Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

The year is 1953. A decade of mostly peace, and economic growth in the United States, especially the Big Apple. Clubs, skyscrapers, shimmering lights are all what make up the city... including the mafia as well. They operate all the dirty work in city. Smuggling, drug dealing, murder, gun control, you name it. It isn't a pretty job. Out of all the Mafia families out there, there are four major ones that are trying to become the leader of the ring. They all have their pros and cons to them, and all extremely dangerous, and have the ability to become the big dogs. In this city they will have to have a truce with some, and make enemies with others. Sabotage, backstabbing, blackmailing, and other things are all fair in this battle.

During this battle, there can be friendships, relationships between the families, innocents killed, and lives ruined... and the four families aren't the only ones trying to gain control of the city. Detectives, undercover cops, and assassins could be out for them too. It'll take the biggest and baddest to come out on top.... who will take it?


The Lombardi's: The newest of the families. They are known for their charm and smooth talking. Although they are the newest family, they have proven to be a very large competitor. The run most of the clubs in New York. Their specialty is smuggling both people, and items of interest.

The Moriarti's: They are the oldest family, and currently losing their grasp on being the leaders. Although they might be losing their touch, there's a reason why they have been on top for so long. They are cold, twisted, and don't take kindly to people who mess with their business. They control most of the gun trade in New York.

The Rosetti's: The second eldest. They absolutely hate the Moriarti's, and they hate them right back. They have gotten close to being top dogs, but the leader of their family recently died, bringing them back into second. They control the drugs in the city. They are more passionate, and forgiving than the Moriarti's, but don't hesitate to kill a rat.

The Russo's: They are known for their sneaky, and tricky ways. They are masters of tricking and backstabbing others, thats how they got so high up. They usually never travel alone, and tend to seem innocent and quiet, but have the brains to take down a small army. They are extremely dangerous, and currently take control of bribing the law enforcement.


Godfather: Antonio Lombardi(LoneSilverWolf)
1) Analise Lombardi(MissCapnCrunch) -- Wife of godfather
2) Jones Lombardi(Jones Sparrow) -- Son of godfather
3)Priscilla Trusette-Lombardi(iSuspect) -- In a relationship with Jones Lombardi

Godfather: Open
1) Angelo Moriarti(JakeOzzy)-- Son of godfather
2) Rosey Delaney(Konica)-- Niece of godfather
3)Sophia Moriarti(iSuspect)-- Daughter of godfather

Godfather: Open
1)Freddy Benedetti AKA:Carl Holzter-- undercover cop

Godfather: Open
1) Maria Russo(Jakeozzy)-- Daughter of Godfather
2) Janis Serraino(Emma)-- Niece of Godfather

1) Dante Lorenzetti, AKA: Reaper(ThePhantomM)-- Assassin

1) Unless you get the okay from the character and me, you can't kill other players. You can injure them, but not permanent damage, unless again, the character says so..
2) You can have relationships with other members, but keep it Pg-13.
3) As above, i don't mind blood, gore, or cursing. but keep it Pg-13
4) Be fair. Some families will win some, and lose some.
5) you can be from any family, or a civilian, a mafia member(not related), a detective/cop. If you have another idea, let me know, and i'll see if its okay!


Relation to Godfather:
Role in family: Mafia member only
Relationship?: optional
Name: Jones Lombardi

Age: 22


Family: Lombardi

Relation to Godfather: Son

Role in Family: Runs the person of interests smuggling. Also runs one of the clubs downtown

Bio: I always had a suspicion that my family was doing something fishy. In my early teens it was confirmed, but they never officially told me. I lived a good life. My parents made sure i had some education. When i finished highschool, i was brought into the family business. At age 18 my grandpa died, leaving my dad in charge of the whole thing. And he's done a lot of good work to benefit our family. We became a name everyone knew. For civilians we were the famous, charming family that hosted the best clubs in Manhattan... and in the Mafia world we were known to be crafty, and powerful. Years after shooting, and running from cops, and smuggling, and negotiating, my dad let me run a part of our business. Smuggling people in and out, and owning a very renowned club here... I've been doing that for a year now, and i can tell the other families are getting concerned about our growth. and boy, does it feel good to know that you can soon have some power.

Personality: Suave, charming, witty. Extremely loyal to my family, and has enough smarts to know when to keep my mouth shut, and when to run from a fight. when i'm with my dad i usually show more respect and fear than love and compassion. not because he is mean, but to show respect.

Relationship: anyone interested, let me know!

Other: wears my grandfather's old fedora for good luck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'll finish these in just a moment, Jones! x3 Do tell if they're okay for now though.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Is it bad that I'm already hoping that my character gets caught late in the game? Xp
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Analise Lombardi

Age: 45

Family: Lombardi

Relation to Godfather: Wife

Role in family: Mother first, work second. Ana often does small jobs around the town when her family needs her, but is usually home keeping the house straight. When the police come a knocking; she is the one to hide contraband and offer a cup of coffee within seconds of the door bell ringing.

Personality: Protective. Classy. Selfless. Independent. Loyal to her husband, family, and friends.

Biography: Growing up in the coastal city of Pozzuoli, Italy, Ana never once had dreams outside her quiet life. Her father humbly made a living as a fisherman, and her mother spent her time raising Analise and her several siblings. It wasn't until Analise was sixteen years old that she met the man she would now call her husband, her one love. He was different than most boys, he had goals, ambitions, and plans. Despite her mother's warnings, the two would sneak away to their own hiding place and talk to one another until the sun went down and rose the next day. When he smiled, it gave her heart a reason to beat. When he spoke, her ears only had reason to listen to his voice. When he held her, she knew not what a life without him was.

If you couldn't guess, it wasn't long before the two were wed. Alas Ana's husband did not see how life in their small town could give them a better chance. Sure, he was happy here with his bride, but he wanted more for them. He wanted more. Within months, the two were packed up and on a boat to the United State of America. Hand in hand, they looked upon the Statue of Liberty and wept. Dreams came true here, their life together started here. It wasn't long before they reached shore and Ana was swept into the arms of an older gentleman wearing a fedora, "Ana, this is my father." he said in his soft Italian tongue, "He left my mother many years ago to come to New York searching for a better life, and he really has found it. Trust me my love, we have a real life here." Ana's petite body was put down as she stared into the spitting image of her own husband. How could a man leave his wife for this dirty place? She wondered, concerned and puzzled all at one time. She didn't say much about the matter, just nodded and followed her husband's lead her slender hand once again wrapped tightly around his.

Years passed as the family name became larger, Ana's first son; Jones was born. She was obsessed with the small boy, giving him everything he could ask for, but also giving him a strict guidance as not to spoil him. It was clear he was his father's son, and as Jones grew, the two would often be seen leaving early in the morning and never coming back. It was just a bond Ana could never obtain; a relation between father and son. However, she knew he was in good hands, and didn't think much of it. It wasn't until 18 years later at the death of her father-in-law that everything came into full swing. This time was very hard on them all, not only the loss of a man that seemed to always take care of them; but a new job to do- the family business. It was from then on Analise knew her duty. Truly it wasn't the life they would have had if they stayed back in Italy, but it was their life now, and she would do anything to keep it the way it was.

Relationship: Happily married!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

All awesome characters!! Accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Awesome. I'm thinking up stuff already. Also, I'd be willing to change my character's family if need be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ThePhantomM


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Dante Lorenzetti (His last name is not known to any of his associates in the crime world and he more commonly goes by the alias 'Reaper'.

Age: 37


Family: N/A

Relation to Godfather: N/A

Role in family: N/A

Dante is considered to be the best assassin in New York. He has performed dozens of high priority hits for all four families and against all four families. None of the families would ever dare to touch him though; first, because they know there will alway come a day when they need him; and second, because they don't want to anger the most skilled hit man in the city. He keeps an extremely low profile and charges a very high fee, resulting in him being hired very rarely.

No one knows where the Reaper lives or how to contact him directly. If any of the families have a job for him they hang a black sheet off the edge of the roof of the Godfather's house and the Reaper gets in contact with them.

Dante is very reserved and doesn't say much. He is a cold hearted killer and won't hesitate to kill anyone for any reason. That said, he does not particularily enjoy killing and won't kill someone without a reason.

Relationship?: None.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Janis Gabriela Serraino

Age: 25

Family: Russo

Relation to Godfather: Niece.

Role in family: She does what she is asked, and what she wants.

Bio: Janis is the godfathers only niece. His late sister Rosa's only child. His one and only baby sister, light of his life, and favorite sibling. Rosa married the godfather good friend Bobby Serraino, and had to misscarrages before little Janis was born. When Janis was six years old she was spending the night with her cousin. Her mother Rosa was kidnapped and murder by a rival family, most likely for revenge. It's still unknown which family murdered her, but the Moriarti are most likely. Janis being onyl six years old at the time, with her father Bobby in prison for a ten year stay. Janis was personally taken in by the godfather, and from then on grew up like one of the godfathers own daughters.

Personality: She has a violent streak. She is an expert at thee use of switchblades, and not to shabby wielding a gun. According to close family, she is reputed to be practical, charming, exceptionally intelligent, but just as ruthless as her male counterparts, in some cases even more so. She has a cold and calculating approach in her criminal endeavors, and with her innocent face, and silver-tongue it was perfect fate that she was born a Russo. Janis is well-spoken and filled with losts of determination. She is prideful, confident and has good skills of command. She is capable of being utterly ruthless against those she perceives as harming her family. Janis reciprocates the loyalty of those who follow her with gratitude and compassion.

Relationship?: none at the moment
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Konica
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Konica (ง •̀_•́)ง

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Rosie Delaney

Age: 25


Family: Moriarti

Relation to Godfather: Niece

Role in family: New member (actually a rat)

Bio: Rosie's parents never wanted to be involved in the family business. Despite opposition from the family, they managed to more or less detach themselves from the family and live quiet peaceful lives for a while. But despite their efforts, they were still part of the family whether they liked it or not. When Rosie was 7 a rival gang (which gang is still unknown to Rosie) killed her parents as an attack on the Moriarti family. The family tried to take care of Rosie but she ran off, blaming them for what happened. After that she was constantly in and out of orphanages, and joined a couple small time street gangs. She was eventually arrested for grand theft auto and sentence to 10 years in prison. But the cops cut a deal with her, they'd wipe her record if she worked for them as a rat. It seemed like a win win situation, she's go free and get revenge on the family that got her parents killed.

Personality: Rosie doesn't have much education and isn't very sophisticated. She lacks manners and is rough around the edges. But she's also very down to earth and easy to get along with. She's very rebellious and hates being bossed around, and sometimes does things just to piss people off. When it comes to business she can be ruthless and trigger happy. She has trouble trusting people, especially if she just met them.

Relationship?: single and ready to mingle
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Antonio "Big Balls" Lombardi
Age: 42

Family: Lombardi
Relation to Godfather: THE Godfather ;)
Role in family: The Head of the Family

“Why do you call him Big Balls?

“We call him Big Balls ‘cause he ain’t afraid of nothin’--rumor has it, guy tried to wack him a few years back. Held a gun right ‘tween his eyes, and he didn’t even fuckin’ blink. He waited til the guy was ‘bout to pull the trigger. Then he walks forward, yanks the gun right out of the guy’s hand--mind you, this is point fuckin’ blank range--and he beats the guy to death right there in the middle of the damn street! Funny enough, ain’t nobody testified against him neither. THAT is why we call him Big Balls!”

Born in the city of Milan in Northern Italy, Antonio Lombardi started out from a rather wealthy family, his father making a fortune in part due to good luck and partially because of his incredible ability to make excellent investment decisions. Antonio, however, would end up leaving the relative paradise of Melbourn when he was just 12 years old; his father having left his mother to venture to America, the land of freedom and opportunity. Antonio’s mother wanted nothing to do with this new world, however--or the opportunities it provided. They had plenty in Italy, why would she want to leave? With neither one of them able to resolve this issue, Antonio’s mother was left shattered and in tears as her husband left to forge a new life overseas. Unable to handle life in Milan any longer, she moved herself and what remained of her family to Pozzuoli.

Antonio, who missed his father a great deal, spent a lot of time walking the streets of this little coastal town, especially at night. He became a rather rebellious child, sneaking off at night, getting into fights, skipping school and ignoring his education, much to the disappointment of his mother. It was three years later when he met her; the woman who, instead of taming his heart, would awaken dreams of his own--of going to America to see his father, to start his own life away from the land that seemed intent on taking away his freedom. Analise was her name, and when Antonio fell, he fell hard.

One could argue he was a bad influence on the girl--she often snuck out of the house to see him, they would stay out all hours of the night, sometimes even watching the sunrise together. Despite his mother’s attempts to make him stay home, to settle him down, it just wasn’t in Antonio’s heart. And now he had a damn good reason to be away from home too. And the more he and Analise spent together, the more he wanted to leave his home country, to build a better life for her--away from his mother, whom he blamed for making his father leave. He was 18 when he proposed to Analise. 18 years old and ready to take what he wanted out of life, not sit idly by and wait for something to happen. He would later make his dreams come true--five years after their first meeting, just a few short months after their marriage, he would be looking over the cold ocean waters below, on a ship to America, with Annalise in hand.

When he made it to America, he found that the Land of Opportunity was a bit misleading. As an Italian immigrant, he found himself facing prejudice. He found it hard to find the simplest work, he found it very difficult to make his way in life, and fulfill his dreams. So, he turned to his father, with whom he reunited shortly after arriving in America. His father welcomed him with open arms, and provided work. Interesting work that not only payed very well, but gave Antonio a sense of control--and a means to provide for his wife. It wasn’t strictly legal, but then, if this country was going to treat him so just because of his descent, then why should he care about following laws? He embraced the work, and it wasn’t long before he was a full fledged Made Man of the Lombardi crime family. He and Analise would later have a son, Jones, who would also be raised as part of the family.

Tragedy would once again strike the Lombardi family, however. Antonio’s father would die when his grandson was just 18 years old. Assassinated by an unknown gunman, his end was as brutal as his life. Given how close father and son were, Antonio took this very hard. Despite the fact his father was dead, this wasn’t ENTIRELY bad for Antonio. He was next in line to run the new Lombardi family--and run it well he did. Putting up new nightclubs, working on human trafficking, drug trafficking, gun running--anything that could possibly be smuggled across borders or even overseas. But he never forgot his ultimate goal, Antonio swore that one day, he would find the man that murdered his father, find out who was responsible for his death, and make them pay. And while he has yet to find out for sure, Antonio Lombardi has never once given up on this task. And, until the day he dies, he never will.

Personality: Loyal, Calm, intelligent, cool under pressure. Does what he has to to keep his family in order. If that means killing one of his own who screwed up, so be it. Does not put up with rats.

Relationship?: Married to Analise
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jambo1117
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

JAMBOOOOO!!!!!!! hahaha Glad to see ya mate!!! Make a CS whenever you can!

And all very interesting characters, and all accepted! I'm excited for this!

Also, i'll put a list of characters and family they belong in to help see who's who and what's what
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by StarWight
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StarWight Rising from the Burrow Downs

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

WOOOOT! I can't wait for this RP to kick off xD *hears The Godfather theme music in the background*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sophia Moriarti| 22| “Mess with me, I’ll chew you up and spit you right back out. Try me.”

Sophia has long, raven colored locks of hair that trails down to his mid back. She sometimes wears her either straight down or in a high ponytail. Her skin is a little bit tanned from being outside in the sun, hanging out with her friends and family. Her eyes are a chestnut brown colored and have a very round shape to them. Sophia stands at about five foot seven and weighing at one-hundred and twenty-five pounds. She may look small and fragile but she is as tough as they come.

She is a proud member of the Moriarti’s.

Relation to Godfather:

Role in the Family:
Handles all of the files and documents of the trades. She even keeps up on the tracking of the weapons and knows when they are arriving to their destination. She is also their cook, along with her mother.

Growing up in a rather unusual household, Sophia knew that something wasn’t right about her own family. After all, she did someone get beat up in their own living room at the age of five. But as she was growing up, her parents finally told her the truth and she became interested at the moment she heard. Her parents were really shocked of her reaction but they eventually got over it as her mother showed her what the ladies do when the men were out on a job, talking in the living area and so forth. But when she was older, she asked her father for a real position in the family and she now keeps the documents of every trade, sell and buyer in a filing cabinet.

Sophia is a calm person and usually stays to herself – Though if you rub her the wrong way, she can be the meanest bitch you’ll ever meet and then some. So it might be best to stay on her good side or suffer the consequences from her or worse, her family.

Sophia is currently single but has her eye on many potential suitors for her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I edit my CS a little, seems a tiny bit of American history slipped my mind. *shrug*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll make a cs soon!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Priscilla Trusette-Lombardi| 20| “I am not the one to mess with.”


Relation to the Godfather:

Role in the Mafia:
Helps Jones run the smuggling of interests. Without Jones knowing, she is also one of the Lombardi’s assassins.

Born and raised in a nice wealthy home in Los Angeles, California, Priscilla went to school every day as she was told and made a lot of friends, most who were very uninteresting to her but she held onto them anyway. After a few short years in California, her and her parents flew to the Big Apple, New York City and made a major adjustment to living there. Growing up wasn’t really hard for her since she asked a lot of questions on things that confused her and much more other things. When she met Jones, she knew that her life was going to change, she could feel it – And boy did it ever change.

At first glance, you might say that Priscilla has a black heart but she is the complete opposite. She is actually quite sweet and caring for most people. She is very loyal to Jones and the rest of the Lombardi family and she knows that she need to keep her mouth shut since she has seen what happens to people that doesn’t, so yeah she is usually quiet unless spoken to.

In a committed relationship with Jones Lombardi.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Both Accepted!

I'm gonna start the IC now, so if you sill wanna join, feel free to! Jambo, Cal, anyone else haha. If you can't make one at the moment, but can later on in the near future, just let me know, i understand! haha
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

IC is up! I'll make the list of characters later tonight!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yay!! IC time.

By the way, is it me or is the format changing on the site?
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