> I see a risk already in your timeskip. You say that 9th graders aren't allowed to leave campus at all during midweek if they sleep at school. Can't you make it so that 9th graders can leave school like after their classes?
That's part of the show. No one's allowed to leave school if they stay there, because the school is in charge of keeping them safe. That's why the kids use the sewers. I can say that they can leave with permission first though.
#September 2nd, 2:00pm, Introduction Day.
###Math and Science start at 2:00pm. Math, and Science have started, and will swap after the current classes.
####School has started for kids in 9th grade, ends at 6:00pm. Only kids living off campus and below 9th grade are allowed off campus at this time. After schooling hours, 9th graders living off campus will be allowed to leave as well. Students are allowed to get permission to leave campus by Jim, or the principal. (Not the RP rules... you can get kicked out of Kadic for breaking them, not the RP)
Look at the IC! Posting now!
Back on the question about not being allowed to leave... the first big event (Other than getting to Lyoko) will involve bringing more things to Kadic Junior High. So, even if you can't leave school, there will be more and more things popping up around there. I plan on at least two main characters that will hang there a lot, as well as a few other minors characters running around.