![enter image description here](http://s9.favim.com/orig/131116/anime-anime-boy-art-boy-Favim.com-1065792.jpg "enter image title here")
Name: Koishii Sakana.
Age: 20.
Gender: Male.
Role: Fish, Osananajimi-- the childhood friend.
Personality: Koishii is intuitive to the extreme and possesses superb intuitions. He is quick to take on the problems of others and has a hard time saying no, even when he should.
Not quick to judge nor judging on outward appearances, Koishii looks into the soul of a person to see who they truly are. Koishii is warm hearted, caring, and deeply sensitive. He is a true charmer, full of charisma.
Koishii is loyal, romantic, generous, compassionate, kind, and sensitive. He'll give you everything he has – even if it's not much.
Some of his mannerisms are that he tends to stare a little too widely during a conversation, and a lot of his sentences start with him opening his mouth, as if he's about to speak... but he sits like that for a while. Comparable to a fish opening and closing its mouth at random, heh.