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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

![enter image description here](http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120412113942/mahousenseinegima/images/4/49/440902-mahora_academy.jpg "enter image title here") --- It was a week into the new semester, and everything was proceeding normally. However, an undercurrent of tension rested among the student body. Something big was going to happen tonight, and it involved three out of the five _de facto_ rulers of the school. There were no names dropped officially, but everyone was sure about who they were: The three who have been antagonists with each other ever since they first came here as first years. ####Henrietta Fawkes The mind-reading, mass hypnotist known by her power, "Social Network" ####Winston Chill The charismatic stat booster known as "Optimus Prime" and finally; ####Louise Sophoro The killer tongued, frail, weak, unlucky and short girl, who was considered as the Marshal among the five rulers, with her ability to bring everyone down to her level, "Divided by Zero" The three of them were meeting tonight, and no one knew why, not even the two remaining rulers, who have so far remained silent in their opinion. The three were also bringing their respective gangs with them. The time is 1:30 pm, the meeting is scheduled to take place at 7:30 pm. **Time until the meet: 6h 0m 0s**
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSaojiXx


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Saoji Mikami, known for his incredible ability to give positive thoughts to an individual, stands on top the first dormitory building; looking out into the distance. As the breeze that filled the air rushes past his face and through his bangs, he takes a deep breath and heavily sighs. After moving his stuff into his dorm room in the building beneath him, he decided to take a chance to rekindle his thoughts. This was the first time he has seen a school this large and the first time he's seen many students attend it. He wasn't much of a social type when he wasn't confronted or when he decides to confront someone else; something was different about him. As with all other students who seems to have their heads wrapped around something, his purpose was to bring peace and harmony to everyone...he was just stuck on how. His long navy blue cape wrapped around his body like a blanket, keeping him warm. After a while, he closed his eyes as he poured into his own thoughts. _Mikami! Mikami! You will tell us where your father is! If you don't we will hunt you down until we find you!_ He could hear the voices of his father's enemies, the men who wanted nothing more but to take his father's thriving business away from him. His father and the rest of his family went into hiding when he first arrived at the school...but haven't heard from them since. On his way to the school, he saw that men dressed in all black were chasing him...yelling and asking about his father's whereabouts. Luckily, he was able to escape and found himself here of all places. Good thing he suppose, he is now amongst people who may be able to help him. Standing on top of the building was relaxing, he could see anything. Calm and peaceful...like the world should be. After collecting his thoughts together, he stood up straight and looked at the pavement below him in front of the door to the first dorm building he stood upon. Suddenly, he leaped forward, allowing his cape to guide him through the wind as he landed graciously on the ground. He faced the front door to the dorm building. "This is it..." he whispered. "It all begins here? My journey. Is this the place where it all begins? at this school?" he sighed afterwards, closed his eyes, and hung his head low. "Or could it be the beginning of my own fate?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zaen Henko's flute. It played softly as he sat up on his bed with no general music being played, just some notes that flowed in a soft manner. Nothing quite pleasured him like being alone to play whatever he felt like, with no distractions to interupt him. He had just exchanged to the school and like others he was most definately not nervous nor excited, but he was feeling slightly positive and optimistic due to what the school promised, like the special 'abilities' they seem to have been granted. Hopefully he'd be able to play more often at this new highschool, at his old one insturments weren't allowed, and at his home he lived in a house with sound that travelled well, meaning his parents could hear him from across the house, so he wasn't able to play it as much as he liked. He wondered if he'd ever socialize any more this year. His mother had asked him to be less secluded, she seemed worried for him and any possible social life he'd ever have. He sighed. He was already missing home, and althogh he wasn't nervous or excited home was also where he developed his talent for Music, and he was homesick already. He turned his music up louder in his headphones to seclude these saddening thoughts. He'd stick it trough till, he didn't have much of a choice anyways. His free type of softly playing began getting softer and softer, until he had desummoned his Flute, layed down and shut his eyes. The new school was more tireing than he realized, and he was exhausted, and so he drifted to sleep with his headphones in, the Music playing like a lullaby played on a Clarinet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It had only been a week since the new semester, and some of the three rulers were already brewing trouble around. Not that it had anything to do with Ione, though. She would send Paige to investigate, though. No one could see her, after all, and knowing what they were doing was best for her. Ione had returned to campus after visiting her family over the holidays and, seemingly, the other onlookers of the dorm had forgotten her and her peculiar attires. More than one looked at her as if she had lost a screw, but she didn't mind. She was walking through the hallways of the dorm at the time. **"Ione, Ione! What are we gonna do today!? Can we prank some of the freshmen? Yes, yes, please say yes!"** The ghost Paige says, appearing beside her. Ione's poker face remains on her face. **"Ione? Oh, you are Juliet now, right? Julieeet!"** The ghost mocked her. A slight blush appeared on the girl's cheeks. She lifted her hand and then brought it down on the ghost, effectively slapping the back of her head. **"Ouch!"** **"Shut up, Paige. Our schedule for today is me visiting the freshmen and seeing if there's someone interesting among them and you are going to the meeting of the Rulers. It'd be good to know what they are up to."** She says, regaining her poker face. **"Are you stupid!? What if they see me!"** **"You are a ghost, dummy. You can't be seen unless I use Poltergeist on you, idiot."** She continues. Again, everyone looks at her with tilted heads. **"We can't talk comfortably here. Let's go outside"** Ione walks towards the entrance of the dorm and opens it, just to see someone coming crashing down. **"W-Wha?"** Ione was surprised when she saw the figure (Saoji) coming down from the roof of a building. It is not something you see everyday. At the sight of her friend startled, Paige approached said guy and started going through his body. **"You picking a fight buddy!? Huh? Huh!?"** Not that he would hear her, though. Maybe he'd barely feel a chill going down his spine. Ione sighed with exasperation. **"Leave him alone, Paige, let's go."** Ione said, turning around and walking away. Paige looked at her and then rushed after her, not before showing her tongue to the flying guy of the rooftop.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSaojiXx


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Saoji stood still as the door to the entrance of the dorm opened in front of him. He saw a girl (Lone) who looked a bit older than him. Looking at her facial expressions, he could sense that she seemed a bit annoyed. Suddenly, a slight chill ran through his body but he ignored it overall. Perhaps it was just the cool breeze of today's weather than gave him a cold chill. Once she said the name "Paige" this definitely caught his attention. Exactly who was she? and who was she speaking to? As she walked away he turned and watched her go on. Before she left his gaze he decided to gain her attention. **"Hey."** he simply said, slowly taking steps toward her. He had the facial expression of a permanent scowl. ** "When nature feels her very own world closing in around her, and when she realizes there is no one left to turn to; she pretends to speak with herself. Not one living being understands her, for we failed to show her how much we honor her in our presence. She has turned against us for rapidly killing her spirit. As such with other laws of life." **he said, steady giving her a blank face. **"I sense that inside of you. Who were you speaking to?"** he finally finishes and asks. Saoiji's voice had a child like demeanor going about it, but one could notice that he is full of wisdom. Although a bit shorter than her, one should never underestimate his capabilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

A huge wave of people began marching through the floors of the dorm, heading for the entrance/exit. They were a mix of different years. They all had stern, disciplined expressions and had a black armband on each of their left arms. At their head was a short girl with short messy black who had a very expressive scowl on her face. Other students went out of their way, some of them glaring as they did so. To those familiar with the politics of the school, the girl at their head was a known major figure: Louis Sophoro, known among the Rulers as 'Marshal' and the power that earned her the title, 'Divided by Zero'. She was dressed in her usual plain black hoodie and as usual had bags under her eyes. She had her hands stuffed in her pocket, and overall did not look like one of the most revered people of the school. This was only looks though; when one tried to see past that, one realized that she had an aura of absolute power, backed by a black confidence that did not stem from her own sense of pride, but rather something else: she was confident in your inferiority, rather than her superiority. This confidence radiated and was evident in the faces of her followers, who were, despite their disciplined faces, sweating bullets despite themselves. She saw <<Saoji>> and <<Ione>> standing at the entrance of the dorm, and scowled - well, scowled some more anyway. "Hello, Poltergeist," she said, using the word as a title and referring to Ione, rather than her 'companions', "I hope you don't go scaring any Freshmen with those 'friends' of yours. They can get themselves scared once they discover their abilities, and then the rulers take advantage of their confusion and then get them into their groups by promising guidance and whatever." She stated this with a hint of satirical cynicism. This was true, but only to a degree; the rulers weren't that vicious . . . with a possible exception of Henrietta Fawkes. "Speaking of groups, I see you haven't joined one yet. You staying neutral then?" she asked, then turned to face <<Saoji>> "That question is directed at you too, by the way."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Having just ate lunch, [Timothy](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2323135) was sitting on a bench at the foot of the male students' dormitory building, apparently engrossed in a thick but still portable book upon whose spine was embossed the title: _D-Day in the Pacific: The Battle of Saipan_. Thumbing the middle of his eyeglasses further up the bridge of his nose, he finished for the third time the page describing the Smith vs. Smith rivalry. _"You have reread this book already,"_ Cadwal's ghostly voice resonated in Timothy's mind. _"Does it interest you truly this much?"_ He flipped a page, revealing an infographic of American operations at the second week of the Battle of Saipan. _"It does,"_ he replied simply. _"Why?"_ _"War, while terrible, is fascinating."_ _"The war you are reading about is one without honor."_ _"Well, most wars are honorless,"_ Timothy replied. _"God's wars are full of it, however. I died in battle seeing the face of my killer. But these days, artillery has become more than just a siege weapon. Specters. You do not see the shell coming."_ _"You don't have to tell me, Cadwal. I know that much."_ _"I've told you before how we considered archery as something cowardly, but howitzers take it to a next level."_ Timothy physically smiled without knowing. _"Please, Cadwal, I'm trying to read here. Save your complaints about modern society for later."_ But the ghost's voice abruptly became solemn. _"You are going to have a difficult time. Raise your chin."_ Doing so, Timothy could not help but frown as he beheld Louise's armband-wearing posse like a national socialist marching band. He swerved his eyes left to right to find the source of their delay: a couple of freshmen, perhaps, just like him, being sized up by the runty gang leader. One was a girl who, according to Cadwal, "dressed like a witch," while the other was a boy who, still according to Cadwal, "dressed like a deviant noble," when Timothy first laid eyes on them. _"I wonder how you could not hear the chorus of boots falling,"_ Cadwal thought into Timothy's mind. _"I would rather not get involved here."_ Since the first day of the semester, Timothy had made effort not to let his powers be known, at Cadwal's counsel. Often seen borrowing, returning, or reading various books in the Library, he had summoned no Holy Ghosts at all in the past week, and only gives voice when he converses with Cadwal in the safety and privacy of his dorm room. Finding the student politics of the school distasteful, he wanted little to do with it all. Especially so with Louise's "posse of fearful thugs," as Cadwal describes them, not when they look like a radial political group with their armbands and collective movement. _"Get up and read somewhere else, then."_ _"I'll do that."_ Hoping his briskness and casualness would hide him in plain sight, Timothy promptly closed his book, sat up, began to walk away from the gathered crowd.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monochromatic
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Monochromatic Manic Episode Full Blast

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sitting outside on the ground a short walk from the dormitories, Hide sat quietly, gazing up blankly at the sky. It was mostly quiet where he was at, even with the commotion that had started with Louis a distance away, the young man had yet to seemingly notice. Or maybe he had and was just choosing not to care. A soft sigh would escape him as he finally drops his gaze to the ground, staring rather tans-fixedly at the thing he had been trying to avoid looking at since he awoke this morning. The thing. _It_. Hide didn't have a real name for the doppelgangers that appeared on their own, at least not yet. He didn't feel the need to give something that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place a name. The object of his avoidance sat a few feet in front of him, in a faint wispy cloud unseen by the rest of the world, even those gifted with special sight. It looked human enough, it had the shape of one at least. He could even make the outline of his hair that was bundled up at the nape of his neck. It had no eyes, no face, no other defining features to really give away to who or what it was. Even in the light its dark wispy form did not fade nor flicker, it was just there. Copying him as he stared at it, resulting in it staring back at him. While it could not express itself through its face or body language, Hide understood it perfectly. The mix of anxiety and anger he had bottled up from the start of the new semester was finally manifesting itself. And it had only been a week! Suddenly a soft groan escapes Hide as the throws his hands into the air, flopping over onto his side. He rolled slightly, but quickly stopped as he curled up a bit. The quarter-formed doppelganer copied his motion, even catching the rather large heave of his lungs while he sucked in a sharp breath, slowly exhaling with a loud sigh. It had only been a week and he was already having problems, not that anyone else could see it. "**Shoo. Shoooooooo.**" Hide said aloud towards the quarter-formed doppel, even going as far as to lift a hand to 'shoo' it away. He was quite sure no one else would be heading in this direction, it was too quiet and a dead end... what better place to talk to one of the monsters his ability helped create.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSaojiXx


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

While Saoji was standing there speaking with lone, another had approached them. She seemed to be a lot more experienced at the school, perhaps she was one of the rulers that everyone spoke of. Aside from everything else, she didn't seem out of the ordinary, but Saoji knows that it is not wise to underestimate someone based on their appearance. The girl called lone a "poltergeist." Perhaps now it all makes sense. Saoji turned his gaze back to lone, attempting to ask her if she could see ghosts; but the new girl asked them about being within a group...or staying neutral. Was that how the school works? mastering an ability and cooperating with many groups around the school. When he first arrived at the school, Saoji barely noticed anything of importance. He skipped over much information that could have answered the questions he had about the school. That was because he was in a panic when he first arrived a week ago. Ever since, he's been gently coming out of his dark room in the dorm and is now beginning to find comfort speaking with others. Perhaps being inside of a group could help him. He barely had any friends and most people here seemed to be within their own worlds. Then a question sprung into Saoji's mind...he asks himself..."Is this place dangerous?" Glancing back over to the new girl who approached them he finally replied... **"No, I have not been able to find anyone to partner up with. And don't worry about me being scared. One who closes his mouth, releases his paranoia, and narrow his eyes, becomes his or her very own true identity to the world. I do not care much for fear. Fear is a weakness, fear causes you to lose sleep, fear forces the body to adjust to different situations in an unlikely fashion. Fear is what drove my family into hiding...it is what drove me here to the school. But I don't feel fear anymore. You are pretty confident, Ms...but isn't it a bad thing to go around and think that everyone is afraid? You of all people should know that you should never underestimate someone, no matter how new they are." **he said with a equal scowl that matches her own. Saoji turns his back to them as he looked down slightly at the ground and clenched his fists, closing his eyes. He continued... **"But if the ruler's are that evil to take advantage of lesser students like that...then that can be problematic. Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become your hierarchy. Watch your hierarchy, they become your destiny. If the rulers of this school really does the things you mention and if the latter is true...that only means one thing."** he said, sharply turning his gaze at both lone and the other girl, looking over his shoulder. **"Then that only means that in the long run, students here will be better off without the rulers. In hindsight, they must die."** he turns his gaze back to the ground. ** "There can never be peace until the instruments and the puppeteers of war are slain. I don't know who the rulers are, but if they think they can get away with whatever it is they are doing...then we MUST kill them. Even then...I could be wrong about them. People think that death is the ultimate curse placed upon us all, but it is actually a gift given to us. Some people use it to make the world a better place, some uses it for their agenda. It just depends on who you are as a person and what your heart and mind tells you."**
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hebigami Shiho
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Hebigami Shiho Shinoa Squad Leader

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ione started walking away, with Paige by her side. However, the guy from before stopped her, and then he started saying cryptical, almost nonsensical things. Paige started laughing. **"I never thought I'd find someone as crazy as you, Ione, but this guy gets the award!"** The ghost said, mocking both her friend and the boy. Another slight blush came to the girl's face, but this time, she suppressed her desire to hit Paige. She was about to answer the question of the boy when someone else arrived. One of the rulers. Ione rolled her eyes. **"Geez, my name is not 'Poltergeist, it's Ione Juliet Barnett. It is a really pretty name, so at least use it."** She said, puffind her cheeks a bit and switching to her real self for a moment there. She shook her head slightly to get back into her Juliet character. **"And I don't need my friends to scare the freshmen... The sight of you is enough to do that, Louis."** **"That's right, that's right! Looooser!"** Paige said, safely knowing that Louis wouldn't be able to hear her. Ione took the ghost by the neck of her shirt and brought it to her side again, preventing her from mocking Louis more. **"And about your question, I'd rather remain neutral. None of the rulers want me, nor do I want to be in their team. I will just do my best to try and avoid them."** She was about to turn around and walk away when she sighted someone with something ghastly on them. She felt like going after the boy, but no, not right now. She'd investigate later and see if there's another Medium among them. **"Now, if you'll excuse us, Ms. Zero, we have a conversation pending between the two of us. Now, mister... Wait, was your name?"** She said, turning to see Saoji and tilting her head a bit. **"Oh, but where are my manners! I am Ione, and this here is my friend Paige."** She pointed at thin air, and, even though Paige was waving at the guy, he wouldn't be able to see her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by xXSaojiXx


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

@Hebigami Shiho Hey I'm going to wait until HangedMan post first. edit: oops...this was meant for the OOC tab...sry guys =/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

_THE FIVE STAGES OF GRIEF_ _1. Denial/Isolation_ _2. Anger_ _3. Bargaining_ Poppy slammed the book close, leaning back in the chair and sighing quietly through her nose. What was the point of reading nonfiction when you already know everything? The blonde dug into her bag and extracted a silver butter knife and a package of strawberries. Opening the plastic, the sixteen year old began to cut the tops off and popped them in her mouth. “Maybe I should read the Lord of the Rings again?” Poppy muttered under her breath, stuffing another strawberry in her mouth and chomping it with no remorse. Sweet sourness exploded in her mouth as juice ran over her tongue, down her throat, and Poppy made a choking sound. She almost choked on juice. The American glanced around her to make sure no one had saw and only relaxed when she realized nobody was in the library…or near her, at least. Poppy pushed out of the desk and grabbed the book with lazy fingers, standing up and travelling over to the book aisles. Placing it randomly on a shelf, she took the closest book and shivered as knowledge rushed through her body. Her spine trembled and a coldness seeped from the crown of her head down to her toes, as if a bucket of ice-cold water had been savagely poured over her. _“…subdue the enemy without fighting.”_ _“…know the enemy…know yourself…”_ War tactics rumbled in my head and I pulled the book from the shelf further: Sun Tzu’s _Art of War_. Well, that was unneeded information. Poppy sighed and moved back to the table to close her eyes and rest for awhile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Louise face went through a myriad of emotions at <<Saoji's>> . . . rant? She wasn't sure. Louise was street smart, not intelligent; half the things he said went over her head. She did catch death threats against the rulers though - and she was a ruler, no matter how much she disliked it. All of her group stiffened. It was an unspoken rule that you don't pick a fight with a ruler, for various reasons. Still, all Louise did was snigger slightly at Sajoi and <<Ione's>> actions. "He he, you two are funny. I don't think I know how to deal with that. I'm not really that scary, though. 'Night Stalker' and 'Social Network' are way more terrifying." This is a lie, by the way. At first glance, those two are terrifying, yes, monstrous even, but there's a reason Louise is the peacekeeper among the Rulers, and it isn't because she's a pacifist. Speaking of terrified, Louise troupe let out a breath they were holding in. By normal standards, Saoji and Ione were being confrontational to a point were Louise usually exploded. When she did, most people liked to run away really fast - some people actually did, seeing as the dorms were now mostly empty - because of the resulting AoE fallout. Thankfully, she seemed to be in a good mood, probably because it was just a week into the school year. "Well, anyway, keep it up or whatever you want. I advise you two stay neutral too - you get into much less trouble that way. Still, with the coming of tonight's meeting, I wonder if you'll be able to stay that way . . ." Louise walked past Ione and waved in goodbye without looking back. As she did so, her hand passed through Paige. The ghost was suddenly overcome with a feeling of weakness, her mental capabilities slowed down immensely and despite being a ghost, she felt like dying all over again. "Also, keep your 'friend' in check; I can't see her, but I have people who can - you aren't the only 'Occult' class ability here - and more people who can tell me where she is and what she's doing. I don't tolerate people talking behind my back when they think I don't notice. If you've got something to say, say it to my face, like Mister Visionary here," said Louise, sticking a thumb out at Saoji as she walked away. "Don't think that ghosts are a good enough defense against a Ruler, Juliet. Just because we can't see or touch them, doesn't mean we can't hurt them enough to let them regret not moving on." Louise and her troupe walked forward and out of the dorm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Monochromatic Zaen Henko rose and stretched, his nap served him well, his exaustion was now much less so. He put his earphones into his ears and turned on a song with his flute at his side, and walked out of the Dorms and into the hallway, where a large crowd of people was going towards the dorms, including the one he had just exited. Ignoring this now massive amount of people, he turned up his headphones and walked forwards towards the exit, also passing by a group of multiple other students, before letting the fresh air and sunlight of the outdoors hit his skin. The air and sunglight felt good on his face, and he was beginning to feel relaxed and less homesick. He walked along forward and drew out his flute and softly played it, a special tune he played when he wanted to relax. As he walked he spotted a man whom was trying to shoo away an exact copy of him, who did the same. He didn't expect much less from this school. He stopped playing as he walked towards the man. His mother's desire for him to be less secluded was ringing in his ears, and so he decided to 'socialize' a bit, although he quite disliked the idea. **"Hello."** he said to the man, not quite sure of what else to say. He wasn't very good at these introduction things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSaojiXx


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Saoji turned to face lone and the one who lone called "Louise." She also called her "Zero." When Saoji first arrived, he heard other students talking about the rulers and one of them mentioned the name "Divided by Zero." So Louise was one of the rulers? He thought that maybe the rulers were a lot older. Louise was young and a bit short, he didn't expect her to be a ruler. However, he listened to his own words and did not underestimate her. She was a ruler for a reason, which meant she possibly had tremendous power. Saoji's gaze motioned over at lone as she asked what his name was after introducing herself and her...friend... **"Forgive me."** he said as he bowed slightly, holding his cape out to the left side as he did so. He appeared to also be a bit charming. **"My name is Saoji Mikami."** he simply said. Looking at the wind in which lone pointed. His face turned red as he waved at...something...He was a bit embarrassed and it showed as his cheeks turned red. When Zero walked away, she mentioned how she could see Paige clearly. He watched her and her troupe. They were a bit of an insulting bunch and it almost tempted Saoji to attack her but he remained humble. He simply took a huge sigh and turned to face lone once Louise walked away. **"So I see, you have a ghostly companion. That must be a very unique skill...I wish I had that. I'm not really sure what I have actually."** he blinked twice and turned his face to the side a bit, a bit embarrassed to ask this next question. **"So...what did she meant when she talked about groups? Does everyone here have a skill that they can use? If so...then how can you find out?"** he finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PlazmaStryke


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Harold Frankfurt was *not* having a good day thus far. To begin with, he had nearly overslept, which would have made him miss his plane out to Wales. That would cause him to be late to his new school, Saint Dymphna's Highschool. Although, he still isn't sure *why* it's named after a saint named Dymphna if it was a highschool, but he theorized that was merely his American upbringing and public school experience talking. After an annoyingly long flight, he had managed to get all the way to the school, where he'd be living for the next year. That wasn't so bad. If the cab you had to take didn't cost you most of your current remaining travel funds. And then, to put the grand topper on his day filled with annoyances, he got lost. It was quite a large school, and nobody offered to help out the lost transfer student. Harold pushed his glasses back up his nose, and quickly went over the likelihood of such an occurance. (No, obivously that would never happen. It is not apart of human nature to be helpful. Or apart of Nature in general actually). Perhaps he should have looked at the map beforehand more thoroughly....no, more likely than not he'd just end up lost based off of the directions, and/or the way he was looking at it. Maps were very confusing existences. So, Harold wandered the vast grounds that made up St. Dymphna's, wishing all the while that his brain had a talent more useful for keeping himself from getting lost. (No wait, then I would not have my skill with computers and robotics. Forget losing that!). Harold continued on, looking for anyone whom he could pester for directions to the proper dorm building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

_"They're catching up to you,"_ Cadwal remarked, and when [Timothy](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2323135) looked back, it was indeed so: Louise's posse had finished being held up by [Saoji](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2325614) and [Ione](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2319919) and were now making headway towards him. _"Maybe I shouldn't have gotten up and continued reading?"_ _"Maybe. But if you walk any faster, they'll get suspicious."_ His appearance characteristically dull, as he wore only a simple shirt, jeans and converse shoes, all either grey or black and without print, he was passing close to [Harold](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2325616), a brand-new student just like he was. _"That boy looks troubled. Must be a new student recently arrived. Could he be lost?"_ _"Let us find out,"_ Timothy decided. Gently approaching and putting on a smile, his voice was soft, had an English accent, and was deceptively effeminate as he went and greeted, "Excuse me. Do you need any help? You look like a new student, and quite lost." _"What a good boy, you are,"_ Cadwal half-mocked. _"Most people nowadays would find your approach strange and deceptive, you know."_ _"I thought you were all for me helping whenever I can,"_ Timothy thought back. _"I just hope you don't stumble over modern social codes and end up embarrassing yourself."_
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by PlazmaStryke


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You look like a new student, and quite lost." Harold turned towards the female(?) speaker at that. The voice sounded female, but this student was most definitely male. (What an odd combination. Perhaps hormores? Higher or softer voice box or something of the like? Ah, conversation Harold! Focus.) "Ah, yes. I am indeed in dire need of direction. I have become quite lost once I encountered the incredibly large grounds, and as such have had trouble finding my way around." Harold replied as casually, and normally as he could. It wasn't easy trying to keep up with these "social norms" that people talk about. (Plus, this guy actually offered to help. First one out of....many. Very many.) (Well, at least he has good color choices.) Harold quickly remembered his own grey jacket and blue T-shirt and jeans. Comfortable, but efficent. Just the way he liked it. He pushed his glasses back up, and didn't see or hear any of the group behind the two of them. "But, who are you, Oh mysterously helpful one?" He questioned the other male, seeking answers to his problems.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[Timothy](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75166/posts/char#post-2323135) was clearly amused by the way the stranger spoke, and his smile widened into a charming grin. Theatrically putting his hands out, he joined in what he thought was a joke: "Why, inquisitive traveler, I am a fellow scholar in this," he gestured around, "quite grand academic institution full of," he turned and presented Louise's marching band, "exciting groups with much conviction in their hearts and," he waved around his book, "a library that actually has good books. But in all seriousness, my name's Tim. New student here, just like you. I can show you around, if you like."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PlazmaStryke


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Harold grinned at the dramatics of his new aquaintence: Tim, the fellow scholar. He then took to watching as Tim pointed out each thing he had waved to. (A grand institution most definitely, as well....wait, since when had that mass of people been there?....It's led by a tiny girl. A tactical retreat would be a sound move right about now....) He bowed theatrically with: "Ah, my fellow scholar, it is my humblest of pleasures to meet one so enlightened such as yourself! And I am Harold, and currently my grand travels have been but on Hold, for I am another who seeks greater knowledge from our new grandly academic institution. And this library you speak of *must* be a place where we should abscond to at some point." Harold upheld the dramatics that the duo had started into, finding it to be quite entertaining. "However, I must ask of thee, of when had such a group of conviction appeared? I had not noticed of it myself."
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