Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character Template
Name: {Please be appropriate to the theme} Nickname: {Optional} Age: {20-25} Gender: Sexuality: Appearance: {Include a pic and a paragraph description} Primary Element: {Water, Fire, Earth or Air? Erase if Weapons Master} Secondary Element: {Metal, Lightening, Ice or what? Again, Erase if Weapons Master} Strengths: {What are their ultimate stregths?} Weaknesses: {What are their ultimate weaknesses?} Personality: {At least one paragraph.} History: {At least one paragraph.}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kazue Anzen
Nickname: N/A Age: 24 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: Kazue stands at 5'3" and weights close to 136lbs. She is fit and built with curves that garner a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Her features may seem seductive but her posture is clearly regal, always standing up straight and never slouching. She prefers to wear long flowing attire that is loose enough not to be restrictive when bending but still elegant in it's style. Primary Element: Fire Secondary Element: Lightning Strengths: She has had excellent training and as a result has become an exceptional bending master. Kazue is quite a learned strategist as well, although she's no Sun Tzu. Weaknesses: Having been raised in the city she is quite unaccustomed to the wilderness and harbors a dislike for anything outdoors. She is also terrified of being alone, as she is typically within earshot of a family servant. Personality: Confident in her own abilities and a natural leader. Kazue can sometimes be mistaken for being arrogant because of her noble upbringing. She cares a great deal for camaraderie and works hard to gain people's trust. She is hardly a damsel in distress. She is well versed in etiquette and affairs of state although her honesty makes her a poor politician. She has a strong sense of what is right, and she isn't afraid to call people out for being in the wrong. History: The second child and first daughter of the house Anzen, an offshoot of the royal family. Having only been born minutes after her older brother Kazuru, Kazue is his twin sister. She is the niece of the current Fire Lord, which makes her a noblewoman of the Fire Nation. She has lived a good life in her family's home in the capitol and received training from a master firebender who taught her the secrets to using lightning as well as fire. Her brother Kazuru is a prominent Commander in the Fire Nation Navy and serves with her father on the Morning Star, a proud vessel that has served for many years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FantasyDreams
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FantasyDreams Professional Badass

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Yue Wudao (Yue translated to moon, Wudao to dance. So his name means moon dance, or dance of the moon.) Nickname: He doesn't really have any Age: 24 Gender: Male Sexuality: He doesn't care much for love as he is already married to his sword. Appearance: Yue is a small man, standing at about five and a half feet tall. His build is lean and athletic, you won't find an ounce of fat on this guy. He has long brown hair that he usually keeps tied back in a pony tail, save for those damn front pieces that aren't quite long enough to keep back. His eyes are a golden brown in color, they can look anywhere from orange to gold depending on the lighting. Despite his years of fighting experience, he only has one scar across his back. Any others that he has are on his front side, as he guards his back well. Strengths: Yue is a master of any and all things weaponry. He can pick up a weapon and wield it effectively. His favorites are the jian and a wooden staff the same height that he is. Those are the two that he carries around, along with a tessen, or bladed fan. He is physically strong from years of swinging weapons around. He is quick, fast, and agile, which are three completely different things. Quickness is how fast one strikes, fast is the speed at which one moves, and agility is ones ability to move well. These three things give him an almost dance like fighting style. Weaknesses: Yue's size is definitely a weakness, it makes it so he can't be as physically strong as tall, more well built people. But, it can also be a strength in certain situations. He is not a bender, and thus doesn't have the same long range fighting potential as benders. He is much, much better fighting short ranged. He is severely claustrophobic small or closed in spaces make his skin crawl and his mind cease to work. Personality: Yue was forced to grow up too fast, thus he is an incredibly mature and serious individual. He likes to keep on track of things and doesn't have much time for fun. He can keep a cool head in almost any situation. He's stubborn and feisty, he won't be giving up without a fight. He's observant and sees a lot more than people give him credit for. People assume that he's all brawn and no brain, but that isn't true, he's got a good head on his shoulders and a lot common sense and world experience than most. He doesn't like to talk much, but when he does, you better listen, because its usually important. He's a good listener, but don't ask him for advice, his people skills are pretty much none existent. History: One could tell by his looks, but Yue was born in the Fire Nation, though without the ability to bend. Instead his father forced him to train day and night in the ways of weaponry so that he could still fight for his leader. He wasn't allowed to have friends or play with the other children his age, isolating him and not letting him develop important people skills for later in his life. His life was pretty much nothing but weapons and training well into his teenage years. By the time he had the choice to do anything else, weaponry was his entire life and he couldn't imagine doing anything else. At sixteen he left his home in search for more challenging opponents and new weapons to learn. He hasn't been back since.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Chad33


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

{Name} Jangbu. {Nickname} Nothing Official {Age} 25. {Gender} Male. {Sexuality} Asexual. His culture stresses separation from everything. You are allowed to fall in love, but must also be willing to let it all go. He doesn't have a preference, though he finds people who are obsessed with anything annoying. {Appearance} He's a thin bald man with a small beard who wears blue clothes with white trim. Most Airbenders wear orange and yellow, and that is exactly why he does not. He almost convinced his elders to make his Master Airbender Arrows different, but they wouldn't budge on it. {Primary Element} Air {Secondary Element} Spirit. He's very spiritual, and can freely communicate with spirits. He's also empathic, and can sense Human emotions as well. {Strengths} {What are their ultimate strengths?} When it comes to spiritual matters, he's one of the best. He's well traveled, friendly, and diplomatic. On the rare ocassions that he needs to, he's good at a fight, using his superior speed and maneuverability to disable opponents. He has a lot of energy. {Weaknesses} {What are their ultimate weaknesses?} He can be impatient, and unfocused unless he's really trying. He wants to be everywhere, and do everything, all at the same time. As friendly as he is, he can be annoying with his thoughts going every which way, and never wanting to stay in one place for long. He does not like being penned in, meaning he doesn't like being inside buildings or underground. Air Temples often have big rooms, large windows, and a lot of balconies, so they're fine, but houses of other cultures often have small rooms with tiny windows, crowded with furniture. {Personality} {At least one paragraph.} Somewhat of a cloud cuckoolander. He's friendly, polite, and generous. He has a lot of empathy, and can sense emotions, which often keeps people from taking advantage of his generous nature. Unless you're really good at hiding ulterior motives. He likes meeting people, but sometimes doesn't remember their names. He is capable of being very involved in something one day, and completely ignoring it another, due to his training. This leaves some people thinking he's bipolar or otherwise fake. This includes training, much to the annoyance of any student he has. As a master he's expected to train people, but he doesn't like being on a set schedule. {History} Jangbu was born in the Southern Air Temple, where he grew up living a peaceful life. He was taught to express himself freely, which sometimes caused trouble for the elders when he felt things were getting a little too peaceful. In his teens he traveled to the other Air Temples, and met people along the way. He trained in his bending art, eventually learning a new technique and getting his arrows. When they found out who the next Avatar was, he went to meet her, and play a bit, but after being covered in snow one too many times he took off again. Since he became a master just before Kasumi was set to begin her Avatar training, he was chosen to be her master. Whether or not this was the elder's attempts to get rid of him was unclear, since they believed even Airbenders needed some conformity.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BuriedComic7
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BuriedComic7 Soft Taco Enthusiast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Iwao Botan Nickname: None thus far Age: 23 Gender: Male Sexuality: Iwao is attracted to members of the opposite sex, but has more important things to do than think about love. Stuff…like….umm….throwing rocks around! Appearance: Iwao stands at roughly six feet tall, with brown hair and the piercing green eyes shared by many natives of the Earth Kingdom. The wrappings around his arms and legs are not only stylish, but cover the numerous burns he inflicted upon himself while trying to learn how to Lavabend. Primary Element: Earth Secondary Element: Lava Strengths: Iwao is very level headed (some would say grounded. Lol. Earthbending humor) and is excellent at moderating conflict. Even though he is an excellent bender he won’t hesitate to attempt to talk things out first. Weaknesses: Heights. Iwao is absolutely TERRIFIED of heights. Personality: Iwao is a very funny and outgoing individual, constantly making jokes and quips (normally at his own expense for the sake of comedy). He enjoys the company of others, and is always eager to make new friends. However this isn’t without fault. His outgoing nature sometimes causes Iwao to put trust in people he shouldn’t, which has come back to bite him in the ass in his past. History: Iwao lived with his family in a large village on an island off the coast of the mainland Earth Kingdom (the large island to the east of Kyoshi Island). Both of his parents were earthbenders, and Iwao and his older brother Ro trained from a young age to master their family’s element. Life was good, until the volcano to the north of their village erupted. The village was far enough south that it would be spared from the noxious fumes, but the lava flow was headed straight for the village. Earthbenders from the village left to divert the flow. They were successful, but Ro perished in the struggle against the lava. After that day Iwao’s parent’s lost a lot of their passion for bending, and he began to train himself. Soon Iwao would scale the volcano, reaching the summit and attempting to learn Lavabending. He met the Avatar at a young age when she was travelling to Ba Sing Se. Her ship stopped in Iwao’s village to gather supplies. The entire village was abuzz trying to meet her, so Iwao only caught fleeting glances. However when he heard that she was ready to truly learn the elements he was eager at the chance to show her Earthbending, and quickly set off for the Southern Water Tribe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Character Template
Name: Kai Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Primary Element: Water, Fire, Air, Earth Strengths: Fast and nimble Weaknesses: Weak and cannot face an enemy head on Personality: Kai’s decisions are always made on logic and not emotion. She is very intelligent, clever, sly, and devious. She is able to keep a cool head in situations and has a soft spot for animals and children. Kai holds grudges and uses anything and everything to her advantage, even if it means hurting someone in the process. Despite this tendency, she is rather altruistic and will freely put herself in harm’s way to protect someone – even strangers. She has a very strategic way of thinking and never displays her feelings though she is not completely cold. During battle she is very brutal and will even bite her enemy to win which results in many people viewing her as a savage. Kai always has a sense of not belonging. She is an insomniac and she uses it to her advantage since she is always prepared for anything that might happen (plus she is not above slitting sleeping throats). History: Kai was born to a simple family in the North Pole and spent most of her childhood fishing and hunting animals. Her family was a working family, but they always made time for her. Kai was close to her parents until she was taken away at the age of seven when it was discovered that she was the Avatar. Through her training, she was raised to be objective and thus became uncompassionate except for the part of her that clung to her parents’ memories. Her trainers were quite shocked with her brutal and savage-like way of fighting and attempted to negate such traits, but it was a fruitless endeavor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gamer5910
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gamer5910 The Son of Death

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

{Name} Flippy Michiyo. {Nickname} He doesn't have one. {Age} 20. {Gender} Male. {Sexuality} Flippy is attracted to women who are kind hearted, nice to be around, and have the same interest as him. {Appearance} Flippy is tall And weighs about 140lbs with longish black hair and blue eyes. He is fit for running and ducking not so much for brute force. His necklace is a family treasure given to him around his 14th birthday. {Primary Element} Water. {Secondary Element} Ice. {Strengths} Flippy was taught by many different water bending teachers but his true skills comes from his own personal training and experiences. It was this training that made him a master at evasive and light attack moves/techniques. {Weaknesses} Flippy isn't that strong or good at defensive techniques so that's why he only evades and hits with light attacks. He also is afraid to travel alone out in the ocean because he was told a story as a little kid of a water dragon snake thing that lurks out in the deepest of the ocean and attacks anything it sees. {Personality} Flippy is kinda to his friends and family and is friendly to new people he meets. Flippy is also adventurous and wants to travel around all the nations and see what they hold for him to see, and Flippy also is friendly with animals mostly the ones he grew up with back at the southern tribe. {History} Flippy was born the same day as his sister Kasumi in the Southern Water Tribe. For most time Flippy and his sister were pretty much equal but when they had to spare against each other and he lost Flippy just kinda stood in her shadow. Sure they did sibling related stuff and of course friends and family would talk about them as equal, but others only talked about how his sister was a master at water bending so basically Flippy in the eyes of everyone was basically a nobody. This didn't impact him much it makes him look at Kasumi differently at times, and most times he wonders if anybody would noticed if he just disappeared. Overtime he learned that he would always be in the shadow of his sister so he trains himself when he isn't being taught be one of the teachers. One day Flippy had just gotten done with a session when he heard news that his sister had died. Since Flippy was the second best after his sister he was now known as the new water bending master. That is also the day Flippy finally began to get out of his sisters shadow.
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