Trainer: Agatha Lione
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Home Region: Hoenn
Appearance: Agatha Has long dark red hair and brown eyes. Her skin is pale and she's very thin. She carries a green bag with her and it has a Torchic plushy poking its head out of the front pocket.
Personality: Agatha is a warm and friendly girl. She loves Pokemon more than anything. Especially her Breloom. The two are practically inseparable. The two act like one mind, Agatha being the emotional side and Breloom being the logical one. Agatha tends to be shy at first but quickly grows friendly and trusts easily. She has a distinct fear of fire type Pokemon (probably from her close relationship with Breloom.)
Bio: Agatha is an Ace Trainer from Hoenn. She prefers a wide array of Pokemon on her team.
Pokemon on the team: Breloom* (the only one thus far. Given to her by her father.)
Pokemon: Breloom
Gender: Male
Bio: Given to owner Tabatha Lione by her father. Breloom is close to his owner as he was there for most of her childhood. He is a companion Pokemon and has never been trained for fighting. He only knows Tackle and Stun Spore. He is never kept in a ball except for extremely rare cases. He has learned the ability to speak from being around people his whole life. His vocabulary is limited and his grammar is far from stellar.