Forty years after the veil tore open when all seemed to be getting back to normal an Archddemon appeared. The Wardens while dispersed answered the call far and wide, the events here would shape the world as we know it.
Warden captain Alec Thibault stands on a hill overlooking a battlefield where the first real battle would take place. He watched as many darkspawn gathered to lay waste to Redcliff. There would be no help this battle and the odds were not in favor of the warden but he knew he had to hold them until the King and Queen could escape to sea and then Fereldon would have a chance. He had chosen only the most abled bodied of Redcliff to hold thhe line with another warden and fifty troops they would hold more than three hundred darkspawn for atleast an hour to prepare the ships.
Aban-ataashe found himself in Redcliff where the first major stand would take place. He knew that Alec would not hold the wall long without help. He resolved to charge the enemy the first chance he got to take as many of the damned darkspawn with him. It was a worth while risk that would likely never be told of but it never mattered, not for a Warden.