Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Norvel Ivanovich Orlov Date of Birth: July 1st 1988 Appearance: Bright reddish hair | dull grey eyes | freckles | has a few minor scars from doing reckless things | peachy complexion Blood Status: Half-blood Personality: Norvel is, if anything, a really big pushover. As long as you claim to be his "friend" and promise you'll "be friends forever", he'll gladly follow you to hell and back. This's usually in the form of him acting in a way that others usually find... creepy (secretly following you, "taking care" of (usually) imagined threats while your back is turned, picking fights with people who even look at you funny, etc.). And if you have other friends and he feels like they're getting in the way of his "true friendship"... He does tends to get a little extreme when it comes to this sort of thing. Most of the time, while he's not exactly meek, he'll definitely hold his friends' decisions above his own. Even if he's uncomfortable with what they're doing (or if they're doing morally dubious things), he probably won't say anything about it and go along with the flow. For example, his friends could probably tell him to juggle broken pieces of glass and he wouldn't question it. (...That's happened already, actually.) Also, he can be surprisingly whiny at times, which can be... extremely annoying, to say the very least. The only thing other than friends that Icarus really seems to treasure is the attention from them. (This's probably mostly because his former friends used to ignore him a lot.) So the only surefire way to tick him off is to completely ignore him, really. Wand: Hawthorn, Dragon Heartstring House: Hufflepuff Best Classes: Flying, Transfiguration Worst Classes: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions History: Norvel was born to a halfblood wizard and a muggle born witch on the first of July, 1988, as an only child. His parents had always been rather supportive of Dumbledore and his ideals, so he grew up believing purebloods and halfbloods were equal. And, having a father working for the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he also grew up with a decent amount of knowledge on this sort of thing. They were somewhat overprotective, as well, and preferred to keep their son in sight where they could see him rather than have him running around unsupervised. He was content for the first few years of his life, but having no siblings, he did start to feel rather lonely as he got older. Realizing this, they decided to encourage frequent visits between him and one of their friend's children, Natasha. Norvel, however, soon realized she wasn't exactly easy to get along with. In fact, her seemingly erratic personality only served to confuse him and, eventually, caused him to start avoiding her and start looking for better friends. So, eventually, he started wandering around the neighbourhood without his parents' knowledge. Not long after, he ran into some of the other kids in the neighborhood. Even though Norvel soon found out their views went against pretty much everything he'd been taught, they figured it'd be entertaining having someone as gullible as him around, and convinced him to stay. At first, they just did little things like pull pranks on the muggles in the area, but then they soon moved onto bigger things and eventually ended up setting several muggles' houses on fire. Norvel' parents caught on after that and stopped him from visiting his friends, but weren't really sure how to deal with him otherwise. When he received the letter, though, his parents gladly sent him off, hoping Hogwarts would be a fresh start for him. Norvel, however... wasn't so happy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 13 days ago

Name: Aedan Chistopher Selwyn Date of Birth: April 4th, 1988 Appearance:
Blood Status: Pure Blood. Personality: Quiet, perceptive, and cunning Aedan is a very fast thinker and thrives on split second decisions. He has a good mind for how spells work and has little trouble learning and casting. As a Selwyn he has been brought up in the traditional pureblood lifestyle. However Aedan has issues with standing still for to long and tends to get headaches, which have been blamed on him having heightened senses. Wand: Red Oak and Phoenix Feather. House: Slytherin Best Classes: DADA, Charms, Transfiguration. Worst Classes: Potions, Herbology, History of Magic, Astromancy. History: Aedan was born to a pureblood and very muggle racist family. He is cunning, smart, sly, and quick with spells that other first years would probably not even try. He's obsessed with the dark arts, and studies the techniques and spells from the Death Eaters. His parents kept him shielded from the worst of the fighting during the war but there was only so much they could prevent him from seeing. As the time got closer and closer to him attending Hogwarts he made a pact with himself, despite his heritage and love of the Dark Arts, he would watch and wait, patiently deciding how he was going to go through school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Alex Beta Date of Birth: March, 23, 1988 Appearance: Blood Status: Half-Blood (However I could have sworn there was a term for someone with a pure parents and a half-blood parent) Personality: Alex is an extrovert – permanently friendly, forgives easily and considers everyone who she hasn't met to be a friend. Her charisma and confidence has not been limited at all by the tough times she has lived through. This positivity can come off as clingy annoyance to people who don't like constant interaction. She is rather impulsive, jumping to conclusions or being the first one to run down a dangerous path. This is likely due to her high energy, which always seems to be unending. Her rather fun-loving nature makes her pleasant to be around. Alex has a very youthful personality and an optimistic outlook to life and adventure. To go with that, adventure and discovery are what she dearly craves. She has the constant urge to "discover what's out there". Wand: Pear Wood, Unicorn Horn core. House: Hufflebuff Best Classes: Flying, Herbology, Potions, Astronomy Worst Classes: DADA, History of Magic, Transfiguration. History: Alex was born to two magical parents in a house full of magic. She lived up in a quiet, rural town, away from any prying eyes other then some tired old farmers. Her mother was famous among the world of wizards as a talented botanist, growing all sorts of magical plants. Witches and wizards would travel from all over to buy her ingredients for potions. She was soft spoken and quiet, as well as a pure blood, teaching Alex everything she knew about brewing magical potions. Her father, on the other hand, is not soft spoken or quiet. He was an ambitious and charismatic broom flying champion. He is young and fearless, working as a traveling performer before he met Alex's mother. Somehow, even as a half-blood, he won Alex's mother's heart. He took it upon himself to teach Alex to work for what she wants as well as never taking no for an answer. He also taught Alex to fly a broom, and after several failed attempts, Alex was almost flying as recklessly as her father. Magic came naturally and freely to a young Alex, since her parents had rather lack rules within the house. And with no fear of getting caught Alex practiced and practiced. The day her acceptance letter arrived was one of the greatest days of her life, and she was enthusiastic to get going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

NAME : Seleana Artemis Moon DOB : May, 1st, 1987 APPEARENCE : BLOOD STATUS : Pureblood (But both parents are Squibs) PERSONALITY : Seleana is always ready with a smile or encouraging word even for those she doesn't know. A sunny child she's know for climbing and running about without cease while the sun shines. Gifted or cursed with an insatiable curiosity Seleana hates secrets, closed doors an sealed boxes. Taught that Honesty and Friendship are more valuable than Galleons Seleana tries never to lie and stands by her word and friends. WAND : Chestnut and Unicorn HOUSE : Hufflepuff BEST CLASSES : Charms, Flying and Transfiguration. WORST CLASSES : Herbology, Astronomy and History of Magic HISTORY : Seleana was born on the Isle of Wright to Ian an Hecate Moon. Both of her parents are without magic but came from pureblood lines and are therefore Squibs. Her Father was born into an raised by the prestigious Moon Family and given the finest education available in the muggle world. This gave him the skills and schooling necessary to excel in the muggle world where he is now a highly respected MP of three terms and seems guaranteed a fourth term in the next election. Her mother is a teacher at the St. Vincent Academy on the Isle of Wright who teaches Advanced Science classes to the upper 2% of the school. Her parents met at the Quidditch World cup while attending with their families and fell madly in love. Both families approved of their marriage seeing it as better than having to deal with the introduction of a muggle into their lives. The happy couple moved to the Isle of Wright and within two years were expecting their first child. They named her Seleana after Ian's great grandmother when she was born and when it became apparent that she was magically talented her family celebrated her birth with great acclamation. Raised on the Isle of Wright Seleana lived in a house near that of her mother's parents who watched over her and taught her the practical knowledge of magic just as any pureblood would be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

NAME : Darius M. Anderson DOB : January 2nd, 1987 APPEARENCE : Darius takes after his father, moreso than his mother. Being an American, he has rather fair skin, and his hair is a dark black, with natural, dirty blonde streaks, near the roots, being rather shaggy in appearance - flitting over his hazel, nearly amber eyes, and going to the nape of his neck. He's rather tall for his age, standing at 5'6 or 5'7, and his form is still developing - but football, baseball, and Quidditch has already shaped it into a slightly muscular build. BLOOD STATUS : Half-blood. PERSONALITY : Naturally being a determined person, he is both focused and competent, being more mature than what his twelve years of age dictates. He is serious in his quest to become a powerful wizard warrior, and one day Auror. He isn't afraid of conversation, but if he isn't talking, he's not there at all, maybe jogging around the lake, training, or playing a heavy game of quidditch. When he talks, he keeps up in the conversation, although he may not say as much as the other party. He's not rude, being respectful if you're respectful first, but he is blunt, and will blatantly tell you if you're being stupid of cowardish. He never backs down from a fight. WAND : Blackthorn with Dragon Heartstring HOUSE : Gryffindor BEST CLASSES : Charms, Transfiguration, and DADA. WORST CLASSES : Divination, Herbology. HISTORY : Unlike the vast majority of Hogwarts students, Darius was not born in Great Britain. Rather, he grew up in America, in a muggle city with his two American parents, Rose and Colton Anderson. Colton was a retired auror, and his mother a nurse, and despite wanting a peaceful life, his father taught Darius all they knew about the auror system. Enchanted by the tales, Darius began reading magical fairy-tail books, and decided that he wanted to be a warrior, rather than a wizard. "The one who wields a sword and shield, striking down evil dragons!" He had read to his amused, wary parents when they were sitting around the campfire. They patiently explained that wizards were different in real life, and you can be both a warrior and a wizard. Life continued on, with his dream to become the strongest wizard warrior growing stronger each day. At muggle school, he played all sorts of sports, generally enjoying a muggle life, when not diligently studying practical magic theories in his room. When he received a letter from the American wizarding school, he ignored it, not really liking the thought. His parents respected his opinion. However, when, at the age of eleven, his father was called to become an Auror at Great Britain, they had to move, and could no longer ignore the letters - which was getting annoying. He was enrolled into First Year, considering he didn't have any formal magical education - having ignored the American Wizarding School's calling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eyeris


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Moirah Maj Myeong-sook Date of Birth: September 8th, 1987
Blood Status: Half blood. (Moirah THINKS she is pure blood. Her mother keeps a small secret.) Personality: Moirah is a clumsy and outgoing. She earns a reputation as being flighty and disloyal. She says exactly what she thinks, but often changes her mind. She dos not mean to be deceptive at all, she simply tries a bit too hard. She is certainly malleable and easily influenced by people and events, She doesn't give these changes time to set in, or consider their broader meaning, so she is quickly swept off her feet by the next idea. Her blunders are large and her reactions passionate. On the bright side, she has a ton of energy to spare. She will not fatigue quickly, so she might work at a problem longer than the average person. She is always ready for action, so she is the perfect person to call upon when you need someone in a pinch. Especially someone that won't ask any questions. Wand: Leave blank, wand chooses wizard y'all. House: Leave blank, don't put the Sorting Hat out of work. Best Classes: Potions, Herbology, Alchemy Worst Classes: Care for magical creatures, charms, frog choir. History: Moirah was born and raised in a pure-blood household. Her father was a Slytherin in his school days, and is currently an Obliviator in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. On his side of the family there are a few death eaters and a large sentiment of support for Voldemort's cause. He had brothers and cousins in the Battle of Hogwarts. He created a rift between himself and his family by not standing with them. Moirah's mother is also a pure blooded wizard. She did not attend Hogwarts or anything like it. She does not have a real job outside managing the family's castle and estate. She enjoys reading tea-leaves as a hobby and semi-professionally. As a couple her parents consider themselves 'progressive pure bloods'. They did not support the death eaters or Voldermort. They do not want to exclude mixed-blood wizards from entering the magic world. However, they do support the continued segregation between muggles and wizards. They consider the wizard world more advanced than the muggle one. They "Progressively" think that magic is genetic, and that muggle-born wizards must have magical blood somewhere in their family tree. They think it would be ideal for magical children in muggle families to be detected much sooner, removed from their muggle families and adopted by wizards. This would be the best way to enable the muggle born to 'rise above' their birth-station. Moirah herself is an only child. Her parents are very wealthy. She had a large castle almost all to herself almost all of her life. She had the house-elves and the dogs for company, though the dog's never liked her much. She saw her cousins sporadically throughout her life. (Her father and his family fought on-and-off throughout her childhood, and her mother's family lives in Korea.) She always wanted to please her cousins! Most were older than her and she looked up to them fiercely. She spent time planning their visits and contriving fun activities for everyone to play. During their actual visits they largely ignored her. She would think to herself "I guess this game just isn't fun enough..." after they left, she would contrive new strategies to win their favor. She has not seen her cousins in several years. Her father's family largely sympathized with the Death Eaters, and her father refused to see them during the worst political turmoil. Travel became risky during that time so her Mother's family never visited either. Hogwarts closed the year Moirah was meant to begin her study there. Her parents were unprepared to educate her. Her father was working over-time in the wake of recent events, and was hardly ever home. Her mother had received a much different education, and hardly remembered it anyhow. The work she did with her daughter was patchy at best. Moirah learned a lot of spells that were mainly used for doing chores. When Hogwarts was ready to open they tested Moirah to see if she would be ready for her second year, she failed miserably. She will be starting as a first year. Despite the set-backs Moirah was ready to finally learn real magic. Make real friends. And show her family what she was capable of!
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