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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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smarty0114 said
I might start it tonight but I kind of want at least one more person.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


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KingOfKings said
tsk....that loli belongs to me!

eh? o.o
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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xD nothing nothing
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Howdy ho folks~
Name: Reginald "Reggie" Beauregard
Age(Oldest is 16): 15
Grade: 10
Personality: He's one of those, kids who tries to remain relaxed and friendly to everyone he meets, the type that usually tries to avoid getting into conflicts. Even still, he's not afraid to knock a couple of heads if the situation truly calls for that.
Bio: Reggie is a soft spoken boy from Phoenix Arizona who came to live in Granite Rock when his father received an extremely lucrative job offering. For a time everything seemed well, his family become one of those stereotypical white picket fence families with the nice house, nice car, dog, the whole nine yards. Then, the adults vanished. Reggie has been on his own ever since, and has taken care of himself surprisingly well considering the lack of laws. He's managed to stockpile years worth of food, and has turned his house into a sort of 'safe zone' for kids looking to lay low or in need of a proper roof over their heads and food in their stomachs.
Plans for the GRAYZ: He just wants to keep society going as it should
Freak or Normal?: Freak
If you're a freak, what's your power?: He can turn parts of his body into tungsten carbide (he is incapable of doing his entire body)
Appearance: Reggie

I'll survive the GRAYZ
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 10 days ago

Cool. We'll start in about 2 hours. Oh and Shade you forgot something from the rules
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

CS Form
Name: Erwin Bernstorff
Age(Oldest is 16): 15
Grade: 10
Personality: Erwin only fights when he has to. He likes to read books, smart, sometimes a bit creepy.
Bio: Erwin can't remember his parents nor any relatives, he lived most of the time by his own. When the incident happened, he wasn't really shocked, more got interested in how this whole situation would develope.
Plans for the GRAYZ: Survive and watch how this incident developes
Freak or Normal?: Freak
If you're a freak, what's your power?: Magical power used around him is weakend, when his opponent still uses magic, everytime he uses it, Erwin drawns a bit of energie from his opponent, you can consider him being that kind of an Anti-mage
If you're a human, how do you feel about the freaks?:

(might go off in a few minutes so it might take a while til i can respond when you start) I'll survive the GRAYZ
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

errr...he has two names.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I knew I was forgetting something in my Cs. Fixed it smarty :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

smarty. Do you still want me to have another char? If so I can.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Apoalo said
smarty. Do you still want me to have another char? If so I can.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Just clarifying, i'm good to go now that I fixed mein cs, ja? And Apoalo, your avatar is by far one of the greatest things to grace this planet since bread.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

XxLyraxX said
errr...he has two names.

Indeed, forgot to overwrite his bio since I've changed his name, ty
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Hah! Thanks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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the two hours have passed!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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KingOfKings said

I second that notion...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Maybe the GM is busy?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KingOfKings


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yeah maybe
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 10 days ago

Sorry guys. i had a paper to write last night and things got hectic. We start now
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