Aww... That's... Sweet. Let's go with sweet.Why not.She's like a very stern flower When you see her, it's mostly her going "the fuck is everyone doing, stop it nerds" and then you talk to her And like a flower She closes up because shes 2gud 4 us.

Aww... That's... Sweet. Let's go with sweet.Why not.She's like a very stern flower When you see her, it's mostly her going "the fuck is everyone doing, stop it nerds" and then you talk to her And like a flower She closes up because shes 2gud 4 us.
That was weird.ok y notHank You're like... a vacuum. You suck people in with violent force, with a noise loud enough to rouse the most mellow of people. Then You keep them in Until You stop caring about the shit inside you and expel them.
This post is going to be diamond quality. I can tell.~Get to you when I'm done with work.
This post is going to be diamond quality. I can tell.~God fucking damnit, Over.
This post is going to be diamond quality. I can tell.~A premonition for a Blizzard game? I hope not.
Man This breeder through out this cat. I mean, I understand logistically, it pisses over itself constantly. But he's certainly cute.This post is going to be diamond quality. I can tell.~God fucking damnit, Over.
Hit it.Wanted: Dedication replicator. Expected Results: 300% increase in quality of universe
Hit it.Wanted: Dedication replicator. Expected Results: 300% increase in quality of universe
Throw me your criticism! I can handle it! As long as your gentle... Please don't hurt meI'm hammmered Vortex iur a fucking shit fuck loser fuck l;olhahahaha ug joo
Can you do one for me please what you think of mei waana eatg uyou
None of this makes sense. Are you doing drugs? Your mother and I are very worried about you.You're just wondering this now. Darn it.
How you know I gave you one while on drugs: Your name is Vortex or Hamburgerhelper. I'll get to you eventually Joe. Unless I did you alreaydThe mans a genius