Alright, here's the revised app sheets, along with the guidelines in one place:
-In order to play the RP, a player needs to have at least a organization or character app. Using other app types depending on their nature (for instance, a sentient ship) may suffice.
-Species, ship and lore apps are completely optional.
-When it comes to species, a player may have only one planet to have intelligent life originate.
-Application sheets are dynamic, therefore never are actually 'complete'. As a result, a incomplete application is acceptable by the GM and you can IC without a complete application as long as you've been accepted.
-Due to the dynamic nature of applications, do not be afraid to rewrite a app to meld with other player's creations.
//////Name of Organisation:
////Alignment and Type: (Corporation? Cult? Terrorist Group? Smugglers? Peacekeepers? Also their alignment in terms of being for or against the hegemony.)
///Leadership and Structure: (the leader/leaders of the organization and the command structure your organization operations by. Base of operations should be mentioned here as well.)
//Tech, Products and/or Equipment: (What sort of technology does your organization make use of or produce?)
/History of the Organisation: (their history from conception)
//////Name of Species:
/////Home Planet/System: (information on where their species comes from)
////Appearance of Species: (the biology and physiology of the species, written information is recommended.)
///Cultures/civilizations: (Native civilizations/cultures of the species. Feel free to expand as you see fit; if other players add cultures to your species you should probably add them.)
//Native Ecosystem: (Anything about the ecosystem in terms of flora and fauna of note. This section is optional)
/History of Species: (History of the species from evolutionary modernity to present day; hegemony contact is a given)
/////Species: (the species- for instance if your character is a Jalilu, human, robot/android or something else entirely)
////Appearance: (What your character looks like from a physical standpoint. Written information is useful)
///Affiliations: (organizations or local systems they affiliate to, if applicable)
//Assets: (Personal gear, augments and so on)
Ships/Crafts/Shuttles (optional app, mainly for detailing shuttles, the kind that are in space. Ships that sail in the sea are seaships.)
//Role/Purpose: (the use of this type of ship. If it's a personal ship, feel free to specify here.)
/Information: (Specifications, history, pricing/availability and so on)
Lore (generic app type for things that don't fit in with the core categories, like for instance making a culture, historical event, a planet and so on)
Current thoughts:
-The Kk'rash and the hunting organization I like. However some written information on their physiology/biology would be very useful. The picture gives the idea of their species well, but I am unsure how they function or their relative size. I suspect there's many tribal groups outside of the city-states, but i;m not going to scold you for not mentioning them.
-The Ordo pretty solid. Gowia, if it's okay with you I may make their asteroid base orbit the jovian planet Laysari orbits instead of Laysari itself.