Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 1 day ago

"we could go under the prethences of delifering Batche thoo a collecther?", he said, after packing his book away and after admiring deeply Erenah's drawing, mumbling that it was, "beauthiful." Vis continued, "thath should geth the fillagers thoo look pasth Batche and we can claim thath Erenah ith our healer." he pitched the idea forward to see whether it would get any attention. Bus turned back to admiring the Deva's art work, complementing on the shading and the textures of what she drew, though not with words that showed any knowledge of drawin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze96


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"If Batche were ok with that plan, it may not be the worst idea. Saying we are delivering her to a land on the opposite side of the area could explain our path of travel. As for explaining myself, simply saying I am a hired healer should prove sufficient. It is not uncommon for clerics to accompany trade caravans to care for any sick or injured. In fact, with Deva being formed as opposed to born. I could pose as a newly reborn Deva of Ilmater, given my armor by the church so that I might survive the journey to a holy site where I might serve. It fits what people know of the Deva and I could still act as myself, I would just have to make sure I don't speak of life experiences from more than perhaps a couple months ago." Eranah chimed in, glad that she was not an angel of a good of truth, that would have made this all much harder really. At this point she went back to her drawing, taking in the praise as she continued. "Thank you, art is something I've always enjoyed and been good at. From all I've seen and read it seems to be a common trait in us. Down to what we draw and how we draw it. I can't say I mind, it is a very relaxing thing." While he mentioned more technical aspects of his art she preferred to think of the content and overall elegance and beauty of the piece. "I'm pulling from the memory of my creation. It was a holy site of Ilmater, a town had formed around it over the years. The sick, ailing, and oppressed tended to go there in order to try and find help. Many found it there, few did not. It was a place of hope and healing, rather natural I would appear there." She explained, wanting to help him focus less on the how and more on the why of what she was doing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

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Nyshara walked with katana in hand, the only light she had to guide her was the sigils that glowed softly above her head. In the distance she hear voices, and saw a crackling fire. Could this be the group she was looking for? She decided to stay back for a bit to observe the group before making herself known, and she was able to see that there seemed to be some kind of in fighting with a member of the group. She was witness to the whole event, but it seemed to her that she had found who she was looking for. Nyshara sheathed her sword, and approached the group holding up her hands to show she means no harm to them. "I'm Nyshara Moondancer, and I am looking for a man by the name of Korick. Is he among you? I was sent word that he is in need of aid. If you are not who I seek then I will be on my way without any trouble." She looked over the group, and saw an eclectic bunch was in front of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Lily pointed at the halfling with her thumb. "Korick, how many letters did you send out? I'm starting to wonder if we might leave only for a dozen more people to show up, and then you're on Most Wanted posters for 'Least Tasteful Prank'." She turned and held out her bare hand to the newcomer. "Lily Beckett, Paladin. I'm here to lecture you on morality and generally be a busybody." Lily smiled. The joke was a little flat, but given the circumstances at least she could tell one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I think ith beauthiful," he said, looking between the drawing and the value creature, "I can'th really draw with any thkill." he said, watching her turn blank paper into art. Vis reached for his tattered left ear and gave it a scratch, it'd been acting up in recent days and was itching him more often. Lowering his hand, Vis loosened the scarf that was over his face a tad, finding it was getting a bit stuffy beneath the gray wool. Looking down at some of the tools she used to draw, Vis felt a little pang in his heart. He saw a stick of graphite and picked it up, turning it in his hands over and over, nor pushing to hard on it to diary his hands, "my muther had a penthil like thith," Vis mumbled, putting it back down, "she uth tho draw thoo." Pulling the encyclopedia from his bag, he flicked to the last page and pulled out a folded piece of paper, unfolding it he handed it to Erenah. It was a drawing of him and his father playing in their garden when he was a child, it was simply drawn, with smudging to add shading, it wasn't good but it wasn't talentless either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ColouredCyan

ColouredCyan Wind Up Merchant

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"we could go under the prethences of delifering Batche thoo a collecther?" "If Batche were ok with that plan, it may not be the worst idea..."
"I have no objections with that narrative, in addition to the supplies Mister Korick's associate brings we will look quite the group of wandering entrepreneurs. My largest concern is that real travelling merchants would certainly not pause their journey long, do we have any strategy for stalling our departure, should we need the extra time?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaptainGuy42


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"I sent as many as were necessary Ms. Beckett," Korick replied before he turned his attention to newcomer, " Welcome, and glad to have you, who sent you?" The halfling asked before lifting his hand high to shake Nyshara's. " I just ask my friend for one of his carts, it's easy enough to foul up an axle, but I doubt it will be necessary Batche, we just need to explain our arrival, enough so that the Cultist's don't run before we can pick up the trail." He told them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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"Wow, Gabriel was right about you people." Lily said, a dry note to her voice. "Come on, daylight's burning and the Moor is most dangerous at night. We'd best get moving now." She hoisted her pack to her shoulders. "We can discuss the particulars of our cover story en route, although fair warning - I'm bound by my oaths not to lie, and even if I weren't I'm also -terrible- at it. So when we get there I'll just hang back and look imposing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MichiCommander
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MichiCommander The Snarky Punk Nerd

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lily Beckett, paladin. I am a Duskblade, well, as much as one can be knowing only a few meager spells, and has the ability to almost adequately use a katana one handed." Nyshara smiled softly, and laughed returning a lighthearted joke to her new acquaintance. She then turned to face the halfling that had approached her and firmly gripped his hand to accept the handshake. "A rather unintelligible half-orc rogue by the name of Marendithas Spelloyal sent me your way. If I had known he was a fence then the encounter would have not been as cordial." she seemed to hiss the word fence as if it was poison, but let the matter drop. "If you want, I have the letter in my possession if you need confirmation of my narration." She carefully reached into her pack and produced the letter and handed it to Korick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by CaptainGuy42


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Korick grabbed the letter and checked the back of the it. Clears as day there were several markings on the back, they seemed to be Spelloyal's signature in thieve's cant before stashing it away in his pack. "Well we shouldn't be waiting much longer," Korick proclaimed as he climb on a boulder to get a better view, "Alden's here." He pointed down the shore to their east at the wagon and cart that were rolling along to the camp. Steering them were a pair of humans, one an older man in his fifties, with greying brown hair and a short dark beard driving the wagon. Steering the horse drawn cart was a younger girl who was seemed to about twelve, she was skinny, with dark brown hair that was drawn back into a pony tail. As he drew close, the man threw up his arm and hollered, "Hello there Korick!" "Hello there Alden!" Korick called back, "Good to see you and your daughter, please come by the fire!" The two came to stop their vehicles fifteen feet away from the fire and disembarked. Alden and his daugther let loose their draft animals, the two docile oxen and the chestnut clydesdale immediately walked down to the water's edge to drink. "Well Korick, there's everything you asked for, two barrels of salted-fish, a keg of a Loudwater ale, four tents, a bag of sugar, a bag of coffee, five bags of nails, five lengths of chain, ten bags of spice, ten bolts of fine wool cloth, tools, -" "Don't need the whole list Alden, just tell me how you did with some of the harder stuff," Korick interject before he spent twenty minutes listening to a whole slew of mundane items. "Aye, well some of it wasn't easy but once folk understood the situation they wanted to help. I got here twenty flask of holy water from the church of Lathander, Dorn the smith made you ten silver daggers, and two scores of silvered arrows, I got ten blessed bandages, eight flasks of 'stabilized' alchemist fire, fifteen sunrods, the scorpion, crossbows, silvered bolts, and a bag of powdered silver from Keren the alchemist. The church also donated some scrolls as did that mage friend, said they'd do you well." Korick took a second to crawl on the look at the goods, " You've done well Alden, I trust the harpers took care of the payments?" He asked the farmer. "Yes they did, but honestly I'll be more than happy just to know there won't be demons flooding out the Moor's soon." Aden replied. "They're devil's Alden," "Is there a difference?" "Demons are crazy evil bastards, and devils are tricky evil bastards, first you kill with cold iron and the second with alchemist's silver." While her father and the halfling talked, Alden's daughter Gwendolyn found a seat by the fire and started warming herself by the fire while taking a few furtive glances at the odd group gathered around the fire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blaze96


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Largely ignoring the chat around them Eranah looked over the picture. Rolling up her current piece and pulling out a fresh sheet of paper. "Your mother was talented, with a bit of training she would have been a great artist." She said as on the new paper she started to draw something similar to the picture he had shown her. Taking her time with the drawing as she added the usual Deva touches. Though this was done from a different perspective. Instead it was being taken from an angle where a woman was shown drawing the scene. In such a way as she didn't need to worry about facial features. The woman appeared to be almost radiating light as the other two smiled and played. The scene having much more detail and action. However it was clear this was not done to prove that Eranah could be a better artist, but to instead capture a scene outside a scene. Almost a kind of drawn memorial. "I hope you do not mind, I find things like that inspire me somewhat." She said as she continued. "As it is a moment in your life, when I have finished I will hand it over to you. You may do as you will with it, but know amongst the Deva this is not a simple thing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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"Everyone take a sunrod. We'll leave the remainder with the wagon. Same with the daggers and holy water flasks, if we're dealing with Fiends they will come in handy." She put action to words, going to the cart and withdrawing the case of daggers and the bundle of sunrods, sliding one of each into her swordbelt, then strapping the flask of holy water onto the side of her pack. She took a glance back under the cover. "Wait, -that- kind of Scorpion?" The small ballista lay nestled among the less interesting bags of goods, effectively invisible if you didn't know what you were looking for. "Well, I suppose if we need to fight a Dragon that'll come in handy. Nine Hells..." She began sorting through the equipment on the cart. "Markul, Eranah, you might want a look at these scrolls." She flicked one open and looked it over - the instructions for activating the magic stored within the parchment was familiar, a warding circle against evil powers. "I know how to handle this one, at least." She set it back down in the small case and left it among the specialized wares. She began sorting through their 'Cover Goods', mentally marking out which they would actually make use of and where to get at them in a hurry. Her inventory done she moved back to the campsite. "I can't think of anything that'd make us better equipped to fight fiends. Nothing that we can get our hands on, anyway, much as I'd like a flight of friendly Dragons or a battalion of the Tormtar."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The two hawks covered great ground over the grassy, hill laden plains. It was quite a cozy sight from above, as the flight let off a scene of tranquility and peace. Other than being a housecat, taking on the Hawk was one of Lammy's favorite forms. Flying was a very liberating mode of movement. As a human he probably wouldn't be able to stomach any of it. But as a bird, the sky was a domain in which he had full control over. He could be up there for hours if he wanted. Lammy might've been lost in thought as he explored the freedom of flight, but Sheeva was hard at work, scouring the ground below in search of dinner. Suddenly, her eyes perked up. "KEEEAAAHR! (Found something!)" She exclaimed, before falling into a descent. Looking down, Lamont could notice the typical field mouse, frantically scrambling for a hole as he realized a red-tailed hawk was practically dive-bombing towards him. His endeavors ended up being for naught, as Sheeva quickly scooped him up in her talons. She landed with the mouse in her grasp, the sharp nails quickly puncturing and dispatching the little rodent. Lamont soon landed beside her, looking on as she began tearing into its underbelly. "CHIIWRK?! (Are you gonna help me look for dinner, or just fill up on snacks?)" He quipped. She looked up briefly, blood dipping from her beak. "KEEER! (Maybe you can can fly around on an empty stomach, but I know I can't, so...)" It was all she said before digging back into the mouse. Lammy would've chuckled if he could. Instead, he took back to the skies in search for a proper meal. After reaching a certain height, he made wide, slow circles about the field, in order to not veer too far away from his companion. In time, he found a much more impressive catch: a young, plump rabbit. He mulled over the words of his parents, giving thought to properly dispatching of small game before diving down. "Make sure to dislocate spinal cord at the base of the skull as quickly as possible to ensure a quick, painless death." He had made his first catch as he thought this, with a talon grasping right where it was needed at the neck. He had to squeeze in quick, before the rabbit could panic or fight back. CCRRRK! The powerful talons snapped the bunny's neck, rendering it immobile. Lammy flapped down beside the lifeless carcass before quickly taking on his human form. "Agh, mom pushed me out without giving me my hunting knife!" He realized as he knelt beside his catch. "D'oh well. Someone in the group should have a dagger or something. Korick looked like might have a proper skinning knife." As he thought, he lifted the game by its neck, to ensure the spinal cord was properly dislocated. "That's one!" He said to the air, keeping note of his catch count before tightly binding the rabbit to his belt. He heard the call of the Hawk scream from up above, signifying that Sheeva was already on the search for more prey. With a content smirk, the druid broke into a trot before bounding into the sky, taking on his Hawk form once more. There was more dinner to catch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CaptainGuy42


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Looking down from the sky Lammy could see a small band of hobgoblins that was scouting the area less than two miles away from were the others had camped. They were quickly making their way towards the fire, but hadn't seen it just yet. It would only be a matter of time before they spotted the Lammy's fellows and attacked.
"I do like to be prepared, and I find even the largest monster's can be brought down with one of these. I will steer the wagon, we'll get there just after nightfall before the really nasty monsters wake up." Korick announced as he took a look at the wagon. It was a basic shape the kind of wagon favored by the towns around High Star Lake. It had a hull shaped like half of a pill, round at the bottom and round at both ends with a long straight body. The shape was used because needed, the wheels could be removed and wagon converted to a row boat for fishing and taking supplies across the lake. It was pulled by two ox's and behind them a sat the driver and a passenger on a bench. Aden nodded without saying much more and started to retrieve the ox's from the shore and lash back in.
When her father told her some of his friends needed a delivery, Gwendolyn imagined men from the town, maybe a bit better armed. She didn't they woudld be a half-orc, angle-woman, golem, halfling, and a half-elf. The closet people to human were the lady-knight, and the one with glowing runes orbiting her head. And Lily was still covered in Larris's blood. She had never of what most of them were and the others she thought had only been myths until now. Finally she summoned her courage to to ask, "Hi, I'm Gwendolyn," She said quickly and shyly, as if making noise might anger on of them, "What are you?" she asked aloud to all of them As soon as the words left her mouth she realized how rude they sounded, her eyes went wide and she looked down at the ground hoping that if she didn't offend anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Lily grinned at the young girl. Looking at her, she could remember a time that wasn't so long ago, when she was looking up at one of the imposing Paladins that were so often in and out of her father's home in Waterdeep. She brushed a finger through her hair to cover the blood matting the side of her face and went to one knee. "Hi, Gwendolyn. I'm Lily, I'm a Paladin."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Mictlan93
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Mictlan93 Piece of Mine, Peace of Mind

Member Seen 6 mos ago

About six rabbits in, Lammy made note of the Hobgoblins moving across the land, practically making a beeline towards the plume of smoke rising from the beach. "The Campsite!" He thought in alarm. "KEAARRRRRH! (Regroup! We're heading back to the beach!)" He called out to Sheeva before performing a sharp turn towards the lake. As he neared, he managed to take note of some changes to the site, mostly the oxen-drawn wagon and female with the peculiar sigils floating about her head. He barreled towards the site, shifting mid flight to slide to a stop in the sand. With momentum to account for, Lammy almost slammed face first into said wagon. With the accident narrowly dodged, the druid trotted closer to the group. "Alright! Good news, I've secured us dinner!" The numerous dead bunnies dangling from his waist made that obvious. "Bad news, there's a skeevy lookin' group of Hobgoblins moving in this direction, about...uhhh..." He licked his pointer finger, and pointed it heavenward, to gauge for a proper estimate of distance. Not entirely sure how it worked, though. "2 miles...15...to...20 minutes out." He carefully confirmed. "...Annnnnnnd there's a fully supplied wagon here. Cool. We should go." He suggested simply. Honestly, he was surprised they hadn't left yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

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Picking up his back pack and taking back his mothers drawing, Vis made his way to the carriage and deposited his bag in the back. "Efening Mith," he nodded to the Gwen, "are you old enough thoo be uthing a wagon?" he mused until Lammy came fluttering down with news of hobgoblins approaching. Opening up the back so the group could board, he stared at the direction Lam pointed to and rested his hand on the hilt of his rapier. "Lithle girl, geth intho the wagon. Lily you'll be the lasth thoo board, so will I." Vis stood around the cart, waiting for the others to get in before he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Corsair
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Lily rose to her feet and stepped back, spinning to face Lammy. "Fifteen minutes..." She muttered something very Un-Paladinlike under her breath, then she moved to the fire and began kicking the earth over it, smothering the flames. "Aden, take Gwendolyn and get to cover. We can handle this. Korick, find a position to provide covering fire. We'll draw them down to the shore for the fight. Lammy, Markul, do whatever you can to disrupt them. Vines, fireballs, anything. Eranah, if you can manage any divine assistance now would be a good time. Nyshara, Batche, prepare yourselves for battle. We'll be holding the line." She drew her blade, and dropped to one knee, speaking a low prayer - loud enough that the others could hear and join if they chose, but not so loud that they couldn't tune it out. "Torm, stand with us. Ilmater, protect us. Tyr, guide us. Grant us the courage to stand against what comes, and the will to stand again when it is done." The words were old and familiar, a common battle prayer of the Paladins of the Triad. As she spoke a sort of warmth flowed into them, a sense that the Gods were on their side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltus_Ventus
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Voltus_Ventus The Voltusiest Ventus

Member Seen 1 day ago

"the fighth ith unnethethary!" he groaned in frustration, they could just load into the cart and get going, "we mutht leaf now!" He didn't want to fight off the hobgoblins, it was a waste of time and not worth the possible injuries. He marched over to Lily and was about to grab her by the shoulder when a rush of air went by the left side of his head, no one must have noticed it but Vis did, he recognized it, it was a crossbow bolt. "they're here!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ajax6893
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ajax6893 Some person who does stuff

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Markul finally looked up at the mention of Hobgoblins, "Hmmm, I wonder how fast a wagon can go compared to a group of Hobgoblins..." he started doing calculations then shook his head, "Well, at any rate we should definitely get going now. If it comes to fighting the Hobgoblins, so be it, though it would be more prudent to avoid a fight." Secretly he partly hoped that it would come to a fight, he hadn't had a good fight for a while. But he also didn't want anyone to come to unnecessary harm and he knew it was wise to avoid a fight when you could.
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