The year is 1953. A decade of mostly peace, and economic growth in the United States, especially the Big Apple. Clubs, skyscrapers, shimmering lights are all what make up the city... including the mafia as well. They operate all the dirty work in city. Smuggling, drug dealing, murder, gun control, you name it. It isn't a pretty job. Out of all the Mafia families out there, there are four major ones that are trying to become the leader of the ring. They all have their pros and cons to them, and all extremely dangerous, and have the ability to become the big dogs. In this city they will have to have a truce with some, and make enemies with others. Sabotage, backstabbing, blackmailing, and other things are all fair in this battle.
During this battle, there can be friendships, relationships between the families, innocents killed, and lives ruined... and the four families aren't the only ones trying to gain control of the city. Detectives, undercover cops, and assassins could be out for them too. It'll take the biggest and baddest to come out on top.... who will take it?
The Lombardi's: The newest of the families. They are known for their charm and smooth talking. Although they are the newest family, they have proven to be a very large competitor. The run most of the clubs in New York. Their specialty is smuggling both people, and items of interest.
The Moriarti's: They are the oldest family, and currently losing their grasp on being the leaders. Although they might be losing their touch, there's a reason why they have been on top for so long. They are cold, twisted, and don't take kindly to people who mess with their business. They control most of the gun trade in New York.
The Rosetti's: The second eldest. They absolutely hate the Moriarti's, and they hate them right back. They have gotten close to being top dogs, but the leader of their family recently died, bringing them back into second. They control the drugs in the city. They are more passionate, and forgiving than the Moriarti's, but don't hesitate to kill a rat.
The Russo's: They are known for their sneaky, and tricky ways. They are masters of tricking and backstabbing others, thats how they got so high up. They usually never travel alone, and tend to seem innocent and quiet, but have the brains to take down a small army. They are extremely dangerous, and currently take control of bribing the law enforcement.
Godfather: Antonio Lombardi(LoneSilverWolf)
1) Analise Lombardi(MissCapnCrunch) -- Wife of godfather
2) Jones Lombardi(Jones Sparrow) -- Son of godfather
3)Priscilla Trusette-Lombardi(iSuspect) -- In a relationship with Jones Lombardi
Godfather: Open
1) Angelo Moriarti(JakeOzzy)-- Son of godfather
2) Rosey Delaney(Konica)-- Niece of godfather
3)Sophia Moriarti(iSuspect)-- Daughter of godfather
Godfather: Open
1)Freddy Benedetti AKA:Carl Holzter-- undercover cop
Godfather: Open
1) Maria Russo(Jakeozzy)-- Daughter of Godfather
2) Janis Serraino(Emma)-- Niece of Godfather
1) Dante Lorenzetti, AKA: Reaper(ThePhantomM)-- Assassin
1) Unless you get the okay from the character and me, you can't kill other players. You can injure them, but not permanent damage, unless again, the character says so..
2) You can have relationships with other members, but keep it Pg-13.
3) As above, i don't mind blood, gore, or cursing. but keep it Pg-13
4) Be fair. Some families will win some, and lose some.
5) you can be from any family, or a civilian, a mafia member(not related), a detective/cop. If you have another idea, let me know, and i'll see if its okay!
Relation to Godfather:
Role in family: Mafia member only
Relationship?: optional
Name: Jones Lombardi
Age: 22
Family: Lombardi
Relation to Godfather: Son
Role in Family: Runs the person of interests smuggling. Also runs one of the clubs downtown
Bio: I always had a suspicion that my family was doing something fishy. In my early teens it was confirmed, but they never officially told me. I lived a good life. My parents made sure i had some education. When i finished highschool, i was brought into the family business. At age 18 my grandpa died, leaving my dad in charge of the whole thing. And he's done a lot of good work to benefit our family. We became a name everyone knew. For civilians we were the famous, charming family that hosted the best clubs in Manhattan... and in the Mafia world we were known to be crafty, and powerful. Years after shooting, and running from cops, and smuggling, and negotiating, my dad let me run a part of our business. Smuggling people in and out, and owning a very renowned club here... I've been doing that for a year now, and i can tell the other families are getting concerned about our growth. and boy, does it feel good to know that you can soon have some power.
Personality: Suave, charming, witty. Extremely loyal to my family, and has enough smarts to know when to keep my mouth shut, and when to run from a fight. when i'm with my dad i usually show more respect and fear than love and compassion. not because he is mean, but to show respect.
Relationship: anyone interested, let me know!
Other: wears my grandfather's old fedora for good luck.
During this battle, there can be friendships, relationships between the families, innocents killed, and lives ruined... and the four families aren't the only ones trying to gain control of the city. Detectives, undercover cops, and assassins could be out for them too. It'll take the biggest and baddest to come out on top.... who will take it?
The Lombardi's: The newest of the families. They are known for their charm and smooth talking. Although they are the newest family, they have proven to be a very large competitor. The run most of the clubs in New York. Their specialty is smuggling both people, and items of interest.
The Moriarti's: They are the oldest family, and currently losing their grasp on being the leaders. Although they might be losing their touch, there's a reason why they have been on top for so long. They are cold, twisted, and don't take kindly to people who mess with their business. They control most of the gun trade in New York.
The Rosetti's: The second eldest. They absolutely hate the Moriarti's, and they hate them right back. They have gotten close to being top dogs, but the leader of their family recently died, bringing them back into second. They control the drugs in the city. They are more passionate, and forgiving than the Moriarti's, but don't hesitate to kill a rat.
The Russo's: They are known for their sneaky, and tricky ways. They are masters of tricking and backstabbing others, thats how they got so high up. They usually never travel alone, and tend to seem innocent and quiet, but have the brains to take down a small army. They are extremely dangerous, and currently take control of bribing the law enforcement.
Godfather: Antonio Lombardi(LoneSilverWolf)
1) Analise Lombardi(MissCapnCrunch) -- Wife of godfather
2) Jones Lombardi(Jones Sparrow) -- Son of godfather
3)Priscilla Trusette-Lombardi(iSuspect) -- In a relationship with Jones Lombardi
Godfather: Open
1) Angelo Moriarti(JakeOzzy)-- Son of godfather
2) Rosey Delaney(Konica)-- Niece of godfather
3)Sophia Moriarti(iSuspect)-- Daughter of godfather
Godfather: Open
1)Freddy Benedetti AKA:Carl Holzter-- undercover cop
Godfather: Open
1) Maria Russo(Jakeozzy)-- Daughter of Godfather
2) Janis Serraino(Emma)-- Niece of Godfather
1) Dante Lorenzetti, AKA: Reaper(ThePhantomM)-- Assassin
1) Unless you get the okay from the character and me, you can't kill other players. You can injure them, but not permanent damage, unless again, the character says so..
2) You can have relationships with other members, but keep it Pg-13.
3) As above, i don't mind blood, gore, or cursing. but keep it Pg-13
4) Be fair. Some families will win some, and lose some.
5) you can be from any family, or a civilian, a mafia member(not related), a detective/cop. If you have another idea, let me know, and i'll see if its okay!
Relation to Godfather:
Role in family: Mafia member only
Relationship?: optional
Name: Jones Lombardi
Age: 22

Family: Lombardi
Relation to Godfather: Son
Role in Family: Runs the person of interests smuggling. Also runs one of the clubs downtown
Bio: I always had a suspicion that my family was doing something fishy. In my early teens it was confirmed, but they never officially told me. I lived a good life. My parents made sure i had some education. When i finished highschool, i was brought into the family business. At age 18 my grandpa died, leaving my dad in charge of the whole thing. And he's done a lot of good work to benefit our family. We became a name everyone knew. For civilians we were the famous, charming family that hosted the best clubs in Manhattan... and in the Mafia world we were known to be crafty, and powerful. Years after shooting, and running from cops, and smuggling, and negotiating, my dad let me run a part of our business. Smuggling people in and out, and owning a very renowned club here... I've been doing that for a year now, and i can tell the other families are getting concerned about our growth. and boy, does it feel good to know that you can soon have some power.
Personality: Suave, charming, witty. Extremely loyal to my family, and has enough smarts to know when to keep my mouth shut, and when to run from a fight. when i'm with my dad i usually show more respect and fear than love and compassion. not because he is mean, but to show respect.
Relationship: anyone interested, let me know!
Other: wears my grandfather's old fedora for good luck.