![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/YKznjBY.jpg "enter image title here") The winter has ended and as the weather warms the seven kingdoms it also frees the ambitions of the ruling houses all over Westeros. In the Stormlands King Argilac Durrandon eyes the lands he lost to Harren Hoare and the Kingdom of Isles and Rivers, to the West both the King of the Rock and King of the Reach seek to further expand and defend their lands, while the Kingdom of Mountain and Vale as well as the Kingdom of the North shuts themsleves off, preferring to stick to themselves rather than risk armies in the field. However while ambitions are thawed a new piece has entered the Game, an ancient Valyrian Scroll detailing secrets all thought forgotten has rumored to be found in a wrecked ship off the coast of Tarth. Taken by a common thief the scroll has disappeared but with even the hint of such an item every Kingdom is on edge. [Opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNicS-0BT3A)