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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Advanced Human

Advanced Human

Member Seen 11 mos ago

J.A.R.V.I.S Stark or just known as Jarvis at times smiles as he had helped built the massive school that the kids would be coming to today. Jarvis was in charge of Security as well as the tech and weapons on the school. Ashley Stark had helped donate a lot of money to the school for young hero's and without her help there wiuld have been a less good school for the new team to come to and see. She Jarvis walked through the large halls that had a camera on each hall and put in the ear piece slowly and smiles "Alright testing one two three all those teachers in the building you will all respond with I so i know you can hear me. " he waited till roll call was finished and it was off to the next thing, inviting the young Hero's into the school. The teachers in the school where experts in the feild which they thought , actually Ashley taught mechanics as well as Math some times along side a teacher, perks for being part of Tony' Stark mind of madness for her. Jarvis smiles as he looked at the large main office above the main floor which he would stay at after the classes he finished with and smiles as he had a nice office up there and all students got to be up there and touch things. But he would make sure nothing was taken from the office or any infromation from the computers. It felt good to be him today it really did.

He walked out toward the large parking lot where the small bus with the kids would arrive and drop off the school students which would spend the rest of their time growing up and when Nick, Jarvis and all the teachers agreed the students would graduate with all their approval. Grades mattered not but they played a small roll in when you could get all the approval to get out of the school. It didn't matter who your parents where, where you can from or what you wanted to do but as long as you came to be a hero and proved you can be one without pride, greed, lust or being a complete lone wolf you all would graducate very fast in this place. But it was a team effort and the last test before you where said to be a true team , you had to be a team that trusted, had each others backs as well as would die for each other to pass then you would be a hero, and then you where now a team and now it would be your time to take on your family's legacy and use your powers for good.

As jarvis was thinking this the bus rolled down the street and he smiles as the kids shuffled out of the bus and he gave a weak smile to them all. He knew Ashley wouldn't be in the tour as a student but more of ateacher aid she would be in the tour that way. He cleared his voice and said with a faint smile "Welcome to the school for Hero's you all are coming here from your family legacy and familes. You will train her for however long it takes for you to learn to truly act like a real team. You shall pass when all teachers and I agree and Nick as well. Then your last test and you will be out. BUT till then we shall start the tour now please fallow me the first stop is the main building enterance which you will see the Main office, as well as the Security tower where i work most of the time unless i am teaching a class" He said slowly as he walked toward the school slowly.


Ashley had ran through the entire day in her head, she knew where the tour went and how to say things. She flew down the hallways and toward the mechanical classroom where she would teacher or help teach on different days. She smiles as the place had alot of metal all around, scrap, thick, block, circle. Name it she had it here along side her faithful Robotic magical resistant dog named Jaws she had little to hear. She smiles and sat down at the teachers desk and opened the slide that she would present and smiles and waited for the tour to get down to her room which it would...eventually. She walked around the mechnic's room smiling making sure everything was safe and secure so no one would trip and fall and get hurt on their first days here. She then walked to the main presentaion room where she would talk about the meaning of being ateam and the different rules each person had.


Tyson lokison was his name, a shady fellow with no trust for anyone around him. His father had done terrible things yes but he wasn't his father and danm wasn't about to start now. Loki wanted him to join the avengers to show what good he could do so when this popped up a school for the kids Loki sent his son on his merry way. Tyson wasn't pleased not at all, if this team had a bad run down with his father hell as won't have a good time here either. He knew everyone would frown and be like 'oh its the son of Loki. He's a villian ' OR 'we kicked your dad's sorry ass you worm you'll be no different' Well he was different he wasn't his father and no matter what he wasn't turning evil on anyone. He stayed in the back unseen his head down his long black hair running down his back gently and sighed softly . As the bus came to a stop he slowly walked off after everyone and stood in the back hopefully unnoticed and unseen as he wished to not be seen ot talked to. he was shy and scared of everyone hating him so keeping his mouth shut might be better then talking.


Derek Barton the son of the assassins couple, Natasha and Clint. The two most bad ass spies that ever should walked the ground of SHEILD. He was very different from both of his parents, cold and seruois he didn't pass off as one to make friends easily , but he did care for those that would be his teammates just they would have to gain it from him. Derek was a tall male his hair was shaggy and black and he often had sunglasses on, indoor or out. He crossed his arms and fallowed after Jarvis, he didn't like getting told what to do all the time but hell, he would pass the school and they all wanted to pass , make their parents proud but he didn't care for showing off. He had no powers just amazing skills with fighting, being undeteched and killing those who dare cross him. he might not be super fast, might not be highly smart but a lot of hero's had no powers and guess what they did just as good and if not better then those who did have powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lilly Peterson was the only daughter or son of the silver surfer, she was the product of being a deal made with the devil by her father. But much like her father so too pocessed scary amount of power and the devil had thought differently. Lilly Peterson unlike her dad was able to take on a human form that was nearly indistructable with a mad rush of power she could destroy a block of a city if she was scared or angry. Lilly though had no clue of her powers or anything she often ended up in the orohanage just like every other girl. She never knew her mother or father but all she knew was that they loved her and thats why they had to leave her behind.

Lilly though knowing such amazing love never once again ever cared for her parents. She thought of them as people who hated her the most though the care taker told her many time stories about her mother and father. But she refused to listen and then she one day was eating soup when she felt strange. Her body felt different and she felt very sick and tired. She excused herself from the table where she and others ate and ran to the bathroom and eyes closed gently in pain. She collasped near the toliet and held her stomach and vomits eyes wide when she saw silver molten like stuff come out and eyes large. What was going on ?
Ryan Blaze was ne of the most unknown character on the bus with the others. he kept to himself and eyes stayed alert as if he was waiting for a monster to pop out of the darkness of the shadows in the back. he dared not speak a word to these....Hero's legacy. he had none to give and had none to live up to. he grumbled to himself the only reason why he was here was becasue his father Johnny Blaze the ghost rider decided that it would be good for him to go and learn with othwr Hero's. But hero ship was not what he wanted to take with him, no he just wanted to rid the world of the filth called evil the darkness they called their people. Their people ? those things that murdered, hurt, lied lashed out with no reason where not people and they had no reason to harm one another. He hated this and he hated the pathic people that wanted to live up to their familes name, He had no wish to nor would he. He watched as the bus came in slowly sighed gently and walked toward the bus enterance as it stopped toward his new....prison cell.

He sighed as he moved off the bus as the other kids did and mutters to himself the raidating heat made his body glow brightly and made many stay away from him as his eyes stayed sharply ablaze and how cold they where as well. he gave off a dark feeling but merely that was for show inside he could be the warm sweet guy his father was and still do his job correctly, He knew he had good in him but anyone who knew the title ghost rider wouldn't dare come toward him, for he was a product of his father deal with the devil and a humans love for a demon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Rebekah was homesick, or at least that's what she assumed this longing was. She hadn't ever been away from home, not without a set return date. She knew that at around her age, Midgardians left home in a quest for themselves, and there were plenty of others, in Asgard even, who would leave at around her age but her father had been almost a hundred years old before he was allowed to join the military, and several hundred years old when he joined Prince Thor, Prince Loki, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three. It was extremely unusual that Rebekah would be allowed on Midgard of all places when she was merely 17 years of age.

Except for the fact that Tyson Lokison factored into the equation. As a prince of Asgard, he did need protection on any sanctioned mission but Rebekah was the only one who was part of the Royal Guard who was remotely qualified. She also couldn't lie, so if they wanted to check up on him she'd have to tell them truthfully. She didn't really like that bit, after all they were nothing like their parents, so why judge Tyson by that standard? Rebekah had brought this up to her father before she left but Fandral simply stated that she was young and that she didn't understand yet. Which she was young, and didn't understand a lot of things but this is something she didn't feel as if she would budge on.

Rebekah tore her mind away from Tyson Lokison, as it would do her no good to dwell on him and what she has left behind but rather to look forward. There were other's on the vehicle, all from Midgard though. Mostly male, although that wasn't anything new. She suspected it had less to do with sexism though and more with genetics, since she highly doubted any of them chose to be stuck with their abilities. It didn't affect much, just something to tuck away in her mind.

Finally they stopped moving, just as she felt like her home sickness could morph into moving sickness, as she was the first one off the 'bus'(at least she thought that's what it was titled, she wasn't sure), as she was sitting near the front. She hated the inactivity of sitting for so long and was glad to be off it, but even more glad when she saw the building. It looked, almost, like it could have been from Asgard. She knew this wasn't the purpose, of course, but it still made her homesickness go away a bit.

Rebekah was bouncing on her feet as the other's emerged from the vehicle and formed a herd behind the man titled Jarvis, which was quite an odd name but then again so was Tyson. Midgardian names, something she was not used too, but probably should familiarize herself with, since she would be spending an undetermined amount of time among them. Eventually everyone was off and they started moving. Rebekah positioned herself next to Tyson, mostly so she could talk to him. It would be lonely for the both of them if they weren't at least friendly with each other.

"I wonder if the architect had ever been to Asgard. It looks like home, almost." Rebekah said in a quiet town, still listening to Jarvis give the tour of their new home. She could feel her body relax a bit, she had wound herself up but now that she was actually here, she could see herself maybe enjoying it.
David Ward sat near the middle of the bus, not paying much attention to anyone on the bus. He had his laptop out on his lap and was chatting with Skye, or more accurately trying to hack her computer before she hacked his and them sending each other messages as they did so. Skye nearly always won but it was something that he could share with her, since she was basically his surrogate mother. She had to log off though, about ten minutes before he arrived at the school so it worked out quite perfectly. He followed a few others off the bus and stood off to the side a bit. There were all sorts here, from some particularly broody fellows to a hyperactive teenage girl. He knew he should reserve judgment until he actually got to speak to them but still, first impressions were rather important and he’d much rather be at home, eating what Skye called Una agradable sorpresa, which was just her throwing stuff in a frying pan and hoping it turned out good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 11 mos ago

(This double post wasn't here yesterday I swear)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wicked Sweet
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Wicked Sweet is secretly 3 Kobolds in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


From the moment she got on the bus until the moment she would exit Whisper Worthington had earbuds in and was listening to her Favorites playlist. Her green eyes had gazed out the window the entire ride. She did not acknowledge the other passengers. The seventeen year old did not want to be on the bus. She did not want to attend this "hero school". If she was going to attend such a school Whisper had another in mind. One that specialized in training Homo Sapien Superiors. Her father loading her up on the bus and sending her away like this disgusted her. She had know dreams of being a hero. She had no desire to fight crime.

When the bus came to a halt Whisper gathered up her purse and exited with the others. Her ipod, purse and it's few contents were are the young woman had brought with her for her luggage, she assumed, had either already arrived or would arrive soon. Whisper stood with her soon-to-be classmates pulling the earbuds from her ears as she scanned her surroundings. She casually placed her ipod in her purse and retrieved her strawberry lip gloss which she applied as her eyes looked at the building that stood before her. All of this for... how many of us? Whisper thought to herself. Either S.H.I.E.L.D. has way too much money, or the recruitment didn't go so well.

Whisper adjusted her white, v-neck silk blouse as she stood there amongst the others with a look of impatience. She gave a quick look at the others around her. The heiress of Worthington Industries was sure her designer jeans cost more than all there outfits together. Her faux leather boots probably cost more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Tommy had been sleeping for most of the bus journey. Two days ago the young thief got caught inside a secret shield during his Tilling. He was on a job to get a certain artifact for one his guilds customers known as The Collector. Everything went according to plan until he entered the vault and stared right down into the one eye of Nick Fury who made him an offer he could not refuse. Attend hero school or spend the rest of his life in a secret S.H.I.E.L.D prison. It did not take Tommy long to decide to board the bus that was outside of the facility.

As the bus came to a stop the young man opened up his eyes and looked around only to see how the future students of the school made their way to the exit. The number of people had certainly grown since the moment he had closed his eyes. He quickly made his way to the door of the bus and stepped outside into the bright day. For a moment he wondered how long he had slept. A quick glance on the expensive Rolex on his left wrist told Tommy that he had been out cold for at least twelve hours.

As a small breeze lifted up Tommy's dark blonde hair he looked around, observing his fellow students as they formed up in front of the man who started talking while totally forgetting to introduce himself. With just a quick glance Tommy determined that he found himself in a rather odd group. There was this black haired Goth guy who tried so hard to shy away from the group, not to get any attention and yet chose a clothing and hair style that was bound to draw attention. Then there was the sunglasses guy who tried his best to look though, cool and independent. Yet he seemed rather normal compared to the Goth guy. But the next guy the young LeBeau gazed upon put the others to shame when it comes to the odd factor.

Mr. burning eyes seemed to use his gift in order to make others stay away. Constantly radiating heat from his body, showing off his power. He either had little control over it or simply used it to scare others away. For a moment Tommy wondered what kind of person he would be but quickly turned his attention towards the better half of the students.
He first scanned the girl who was adjusting her make-up. Judging from the expensive clothes she was wearing and Tommy thought that she was born into some wealthy family. Possibly the heir to a great family fortune. The way she looked upon other seemed rather arrogant. Like she is better than the rest. A characteristic often found in mutants with powers. As they sometimes developed the habit of thinking they are the next step in evolution and thus born superior to regular humans. None the less she was pretty good looking. Good looking and wealthy was always a combination that draws Tommy's attention.

Yet Tommy knew that appeasing snobby girls takes a different approach then regular ones. An approach that does not please their ego by giving them attention but rather plant a seed of insecurity within the victim. Making them doubt themselves and strike when they are at breaking point. In order to score big, you need patience and a good strategy. To game is like playing chess. You need to plot ahead, observe your opponent and adapt when necessary. All in order to kill the king, or in this case score the queen.
The first move would be to create some competition. All snobby girls think they can get like every guy just because they are good looking. When you show interest in inferior stock in front of their own eyes, it often makes them doubt themselves.

Tommy casually walked up towards the red haired girl. He could not help but to overhear her say Asgard. Apparently she was comparing the architecture to what Asgard looks like. For a moment he hesitated. If all Asgardians where like Thor, he better made sure not to get on their bad side. He turned towards the girl and smiled "If Asgard looks like this I definitely would love to visit it someday. This school looks really impressive." He paused for a bit and then reached out his hand and spoke on a gentle tone. "I'm Tommy. Tommy LeBeau. It's a pleasure meet you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Advanced Human

Advanced Human

Member Seen 11 mos ago

J.A.R.V.I.S smiled watching all the kids file in looking at them with the deep hypnotice blue eyes he had. His eyes watched the kids and said "Come along please" leads them into the Security tower and lets them look around slowly "This is Security Tower where I work except if I have class. The Tech here can see everything that goes on in the school and records activties in gym and other things you shall all be doing. Do not try and trick the place it learns to not be tricked" grinned gently and then leads them out and through several rooms to show them what each class is like.

"Now come in here please and all sit here and sit right next to each other" made them sit in the first row of the chairs and then smiles "Ashley Stark" said as the girl flew in and landed and the suite came off and smiles "Ah thank you JARVIS. Now i do have a small presention to show you about being a team. Here" Starts a slide and then started talking about the Roles of each person.

"The Leader, the one that has to work twice as hard as each team mate. You will have to be best of the best in your mind in knowing how to get others to work together as well as you are responsable for several thing. As a leader you will have to make sure everyone is acting like a team, you are in charge of everyone safty yours and others in the fight like regular people. You are also in charge of knowing your foe inside and out as well as pulling your team together no matter the problem that goes on. You also are the main rock of the team they all look up to you and you must make sure you are making sure everyone is doing something that will help everyone" She then smiles and eyes closed gently and looked at them all.

"Each person in the team has to watch each others back, you keep each other safe. If you are hurt your team must cover you no matter what or who they are. A team is a Family, kin you are a family and you work together and no matter how different you are your a team, A family of hero's" She said and then smiles and let Jarvis take the rest before she flapped down in one of the chairs smiling gently allows JARVIS to explain everything else .

Tyson looked at his...Guardian as she decided to talk to him and shrugged gently "I guess they have seen pictures I guess or Uncle thor gave them all the information they needed to clone the place" he said slowly and with a deep sigh glared at tommy slightly and sighed."well nice to meet you too Tommy" he grunted and then fallowed after JARVIS. "then thats what I'll always be ....a shadow of my dad......nothing more then a clone to everyone's eyes ......guess this was a bloody mistake to come here no different then on asgard" mutters angrily, this really wasn't much different. he had a body guard no one cared or even said hi to him they just went along wit their own stuff they had to do. He was nothing to everyone in asgard, he was a threat, something they dared not let out of their sight , just a clone of his father legacy something people didn't trust didn't even give half a chance to even show them he wasn't his father.

Tyson couldn't help but not be interested in this at all, as they passed class room and other things and eyes closed gently as he made a small green and golden snake curl around his arm gently. His eyes darting everywhere never loosing a single person from his eyesight. As they came to the comferance room he could help but listen to the girl, Daughter of someone smart she knew what she spoke of weither or not it directed him fully was not his concern. he was happy to help but he had to be given his chance to do so. he sat away from the others at the end of the row able to keep two seats away from him and the others. He wasn't social till he met someone that would talk to him with an actual kindness in their voice, someone who wasn't going to make sure he was fine every momment of his life, not a threat he was just like everyone else really.


Derek staued silent but sat near Tommy and the others but kept himself his words and other things he would do. he was bored so he played around with a small dagger he had in his pocket as he could listen to everything later. He then head shot up hearing that she was done and the AI would keep going and sighed and rolled his eyes "boreing" he groaned deeply and pretends to fall asleep this was bull shit he wanted to hit something, do something then sit here and listen to others but as he saw JARVIs eyes looked at him so sharply he stopped his groaning and grumbled arms crossed gently and sighed "this is boreing though, we can beat up anything that we face regardless on who the hell is leader" he said to himself mostly and sighed annoyed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

James looked out the window and smiled at the sight that he saw. He had begged his father to let him go here. He had wanted to come here and had begged for weeks until his father finally gave in and let him go. He finally was allowed to leave the house and join a team. He figured that he had to try and be a leader like his father was. Dad hjad always been a leader of sorts. Course he tried his best.

A lot of these students seemed to have something with them. Most were milling around and some of them seemed of. There was the guy watching the girls in a shockingly creepy way. James was not that dense. Course his father had raised him to be an old fashioned gentleman. He would not stalk around like this guy and the gal was not his type. To stuck up for his tastes.

He walked around until he noticed some black haired guy walking alone by the group with sunglasses for some reason... Well that meant James had to go chat with him. He walked over to the guy and smiled at him ignoring the whole 'I will kill you' vibes. He looked at the guy. "Nice glasses. Any reason you are stalking off from the group? James Rogers. Captain America's kid. Course I don't have my shield." He says laughing trying to read the guy. "So who are your parents? No idea for my mother." He said looking around as he sat down. "Not very patient are you?" He asks the guy next to him. "No need to be rude."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Advanced Human

Advanced Human

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Derek Barton looked over to the other that talked to him, that's a first and smiling slightly he smiles "Thanks my dad gave me these when i was ten years old had them for eight years. I am Derek Barton son of Natasha and Barton the two assassin's of Sheild. Its nice to meet an Avengers child thats for sure" smiles gently as he was peaceful and careful around talking with others though. He gave a warm small smile but he knew this team was trouble, different but one day they would work just fine, a bit of learning they would work good as a team. The son of the black widow and Barton he seemed to be a cool guy with a killing vibe but even with his dark feeling he was always a soft person to those on the team unless they don't pass the line of his approval. He smiles gently and looked at the group once more and sighed gently "So what can you do ?" he asked confused looking at him and took his sunglasses off slowly and clipped it onto his shirt.

Derek always was aware of things around him, he could keep track of things around him and his team skills rather well and learn how to make them better as time passed by. everyone had their powers, and their limits but they also had a lot of different levels and how they did things. Derek smiles and looked at the son of captain america slightly and then back to JARVIS once more and then yawned gently. "sorry i get bored easily and i don't like getting stranded doing nothing " he muses gently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Rebekah sighed as Tyson walked away from her. She didn't really understand what he was going threw but she tried to empathize, but when he kept pushing her away it made it hand. She really liked Tyson, at least when he'd talk to her.

Rebekah cleared her mind of Tyson and refocused on Tommy, extending her hand to his.

"Rebekah, nice to meet you. That was Tyson who just stormed off, we're both from Asgard so excuse our manners as we're both still learning. What about you Tommy Lebeau? Where are you from?" Rebekah asked conversationally as they walked. She wasn't paying to much attention though, at least to Tommy. The architecture on the other hand enraptured her. So much so that when the rest of the group stopped she ran into the blond man in front of her.

"Sorry! I wasn't paying attention at all!" Rebekah cried, stumbling back. "Ane you okay?"


David watched as the Asgaroian girl fell into Captain America's son with a shake of his head, weren't Asgardians supposed to be graceful? David shook his head before sitting down and listening to Jarvis and then Ashley Stark. In his world, Ashley Stark was like their Mozart. A child prodogy and beautiful at that, she was surely coveted, even a lithe by Fitz, who didn't really underhand that there were other females besides Simmons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kaalee said
Rebekah sighed as Tyson walked away from her. She didn't really understand what he was going threw but she tried to empathize, but when he kept pushing her away it made it hand. She really liked Tyson, at least when he'd talk to her. Rebekah cleared her mind of Tyson and refocused on Tommy, extending her hand to his. "Rebekah, nice to meet you. That was Tyson who just stormed off, we're both from Asgard so excuse our manners as we're both still learning. What about you Tommy Lebeau? Where are you from?" Rebekah asked conversationally as they walked. She wasn't paying to much attention though, at least to Tommy. The architecture on the other hand enraptured her. So much so that when the rest of the group stopped she ran into the blond man in front of her. "Sorry! I wasn't paying attention at all!" Rebekah cried, stumbling back. "Ane you okay?"_-_---_-- David watched as the Asgaroian girl fell into Captain America's son with a shake of his head, weren't Asgardians supposed to be graceful? David shook his head before sitting down and listening to Jarvis and then Ashley Stark. In his world, Ashley Stark was like their Mozart. A child prodogy and beautiful at that, she was surely coveted, even a lithe by Fitz, who didn't really underhand that there were other females besides Simmons.

James was about to answer when the girl ran into him. He turned slightly and smiled at her. "It was my fault, Miss. James Rogers." He said smiling at her to try and make her feel better. He then turned back to Derek. "Let's see. I have some of my dad's strength and speed. I am pretty tough but that is it. Oh and Dad taught me how to fight. What about you? Any fighting skill? If so I may have to challenge you. Unless you are scared to fight me?" He asked smirking at Derek. He turned to the woman. "So you are Asgardian? Cool."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragon princess
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Dragon princess Loki's Wife

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ryan Blaze watched the group with glowing eyes slightly and then sat down in a chair and watched Ashley and the JARVIS to do their speech and rolled his eyes at this and smirks hearing the Asgardian girl and the kid of Captain American made him rather happy to see some people could get along. He sighed gently and kept himself silent as he was thinking weither or not this team would work and witha gentle sigh he closed his eyes and concentrated on being at peace and sighing gently Ryan opened his eyes as they where normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 12 mos ago

As Tommy shook Rebekah's hand he could feel the Asgardian girl's power flowing. It was unlike anything he'd felt before. Way beyond anything he'd felt from any human or mutant in his 17 years on this planet. The young thief quickly pulled back his hand as he was nearly overwhelmed by the sensation the girls power. Before reaching out Tommy had played with the idea of tapping into all the students powers and memories just to learn about them the quick way but if all the students had such power, he'd better made sure not to get on their bad side...for now.

Tommy smiled as he watched Tyson march off. That Asgardian could definitely use a social skills class or two. "Ehh, nice to meet you to...ehh Tyson" Rebekah had just mentioned the guys name and apologized in his place for Tyson's rather unsocial behavior. "Don't worry about it. He'll just probably need some time to adjust I think." Responded Tommy relaxed. "I am from New Orleans, Louisiana. A place famous for its Jazz and Blues music but I doubt its fame reaches beyond the earth's atmosphere" Joked Tommy.
Before he could continue to talk about his roots, Rebekah stumbled into one of the other students. A pretty funny sight and Tommy had a hard time not to laugh. "Better keep your eyes off the scenery. You might trip over and damage the pavement" Teased Tommy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Advanced Human

Advanced Human

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Ashley looked around at the group and noticed David , she smiles and decided to chat the guy and walked over slowly "Hello, who may you be ? " She asked witha friendly voice and loving tune to her voice. She was not like her father fpor personality wise but she had his mind for creation and understanding how it all worked. She was tall stunning very beautiful and dressed like everyone else and not a rich child. She had a reactor like her father and for a reason. She was like her father born with a heart defected she was allowed to have a reactor placed in her five years ago and learned how that helped her. It kept her blood keep going and how it helped to keep herself alive and breathing. She was not ashamed to be different from other humans. She held out a hand to him in greeting "I am Ashley Stark"

Derek looked at the kid of captain America "Always alot of fighting practice. trained by both my mother and father to be the best assassin of their blood lime. IO will gladly accept your challenge. Just don't blame me for a bruised body" he teased a smirk on his face right back on and looked at the group slowly and smiles gently. Well it was a strange group, but well it was a good one as well.
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