire following excessive infighting and massacres, women, the elderly and even children are seen picking up arms against aggressors. A sort of forced concept of alienation and the embedded concept that every able body must fight to protect their own. Sadly, this way of life has led more than a few women of any age to be forced upon by some of the more renowned warriors. Pregnant women would be a more common sight than anything else walking through certain settlements within Phoenix. Slaves would be more common as well as commonly sought and treated like cattle just the same, nothing more. Just like the old ways, however with women (albeit very slightly) progressively reaching equality through recognition in battle certain customs have changed over the years. Although whose to say if they don't quickly rise to a significant fighting force and banish women back to their previous role in Legion life and swiftly return to the old ways. Some key female warriors may just get things to gradually change if they live to make such changes.

Now, i'm having trouble thinking of how this nation would lead itself. My concept as described is that this new legion is all that's left after such infighting. So few legionnares remained, and even a handful of female and child slaves and children training to be legionnares survived after several merciless slaughters of slaves and children. A single high ranking Vexilliarus attempts to proclaim himself the new sovereign leader, he is cut down by his own men. No one wants to continue this endless killing and succession, so i'm trying to think if they'd attempt something like a senate or if they would have something like a council of legates in charge, or just promote a sovereign authority figure.

Edit: Aside from this, I also have the idea in mind of creating a rogue faction of brotherhood of steel that's transformed into some demented technological cult revering the power of tesla energy as some omnipotent entity and thus hoarding and envying the most advanced technology they can get their hands on. Basically, the greediest Brotherhood sect to date, and the craziest. They'd have commanders be called "Inquisitors" and go on regular scouting missions sending both Inquisitors and Missionaries to discover "heretics", practically anyone in possession of the technology they require which includes other Brotherhood sects, or "the blind", potential wastelanders or settlers they believe could be easily coerced or manipulated into joining them and their Tesla Crusade. They'd just inhabit a single vault or series of bunkers somewhere in the midwest, and if I remember researching correctly radioactive tornado season would probably keep them locked up in their vault or bunkers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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I won't lie, the 'Purple Legion Revamp' makes said Purple Legion less interesting than the other Legion remnants, especially as there's little real difference now; even the status of women can be reversed.

As for the Tesla Brotherhood; they sound...all right, but I would genuinely prefer a version of Daugthers of Hecate, due to the fact that well, they are the antithesis of the Legion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

You guys forgot Benny i know it's kinda implied that the courier killed him but if he didn't Benny's in possession of the chip and Yes man and can make a vegas with the tops tribe in charge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 days ago

Enalais said
You guys forgot Benny i know it's kinda implied that the courier killed him but if he didn't Benny's in possession of the chip and Yes man and can make a vegas with the tops tribe in charge.

When it comes to the choices in regards to Benny there's only four. Kill him, fight him in the arena, crucify him, or free him. In three of these four situations he dies and the Legion pretty much pats The Courier on the back and he sets off to destroy or reboot the Securitron army under The Fort.

If Benny were to survive because The Courier freed him from Caesar - at which point he no longer has the chip in the first place - then the Legion would have attacked the Courier in offense. Which means that he either would have died being dog-piled be Praetorian and Caesar, or Caesar and the Praetorian Guards all die. In this case, both options are incorrect since I wrote The Courier is killed in The Divide by Ulysses and Caesar ultimately passes away from his tumor after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam.

But let's say someone did manage to free Benny if he got crucified, though the circumstances are difficult to imagine; not even House wanted him back. And if Benny were to be freed he would no longer have the Chip in any case. So if returned to Vegas, found House dead, and even managed to get to Yes Man to take control he wouldn't have a terribly high amount of power. The Securitron Army under the Fort would be inoperable or destroyed without the Platinum chip, and the range of the Securitrons would be greatly limited to the New Vegas area with Benny being locked out of the signal booster in the power-station outside of Helios One.

The Platinum Chip itself would be deep in the highly hostile Divide, inaccessible to Securitrons normally. As well the deadly and toxic environment of The Divide would most likely kill anyone who goes in to retrieve New Vegas' Checkov's Gun, it's too deep in and probably too deeply buried under rock and rubble and The Courier's rotting front pocket. That's provided it hasn't been straight-up destroyed.

So if Benny were to manage to get back to power he wouldn't be all that powerful. Especially without House's godly cunning (he is after all the man to account for every possibility, save The Courier). His Securitron's would only really be able to range as far as Primm. But without having any more or the access privledges to House's private production facilities he wouldn't be able to make more. So he'd be a party pretty heavily concentrated on New Vegas (either The Strip itself or including Freeside).

It's a pretty tentative situation to be Benny. Now I'm sure you could write The Courier had him crucified and somehow by chance someone decided to save him. But I'd want to see a really convincing story on how this happened. And not so much: "And X happened that had Y effects and now Benny is back and he isn't a cripple!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Name:The Forsaken (Neutral Mercenary Company)
Location: The Mojave Wasteland, Nevada

History:The Forsaken despite having a short lived history have done much with their time. Started by a NCR colonel following a mission into Arizona gone wrong him and his unit were believed to have gone MIA. But when they resurfaced in the Mojave it was already to late for the NCR to do anything about it, to worried about protecting the dam the NCR let Colonel Willard and his small band of survivors get away. They started small but soon they gained a reputation for protecting settlements from the reaches of any faction that wished to have them, dealing with raiders, as well as clearing out giant rats and mole rats from the occasional basement.

Following the second battle of Hoover dam and the Pyrrhic victory that followed Willard's group flourished, men within the legion now without a leader found themselves working side by side with the former NCR troopers. It was within this group that Willard found a second-in-command in that of a legion centurion named Gaius and it was there where the name of their group came to be. The Forsaken. Abandoned by their factions and their former homes they became a driving force for neutrality within the Mojave, taking up many outcasts with radical ideas within other factions.

The NCR was not blind and they noticed the rising group of mercenaries who were seemingly undermining their efforts in the Mojave so they cracked down upon The Forsaken. Their holdings within the town of Novac were raided and many of The Forsaken fell Williard and Gaius fled with a few of their finest to a small part of the Mojave wastes not far from Jacobstown. It was here where they went silent for sometime. Five years later The Forsaken started recruiting again and they gained a respectable rise in numbers through select recruitment and struck up bargains with the Omerta's for access to guns and ammo, returning to their roots they began to help the peoples of the wasteland once more.

On the sixth year they began their work, but this time they became rooted within communities within the Mojave and the NCR was faced with the decision to lose the hearts of the minds of the people by fighting The Forsaken or let them operate. They choose the latter but they did not let them operate freely instead they sent agents to infiltrate the group, most were sent back empty handed and alive but some did manage to get into the group and there they sit waiting for The Forsaken to slip up so the NCR army can once again crack down on the AWOL Colonel and his group.

The Forsaken operated within the Mojave and they did so legally. And seemingly there was nothing they wouldn't do for the people, numerous raids were launched into Arizona to free slaves that were taken from families in the Mojave and due to Gaius' help legion tactics had to be changed or updated on the fly and with them fractured they just couldn't do it in time and many slaves were freed and returned to their families in the waste, basements were once again cleansed of mole rats and giant rats, and Raiders all but fled at the sight of a Forsaken patrol. Things were once again different in the Mojave wasteland but perhaps not where they should be, with the NCR watching them waiting for them to make a mistake and trying to keep peace in a broken wasteland it seems the Forsaken have been stretched thin and it's only a few key leaders who keep it from fading into the sands of the Mojave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

They sound less like mercenaries and more like just a group of good guys with guns. 'Mercenary' implies work for pay, and not necessarily for a good cause. If they are going into Arizona just to free slaves, I don't think the term 'mercenary' really fits them, unless they are only doing so because someone is paying them to free the slaves, in which case you should probably elaborate on who and why.

They seem more like a Rilley's Rangers kind of group - a group of people who have taken it upon themselves to help the people of the wastes out of mostly the kindness of their heart. But, to be honest, it's not really likely anyone would do this kind of work purely out of the kindness of their heart. There has to be something more. Something that makes risking their lives for strangers worth it. They could either be getting paid by wastelanders that appreciate and support their work, with things like food and supplies, maybe shelter, and other necessities besides money (which they may not ask for, but keeps them able to continue operating without being hired).

Or there has to be a strong reason for their willingness to risk their lives. Maybe a lot of them are former slaves that know how much slaves suffer, can relate, and feel an obligation to free slaves they come across. It could be how they gain new members, too -- by freeing slaves, who then join the group looking for a purpose in life again. The group could also be made up of people with personal grudges against those it targets. People who have lost everything to groups like the Legion, and have no qualms with risking their lives if it means payback.

Whatever the case, it should be more than just "these guys are super nice and have no problem dying to help people" because, let's face it; that's not how most people work. There may be a few people in their ranks like that, but most would need a reason to do what they do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 days ago

I'mma echo Hugs and sit back to see if you can elaborate on why soldiers of fortune are helping out around town without any immediate financial back-up. That is if they're mercs at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I like the sheet though. I just feel it'd be nice if it all tied up together better.

One thing you could do - and this is just a suggestion - is have them been formed from a slave rebellion, like a Spartacus-type deal. So this is an army of former slaves that successful freed themselves amidst the chaos of the Legion civil war, and continue to operate and free slaves. They don't ask for payment, but their good deeds earn them supplies and shelter from supportive wastelanders. If you want to keep an NCR general as their leader, you could say the general was a prisoner of war and lead the rebellion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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We need more players and more activity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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So i'm making a faction of unique power armored sociopathic crusaders. The premise of my idea is that a roman-catholic priest/father in Detroit, through use of contacts and associates (The IBEW and other unions lend aid and provide favors) and by being an incredibly corrupt bastard, managed to construct a vault loosely based off Vault Tec designs. The only problems, of course, are that Vault Tec screwed over the deal by handing over blueprints of failed designs and a certain intervention by a U.S Colonel whom wishes to secure a spot for him and his family in the bunker. When the vault sealed up, it was full of IBEW union workers, military personnel and prominent church members. While the failed design allowed for the vault to be completed and relatively safe to inhabit, it's air filtration systems constantly failed, the door jammed stuck upon closing, and even with master electricians on hand they still experienced a severe lighting and reactor issue. So for little over two hundred years this community lived in long periods of relative darkness, barely filtered air and a jammed door. Many came to rely solely on the electricians for survival, and some even revered them. Eventually, they came to see electricity as mankind's salvation, and their daily roman-catholic preachings convoluted into some cult that sees electricity as God's purpose for creating man. The current generation within the vault, the first one to somehow successfully open the door two years before the start of the RP, is practically a byproduct of being raised in a religious, militant and hard working way. Sadly, this way has also disillusioned them into seeing women as breeding cattle the last couple generations growing up in the vault, and even more so upon exiting and witnessing the outside world.

I don't want to demean this idea by saying this faction is sort of an Enclave meets Brotherhood of Steel mixup but it kind of is. They don't covet all forms of technology, mostly only Tesla designs. In the sense of them being like the Enclave, they practically purge anything that doesn't look normal to them. They do however go on missions outside of Detroit in an attempt to make contact with and convert tribals or "uncultured" wastelanders as there are so few of them in number, and even fewer so with access to tesla armor and advanced weaponry. Two Missionaries in Tesla armor is pretty badass, two missionaries with only about two or three clips of microfusion cells confronting a xenophobic tribe of a couple hundred people out in the middle of uncharted bumfuck Michigan sounds more like a challenge. So I don't believe there'd be an overpowered issue, and I prefer storyline roleplaying over stat based roleplaying any day. The good news about that is I am one of the few people who actually prefers to roleplay downfalls, epic failures and death when it comes to my own characters. Trying to win while telling a story can get too complicated and cliche'd for me, so i've thus since tried to find out ways for me to lose epically.

Also if any or all of this sounds crazy out of my mind that's because i'm feebly attempting to organize my thoughts at two in the morning

EDIT: Or it probably does sound all crazy. I come up with crazy off the wall stuff sometimes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sounds good, @The Imagination!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nation: the Dominion of the British West Indies
Location: British West Indies as presently constituted, the Bahamas, Jamaica and Bermuda. Control established over coal mines in East Texas (the immediate area of them, not surrounding areas)
History: During the Commonwealth-Middle East wars, the British rearmed the Royal Navy to a predominately nuclear surface fleet to obviate the need for fossil fuels.

During the European civil war, the British used this new and rearmed Royal Navy to forfend assaults by continental counterparts.

On 10/23/2077, ships of the Royal Navy's North Atlantic Fleet lost all contact with the homeland. These vessels plotted courses to the nearest responsive British territory, Bermuda, where they learned the ghastly truth about what had occurred. (OOC: As evidenced by Tenpenny crossing the Atlantic, it sucks being in England, moreso than in America.) Bermuda was quickly being irradiated, however, by winds from the continental US, so it behooved them to find a different place to make their way.

Ship's Meteorologist Lieutenant Burns correctly determined that the trade winds blowing from Africa, a place unlikely to have been bombed with nuclear weapons, would make the British West Indies, themselves unlikely to have been involved in violence given the main war's pacific axis and British guarantees in case of Latin American aggression, an ideal place to restart British civilization.

Of the 21 ships of the North Atlantic fleet, all 21 including railgun armed battleship HMS Vanguard decided to make their way to the British West Indies.

After several fruitless voyages back to the UK in 2078, King George VII and other members of the royal family were not able to be located, so the fifth son of King George VII, Prince Phillip of Wessex, a ship's lieutenant aboard a destroyer was crowned and coronated in the dining room aboard Vanguard as King Alfred II. The following ceremonial proclamation was read aboard each ship after the new king had appointed his new privy council.

"Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to His Mercy our late Sovereign Lord King George the Seventh of Blessed and Glorious memory, by whose presumed Decease the Crown is solely and rightfully come to the High and Mighty Prince Alfred Phillip Charles:
WE, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, being here assisted with these His Majesty's Privy Council, with other Principal Gentlemen of Quality, with the Lord High Admiral, Aldermen, and Sailors of His Royal Navy, do now hereby with one voice and Consent of Tongue and Heart publish and proclaim that the High and Mighty Prince Alfred Phillip Charles is now, by the death of our late Sovereign of happy memory, become King Alfred the Second, by the Grace of God King of this Realm and of all His other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, to whom His lieges do acknowledge all Faith and constant Obedience with hearty and humble Affection, beseeching God by whom Kings and Queens do reign, to bless His Royal Highness Alfred the Second with long and happy Years to reign over us. The King is dead, Long Live the King!"

Over the next 20 years, British and the occasional Australian ships in various states of disrepair or damage would limp across the Atlantic in response to the West Indies' radio beacon into Bermuda's irradiated former US naval base, now just a staging area for fissile material expeditons. The ships would there be stripped for parts and Uranium to keep the aging Royal Navy afloat, and over time they built up quite a surplus to keep the navy going for years, even if considerably less efficiently.

Despite all this, 40 years later only 12 of the original ships (8 destroyers, 3 guided missile cruisers, and HMS Vanguard were operable. It behooved the Dominion to seek other alternatives before their ships finally rattled to pieces. They sailed the world over in a perilous voyage, collecting museum ships of older, simpler designs. Among their best finds were HMS Warrior and the Danish steam frigate Jylland, among several replica ships of the line, sloops, and frigates.

In true British form, they are prolific merchants, and operate their warships to protect their commerce from pirates. They trade up the Atlantic seaboard and the Mississippi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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Finally back from holiday events. May be another few days before I roll out an IC post, but right now I'm working on rewriting my sheet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CourierSix
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CourierSix Capitalist Pig

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Solaris Republic
Location: Colorado/Southern Wyoming
Shortly after the Legion's dispersal, a small cult of Sun-worshippers known as the Heirs of Solaris made their mark by uncovering a survivor of a recent building explosion. Surprised to find that the man was wearing Brotherhood power armor, they nursed him back to health so they could take advantage of what they assumed would be vast knowledge and resources. To their dismay, he told them that he had been exiled from the Brotherhood on the count of his overly take-charge nature. Instead, he traveled with them to a region close to the Colorado-Wyoming border and established a settlement their.

They agreed that Xander Palomo would be in charge of the militia that would protect the town, and the Heirs would govern and run the markets, as well as spread their religion to the best of their ability. The last part they did with deadly efficiency. Many ex-Legion members flocked to the city out of either excitement in joining a remnant group of their old nation, hope of finding a lost loved one, or simply to find a safe place with a stable society. Far more people than that, however, were drawn in by the charismatic Heirs' missionary works, and the town very soon found itself overpopulated. Commander Palomo soon realized that they would need to branch out, so he organized a meeting between himself and the original Heirs which ran the town and established a policy known as the "Land Under The Sun Act"- an imperialist doctrine that gave the city the right to take any land under the Sun it so desired in the name of Solaris.

And under this new act, the enthusiastic Commander led his militia with great zeal to other settlements and either initimidated them into submitting to annexation, or being executed and having their land given to Solaris citizens. The republic spread about 150 miles outward in any direction, and they quickly secured more than enough land to satisfy their needs. Their only goal at this point was to secure Denver, which was held by a large band of Slavers who used much of the city as a central trading hub for their "merchandise".

After five years of hard-fought warfare, the Solarians drove out the Denver Slavers and secured the mostly intact city as their land. The need for more of everything left the republic with not only more jobs than they could fill, but a massive influx of wasteland "immigrants" into the "nation" seeking to end their poverty.

With the republic still in its infancy and rapidly growing, and the government incredibly efficient, things are looking up for the nation ex-Legionaries and tribals. However, the new republic has seen establishing the currency as a low priority and therefore still accepts bottlecaps as its primary currency.

Recently, in just 2289, the now-President as well as Army Commander Xander Palomo made a move and executively estaished policies that changed the republic's ideals and functions. He did this behind the backs of the Heirs that had once nursed him back to health. Prior to his changes, the nation was more if an Oligarchic Dictatorship that happened to grant many liberties than most, and the fact that Xander established a Parliament and set terms for ifficial positions infuriated his colleagues. The Heirs hired an assassin from a tribe they had absorbed named Randall Pierce to "take care of" Palomo. The assassination attempt was successful, and on March 15, 2089, President Xander Palomo was killed in his sleep by Pierce, who was later stabbed to death by an angry mob of Solarians.

The Heirs of Solaris as a whole declared Xander a Saint of the Sun, much to the dismay of the religion's leaders, and a statue of his likeness stands alongside statues of Edward Swallow, the revered "Creator of the conditions that led to Solaris's prosperity", and Marty Unitolo, the man who died in sacrifice via suicide bombing, which took out an entire raiding camp of Slavers who had been onceon the outskirts of the town Solaris in its early days, which was weak and an easy target for such people.

The people elected successful soldier and caravaneer Phoebe Lowe as both their new president and the first woman to be elected to an official position- quite the feat given the sentiment many ex-Legion citizens had about women. She has made it her priority to send what troops she can scouting and establishing bases to ensure that threats are far less likely to come close to their established borders- something which required the aid of prospecting ranchers and their private militaries, hence the signing of the Semi-Feudalist Frontier Act. This established a law that granted any willing frontiersmen government aid in exchange for military aid. The turnout of this policy will be told over the course of the next year, as speculated by political theorists.


Major Cities:

Cheyenne: The religious hub and Holy City of the Heirs. Also the largest city in northern Solaris.

Solaria: The original city built from the ground up post-war. With the aid of special blueprints found in Denver, skyscrapers of up to ten stories have been built and are still being constructed today, giving the republic a very unique job market within this city. Solaria is also the central trade hub and midway point between Denver and Cheyenne.

Denver: Refurbished city where the government has been relocated to and reestablished. Both Parliament and the President reside here.

Military groups within the nation:

Troopers- Standard soldiers outfitted with the signature blaze-orange combat armor of the republic, and armed with a 9mm pistol and a variation of automatic weapons.

Private soldiers- Usually a bit more hostile, but they still fight for the republic- mostly. Sometimes the interests of their contractor may lead to suspicious behavior. Only found in the "Frontier States".

Blaze Runners (Founded in 2286)- All suits of power armor were pulled from the wrecked building that Xander's team died in, and they were refurbished and painted a deep red-orange to signify their alliance as well as their elite status. Always armed with the highest tier of weapons, there are only 113 at a time. A locator is located within the armor, and is used to locate the armor of fallen soldiers. Only two sets have been lost to date, and one was recovered on the market by coincidence.

Lunar Guard: An extremist cult of Heirs the dons pitch black recon armor and makes extensive use of stealth boys, they orchestrate numerous assaults and assassinations on various groups both outside and inside the nation. Although the rumor that Randall Pierce was one of the Lunar Guard has soiled their reputation, the government has enlisted their aid in scouting the frontier as well. They believe in protecting the people from the doers of the demon Lunula's bidding by acting hostile toward all non-solarians, and even exhibiting a dislike for non-Heirs.

Message from yours truly: I hope this size is more acceptable, but due to the way the government works, it is key for their to be three large cities.
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