Please leave your umbrella to us and take off your sandals, let the technologies outside out of your mind and relax under one of our many kotatsu. Our hosts and hostesses, clad with the finest silks and groomed to perfection will serve you hot tea and tasty dango as you relax, providing peaceful conversations and singing the lives of those who passed through these sliding doors during your stay.
Upstairs is a small amount of rooms for you to sleep, and downstairs is our famous hot springs where healing powers and warming comfort mixes into a small piece of heaven. Masks are still mandatory, of course, but you will find that you will forget you wear one when you leave. Let yourself be relaxed by the sound of rain falling on the roof and the warm smell of incenses and infusions permeating the air, and forget your daily troubles, if only for a moment.
Leave the steam and airships of the Occident and the expectations and responsibilities of the Orient behind you for the time of a hot cup of tea and let yourself find your true being at the bottom of your delicately crafted cup.

Each visit is unlike the others, and as such you will find yourself different each time you enter the teashop, that it may be in body, mind or heart. Always outfitted with the fashion of the Orient and with the elaborate masks of the Occident, you will be changed each time you leave. As such, it is important to have a good grasp of your being at arrival to not become one with the surrounding aether and dissipate along with the ambient steam and fog.
The Moon Province, more precisely the City of Flowers, is a mystical place full of mysteries and unexplained phenomenon, never forget that as you find yourself once more in the teashop of Chrysanthemum Avenue...
The steps you must take are as such, please fill the follow questionnaire:
Prior History:
Please also be aware that this is set in a Oriental Steampunk original country similar to Meiji Era Japan. Now that all is done about your current character for now, you only need to understand that the tales we will experience, while inter-connected, are of their own, and should be a fresh start to the new and old alike, and as such all are free to enter and leave at the beginning of each tale at their own discretion.

Be polite to everyone OOC.
This is a peaceful RP, so please keep it in a friendly and relaxing atmosphere for all.
Make some effort in each post, and try to keep typos to a minimum.
Have fun!