Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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The tiny Professor Flitwick clapped as enthusiastically as Aedan Selwyn joined Slytherin House. "That," he announced in a squeak, "Concludes the sorting! Before we eat, we shall all hear a word from our Headmistress," he gestured toward the staff table, at the center of which an older witch stood from her seat. "Welcome all, and congratulations," Professor McGonagall started, "Gryffindor or no, it took no small amount of courage to attend school this year, after the turmoil that we are even now still recovering from. I will be the third Head of this school that some of you older students have known, and I want to be perfectly clear that I fully intend to follow in the footsteps of Albus Dumbledore. "Though your houses are meant to be a sort of new family to all of you, I want to encourage all students as we move forward from the horrors of the war, to seek friendships outside of these families. Today, as we feast, I would very much like to see students crossing between tables. I know rivalries have been strong in the past," she eyed down first Gryffindor then Slytherin, but continued without mentioning either House, "But I am hoping we can move these rivalries into a more friendly light. I want to be very clear that from this year onward we will absolutely not tolerate House prejudice. If you find you cannot be friends, put on your best show of civility." She looked out at them for a time, her face quite unreadable, though somewhat stern still. "In more normal announcements, I feel that after a year's break, and with the addition of many new students, I should review those rules most often broken. There should be no spellcasting in the hallways between classes. The Forbidden Forest is, and I should really never have to say this, forbidden. And," her eyes rolled almost imperceptibly, and she made the last announcement with a much less stern demeanor, "Mr. Filch has asked me to reiterate as always that items from the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes joke shop are all expressly forbidden." The crowd of students were in a very sudden uproar. Most of Gryffindor table was standing up, and a few jumped on top of the table in their protest. There were shouts of "Unfair" and insults thrown at Filch, and even a few chants for Fred Weasley. Filch, visible at the staff table, stood up in response and started shouting back before Professor McGonagall raised her wand, causing absolute silence in the Great Hall. "I am well aware," she proceeded levelly, "Of the immense popularity of these products, and of their creators," her voice choked for a moment, but she continued in her previous even tone. "But Mr. Filch is the caretaker, and he is the one who has to clean up the messes, and therefore it is he who makes these rules. The full list of banned items, which contains six hundred and forty two, can be viewed in Mr. Filch's office, if anyone is ever interested for any reason. "The very last thing I feel I must announce before allowing you all to eat is the appointment of three new staff members. Professor John Clowers, who has graciously traveled from America to join us, has taken the post for Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Barnabas Riktor replaces me as both Transfiguration teacher, and Head of Gryffindor. Lastly, Professor Theodore Bell is taking the post for Muggle Studies. I hope and expect that you shall all afford them the utmost respect. "Those," she said at long last, "Are the announcements. Now please, 'tuck in.'" A great quantity of food suddenly appeared on the empty platters before the students. Many immediately started filling their dishes, but some jumped up to join friends elsewhere. On such student, Dana Allbright, rose from his place at the Hufflepuff table and went to his older brother's side at Gryffindor. "Mmm," Jackson mused, looking at him unsmiling. "Don't you have your own house now, Huffy?" "Oh... I just," he muttered, nervously, but Jax interrupted him by pulling him in a crushing embrace. "The look on yer face," he laughed, "Like I'd ever treat you like that, bruhv. I'm glad you're here, it was no fun without you last time. Also no fun with the torturin' death eaters and all, but forget them."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seleana was so thrilled when she found herself sorted into Hufflepuff because her gran Winny had been Hufflepuff an she absolutely had hoped to be sorted as a puff instead of Slytherin as had been her granda Ebenezer or gran Seleana after whom she'd been named. She loved them both but their serious nature and all the trouble they'd gone through both during an after the war because they'd been Slytherin still bothered her. Her father had told her that neither of her mum's parents had been on the side of the Deatheaters and had even used their influence to protect her during the war but that didn't make the worry about what they'd been called go away. The papers had said they were both too clever to be caught an that they'd used their wealth to support the Dark Lord only pretending to be coerced.. Seleana didn't believe the papers because she'd been there listening when the Deatheaters came, she'd heard them making rude comments about her parents being like muggles. She saw her granda send the offenders flying before they even knew his wand was in his hand and how he'd cowed them into silence. The war as she heard Headmistress McGonagal say was over but Seleana knew that many in the wizarding world thought of the present as a mopping up period. She'd been there when the men from the Ministry had come an questioned granda an gran their tones speaking volumes about what they heard as the truth. It had been gran Winny who'd said to gran Seleana that cowardice an vengeful thoughts would now be the true oppressors of wizardkind. Thinking such thoughts Seleana felt guilty that she'd not wanted to be Slytherin so badly when she knew that her granda an gran were good people and that meant that no matter what people thought Slytherin could be good an honorable people. This helped make up her mind that she'd try and make friends with at least one if not more of the Slytherin. This being her first year even if she'd qualified as a second year she was too nervous to simply walk over to the Slytherin table so remained seated as the feast was served.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Alex had truthfully been surprised by where she was sorted. Her father had never attended school, being a bit too free spirited to learn in a traditional environment. However, on the other end of the spectrum her mother had been a Slytherin, a trait common to pure bloods back in her day. Alex had heard whispers among the students, saying the hat didn't discriminate based on what your parents were or were not. Regardless Alex walked over to the Hufflepuff table, full of pride. Before she even sat down the older students began cheering and clapping for her, glad to have new students in their house. One of the students even moved over on the bench, giving Alex a space to sit down. Alex, friendly as ever, took her seat with a wide grin. The excited girl listened to Professor McGonagall as she began the opening ceremonies. She spoke of the War, something that Alex was well informed on. Her mother had to leave their home next year to meet up with other Witches of her caliber. And her father was always grumbling and ranting to Alex about how unfortunate and pointless the whole battle was. Alex's attention returned as Professor McGonagall began to reiterate the rules. The no spell casting in the halls rule, she didn't see herself following too well. As well as the Forbidden Forest rule. Calling the forest forbidden just made Alex want to explore it even more. What Alex hadn't expected was the sudden uproar of chants at the ban of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes joke shop items. Students all around Alex began to stand up on their seats, clearly unset at this. Alex remained quiet, maybe unaware of the weight this decision carried in the students, and was relieved at how Professor McGonagall handled the situation. The air in the room seemed rather tense, that was until the food arrived. Alex happily began to feast, laughing and talking along with the other Hufflepuffs around her. It was amazing how suddenly the young girl was able to make friends and joke with them as if they had known each other for years.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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He immediately loaded his plate. Darius felt a small smirk flit onto his lips as he filled the glass china with an assortment of lean dishes - a t-bone steak, some mashed-potatoes on the side, and a large, hearty filling of steam vegetables. Ignoring the butter beer - he really didn't see how it was delicious - the young boy quietly looked to his left. He had heard of house-elves delivering food and drink underneath an illusionment charm, but he doubted it. Maybe they would cater to his wishes, just this once? "Do you have any Sprite?" His favorite drink back home. There was hesitation, and then, with a small pop, a cool, refreshing can of the fizzy drink was sitting beside his meal. Allowing his smirk to grow into a slight grin, Darius drank with polite gusto, almost finishing the entire can before he dug into his steak. The meat was thick, tender, and slightly well-done; just how he liked it. It was truly amazing how they managed to get every little thing just right. As he dined, he allowed his eyes to roam over the others. Sitting by a few first-years, he felt a bit awkward. He was one year older, but even then, it slightly surprised him how little some of them were. They were ten and eleven years old, he remembered, but it was still weird to see it. Relinquishing an inner shrug, Darius returned to his meal, not really interested in any small-talk at this moment. He truly wanted to explore the building, and perhaps find a library to go over some first and second year spells - he could probably even try out third yeared ones! It was an exciting thought, and he continued to eat his food at a sedate, yet slightly hurried pace, making sure not to spill in his haste. As he ate a load of brussel-sprouts, allowing them to crunch at the back of his teeth, Darius' ears honed in on a conversation not even a few seats away. A hufflepuff male had come over to their table, and was talking to his brother. He wasn't really interested, until the term 'death eaters' came up. Now...that was interesting. He realized that he had been blatantly staring with fork in hand, and the First-Year promptly began eating, although his ears were now on the two boys' conversation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Skylar had enjoyed the train ride to Hogwarts, using the lengthy journey to finish a book and work her way half-way through another. She had hoped that she might finish the second book during the feast, however sorting and other conversations proved to be too much of a distraction. Bearing the last name of Brookes, Skylar and her brother were among the earliest of first years to receive their house assignments from the hat. First her twin, Jake, and then herself, both making their way toward the Ravenclaw table to join their new 'family'. Sky watched her brother tune out the world and focus on his own book, which looked more like a text book than a novel, she herself turning to socialize with the others of her house. Once the Sorting Hat had been removed from the last first year, the new Headmistress stood before the group and made her announcements, Skylar nodding in approval as this was a woman she could respect. Her smile vanished as McGonagall relayed the rules forbidding the use of Weasley products, Skylar joining the Gryffindors in protesting this restriction. She loved pranks and none were better than those produced by the Weasley Wizard Wheezes Joke Shop, this feeling like a betrayal to her nature. Silenced by the Head Mistress, Skylar retook her seat while shooting the infamous Mr. Filch a nasty glare. Riots aside and rules laid down for all students, platters of food filled each of the tables much to the delight of the students. Always up for food, Skylar stuffed her plate, much to the dismay of her quieter twin, and began scarfing down the food. Bloody red meats, bread and sweets, Skylar's plate was as packed as it could possibly get before she picked it up and waltzed toward the Slytherin table, the most notorious for its exclusive nature. Earning a few looks from some of the older students, Skylar smiled innocently and butted her way into a seat. "So..." Her eyes scanned the faces around her, seeming to search for something in particular. Picking out the newest addition to Slytherin House Skylar pointed her fork at him before speaking. "You, Aedan was it?" Pausing again to take another bite of food, Skylar waited to see if she had the small brunet's attention. "I'm very much looking to make friends with Slytherin House and thought it might help to start by befriending a fellow First Year. Think you could give me a chance?" Something told her this particular kid was going to be an interesting one, he just had an air of intelligence about him that she couldn't help but to be drawn to. She sincerely hoped he'd at least give her a chance but she wasn't stressing too much over it. "The name is Skylar, by the way... Skylar Brookes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Norvel glared at the floor sullenly as he made his way towards the Hufflepuff table, something akin to a pout plastered on his face. Things definitely weren’t going his way today – not that he had a problem with the house he’d been sorted into – but his parents had just abruptly decided without him that sending him off to one school while the rest of his friends were sent off to who knows where was a good idea. That, for him, was definitely enough to dampen the mood for… a while, to say the least. He’d tried to cheer himself up with mild success on the train ride on the way to Hogwarts, but the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to do something ridiculously reckless just out of frustration. So he’d just stuffed those thoughts into the back of his mind for now. (…Not that they’d stay there for long, anyhow.) The announcements the headmistress had made earlier all flew right over the boy’s head as he’d gazed blankly at some of the Gryffindors who’d been making a ruckus. Something about Weasley products…? (He'd been able to pay at least some attention during the sorting ceremony, but now he was just starting to feel bored.) Norvel was pretty sure none of this concerned him anyway, so he’d zoned out for a while as the headmistress prattled on and on about rules... the Forbidden Forest... staff members... Then he zoned right back in as the smell of food reached his nostrils. The boy perked up with alarming speed and started to shove all manner of food onto his plate. When he finally looked up, he realized some of the other first years were moving to other tables. Norvel gave them a rather suspicious look, but didn't say anything. Were they really allowed to do that, or were they just breaking the rules…? (Not that he was against breaking the rules or anything, he reassured himself. He’d break the rules if his friends insisted they had to, but otherwise, he wasn't particularly working towards breaking the rules, either.) He eventually decided to just stick to the Hufflepuff table. Right, he thought, expression lighting up as he eyed the other first years at the table, Uh… friends. Yeah, friends. Um… Norvel wasn’t particularly picky when it came to friends (pretty much anyone would do, actually) so naturally, he shuffled towards the first person who looked talkative enough and tried his best to slap a smile on his face. (Although it did come out looking more like a really thin, forced one. Maybe even a grimace is you looked closely enough.) “Hey,” he said tentatively as he took a seat beside Alex, eyeing her curiously, “You’re a first year too, right…?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 13 days ago

"Aedan, can you stop staring at the people and tell your parents goodbye properly? We won't see you until the Christmas holiday, you would think that you don't care." Aedan sighed as he recalled the farewell on platform 9 and 3/4. Sure, he loved his parents and for a pureblood family they weren't -to- suffocating but of course the usual 'you have better be in Slytherin' comments were very covertly thrown in. To be perfectly honest Aedan was thinking more of how lucky he was that he was starting school on time and in the correct grade as he had heard already that some kids were going to be held back a year or would be 12 sometimes 13 starting in the first year. Luckily his parents fears were relieved as the hat barely touched his brunette hair when it screamed Slytherin. Waving at his new house as he walked over to it he was clapped on the shoulder and given a warm welcome even as some older students made way. Aedan hesitated for a moment before sitting down looking over at his Cousin in Gryffindor. Jax was an interesting figure for Aedan and the brunette wondered if the older boy knew how much Aedan's mother and father helped them out when they escaped to America. Shrugging he sat down and listened with a bored expression on his face as the Headmistress went over the rules and regulations also ignoring the outburst over the Weaseley's products. Aedan spent the time looking at the various faces around him taking in names and listening to conversations. It paid to be aware and Aedan had a interesting ability to hear very well. When the ruckus finally died down Aedan winced as the tables were instantly full of food and excited talking broke out all over the Great Hall. So much for not getting a headache today. Aedan ignored the food instead simply taking a cup of pumpkin juice and sipping it watching the Great Hall closely. Instantly his eyes locked on the Ravenclaw approaching the Slytherin table, he followed the girl with his eyes sizing her up to be probably his age or a year older, a first year that was sorted a bit before him. She seemed the brainy type but her eyes spoke mischief. She sat down with curious glances all over the green and silver table and Aedan saw her eyes looking around until they found his own. "You, Aedan was it? I'm very much looking to make friends with Slytherin House and thought it might help to start by befriending a fellow First Year. Think you could give me a chance?" Aedan took another good look at her, the black hair and eye color. His eyes picking minute details. She was a pure-blood, had to be. To many of the constant features associated with the sacred 28 not to be. He realized he was staring and took a sip of his juice to cover. "Nmae is Aedan yes. Aedan Selwyn, you're a pure-blood aren't you? Which family are you closest to?" It didn't really matter per se but he -was- interested. "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, though it would probably alleviate the stares a bit." He pointed to the various older students still staring at the Ravenclaw first year sitting at the table. "But to answer your question Skylar yes I think we could be friends."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Oi," Jax leaned across a second year student to rap his knuckles on the table near Darius' plate as he stared. "What's up, big guy? Window shopping?" He looked down at the aluminum can he had nearby. "Bit Muggley are yeh? Those house elves'll bend over backwards for you. You know one of them probably apparated to London and half-inched that can just for you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ves
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Ves d a n k

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darius rose an eyebrow; apparently he had been a bit too obvious in his staring. Taking another bite of steak, he chewed once before swallowing. The British slang confused him slightly, along with the accent, but he assumed that half-inched meant...stolen? "Either that, or they had some in the kitchens." He responded with a smirk, taking another bite out of his food, and then a sip of soda. "Name's Darius, but you probably heard from the Hat."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Alex stopped mid bite when she heard a voice directed towards her. The girl looked up from her plate to see a boy, around her age talking to her. She had to hold back a laugh, he almost looked uncomfortable. Maybe it was his first time away from home? Alex put down her fork with an almost loud clank and then turned to the boy who had taken a seat next to her. "Yessire!" Alex responded, with a chipper voice. "Alex Beta!" The girl stuck out her hand in greeting. "First year student, glad to make your acquaintance!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Norvel felt decidedly relieved as he realized Alex didn't seem like someone who'd be too hard to get along with. "Oh thank Merlin," he said as he shook her hand a little too enthusiastically. A rather crooked smile started to make its way onto his face. "I thought I'd never find someone to sit with..." He looked up to her hopefully, undoubtedly already wondering if they could be friends. The boy gave her a rather thoughtful look as he settled down in his seat and drummed his fingers against the table. She didn't seem like a bad person... from the few sentences he'd heard her speak. But then again, he'd never been one to be picky about friends. So he'd just go along with the flow and see how things went then, he guessed. "Uh... oh yeah, the name's Norvel. Sorry I forgot to mention that earlier," he said rather apologetically, then paused for a moment before continuing on, "So do ya know anyone here? None of my... friends go here, anyway." Norvel said the word "friends" rather gingerly, as if afraid that saying it too loud would've caused the ceiling to cave in or one of the teachers to suddenly swerve around and glare in their direction. The boy's gaze darted from the teachers to Alex and then to the teachers again for a moment, but then he shook his head and focused his attention on his plate instead. He stabbed at some steak with his fork, putting a little too much vigor into the motions and muttered something barely audible about "houses on fire".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seleana watched as the others moved from table to table an briefly thought of doing the same till she asked herself if it was good manners or proper etiquette to just invite herself to another's meal and decided it wasn't. Oh how she sometimes wished she could rebel against her instructions in the proper manners among wizards but her gran Seleana had drilled it into her by reminding her of her family's history. She was born of nobility and as such should always observe her manners less she dishonor that heritage. She sighed then returned to her meal as she considered her best course of action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sky nodded as the boy asked his questions, a small smile curling the corners of her lips. "You've got a good eye there." Taking her time in answering, chewing her food as she returned some of the stares with calm looks of her own. "The closest would be the Rowle family." She let it hang in the air for the judging eyes, allowing them to come to their own decisions about her as she ate. It was known that the Rowle family had been loyal to the Death Eater party but she didn't think that appropriate to mention with teachers being as close as they were. Shaking the thoughts off, she returned her full attention to her newfound friend. "So Selwyn... New year, new school. Have any interesting plans for the next seven years of your life?" Sky began to relax a little more, slouching in her seat rather than sitting up straight as she had when she first sat down. She didn't feel the need to return gazes anymore, choosing to ignore them as she felt them. It was strange for everybody, being encouraged to mingle with the other houses, but she found it rather interesting. It wasn't as if she needed meal time to bond with her housemates, she was going to be living with them for quite a few years after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

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Alex laughed aloud when Norvel introduced himself. Alex was one of those people who tipped their heads back and squeezed their eyes shut when they laughed. She held her gut, laughing as if Norvel had just told a hilarious joke. Once she was finally able to breathe again she spoke. "Oh man Norvel, that is one goofy name you got there!" And while these words might be interpreted as rude, her tone of voice and smile assured that she meant this in the nicest way possible. "You must come from a fancy family of wizards to be named that!" She continued into her meal, tearing a large chunk of meat out of her roast and stuffing it in her mouth. She listened to Norvels next question, swallowing before answering him. "I would hope none of my friends are here cause they are all non-wizards!" She gave Norvel a toothy grin. "Other then my parents and some of their friends I was the only wizard I knew before getting on that train!" Alex didn't hear him mutter anything about house fires, as she was too busy getting her turn to ask a question. "Okay so what are you most excited for? For me it might be flying lessons." She leaned closer to Norvel to whisper. "But between you and me I am an awesome flyer! I plan on giving the teacher a big scare!" Alex didn't give Norvel much time before continuing to talk. "But I'm also pretty excited to have a dorm room! I don't have any siblings so I've never had to share a room!" Alex looked over at Norvel, as if remembering she had asked him a question first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ink-berry
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"Fancy...?" Norvel pondered for a moment, then chuckled and shook his head. "Oh no, my parents are just kinda weird. Thought they'd try to spice up the names or something like that." The boy took another stab at his steak before continuing. "Oh, I had a few wizard... friends before I came here. Always going on and on about how pure bloods were better than muggle borns. We're still friends and all, but to be honest..." he grinned and looked around as if checking for eavesdroppers before turning back to Alex. "They got really boring sometimes." "Flying lessons?" he asked rather excitedly, suddenly perking up. "Oh, that's the class I've been waiting for! Y—" Norvel cut himself odd as he realized the girl had continued on talking without waiting for a response. The boy took a good chunk out of his steak before he realized Alex had looked over to him and was probably waiting for a response. "Oh... yeah, I've been waiting for flying lessons too! And transfiguration, I guess. It sounds pretty fun." He paused for a moment, but as he continued, there was a tone of awe in his voice. "...But you've actually flown on a broomstick before? Without crashing into a wall?" He still remembered his first time on a broomstick — which had ended with him crashing straight into a wall and breaking his arm. He hadn't flown since, but he was definitely planing on having that change. "Well, I'm looking forwards to having dorms too," he admitted, "I don't have any siblings, either."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seleana finished her meal quickly and decided that she was bored; bored with food as she often was which was why he gran said she so skinny. She didn't know why but the very effort of eating seemed tedious to her; bite, chew, chew, chew then swallow and repeat. Thinking about it made Seleana giggle because she could still see her mum's face when she'd told her that last year. So better to fill her time with something more interesting an difficult than eating she picked up her spoon an fork an began practicing what her granda called lacing. Lacing involved the twirling of object from bottom to top then top to bottom an passing them between her fingers like little cheerleader batons. She'd seen her granda doing it one day when she was six an had tried to do it herself only to fail in result an satisfaction. She then asked her granda to show her how he performed such a clever trick an was delighted when he did. It quickly became her favorite game to play with her granda and a quiet way to pass the time so her gran didn't scold her. Such warm memories made her smile as she spun the two flashing pieces of silverware through her fingers in a blur. She added a difficulty level to make things interesting by passing them simultaneously to opposing hands then back again. She put both hands beneath the table so people wouldn't stare because she didn't want them to think she was just showing off. She used to fail when she couldn't see her fingers but in the past year she'd gotten so good at lacing that she an her granda could now pass objects back an forth to each other. She fumbled an dropped the spoon clattering to the floor beneath the table because she'd allowed herself to be distracted by laughter coming from the Slytherin table. She was a bit annoyed that she'd allowed it to happen, her granda could do it while carrying on a conversation with her gran even though she always looked at him with disapproval. Her granda had told her the secret to lacing wasn't that it was simply a clever trick but a method to exercise the fingers and improve suppleness of the type that had made him a champion Duello in his youth. Seleana didn't want to be a champion to please herself but to make her grans an parents proud of her. Seleana didn't actually care about power but about family an their pride.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apoalo
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Apoalo Harry potter Nut

Member Seen 13 days ago

Sipping his juice Aedan inclined his head to her at the praise listening intently to her answer and taking a few moments to mull the new information over. His eyes were watching her every move the cold calculations could be seen as his gears rolled to think of the possibilities of singling him out over some of the other first years. He decided not to make a big deal out of that and merely go along with being friendly. Who knows he might have just found his best friend for his school career. Her answer caused the other Slytherin students to nod and return to their plates while a few others turned to whisper no doubt wondering why she was in Ravenclaw. To Aedan that much was at least clear, as Skylar had intelligence pouring from her personality and he loved it. "So Selwyn... New year, new school. Have any interesting plans for the next seven years of your life?" Aedan chuckled slightly, the small brunette shrugging visibly. "Please don't tell me you're going to refer to me with my last name all the time? Just Aedan please." He thought about her question while taking another sip of juice. "To simply do the best I can and go with whatever happens. I suppose I just want to succeed, through whatever means necessary." He shrugged and smiled at her. "And yourself? How do you think you'll survive all seven years?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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WeepingLiberty ~Friendly Garden Statue~ / ~Blink And You're Dead~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"My apologies, I couldn't pass up the alliteration. I'll try to control myself from now on." Skylar grabbed a goblet in her hand and watched as it filled a fizzing substance, inhaling the sweet scent before gulping the root beer down. Sighing contently, Skylar tilted her head in legitimate thought. "In all honesty, the goal is to stay sane. Not sure how well that's going to work with all these rules in place, but I'll make it happen one way or another... By any means necessary." She smiled sweetly as she tossed Aedan's phrase back at him. Shifting in her seat, Skylar glanced back at the Ravenclaw table, at her brother with his nose buried deep in his book. Seeming to sense her gaze he glanced up and nodded in her direction letting her know that he was alright on his own. Turning back around, Sky quickly cleared her plate and shoveled more food onto it. "You got any family here with you or are you fending for yourself?" Sky leaned closer across the table, genuinely interested in the answer. She scanned the table to see if anyone stood out as being familiar with Aedan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gisk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Jax snorted, "Cor, you must be new if ya think that. Talk of muggle-wizard equality or no, everyting in the kitchens is wizard grown or bred. Wouldn't find a tin can down there if ya cast a summoning charm. Nah, House Elf ran to town just for you! Shouldn't go abusin' those poor little buggers. Jackson Allbright's me, who're you?" He held a hand out, still talking across a totally bewildered second year. Dana, meanwhile, feeling a little uncomfortable with his brother's somewhat confrontational style of conversing, slipped away back to his table, and sat down next to Seleana. "Erm, hullo. Dana Allbright, how are you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seleana briefly toys with the idea of using the Wingardium Leviosa charm her granda taught her to fetch the lost utensil but as she is looking at it a house appears an winks at her as she picks it up then disappears. Giggling quietly she sits up and a boy with long brown hair sits next to her in a vacant spot on the bench introducing himself as Dana Allbright. Hello Dana Allbright, I'm Seleana Moon and in good cheer am I; why do you ask? she says in a sweet an happy tone as she looks him over. {"A boy of my own house an he's a cute one at that I wonder why he chose me to talk to?" }She thinks to herself Oh an do please call me Seleana she adds with a slight giggle in her tone
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