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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 19 days ago

Ill star moving the CHAR POSTS!!! YEA ... ignore that ... ill start moving characters over. and then add a plot point later...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He appears to be a young kid with an orange hoodie, a pair of blue jeans, and short, dirty blonde hair. The only thing out of the ordinary are his bright, gold eyes. Name: Golden Freddy Age: 10 Skills/powers: has the ability to teleport and cause hallucinations, usually flashing the words 'It's Me' in his victims faces. He can also teleport the Golden Freddy suit which, when stared at, can cause hallucinations. Finally, he is the only animatronic that can leave the building. Biography: before becoming Golden Freddy, the young boy was known as Dylan Smith. He was killed by his father, Fritz Smith (phone guy), and possessed the Golden Freddy suit. Personality: he likes to mess with people, meaning scare the absolute crap out of them before allowing the others to kill them. He is also very weak and can't do anything in combat, though since he is already dead he can't really die. Theme song: [Just Gold](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bhJGXzOE5fQ) Other: *Zalgo, he comes*... for the pizza. This is my way of making Golden Freddy RPable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

![enter image description here](http://data2.whicdn.com/images/82436176/large.jpg "enter image title here") Name:Crimson Blood (aka Crimson Rose) Age: 17 Skills/powers: She is very flexible and fast. Biography: Crimson grew up with her foster family but one day when she was 15 she killed her family then ran away and has been a Creepypasta since. Personality: Crimson is feisty and cold but upon getting to know her she is fairly kind and less cold Theme song: The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd Other: _Zalgo, he comes_...for my book collection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

####Age: ?? appears to be 18 but her real age is unknown. ####Skills/powers: -Collecting souls in half hearts that are strung on a necklace that she is never seen without. - Using one of these souls to revive her own life, giving her a seem to be infinite life.She appear 16 because of the souls on her necklace. ####Biography: You wouldn't know. If someone, somewhere collected your soul, from your decaying corpse after you died. You wouldn't know that your soul would serve as a extra life for a girl, who's lived forever. You wouldn't know. "..." Shards wandered around the barren wasteland. Her breathing light as she wandered around. Stopping now and then, leaning over a body collecting their life. She was kind to those who were worthy, the others she let stay in their decaying bodies, to be lost forever. She wasn't employed by the higher forces. No... she worked by herself. People were fighting a few roads ahead, fighting fighting, she loved the friends that came from fighting. These two were different. Many people died during this fight, people she never saw while they were alive. She of course wasn't noticed until the fight was over. The 'thing' was staring at the only other person in the town. He never tried to kill her, as if he could tell it wouldn't work. He had tried before. She smiled, laughing at the sight. He stared at her harder, as if to wonder how she could still be alive. As if she had never fell to ground dead. Her hair was different, her eyes a different color. But he could tell it was the same soul. The necklace around her neck, the jar in her hand. All too similar too... her. "The little f***ing wench." "... Took you long enough to notice, need to work on that." She said to him still laughing. She knew it to be the thing, the thing who killed mostly all of the people here. " I'm suprised you're still here. Your friend there, he didn't seem to like you that much did he... I wonder why" She walked closer to him. Her finger tapping on the jar. "So Little B***H what brings you out of the neck of the woods perhaps you finally know that I might of discovered your secret." She walked closer. " If you did you would have already killed me. Wouldn't you have?" She kept tapping on the jar, the clicking sound of her nail against glass the only thing to be heard inbetween their short bursts of speech. " Or do you have something better to do?" The demon barreled his fist into shards face "well Actually i do" zalgo began his ancient mind formulating a escape attempt so he could reap a new world of its life " Well that wasn't very nice was it" She said his fist leaving a red mark on her cheak but she kept up her act. " What's better than talking to an old friend?" "We are not friends girl. Don't even try to elevate yourself to that standard". He paused he needed someone on the other side... "Say how about I cut you a deal you can't refuse (because if you do i will not tire in hunting your for the rest of eternity)" " What's this deal you talk of and what do I get out of it?" She said tapping the jar. Her cheek turning back to a normal color. "You get something out of it. Well what do you require because I can promise you it in the hundreds" The demonic individual said with a sneer. " I require choices in my deals. Choices, choice choices. " She said the tapping slowly speeding up. " What is the thing you can't do yourself." He growled once again, " I want you to follow that Asshole I was just fighting with and get him to say my bloody name." "And what would getting this dude to say your name do exactly?" She asked him, she wouldn't accept the deal without answers. "how about tearing a hole in the fabric of space and mind. so much so I can purge myself into the next reality to reinacte my distruction upon the oblivious masses" " So your stuck here, is that right?" She laughed again. " How is the big bad Zalgy trapped here? Also why would I want to free you, it's a win lose situation either way." "Not stuck here just on this plane of existence. That's you. You stupid cow are on as well So what's stopping me from keeping you trapped here as well. You may not die but you still have a soul. Unlike that bastard." " A soul I have more than just one. Are you sure you could trap me here? " She said that with the evil smile on her face. " What's stopping you from 'killling' me, You thinking before acting Zagy." "I could impale you and forcefully keep you alive and what's this business about souls something about your lifeforce?" Zalgo said as his mind begun drifting to more blood soaked and forbidden ideas. " Nothing you need to know about right now." She kept tapping the empty jar the pace making suble backround noise. "okay wench I'll cut you a deal I'll leave you alive, and maybe someone of your choice Depending on who it is and you get me out of this fucking shithole, so I can start bashing some fucking heads together to have some fun. Is that to hard bitch?" " Much better Zalgy, that's a much better deal. But the only way for me to follow him is for me to 'die' is a sort of sense. " She kept tapping on the jar. "What do you mean. you frickin kids with all your heads thinking you know everything No you don't I'm a fucking eldar god for fuck sake. So listen to me. You don't have to die. You just have to forget..." (and maybe if she forgets enouth i can fucking eat her.) " Sorry the best way for me to travel is to die, what you scared for me. I've been alive for centuries, I've done it before." "Do you want to die the easy way or the painful way Wench?" "What pain, the bliss that comes from death? I would rather die than suffer. " She took out a knife blade from her boot. "go on slit your throat" He said his eyes lit up with bloodthirst " Slitting a throat never works." She threw the knife it landing behind him. In one swift movement she snapped her own neck, colapsing to the ground. "Treacherous bitch " The demonic figure said as he turned ... He was gonna figure out how to kill an immortal... As she lay there crumpled, her body soon started to fade. "now Fuck off Hopefully you'll succed but if you die I still win something"... The demonic indidvidual said as his eyes turned at to stare at the fading corpse. Soon there was nothing left of her body, but the empty jar and her necklace, but soon those too begain to sliently fade away. While in the new world a girl no one has ever seen walked out from behind a truck, with short brown hair and a strange necklace, with a jar in her hand. Personality (can be hidden until the roleplay begins): Psychotic, Creepy, Overall strange,She may have connections to Zalgo, but these aren't shown in her for any reason. ####Theme song (optional): If anyone else knows a creepy song. ####Other: Zalgo he comes...
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 19 days ago

![Fuck](http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131208005352/fairytailfanon/images/e/e5/Evil-Anime-Guy.jpg "My name is... crap i don't remember.") Name _Ugh i don't remember... I just keep hearing the word Soulless over and over inside my head_ Age 20 Skills/powers: Zalgo walking (an inferior version of the slender walk but is much faster albeit lacking the range) brought about by his corruption. Tendril manifestation, He can summon up to 4 tendrils from any point on his body That act as either spears or extra arms. Enhanced Stamina and Strength, He can survive Stab wounds Bullets and Fire and shrug it off as if it was nothing before the healing kicks in after 10 minutes. but hes easily incapacitated if he sees people or well alternate people who look almost the same to the ones who all died in his reality. his strength is actually enough for him to lift Grown men effortlessly Telepathy: He has been known to talk individually to people through the use of telepathy but it has a range limit of 50 meters but it causes alot of strain as such he rarely uses it except when necessary Supernatural Regeneration: he can regenerate from any injury if they don't involve beheading then he will suffer brain failure and die but he can avert that fate if he can somehow keep his head attached to his neck. The regeneration takes 10 minutes to fully heal any interior injury But the exterior takes up to a hour. Biography, They fell everyone one of them died starting with Ben drowned. he had walked outside taking a risk to get a supply for eyeless jack's injury he was brutally murdered. That lead to jacks death succumbing to his injurys they were the first to die. Janes betrayal lead to the death of slender and the observer. she was eventually killed by ticci toby. who in turn was killed by jeff the killer Albeit brutally. Laughing jack died Fighting Zalgo. in fact jack nearly killed Zalgo but then Zalgo gained a rapid power increase and almost killed jack with a single blow. before finishing him off by ripping him apart and EATING him. Then Zalgo went on another rampage. And corruption Spread across the entire old town of Dawson. killing everyone else as they crumbled to dust. but Soulless managed to survive. he didn't survive because of luck he survived cause of the stitches on his neck. while he was partially corrupted. He had managed to keep control over his mind. he could constantly hear zalgos voice beckoning him to die. because he had stolen and fragment of zalgos power. the fragment that allowed him to form tendrils. But alias the world still feel to the corruption. everyone died... or was corrupted beyond Reconstruction. Soulless wanted to escape the reality, he needed to permantly trap Zalgo in this reality. He was marginally successful. Meaning that as long as he didn't mutter Zalgos name he would stay locked in the reality of old. But it came with a price He lost all his memory's and was shunted into the current reality... Personality hidden... Theme song Manafest - Renegade Other He is partially corrupted by zalgo but is so far shown resistance to the corruption overtaking his mind. as such he can use a fragment of zalgo's powers. The corruption can be seen in his eyes. also the weird mark on his neck serves as a way of him keeping his sanity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Appearance: She looks a lot like [Suzuya Juuzou] (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/252/1/9/suzuya_juuzou__4__tokyo_ghoul__by_emareonervositydraws-d7ykdl3.jpg) from Tokyo Ghoul ,even down to the stitches that cover her body, one going down her body as if tracing out the spine. She has white, tangled and long hair that reaches to the end of her rib cage in length and slightly darker eyes, making them appear blood-red. Her right arm and the outer side of her left leg is littered with blisters and areas where the skin is peeling, most likely from tests and toxins in her body. The area around her lips is a purple-red and this continues to some other parts of her body from veins bursting. It's mostly near skin lesions that this happens. Name: "Desdemona Arachne at your service, my precious." She gracefully bows and cackles uncontrollably later. Her voice sounds like a mix of the UTAUloid Gumi's accent and a slightly stronger Russian one. (Also known as Arachnid, Des, Desmond or Spider. Noted to also be 'The Ill-Fated Spider/Ill-Fated One' and to some who know, 'The Stitched Corpse/The Mangle'. Also 'The Disaster', although very rarely.) Age: "Nineteen, but I honestly wish I was older." She sighs and goes on to explaining how she could do 'whatever she wanted to' and that there would be 'absolutely no responsibilities'. Skills/powers: "Ooh! Good, the exciting part! Well, first off, although it's not really a skill, I have CIP, so I can't feel pain at all. Cut off an arm? Too bad, I won't scream or anything. I could of been a incredibly powerful nano-techy-thingy, but that slugger who I can't remember the name of took the damn spot. Yes, I said slugger. I don't swear, that's rude. Now, at that horrid asylum, I was injected with a lot of needles that made it extremely hard for me to not 'click' every bone in my body. By click, I mean when you hear a bone crack when you haven't moved it for however long. This made me extremely flexible and thin, so see some bones and it'll be normal, don't worry your head that I look like a skeleton. This is also why I'm quite tall, 5'8'' to be exact. I hope that's considered tall, at least. Makes it hard to get through really damn small doors, at least. That's going to be all I tell you, now. Gosh, this feels like a slugging interview..." For the worst part, she can also re-animate corpses, often by stitching them together and replacing some destroyed parts. She does this by controlling them through the blood inside their body. If they have none, then she uses vials of others' blood to control it. This gives her direct access to all parts of the corpse, be it human or animal. This has taken a toll on her mind, making her now slightly 'out of it'. This can make it easy for her to read the people around her by their body language. If the corpse is larger than or the same size of a adult grizzly bear, it is difficult for her to control the corpse and it often goes sluggish, before collapsing on the ground. She controls the corpses by the strings if if she has no vials or if there's no blood present, which basically means she drags it around until there is some blood nearby. Some time later, she developed the ability to implant thoughts of her own into other's minds. So if she sent the thought saying 'I want to pick up that pen', whoever she was focusing it on would most likely either wish to do so and act accordingly or have the desire to. This stretches to is she wants someone to feel a certain way, although it's only basic commands and small twinges of the feeling that ever happen. Sometimes she can use this to store bits of her mind, mostly the parts breaking, inside of corpses once reanimated. She feels empty when and after doing this, but she mostly ignores it. She can send memories of her past through and often does so as a joke or for a laugh. Biography: She takes a deep breath, "Sure, I'll describe it to you....When you're dead. Although speaking to a corpse is probably bad for your health...hmm." She goes to thinking about this for a while. Personality: "Well, what do you think, since I was in a asylum, darling? But really, don't go to one, terrible service, honestly. You meet some real white collar business school sluggers there, who I bet you all go golfing together with their golf clubs in their Audi's. It's slugging disgusting." Theme song: C e n t i p e d e by Marz Mitzi Other: She's obsessed with stitching and sowing. She carries around a small set in her pocket. She also tends to hum some old songs when she's alone. ----- (Her appearance is in one of the links.) Name: She tilts her head to the side before a blue glow appears showing her names. 'Heiðrún, Duša, Urðr, Annbjørg...I have forgotten my original name, so please refer to me as Alice.' The blue writing seems so well done that it looks like feathers. Age: Question marks appear as she starts to count, before 'A long time.' replaces the question marks. Skills/powers: She blinks, before what can be described as a blue box full of words appear. 'I have a large knowledge of the Old Norse language, seeing as some of my names are from there. I know extensively about runes, both old and new. Newer ones tend to fade a lot, sadly. Anyway, every epoch or so, I can choose to either go back, return to the 'spirit world' or stay at the current time zone. An epoch, for those who don't know,is tens of millions of years. So I chose to stay last time and I'll be here for a while. Saying this, I'm not 'invincible'. I can still fade, or rather die, and I still age. I am however immune to things like disease while in [my true appearance] (http://e-shuushuu.net/images/2013-03-06-562741.jpeg). My [human form] (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/346/9/9/ia_vocaloid_render_by_hanasaki_chan_by_hanasaki_chan-d6xp8l1.png) can still be affected. My true appearance is not affected by physical objects, only mental ones. My human form can be subjected to both. I can communicate with beings who have died or have died once and risen again in both forms although it depends on whoever is present while I speak. I find it easier to do so in my true form. I have some control over weather such as rain, snow, sleet and ice. This depends more so on my mood. If I feel cold and distant, ice. If I feel sorrow, rain. The more I feel the mood, the more heavy the weather gets. It only changes it around me, however. I couldn't direct it to rain on a specific area, it only follows me. I bet you're wondering if I have a physical weapon. I have two, technically. Arcane runes and also [two chakrams] (http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee234/Dragon_of_Amaterasu/Dynasty%20Warriors%207%20Weapons/PICT0270.jpg). Ah, are you tired of listening to me? I'm sorry, I'll stop now.' Biography: She frowns. 'I don't know what I am, but I remember being [here] (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vTObLPrvqKM/Uw6ooqQoqcI/AAAAAAABRIk/3wFlEdf4BJc/s1600/spirit+world+deviantart.com+insukati_valley_by_alextooth-d782jx0.jpg) one time. When I first arrived where we are now, some elders said it was the spirit world that I had been from. Of course I doubted that, but now I'm not so sure...' Personality: 'Personality? Some say the eyes are the window to the soul. Mine are empty. Does that mean my personality is empty, too? A cold, barren wasteland, full of misery and pain? Or perhaps full of a dark, empty world that no one can describe, but everyone can clearly see...' She slouches in posture and 'says' nothing more. Theme song: (Remains by Marz Mitzi) 'I wonder if anyone remembers me...Or are they now ashes? Another pile of bones to be forgotten or to be blown away.' Other: 'Zalgo. He comes...' appears in the same blue glow, but it shifts like static. It's soon replaced with 'Who is Zalgo, exactly? Another entity?'. She seems very interested about him. 'I can speak, by the way, it's just that I prefer this option of communication.' An echo resounds in your head, although it feels like it's around the room, 'I hate to use this, however. It gives many others mild headaches and paranoia.' It doesn't feel like she has one voice, but a blend of them, all speaking at once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura Metalhead in-training

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So, The Observer hijacked my CS. Everything the Observer says is in quotation marks. The rest is The Prophet. Appearance: [The Prophet](http://www.animetion.co.uk/features/2008pr/straightjacket2.jpg) He has glowing blue eyes and a scar on his left one. Name: The Prophet "always the observers bitch", Fuck you observer Age: 32 Skills/powers (don't be overly op): stronger and faster than an average human. His gaze without his sunglasses has the ability to paralyze his foes for up to 10 seconds. "hes the observers bitch which means that he has the abilty to remember the observer even after losing sight of him.but srsly the guys a bitch and thats his special skill i mean srsly look at the idiot" Biography: He has abamdoned his original name rom his old life and instead adopted his nickname The Prophet. In his old life he was, what he likes to call, a sinner. He believes he was struck down by God (cause hes a bitch) and that's where the scar and his glowing eyes came from. After he began to hunt down and kill those he deemed sinners, usually targeting killers."but only when the observer tells him to because hes a bitch". Fuck you, I kill who I please. "only with the observers permision else he is punished serverly such as decapiction or worse his D*** is burned becauses hes a bitch" like hell I will listen to you, you bastard "ah but seriously you do listen to me because i struck you down Bitch with my back hand." I will kill you for lying. "Ah but as you know i never lie you just don't like to admit your my bitch." I'm not your bitch and I never will be. "Ah how cute the little bitch thinks hes got his freedom But nah your still my bitch prophet cause we all know that u like the ground where i walk you snoveling twat." I only follow my God you egotistical psychopathic freak. "But remember punk god abandoned us long ago. so their is only one god bitch. his name is Zalgo and hes a fuckign retarded prick. also your still my bitch even while following your nonexistent god" Zalgo is the fucking devil and will go die in a hole and you're a stupid prick. "Im a stupid prick Same size as your pecker mate. ps your still my bitch" I'm going to destroy you and display your head over my fireplace if you keep insulting me. "Sorry what i was just reading a book about cancer because you seem to have one in your brain. Let me slice u open and get it for you." I will feed your organs to the dogs and let the buzzards pick at your corpse. "Sorry what your gonna feed me to your own kind bitch sorry bud but. their kinda full after all i killed everyone you ever trusted loved and then dug up your ancestry and fed them Now shut your fucking mouth and admit defeat. I already killed my old 'friends for their way of life so you're to late. "are you a boy or a girl because i can't fricking tell You sound like a prepubescent male teen having sex with a screw driver so stop screaming at me brother because your acting retarded see i got go. after all the funs already started". *observer left the building* Personalitly (can be hidden until the roleplay begins): The Prophet is ruthless and unforgiving, willing to sacrifice his own life for his cause. "and for his master the observer" Theme song (optional) "Im a bitch by The prophet" [God Syndrome](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NviAJA2tKYs) Other: "Is the observers bitch" He uses a ceremonial dagger with an ornate gold handle and a clean white blade. Zalgo, he comes. And he will be purged. Fox: Guys calm your tits gosh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Soulless speaks in the Personality section. He starts at '"Slightly arrogant is an understatement...' then Jakkuna replies, he speaks, she relpies, he speaks etc. He speaks in speech marks.) Appearance: [Human Form] (http://i.imgur.com/QEXNJM5.jpg) and [Kitsune Form] (http://background-download.com/background/styles/1440x900/public/animals-brown-cute-wolf-wallpaper-39337.jpg?itok=NV8b9ZB_). (With 7 tails) Name: "...Jaakuna Higitsune. Means 'evil fire fox' or as I prefer, the Great Evil Fox of Fire." Age: "I appear roughly twenty four, although I am much, much older." Skills/powers: "I'll say a list, then you may choose to look into certain ones or not. I have Canine Physiology, which includes enhanced strength, smell, some night vision, endurance, senses, durability, bite, hearing, speed and stamina. I have a predator's instinct, temperature regulation and environmental adaption, in some cases. I can create fire, although there must be a fuel source nearby to fuel it. I can retract my claws, honestly not a power but whatever, fox-fire manipulation, decelerated aging, dream manipulation, insanity inducement, some 'hovering', illusion manipulation, life-force absorption, possession and the ability to shape-shift. I have seven prehensile tails and some control on where my hair goes. I have intangibility, limited invisibility and the ability to curse others. Since most of my powers are based around fire, I am also slightly immune to it. Done, I swear." Biography: "Where should I start...I guess when I had just formed a clan is the most recent memory that shows. A full clan of Kitsunes, me included, had formed a camp site that had been fully protected and marked by symbols. We had plenty of supplies and enough of us present to survive for months, maybe years on end. That was until a certain someone had 'accidentally' (Soulless) walked in and 'accidentally' destroyed nearly half of the clan. I remember at the time, I was caring for some of the recently injured Kitsunes who were too young to know the right herbs to heal themselves. The guards along the perimeter were dealing with the intruder and they didn't think to kill him straight away. Seeing as we prefer torture and all. He must have regenerated or something similar, because he was in no shape to move at all after the guards had dealt with him. He had ventured further into the village, killed nearly half of the tribe and destroyed practically all of the buildings. As soon as I heard burning and saw bits of smoke and smelt the blood, I rushed outside and went rampant. I believe I broke his jaw and injured him, watching him flee. I then took the remaining Kitsunes and fled from the camp. Now here I am, in another forest, another camp and now friends with him. I don't know what's come over me..." Personality: "I'm slightly arrogant at times and I do have the tendency to be easily annoyed, no matter if on purpose or not. I don't favor crowds, but if I must, I will stay with one until I'm in need of a stress reliever, that being cigarettes or killing someone. I am very patient with practically everything and can easily read emotions or the body language of others. "slightly arrogant is the understatement of the century. You fricking Broke my jaw just cause i looked at you wrong" It was partly your fault I was already annoyed at that stage. "but you still broke my jaw. and i did nothing to you at all" So you call burning my home and killing half of my clan nothing? "wait they where party of a clan?" Kitsunes always travel in clans to protect themselves against idiots like you "well hold up didn't half your clan try to kill me?" We prize our territory with a passion and you happened to wander in, ignoring the symbols on the trees that CLEARLY indicated there was someone here. "oh you mean those symbols Yea i didn't really remember what they meant but then you guys weren't very diplomatic in fact you basically just attacked me head on" Having guards at the sides, always on the ready is for our survival. "I Didn't mean to kill them really its just they kinda broke both my legs and my arm and left me to die..." We like to torture intruders or anyone who has valuable information, really. Sorry, part of our custom. "but what did your clan say about halving a basically indestructible half demon half man walking around?"We favor the challenge to take down other demonic beings, be them indestructible or not. We found you amusing as such. I don't believe I was present while you were being mauled, so I don't recall what they said."some where screaming others where trying to burn me to fucking death. but sure since i can't die. i guess it s fine But i need to get leaving. theirs this town i gotta go to *points to spot on the map*" We might meet again, then. I hope you fare well on your travels, although I'll be leaving later. " but where to?" The same location as you, although we shall be setting up fort in the nearby woods. Do be careful about setting foot in there again. "Can i visit if i need help or should i just leave?" I'll notify the guards of you, so feel free to appear whenever needed. "thank you and by the way Don't hit me in the jaw it stings like a bitch anyways See you" Gotcha, see you soon, friend. Theme song: WILDFIRE!! By VocaCircus Other: "I have a fear and hatred towards dogs or canines. They do after all have the ability to detect Kitsunes. I consider myself nearly mute in most cases, although, as you can see, I am speaking fine here. I prize my star ball (literally a blue, glowing sphere.) above all else and it's said if you can take one from a Kitsune, you may control it. Although when they get it back, they will most likely murder you." She takes a deep breath, "Zalgo, He Comes....And then starts acting like a child. Stupid, really."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

![enter image description here](http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/362/7/1/image_by_littlemissyukichi-d8bnn27.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Jingle Bell (Real Name: Unknown) Age: 11 Skills/powers: Teleportation, telekinesis, and the ability to speak into people's minds Biography: Jingle Bell is the ghost of a human girl who was killed when she was young. She reawoke with no memories of being alive but she remember how she died. That night started the killings called the ghost killings because there was never no trace of who killed the person or how the person died. Personality: Jingle is quiet first part is due to her mouth being sewn shut but is very hostile but upon getting to know her she is kind and very nice to be around. Theme song: Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine Other: She returns...just much younger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 19 days ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kitty
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

![enter image description here](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/364/1/9/dark_eros_by_skylily27-d8by3x5.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Dark Eros, nickname some people are allowed to call her is Dede (like D.E.D.E or her name repeated twice :P) Or they call her by her real name Ebony Age: Appears to be a teenager but is quite old Skills/powers: Dark Eros has a compound bow and arrow as her weapon. Along with that she manipulates fire due to being a demon. Biography: Dark Eros is a lesser goddess turned mortal. She was the original Eros before the guy she loved was murdered. She began making people fall in love then killing one of the people in love just to watch people suffer heartbreak like her. This caused her to be stripped of immortality but then she was turned into a demon and given back immortality. Even though she is immortal she can die by the person she will next fall for dying of unnatural causes or breaking heart and falling out of love with her. She can also die by being killed with one of the arrows of love that the new Eros has. If someone can get there hands on that and hit her in the heart with it. Personality: TBR(Quick glimpse: Cold hearted B***h) Theme song: [Marina and The Diamonds - How To Be A Heartbreaker](http://youtu.be/vKNcuTWzTVw) Other: She enjoys eating the hearts of her victims or just collecting them. It depends on her mood. Zalgo he comes... then he loves... then he gets a broken heart and dies.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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![enter image description here](http://www.wallpaperfo.com/thumbnails/detail/20120427/women%20wings%20feathers%20mabinogi%20artwork%20anime%20anime%20girls%20morrighan%201920x1080%20wallpaper_www.wallpaperfo.com_25.jpg "enter image title here") Name: "I am Sparrow." (Real Name: Myrin Star) Age: "I've lost count. Maybe 15 or 16." Skills/powers: "I can turn into a sparrow, hence the name Sparrow. Oh plus the black wing on my back when I'm not a sparrow." Biography: "Ugh since I cannot argue with Books I have to do this. I grew up a very ordinary life with my dad. My mom died when I was really little so I never knew her. Well one day a certain red head came to my house and killed my father and then killed me. Apparently my mom had put a curse on me to bring me back to life as a ghost so that's how I'm alive. I don't blame the girl for my death but I live to cause others pain." Personality: "Hm according to the notes that Books gave me I'm supposed to be cold-hearted and feisty but like Crimson has done I will break that personality." Theme Song: "Ugh I sound really stupid saying this but Shake It Off by Taylor Swift. Go ahead and laugh." Other: "I am the basic embodiment of Books. Just without the sickness." **Hey that's cruel!** "Well it's true."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Song Book
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Song Book First book off the shelf.

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Name: ...Melody, call me Melody Age: 17- 18 who really cares. Skills/powers (don't be overly op): - Mimicking the voices - Having a awesome voice. Biography: ... but i dont want to. Personalitly (can be hidden until the roleplay begins): Hidden Theme song (optional): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09VMKwvAlNs Other: Zalgo he comes, for the music.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 19 days ago

Name, Madness: Age N/A (but since hes basically a clone of Soulless, 20) Skills/powers (don't be overly op) He has all of soulless's powers but they are weakend but he has one extra power . He can effect Peoples Mind and induce madness in them so much so it can have varying degrees of effectiveness The closer he is the more brutal the illusions and the more permant the madness as such He has been known as the bringer of madness. But he is also affected by his own power even though he is quite resisitant to it. Biography "wouldn't you like to know" Personalitly ...irregular to say the lest Theme song (optional) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gpr7xa46GKk Other. I am Madness...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Demon Form- ![enter image description here](http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/b4d7cefef0461509fd3d5aec8661c2281345924976_full.png "enter image title here") Human Form- ![enter image description here](http://ak2.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/l/tid/75688688.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Yasha (Meaning Demon) Age:Looks to be 18 Skills/powers (don't be overly op): Has a extended weakness to Zalgos Corruption power. Is a demon which means that because of his demonic heritage he has extended resistance to Injury and increased Stamina Can transform into a more human looking self. (no where near as well as me) Can speak with telepathy and also normally speak. We don't want another Jingle. Has a massive resistance to Zalgos mind control. Biography: "Why do I even have to say this?" "_Say what Runt?_""Say a freaking backstory. I'm a demon." "_Pfft f*** that Your just a imp I am a Demon_" "Dude there can be more than one demon in the world." "_never said their couldn't just sayin you an't one_""I am one and a better one than you at that." "_I am Before your time punk ive lived for over a Million years I have killed countless I have eaten hundreds. I have Swooned more woman then you_""Well at least I am much more hotter than you could ever be." "Yea Cause i am going to burn you to death" "I'm immortal. Can't kill me grandpa." "Ive killed Slender well actually i gave somone the tools to do it. but if i could kill him I could kill you""I would like to see you try grandpa. You would probably bludgen me with a cane since you're so old grandpa. How's your hip? Have you broken it yet?" "_insolent child do you really Think that i have ever sustained injury. I am tasked with destroying reality but what are ye going to do Nothing your just a lesser demon a lesser demon is all you are. Becuase guess what kid i was killing before you even said your first word. i am the origin of murder i am the origin of slaughter. I am both halfs of the same coin. but u are just a token A f***ing token. in comparsion to me So Kid. What are you going to do Continue being a b****h to every other devil or actually cut your hair because you look like a girl_""At least I have awesome looking hair. Besides you look like you've been smoking crack for thousands of years." "whos to say i haven't it does pass the time plus your hair looks like chewbacca wiped his butt on your head" "Not true. My hair is sexy and you know it." "my my do you want to send me over the edge punk B̥̱̟e̼͈͇͔c̳̲̻͖̻̞͎͢a̹͚̗͙͔ͅu̠̱͝s̰̠̰͇͎̪͓e̢̮̲ ̳̥̠̼i ̗̺̩̞w̼̟͍̥̟̫i̴͚̱̜̟̠l̗̤l̻͠ ̺͜f͏̤̙̮̜***i̼ͅn̦̲̫g̹̦̱̟͘ͅ ̳̼̣͘d̵͈̙r̷̝͙o̦̥͙̹p͉̠̬ͅ ̸͎̼̹̟̺ͅy͓͉̬̜͍̟̟ou̯͚͔ i͇͎̤͙n̻͟t̛o͞ ̻̺͍̰ͅͅt̻͈͉h̞͓͔͇̞̖e̹͇̗̙̝͎ ͖F̘̩̮͡i̼̯͚̲͖͚re̢͈̲̭̟̻ p͕̫͔i͏ṱ̵̤͕̙.̝͎͔̜̩̤͖ ̞̥͘S̀o̥̠̟̹̳̠͉͠ ̶y̮͙͙͎ͅo̠͕͓̘̟͞ͅu̥̳̼̭̖̤ ͏̱͈͖̤͍̼c͜á͓̪̜ǹ̦ ̞̯͍͇̰͍̫n̰̤̳̘̰͎̕e͖͙v҉̦͚͎͎̫ę̫̲͖̰͉̲̲r̮̺̟̦̬ ͕̼̤r͠e̟͟g̞̳e̡͔n̯͓̼̭̗e̡̳̗̯r̪̫a͎͖̬t̫̩̯͍͢e̡͎̠̪̗̳͖̜ ͖͓͎̟a͎̜͖̪n̶͈̹̳d͔̗̦͓͕ ͚̼̖̹͍̻͚c̳͔o̮̻n̻̥̫s̷͚̦̙̹t҉̲͙̞͈̻a̢̻̖̹n͖͕tl̶̪͍͚̺̰̭ͅy͍ ͏̫͔̣̞b͚͓̟̮̭̕e ̢͚͓̪͔̬͓ͅi̶̗͇̠n̗̥̩͡ ̜̮̲a̘̱g̲̀ò̖̭͈n̫y̼̮̘.̞̩ ͙͜ ̳̙̭̱͝ A͜l̠̦̬̫̀s̗̠͔̫̙͖̼o̢̘̼̻̩̞ ̴͓̥̼̲̗̹I̵̪̘͉̺ ҉̞͈̠̫j̱u̱̭̮͘ṣ̜͎̜͠ͅt̩̙̻̕ͅ ̺̯̖̟͎r̸é̤̪a͕̗l̳͙̠̤i̟̥̼͉s̩̘̰̬͡ͅe̷̙̟̹͇̦͙̩d ̴̞̯̣͔̞Ỳó͖̜̥̗̞̭u̗͎̫̘̥̭̙r͔̣̤̳ ̪́F̸̫͔͈͇a̦t̨͕h͓͈̗̥̼e͇͈͇͍͓̫̗r̥̳̝̺͔ͅ ͈i͇̞̩̬̗͖̘s̥̤ ͔̮́P͏͉͇̘̯̳r͕͈̯̲͙̹o̧̺̱̠̲b͙͔̯̜͜a̪b͍̖̘l̻̼̦̰͙y̖̘̼ ̲͕̯͞D̢̟̻i̴sg̫͓̺̱͉̥̼r͚̩̰͓̞̥͜a͍͔͖͍͓̮c͚͕̖̮̹̗̀e̙̘̖̬̻ḍ͈ ͏͖͚̯͕̬̘h̺̜̮̟̟ȩ̹̹̗͎͓̳̣ ̺e͓̫̜̤͜v́ḛ̴̝͖̣̭̖̤n̦̖̲̺ ̶̼h̠̫̦̟͉͚a̬̲͚͎̥̠̦d ̹͇͎̜͕̙̱a ̜̩̺͙̙D͈ͅu̳̬̹̩̲͡ͅm̵̝͙͖̝̜͖̦b̟̟̠**s̨̲͉͚̜ ̩͝r͖͔͕̗̥̲u͈̤͎͝n̺̟͇̳̬̝͠ț̰͈̣̳̥͎ ̼͕͝l͕̞i̜̖̦̠̭ke ̭̝̪̟͓͚͙y͉̩̫͔̯o̭͇ͅu͚̳̦̰ ̙̙͈͚̰͜ͅS̀o̪͢ ̵̙̬̠̯̬p͙̪̪̞͇͉̞͜u̟̜͉̕n̕ͅk̢̲̠̥̤ ̴̥͚͇͇͍ͅr̢̭͉͙̝̖̥ųn ̰̯̜̠͔̥̘h̦͇͙̻̳̝o͍̝̥͖ṃ̼͈̖e͈̳̜͉ ̷͓t̮̜o̰̥̪̮̱̬ ̝͈̰̜̣͝y̛̝͎͇̘o͖͕̼̗̤̱͢u͔͕r̶̲̱̱͖͕ ̸̙̙da͇̞̘͎ͅd̛d̷̳̗y ̜͍͎̜̙̙̱͜a͚n̸̬̜̲d̺̣̖͞ ̜̭͙̀c̼̣͔̗̲͕͚͠r̯͎̜̩ͅi̝̗̝e͖̹̗̜̜̝̣̕ ̞̙̠̳̟̬b̩̦̀ḛ͚͈̭̺̖̰͝c̠a͖͝u̹̠s̭͈͎̀e͟ ̫̘͈y̙̦̮̙̺͘ͅǫ̬̭u͎͈̝͞r̰̦̗̖̟͚͚ ̘͚̘̤̻͕ą̱͈̼̘l͍̰͚w̦̳a̝͔͞y̫̪͟s͖̖̗͞ ̛a̩̗̘̟̼ ̩̣̘̥̞̕f̜͓̱̰͉***í͉͔͖̬n̠̩̪̺g̸͕ ̲̱͖F͉͕a̵̞į̭͖̼̝̬l͓̦̥̹͍̮̩͡u̼̦͎̭̭ͅr̪͔̙̤͇̱ḛ_ "Oh crap. *goes running away*" "good riddence" "ALSO I DON'T KNOW MY FATHER SO SCREW YOU!!!" "D̸̞̥͇̱͎ͩͣ͛o͎ͮ͑ͮͮ̕n͏̺̼̬̥'̷̮̬̦̘̭͓̥̈́ͯ͆ͬ͛̀ẗ̫͎͈́̌̔͐ͣͯ͟ ̌̐T̎͜e̯̩̱ͧ̎s͖̬̝ͥ̿ͣͬṫ̴̞̞ͦͨͯ̅ ̵̹͕̬̞̠ͥ̈̓͐ͬ̚m͕̺̳̰̰e͉̖̹̖̬̮̦̿̿̓ͧ̚ ̡̦̞Ṛ͚̣̜̻ṷ̖͕̔ͯ͒̽ͪ̓ñ̢̰̭̜ͫ̄͒͑ͫ͌t̢̯̻́̃̒͂̿ͧͫ ̪̦̞̜̪̦̿ͨ̅̔̅̄̕i̧̲̺͈̣̪̮͋̎ͦͤ ͉͉̹̠͓͚̇ͨ̂ͅa̭̭̪̝m̸̉̈́̆ ̼̝̙͚͔ͬ̅̅͊ͮͧ̓t̖̬̤͉͈̝̠͒̃̓̏͊h̀̋é̻̆̀͌̃ ̴̇̀̐̚k̶̲̳̹̎͆ͨĩ̲͛ͪͯn̨̮̤̯̼ͨ̇g͆̓̑͢ ̣̼̱̊ͫͪͅo͈̟̐ͭ̂ͤͦ͊ͣf͙̻͎͍̟̺̄͘ ̨̒̓̅̒̉̉̽h̶̘̙͓͇͉̭̻̔̉̃͗e̪l͍̝̤̳̱͙̝ͦ͊ͤͯ̓̔̎͘l͚̅̿ͭ̎.ͦ̈́ͮͩ " "I WILL TEST YOU ALL I WANT OLD MAN!!" "Hey Runt i just remember. You can't stand near me can you. CAN YOU. IM COMING OVER THEIR RIGHT NOW AND I AM GOING TO F***ING CORRUPT YOU THEN RIP YOUR MOULDING HEAD APART." "YOU STAY FAR AWAY FROM ME OLD MAN!!! I DON'T WANT YOU RUINING MY HANDSOME LOOKS!" Personalitly (can be hidden until the roleplay begins): "I guess according to Books I'm a sassy pain in the butt." Theme song (optional): Stand My Ground by Within Temptation Other:"what does the scouter say about Yasha's sass level?" "It's over 9000!!!!" Is Crimson's half brother and Zalgo's son
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

![enter image description here](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/323/f/c/fnaf__mr__puppet_by_rainbow_sunlight-d86zwcr.jpg "enter image title here") ![enter image description here](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpjpuyzZ1a1qz83i8o1_500.jpg "enter image title here") Name: Marionette/The Puppet (Puppet form: Gender Unknown Human form: Female) (Real name: Sora Oasis) Age: Unknown looks to be 7 in human form Skills/powers (don't be overly op): Can turn invisible, very fast Biography: The Marionette is the whole cause of the animatronics becoming possessed. The Marionette was inhabited by the spirit of the first child killed by Fritz Smith (Phone Guy) and moved the spirits of the other dead children into the animal suits. Albeit quite haphazardly as such they cannot leave the pizzeria. The soul that took possession of Marionette/The Puppet was the soul of a little girl named Sora Oasis, the first child to be killed by Fritz. She grew up with her mother and father and was at the pizzeria for fun when she died. "Fritz is a big jerk. I wish he wasn't my dad.""I bet. It was really mean of him to kill us all." "That's why I'm gonna kill him.""That's if you can find him first." "I'm going to stuff him in my suit. The one he used as a disguise to murder us.""Then what else will you do to him?" "What else would I do?""Put a end to him. That's even better revenge. Payback." "He'll be good and dead by that point... Trust me.""Well when it does happen I'll be watching from my gift box, eating popcorn." "I'll be sure to give you a good show.""I'll hold you up to that." Personality (can be hidden until the roleplay begins):The Puppet/Marionette it is very quiet but very evil. It can only be stopped from killing you once it's out of it's gift box (which once it leaves it proceeds to carry it with it) if you're playing "The Grandfather's Clock" but once that song stops it will play "Pop goes the Weasel". Sora is a very calm little girl who was fairly intellegent for a 7 year old when she was alive. Now she angry a lot and very cruel but she's normally not like that, normally she is very hyper and bouncy and loves to cause mischeif. Theme song (optional):The Puppet by GatoPaint Other:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 19 days ago

> ![enter image description here](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/323/f/c/fnaf__mr__puppet_by_rainbow_sunlight-d86zwcr.jpg "enter image title here") > > ![enter image description here](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lpjpuyzZ1a1qz83i8o1_500.jpg "enter image title here") > > Name: Marionette/The Puppet (Puppet form: Gender Unknown Human form: Female) (Real name: Sora Oasis) > > Age: Unknown looks to be 7 in human form > > Skills/powers (don't be overly op): > > Can turn invisible, very fast > > Biography: The Marionette is the whole cause of the animatronics becoming possessed. The Marionette was inhabited by the spirit of the first child killed by Fritz Smith (Phone Guy) and moved the spirits of the other dead children into the animal suits. Albeit quite haphazardly as such they cannot leave the pizzeria. The soul that took possession of Marionette/The Puppet was the soul of a little girl named Sora Oasis, the first child to be killed by Fritz. She grew up with her mother and father and was at the pizzeria for fun when she died. "Fritz is a big jerk. I wish he wasn't my dad.""I bet. It was really mean of him to kill us all." "That's why I'm gonna kill him.""That's if you can find him first." "I'm going to stuff him in my suit. The one he used as a disguise to murder us.""Then what else will you do to him?" "What else would I do?""Put a end to him. That's even better revenge. Payback." "He'll be good and dead by that point... Trust me.""Well when it does happen I'll be watching from my gift box, eating popcorn." "I'll be sure to give you a good show.""I'll hold you up to that." > > Personality (can be hidden until the roleplay begins):The Puppet/Marionette it is very quiet but very evil. It can only be stopped from killing you once it's out of it's gift box (which once it leaves it proceeds to carry it with it) if you're playing "The Grandfather's Clock" but once that song stops it will play "Pop goes the Weasel". Sora is a very calm little girl who was fairly intellegent for a 7 year old when she was alive. Now she angry a lot and very cruel but she's normally not like that, normally she is very hyper and bouncy and loves to cause mischeif. > > Theme song (optional):The Puppet by GatoPaint > > Other: accepted
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Second Appearance] ( http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/325/1/7/_free__fox_boy__closed__by_mostlyniceadopts-d5lhtol.jpg ) [First Appearance] ( http://s2.favim.com/610/141007/animal-art-colors-drawing-Favim.com-2131841.jpg ) Name: Fokisi Olam Xenos, or F.O.X. Age: Registered as 16, but has existed for several hundreds. Skills/powers (don't be overly op): It has a vast knowledge on practically everything and can't really feel anything like pain. It is extremely quick at restringing new items, life forms, temperatures, etc. It has a wide vision and can see perfectly fine in blinding light or pitch darkness. Being a fox in one form, it moves pretty quickly. It's human form is the same as average, though. The one thing it's best at is that it's perfectly silent, since it can't breathe at all. The most sound it would make moving would be soft thuds on the floor. Biography: "T̢̜̮̥̥̣̥h̫͢͠i͕͓̙̬̼̗̘̻̕͡ͅs͇̙͘ ͇͖͓̝͓͈̥͠d̫͕͙̼a̴̩̟̲̫͢t̶͓͖̫̮̠̣̕͢a̤͍͍̝̤̺̖͞͠ ̯̞i̫̼͙̫͘s͚̥̖̬̻̪̀ͅ ̸̴̠͎̼̱̼͉c͓̦̻̦̩͔̕͝o̱͟͞r̴̻͖̗̀̕r͔̜͞ų̖ͅp͉͍̠͘t̢͙̥͞. It was not of importance to begin with. Wish to know something else?" Personality: There is no personality registered on it's database. It speaks as if it's cold and distant towards others, with no sense of emotion. It knows well what they are, but it's incapable of feeling them. Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zx6RXGNISk Other: It refers to itself as a male, but it often wears 'girly' clothes. This makes it seem a lot like a girl at times, which it doesn't exactly mind. It's been created from an unusually robust metal, or material. It's extremely hard to destroy (even with water or fire) but it flexes around it's circuits with ease. Zalgo, he comes...for something F.O.X. almost definitely knows about already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Red Seelie
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The Red Seelie Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 19 days ago

> > [Second Appearance] ( http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/325/1/7/_free__fox_boy__closed__by_mostlyniceadopts-d5lhtol.jpg ) > > [First Appearance] ( http://s2.favim.com/610/141007/animal-art-colors-drawing-Favim.com-2131841.jpg ) > > Name: Fokisi Olam Xenos, or F.O.X. > > Age: Registered as 16, but has existed for several hundreds. > > Skills/powers (don't be overly op): It has a vast knowledge on practically everything and can't really feel anything like pain. It is extremely quick at restringing new items, life forms, temperatures, etc. It has a wide vision and can see perfectly fine in blinding light or pitch darkness. Being a fox in one form, it moves pretty quickly. It's human form is the same as average, though. The one thing it's best at is that it's perfectly silent, since it can't breathe at all. The most sound it would make moving would be soft thuds on the floor. > > Biography: "This data is corrupt. It was not of importance to begin with. Wish to know something else?" > > Personality: There is no personality registered on it's database. It speaks as if it's cold and distant towards others, with no sense of emotion. It knows well what they are, but it's incapable of feeling them. > > Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zx6RXGNISk > > Other: It refers to itself as a male, but it often wears 'girly' clothes. This makes it seem a lot like a girl at times, which it doesn't exactly mind. It's been created from an unusually robust metal, or material. It's extremely hard to destroy (even with water or fire) but it flexes around it's circuits with ease. Zalgo, he comes...for something F.O.X. almost definitely knows about already. > accepted.
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