Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")
IRL Name: Kumiko Yamashita
Name In-game: Kumita
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Level (Must be between 10-35): 29
Bio: Kumiko was a beta tester, and that's all she could remember. After the announcement that they were stuck in the game, she ran to her room in an inn and passed out. That's all she could remember. Her past life was erased from her memory, except for the fact that she had just a father. That was it, that was all she could remember.
Guild or Solo: Solo (as of now)
Guild Name (If in Guild): N/A
Class (DPS, Knight, Assassin, etc.): Assassin, I guess.
Theme Song (Optional): [Sun Models](
Weapon Appearance: ![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")
Weapon Type: Sword (?)
Armor Appearance: In appearance.
Armor Type: Light.
Back-up Skills (KEEP IT REASONABLE! No special skills yet!): Cooking, writing (?).
On my phone and it's being dumb, so I'll change the links to images when I get home.