## Shadows of Rebellion

The rebellions army grows in strength every day, threatening the long term survival of the Empire and the corruption within it. Closer to home for the Empire, Night Raids constant skirmishes within the Capital have killed many high ranking targets and put some measure of fear into Minister Honests heart. Due to these attacks, Honest has ignored the rebellions army and given it time to gather strength, while he searches for a way to eliminate Night Raid, ignorant of the growing rebel armies strength.
However, while Honest himself did not foresee future problems arising from the rebel army, Great General Budo did. Using his considerable influence with the Emperor and military he has set up an elite unit, the 1st Imperial Army Ranger Corps. At best it is to counter and contain the rebel army, and at worst slow its advance and buy the Empire time to prepare.
With the rebel army taking proactive steps to prepare its advance toward the capital, and the Rangers moving to counter and halt these preparations, new conflict not seen in the Empire since the great Teigu Civil War 400 years earlier will begin.
Only time will tell if the rebellion and its allies have the strength to push the Empire into a hole it cannot escape from, or if it will be stomped like a bug.
Hello! This is,(fairly obvious from the title) a Akame ga Kill roleplay. Rather than being centered around Night Raid and the capital, it will mainly take place across the Empires countryside, towns, villages, cities, forts, and castles. Keeping within the theme of Akame ga Kill, two opposing groups will be the main focus of the roleplay(both of which are playable)- The Imperial Rangers and the Rebel Armies "WaldGeist".
Both operate in a different way and have different objectives and ideology. However both will require teamwork, force of will, and a little bit of luck to survive the coming war. More detail about both will be elaborated on if enough interest is generated(I'll also put up the applications around then as well)