Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Housekeeper Age: old Gender: female Abilities: mimics other abilities Personality: grumpy Appearance: Bio: unknown
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Gemini
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Gemini FNAF Obsessed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name Callisto Navi. She used to go by Cal though. Age 16 Gender Female Abilities Shape shifting, and mind bending. So telepathy, mind reading, etc. She can also persuade and manipulate with her beauty (not really a power, but meh). It may sound too powerful, but it takes her a lot of energy to do this things. Personality Kind and sweet, and also very flirty. But she can become very cold and closed off if she feels threatened. Appearance At Top Bio When she was born, Cal had weird powers. Her parents were too kind to give her away. At the age of fifteen, her powers began to get stronger, and she ended up killing her mother by accident. She thought she'd killed her little sister too, and she didn't. Cal's little sister's memories of Cal were wiped from her little sister's brain. Her father cast her away to the harsh streets, and after a year she found the orphanage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Odd Koala

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Katherin Winter Age: 16 Gender: female Abilities: snow and ice manipulation Personality: Katherin is very outgoing. She loves meeting new people and trying new things. She is very confident in the things she knows. Appearance: Bio: Katherin bounced around the foster system some but between her blindness and her ability she wasn't welcome anywhere. She sent mœst ôf her life on the streets.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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booksmusicanime Photo Spam Queen

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Haru Ali Age: 13 Gender: Female Abilities: She can make plants grown and move them. Personality: Quirky, bubbly, funny, awkward Bio: Abandoned by her parents at a young age due to her power Haru is a socially awkward child who spent several years of her life on the streets before entering the adoption system for a year but due to no one offering to foster her or adopt her she was admitted to the orphanage due to her powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by zombieaccount

zombieaccount The Bastard

Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

Note: is not in RP anymore. I dropped.
Name: Gaga Googi Age: 14 Gender: Female Abilities: Things she draws come to life. Personality: She is pretty level headed and very spiritually minded. Bio: Left in a dumpster at the back of a pizzeria, Jaji had to make up her own name due to not really remembering the one she was given. She eventually was found on the streets at the age of four and was sent on her way to an orphanage after she drew a turkey that came to life and got hit by a car. Her unique magical ability would have her sent on her way to an orphanage instead of to a news station for some reason. Like seriously, you'd think a girl with magic wouldn't be an orphan at all, but alas it's the world we live in! She doesn't know much words.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: James Hunter Age: 15 Gender: Male Abilities: [ulr=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Holy_Voice]Holy Voice[/url] Personality: Nobody really knows what he's like, because they all think he's mute because he refuses to use his ability and speak. He writes in a notebook instead of speaking. Appearance: Bio: Nobody knows, because he refuses to speak.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Autumn Marie 6 Female Autumn is very shy and kind though she is so shy to the point where she can't really talk in front of other people. Having not socialized with anyone outside of her family left Autumn with no knowledge on how to relate to others and so she hardly ever knows what to say or how to act. She tends to blurt a lot of things out without realizing it or thinking about her words. She also gets embarrassed and flustered way too easily; often blushing and hiding her face. Being as innocent as she is to the world, she trusts way too easily and is oblivious about a lot of stuff. Autumn can become upset very easily and is very sensitive; also being very clumsy and tends to trip over her own feet a lot. Autumn also puts others needs before her own and in most cases she reacts without thinking of her own well-being: if someone is being hurt, Autumn will immediately try and protect them with any means possible without even considering herself. She is very, very selfless. Autumn can be very curious and is very easily captivated and awed by even the simplest of objects and things. Autumn doesn’t know who her mother was. She died in childbirth and seeing as her father had left long ago she was taken to an orphanage. She was soon adopted but as she aged her foster parents noticed her behavior was strange and odd things happened around her. Her father didn’t believe her when she said she saw monsters and when she turned six he had heard enough of her stories. He found another orphanage and shipped her off. Aiden is an Entity that has been linked to Autumn since birth. Aiden is Autumn's stillborn twin brother. She was delivered safely from her mother's womb, but her brother was strangled by the umbilical cord. Rather than passing on, his soul became linked to Autumn and remained that way, growing up as if it occupied a physical body. His soul was attached to Autumn's. They are connected by an ethereal tether. This tether acts as a spiritual link between Autumn and Aiden that keeps Aiden bound to Autumn. Though he can go farther away from Autumn in some situations, the separation causes Autumn excessive amounts of pain and lasting disorientation. Autumn is the only one capable of listening to or communicating with Aiden. She is also the only one that can see him. He doesn't have a human form, more like he is a black mass that only Autumn can see. Autumn is able to control Aiden to some extant but it causes her pain and gives her a nosebleed. Most of the things Aiden does are of his own free will. He is very protective of Autumn and is very hostile towards anything male. Aiden reacts to Autumn's emotions and often reacts without thinking. Aiden’s powers: ~Telekinesis ~Communicates directly with Autumn(technically it comes with the bond) Autumn’s powers: ~She can see the spirits of the dead as well has demons and other entities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Kyo Alavondai Age: 15 Gender: Male Abilities: Sensory manipulation. Basically, illusions using both sight and sound. Occasionally, he can incorporate smell, but it is very difficult. He still has a bit of trouble controlling his ability, and often sends himself into waking nightmares and trances as a result. Others around him may be affected negatively during the waking nightmares, but he always receives the worst of it when he loses control. His eyes always change to black with white irises when he's losing control. Personality: A little shy, but perfectly nice, Kyo can be a bit spacey. Sometimes he's just thinking about things, and sometimes he's just observing. Sometimes, though, he may be stuck in a trance caused by his ability, but these usually end after just a few minutes without affecting other people. He will eat just about anything as long as it does not appear to have a face, and he loves catkins. He also does not speak. He has not done so since he was around ten years old. Appearance: Bio: Kyo lived a fairly happy life with his parents and two brothers until the age of ten, when they died in a car accident. After living for a year and a half with an aunt who didn’t want him and treated him terribly, he was abandoned and left to fend for himself for two years. He lived in an empty house after being abandoned, and because of his overacting powers, the house was rumored to be haunted. He still has some trouble controlling his powers, though he improved somewhat over the two years he lived alone. Kyo still keeps a bell his mother gave him before the accident, and he wears it on his right wrist at all times, except when he sleeps, usually.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Rina Ruth Age: 16 Gender: Female Abilities: Can read minds and sense emotion through skin contact and connect people's minds and hearts through the same means. Personality: Kind, caring, and forgiving. She is fond of helping others and believes in that there is always hope for a better tomorrow. She dislikes conflict and rarely though she rarely speaks her mind, she will if it means defusing an argument. She dislikes being in the spotlight and prefers doing things quietly and unnoticed. In times of trouble, Rina is thoughtful but consequently slow to act, because she considers all possible avenues of action. Appearance: Rina has long straight black hair that she usually hangs loose. When she is working, she ties her hair up in a ponytail. Her usual attire consists of dresses, though she has pants and jeans especially for outing. When she's outside for whatever reason, she wears a wide and worn-out looking straw-hat. Bio: An orphan from the streets, she was irrationally feared because of her ability. No secret or hidden fear was safe from her, and as a child, she of course would reveal these secrets at some point, leading to harsh treatment from the people around her. Due to this, she believed that she would be hated her entire life, and that the world was not a place worth living. She went through life like this, expecting (and willing) to die at any moment until she was ten years old. At this time, an old nun happened to come across her. She treated her nicely despite the warnings of the people around her, and did so constantly, visiting her for seven days and seven nights. In this time, she taught Rina that all life was precious, and that it wasn't bad to hope for things to change. In time, Rina was invited to join her orphanage, an invite that she accepted of course. Six years later and she is transferring orphanages due to financial difficulties, but she is determined to remain optimistic and someday repay her first home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Lisa E. Ciber Age:15 1/2 Powers or magic: 1• reality warping the ability to bend space and time in many ways such as creating personal pockets in space as well as creating objects/changing anything within those spaces 2• Super Enhanced Intelligence Appearance: other form: while she is in her space Personality: Is a sweet girl most of the time but can be cynical at times, loves her laptop that she carries around in her shoulder bag which is really a small entrance to her personal space, is not a very active girl, very smart for her age, has a bit of a habit of walking into her own rifts randomly (prodigy level reading/programming) Bio: Lisa's parents were killed in a lab explosion which had thrown her into out of the window, but instead of her hitting the ground she went through a small rift the had sign a field that her power had manifested itself and saved her life although she could not stay there for long and had to go back and forth from that space and the real world to eat and drink. She ended up bouncing back and forth between foster homes before she was sent to her current one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Warlord297
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jack Age: 15 Gender: male Abilities: teleportation,night vision,a special transformation,thermal vision, flight(born with metal wings that can slice through anything) and the power to control all elements of the world Personality:lonely, kind-hearted, fierce at sometimes,and extremely over protected when defend friend family and fellow comrades Appearance: http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=angelic+warrior+anime+male&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAUQjhw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdark.pozadia.org%2Fwallpaper%2FWarrior-Angel%2F&ei=0-zIVMTJC4O5yQSb4oHACg&bvm=bv.84607526,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNETLAGw7Z-EvTIrhjo8KP-xG2_CCQ&ust=1422540357229596 Bio:abandoned when born sworn to self not to trust anyone with the heavens soul and the last angelic warrior from the war of Heaven and Hell
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Micah Stubbs Age: 17 Gender: Male Abilities: Healing Transference, He can improve the mental and physical health of others, but at the cost of absorbing his patient's greatest fear, and worst memories. Personality: He is fairly pissy guy sober, he's an alcoholic a when he's intoxicated he's frankly a pretty cool guy to be around, but when he sobers up he's angry, scared and always has a hangover. He is incredibly selfless when it comes to his powers, and will help anyone with even the smallest scrape. Bio: He grew up in the orphanage, but began drinking around the time his powers-and Scitzophrinia- kicked in, which was around ten years old. He's helped as many people he could, but it only caused him to become deeper invested in alchohalism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ryan Storm Age: 14 Gender: Male Abilities: Telekinesis Personality: Intelligent to the extreme, with a photographic memory. He's pretty matter-of-fact and doesn't joke much, but he is a nice enough boy. He tries to help people where possible, and does all he can to avoid conflict. Appearance: Bio: He was verbally abused and neglected as a child, and so he hates conflict, he avoids it where possible. He spent all of his time buried in books, in an attempt to block out the shouting and such. He realised he had telekinetic powers when his father went to hit him and Ryan blocked his hand with his mind. Then his parents called him a freak and dropped him off outside the orphanage. (May make another character later)
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by oOWonderKinOo
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oOWonderKinOo ~The curious~

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Molly Ostenshire Nick Name: Sparrow Age: 16 Gender: Female Abilities: Flight and the ability to manipulate air/wind. Personality: Bad traits: Impulsive, quick tempered and defensive. Good traits: Just, caring and brave. Appearance: Bio: The Ostenshire name came from her first ‘home’ though in Molly’s mind it was a containment facility. It was the place she spent the most time before escaping. Molly has been in a state of running and containment since she was about 12. She has been on the run many times before and because of her ability to fly making an escape is rather easy for her. This time, she will be ‘monitored’. As soon as she makes a break for it, a man by the name of Gabriel will intercept her and place her back in the orphanage, if things continue the way they have been she will be placed in the care of a facility that she won’t be able to break free from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Sammy Age: 9 Gender: Male Abilities: Summoning. He can summon any given number of things at a time, unless it goes over his limit of creation. He can only have a certain amount of matter used to make his creations, which is a small amount because he has yet to hone it.(This amount will change eventually)He also can levitate small objects, but not animals. He can create or summon creatures through portals to make his creations, but can also use surrounding materials. He can also return those items to exactly what they were before, once he is done with them. Personality: Childish, he is very light-hearted and enjoys amusing others with his creations. He is easily distracted, and is a good friend otherwise. He does not like it when people say/do even slightly mean things to him, regardless of intent or not, but quickly forgets it if it was an accident and can't hold grudges against friends. Appearance: He is a pure white cat, but bigger He has strangely developed finger-like appendages and can hold things with his tail. He is 1'5 at the shoulder and is 3'1 from the tip of his nose to his tail.(Both standing)He has bright blue eyes that glow when he is using his powers. He has long, fluffy fur and is a bit chubby, but not enough to be considered obese. Bio: Sammy was never really born, he just appeared. Nothing else to it, he just was nowhere one moment and there the next. He discovered his powers after he saw a butcher shop and thought "Man, do I wish those sausages were over here."(He was a bit hungry)The sausage links started to slowly inch towards him and across the street, unnoticeable at first, but were definitely moving. The people screamed in panic, because sausages don't just move across a street on their own. There was pandemonium along the street, but everyone eventually forgot it. He then traveled, always moving whenever possible, and general confusion tended to follow. He then found himself at a large place that seemed....friendly, at least partly. He walks up on the doorstep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Imas (Sammy's name backwards, spelled how the pronunciation is because Google crashes when I spell Sammy's name backwards.) Age: 7 Gender: Male Abilities: See Sammy's abilities, but slightly lesser. Personality: He is very shy, see bio for reasons. He is only comfortable around Sammy, and often hides behind Sammy. He is scared of a lot of things, such as the dark, loud noises, vegetables, etc. (Not the vegetables though.) Appearance: Imas is a pitch-black cat with bright green eyes. He is about 1'2 at the shoulder and 2'9 from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail. He is of average weight, maybe a little less. His fur is the same length as Sammy's, despite being smaller. Bio: He appeared at the same time as Sammy, but he was different back then. He used his powers often just to mess with people, and caused quite a spectrum of havoc. This lead to him being knocked out by the force that put then there and having Imas's memory erased, and as a result he now has fears and shyness. Sammy remembers this, however, and is very protective of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: William Beckett (goes by Liam) Age: 16 Gender: Male Abilities: Transforms into animals or certain body parts into animal body parts Personality: Liam is skeptical of rules and authority figures. He hates bullies and people who think they are better than everyone else. He loves his independence, and can be a bit of a punk. Liam is prone to anger, but he gets most angry when any harm or ill will comes to Ellison, as he is very protective of her. He can seem aloof sometimes, and isn’t a huge fan of talking, especially about his past or problems. He has a huge soft spot for Ellison, and cares for her a great deal. Appearance: Bio: William Beckett was the son of a colonel and his sickly wife. Liam’s power has been passed down through the Beckett line, so his father taught him how to use it. Things were good, until his father went off to war, leaving Liam to care for his sickly mother. A couple years later, they learned he died in combat. Only a year after that did his mother at last lose her life to illness that ad plagued her all her life. Rather than go into the foster care system, he jumped from house to house of his relatives and friends, staying for a month or two before moving on. He was taking the deaths hard, was often angry and not in a good state of mind, so he would leave before he became too much of a burden and completely lost their favor. Eventually he ran out of relatives and friends and left the city to make his way in the world. One day, Liam met a scared, abused little girl named Scarlett Ellison. Liam decided to rescue her and they began living on the streets, moving from town to town and city to city. They did this for years but eventually they got caught by social services and put in the orphanage. Name: Scarlett Ellison (goes by Ellison) Age: 12 Gender: Female Abilities: She can control ribbons. She can use them as whips, or as ropes to pull people closer, catch them if falling, or wrap around their ankles and trip them, or sharpen the edges to cut with Personality: Ellison is often quiet and shy, especially around strangers. However, once she knows a person she can be kind and sweet, though she reserves her trust for those who’ve earned it, and putting most faith in Liam. She looks to Liam for guidance as she doesn’t really trust adults. She likes to have fun but is very cautious when it comes to “doing things right”. Appearance: Bio: Scarlett Ellison started out life living with her kind parents, and when her gift came along they nurtured it and encouraged it. However, their whole apartment complex caught fire, and Ellison was the only one in her family among the few survivors. When her parents died, she was shoved into an overcrowded strict all-girls boarding school orphanage combo. The matron became abusive anytime anything wasn’t completely perfect and completely normal. This led to Ellison getting into lots of trouble because of her powers. She lived like this for years until she met an older boy named Liam. Liam rescued her and they began living on the streets, moving from town to town and city to city. They did this for years but eventually they got caught by social services and put in the orphanage. She absolutely adores Liam, and for now considers him as her brother and knight in shining armor, though who knows whether that will change when she gets older.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Raven Sanguine Age: 16 Gender: Female Abilities: Common necromancy, Raven is the wielder of the dead, along with bending ice to her will and becoming nearly invisible in the dark. Personality: Raven is quiet and quite fond of death or anything concerning the dead. Some would see her as shy others would see her as a freak. Though Raven seems quite dark, she does tend to converse with those in her friends circle (Which is the few who accept her) Appearance: Bio: Raven has quite a secret. She was born to an average family. Little did the family know their ancestor's had been cursed, and their daughter was the newest controller of the un-dead. At the age of 13, Raven had accidentally discovered her gift as a crow landed on her window and died. The bird looked very unhealthy, and this made Raven burst into tears. She then picked up the dead bird and she brought it to her parents, then Raven had a strange feeling. "Fly little one." she whispered. The dead bird then stood in her palm and she allowed it to kill her parents, thus leading her here.
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