Name: Albrecht Schuster
Age: 27
Height: 5'8"
Build: Slightly below average
Hair: Light brown hair, often messy
Facial Hair: A small, scraggly beard that covers the chin, area around the mouth, and the bottom half of both cheeks.
Eyes: Grey
Apparel: A sturdy pair of brown leather boots kept well repaired over the years, grey wool socks and leggings, reddish-brown cotton shirt and wool coat, brown leather gloves, and a grey wool cap.
Gear: Rope, knife, needle, leather scraps & thread for repairing boots and shoes
Weapons: Musket, Boarding axe
Rank: Sailor
Ship: So long as this character is on a merchant's ship, all will be well.
Ship Description and class: [Only fill out if the vessel be yers]
Faction: Merchant
Background: Albrecht Schuster was born in the gaggle of quarreling states known as the Holy Roman Empire, in the Principality of Waldeck in a large village, as the middle son of a cobbler and his wife. Although instructed in the basics of the trade from an early age, most of his father's attention went to his eldest brother, Wilhelm. Albrecht and his other siblings whom received little acknowledgement or attention from their parents, often went out of the village to visit aging farmers. Once there, they were often told old folktales and stories from the old country. Eventually Albrecht and his siblings outgrew the stories, but still visited the elderly farmers. Albrecht would then go to visit his grandparents to hear their stories and their experiences in life.
Albrecht's grandfather told him of how he himself had been the captain of a small merchant vessel, fought off pirates, and rescued damsels in distress. The stories would change with each visit; sometimes involving a monarch congratulating the old man, a stash of treasure, or a giant pirate frigate being brought to the ground in a hail of fire. Albrecht figured out that his grandfather was often spinning yarns. Yet again, he didn't mind. He had a newly found interest in the sky and the vessels that sailed it. He told himself that he would one day become rich and famous. That there would be books written about him for years to come after his death. All of it would become true provided he had the starting funds. With money from the odd jobs he had done over the years, he bought lessons to speak and write in Spanish.
The lessons were expensive, but if he wanted any chance in realizing his dream, he would have to learn other languages. Albrecht finished his schooling in Spanish, penniless. 15 years old, and he had resisted all attempts of becoming an apprentice to learn language from a Spaniard. He had become more cynical by this age. Angry that he had wasted his short time on this earth, Albrecht Schuster almost became a beggar. Until his grandfather talked to him, and taught him about what it was like to be a sailor. No tall tales this time. Only teachings. Albrecht had been fascinated by masers and all of the other technology that had gone into airships. His grandfather wrote a letter to an old merchant captain to start off Albrecht in his journey. Now 19 years old, Albrecht was flatly rejected for the job.
So, he repaired shoes and helped out in his father's shop. As absent of his presence as ever, he didn't even notice when Albrecht stole his musket, some funds, and left home. He left a letter for his family, promising that he would return either rich, famous, or dead. Albrecht traveled to Spain, and got a job on a merchant vessel as the captain's personal servant. In turn, he would be taught more than just the basics. He remained the Captain's servant for two years, and when he had viewed himself as ready, he got a job as a sailor on another merchant ship. He would do all he could so that he could realize his dream.