Grab your nearest male companion and strap yourselves in for another exciting season of [Homolust/Hannibal.](
> > Is it instead the time to lessen threads with _my_ nonsense?
> When is it ever not the time for you to lessen threads with your nonsense?
When nobody makes any threads worth shitting up anymore because everyone else all moved away to live on some happy farm or something but that's just bullshit we're being fed and we know the truth that they're just dead and they aren't on a happy farm at all and the threads that remain are already kind of shit so I can't work my magic hoodoo upon them
Maybe then
Also I really like how quotes are indicated by >'s now
Now I can pretend spam has finally blossomed into the 4chan-lite it always aspired to be
It's all poetic and romantic
The ladies dig that kind of shit y'know
I read that in a magazine
> OMG get these shitposters out of my thread!
> Except you, Spidey. You and those dank memes can stay.
![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")
Haven't watched any of this show, because it just feels like it's missing something. What could it be?
![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")
Oh yes, that's it.