Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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The Iron talon PMC founded by an aged veteran due to the lack of initiative in the local government on his homeworld. It have expanded into a premier names in anti-terrorism and anti-piracy in the galaxy. When a team of Iron talon mercs led by Yorgon Schal were sent to help a wealthy merchant deal with some pirates was consider pretty stander routine, that quickly change when the team discovered that the merchant was involved in the black market and was using them to deal with his competition. Unfortunately the merchant found out it an sent his thugs after them to silence them. In the escape by the team there ship's navigational compute out of action the made a blind hyperspace jump. Once they dropped out of hyperspace around a planet there ship was caught in the gravitational pull of the planet. After there ship crashed onto the planet there unconscious bodies were found by a wizard who lived in the area, who took them back to his home to heal them. Unknown to the merc team they are about to involve in ancient prophesy and the merchant sent a group of his best thugs to silence them. Will they be able to survive a world of magic and sorcery.

1. No OP characters or auto hitting
2.. Romance is allowed, but keep things PG-13. Any further then take it to the PM's
3. two character limit

Name: (Be realistic)
Gender: (Male or female)
personality: (How they act around friends and others)
species: (Like I said, there is a whole universe out there for you to make whatever sort of creature you want)
Relation: (
Weapons: (Whatever sort of weapon you would like)
gear: (the other items they carry EX; tools)

my CS;
Appearance: [hider=look][img=i.imgur.com/BrcCxYz.jpg]Under his helmet he has short cut brown hair with a beard, light gray eyes, and a big scar running down the right side of his face. He has a medium build to him, with his unit number tattooed on to his right arm, and a collocation of scars on his back. [/hider]
Name: Yorgon Schal
Nickname: Sarge (use to be in the Irodein army)
Age: 45
Gender: male
personality: He is a trustworthy individual. He will risk life and limb to help those he calls friend. He is a religious person worshiping the Sanfures god Virem. Is mostly upbeats at time, he’s always eager for a fight, somewhat eccentric, likes to tell war stores from his time in the army. But he also has nightmare form his time in the army. He cares greatly for his family.

Relation: Schal has a wife and has a daughter.
Weapons: Stander issues Imperial Ar-67 assault rifle with a bayonet/combat knife, Sr-12D shotgun, a Naval R-2A revolver, and an Imperial saber
gear: a E-tool, utility belt, and a small medkit
Appearance: [hider=look][img=i.imgur.com/jFujdpm.jpg] he also has a pointed wizard hat [/hider]
Name: Wizard Dratcen
Age: 79
Gender: male
personality: TBR
species: human
Relation: friends with many of the people in the local village
Weapons: his staff and a long sword
gear: a spell book, scrolls, a magic ring, and some potions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KzkSkippy
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KzkSkippy A Mongoose's Creed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Tamrapani Zaerayev Vadiyashti Daegev... You know what? Just call me Tam. Age: 29 Gender: Female Personality: Boisterous doesn't begin to cover it. Tam parties hard and works harder, painfully aware that life is short and going out of your way not to enjoy it will only make it shorter. She's got a big mouth, and will constantly fill your comm channels with off-color jokes, sexual innuendo and general blasphemies against sanity and good taste. She's quick to anger, but just as quick to forgive, and tends to laugh off little things like bruises or dislocations as "good fun". Species: Heavy-grav world human. Broad-shouldered, thick skinned and well muscled by a combination of natural adaptation and generations of gene-modding. Relation: Tam's family life is... complicated to say the least. Her home planet of Naraka is pretty much a deathworld, and most of it's inhabitants work the dangerous, but high-paying mines. Because of the high mortality rate, Narakans practice chain marriages, with multiple husbands and wives as sort of a mutual assurance against accidental death. In the black humor of the mining worlds, well, sorry your mom died, but at least you've got spares. Tam has six living father's and four living mothers, as well as several dead ones who she quietly honors. Gear: Tamrapani is the unit's armourer. It's her job to take care of the various bits of finicky technology that give a mercenary unit its tactical edge. As such, she carries a toolkit almost as big as some of her teammates in addition to her combat shotgun and service pistol. Her favorite tool, however, is the massive fitting wrench strapped to the side of her pack, which she uses to break things almost as often as she repairs them. Edit: Found one I liked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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She is accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

I haven't been here all that long, so I apologize if this is stupid, done wrong or not what you're looking for. Appearance:
Name: Atara "Rook/Rookie" Havelock Age: 21 Gender: Female personality: Atara is quite smart actually, as well as dedicated, determined and loyal. Some call her determination "stubbornness". She is often quiet, she isn't shy really but rather reserved and just not a chatty person. However, she can be kind and friendly when she feels like it. She likes to think she's brave, but that can lead her to doing stupid things. As far as the group goes, she has only been in the group for two years, hence her nicknames of Rook and Rookie, so she tries not to get in anyone's way and unless she has any bright ideas, she usually defers to the older and more experienced members of the group. Also, because she knows she's young and inexperienced she doesn't like showing weakness in front of her team or asking for help. species: Tanithian (as in from my made up planet Tanith). Skin tones vary from snow-white to scarlet-red to jet-black and every shade in between and in build are similar to humans/terrans. At age 13, Tanithians choose their vocational path, and until 18 years old they train for their vocation. Atara chose military. Relation: Atara has parents and an older brother. Historically, Atara's relationship with her mother has been strained due to Atara being interest and eventually choosing a more militaristic path rather than following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a healer. Just how much ebbs and flows. Atara's relationship with her brother is also strained because he chose to be a soldier as part of Tanith's military while Atara chooses not to be tied down to her home planet and it's rules and regulations. Atara has a wonderful relationship with her father though, who is a Tanithian ambassador to another planet. Weapons: She has a rifle, machine gun, and a pair of pistols. She also has small throwing knives that can be shot from her gauntlets and a larger knife for close quarter fighting. gear: She has a pack in which she carries everything. Though she is not that skilled in healing, she carries a basic first aid kit. She also has mountain climbing ropes and tools, an energy powered lantern, and if you dig down deep enough, a novel or two from the Intragalactic Library.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KzkSkippy
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KzkSkippy A Mongoose's Creed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tanith first and only!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Commodore Robot
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Commodore Robot Transient Hatemonger

Member Seen 1 yr ago

This sounds like it can be a barrel of fun. Fish out of water fantasy AND sci-fi operators? If you're willing to have me I'll make up an App in the morning. Just wanted to show my interest before I pass out from study induced brain drain.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by rextremendum
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rextremendum Lover of Czechnology

Banned Seen 10 yrs ago

I am super interested - I'll get something up soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Appearance: Name: slave name 1017. full name is Return-of-fire. Usually called Fire (Be realistic) Age: 45 (thats considered YOUNG for a spackle.) Gender: male personality: Fire is one of the more Peaceful members of the group, preferring not to get into combat and instead use other ways, he has the power to suppress his emotions but however if you can get him angry enough (which isn't very hard sometimes) You will wish you were never born. Fire is the smartest person in the little mercenary group, Often doing things for the greater good or in his case the most "logical" answer, Think about Spock from Star trek basically, He is also fascinated by technology sometimes and often steps up and questions leadership, Also when hes being passive aggressive its really hard to tell unless you Really listen species: Vulcani/Ratocan, the vulcani a race of peaceful people who live on the planet Rulcan that can suppress there emotions, the Ratocan are a Violent race of warlords who are always pestering the Vulcani by raiding them, the biological difference is pretty hard to see, but the ratocan choose to Enhance there emotion making them more angry and sad and happy then the vulcani. the ratocan and vulcani are mortal enemies most of there technology is from old pre-spaceflight technology which was gained from earth by trading Relation: Fire was born on Rulcan before the humans arrived, he was a regular Vulcani but however he was half Ratocan which gotten him A lot of hate and discrimination, also hurting his ability to suppress his emotions, Forcing him to become Passive aggressive some times, he is also a doctor and a surgeon, and then the humans arrived, the humans were part of a large company known as the Hudsons Bay company, The humans were friendly and nice, and even helped the vulcani Exterminate most of the ratocan, however then the humans noticed a rare (extremely rare) resource that is common on there planet known as, Mani-um, which 1 unit can be used to fill up 10 ships for a day of course the vulcani had no use for it, and decided to trade it but after gaining Humanity's awesome technology (Machine guns, microwaves, I-phones) they stopped trading and decided to keep there mani-um, the humans did not take kindly to this it was a gigantic war, many vulcani died and many humans did, but however Not Enough humans died because the humans won. and enslaved the Vulcani population while the rest escaped, Fire was one of the slaves and he was given a band used to mark him, a band with the words 1017 on it. and then the massacre happened, A big firing squad shot down all of the slaves as a "budget cut" this caused most of the slave vulcani to revolt, however, while they're was only 500 humans and 1500 vulcani (most of the other vulcani died in hard labor, or escaped), only 100 survived. the 100, turned to fire, who led them to a nearby human ship, and a started a gigantic fight for the only ship, this time it was 50 humans verus 100, Fire lost massively, only 5 including him managed to board a ship, the rest parted way, Vulcani escaped from rulcan occasionally, but they were usually hunted down quickly, however, Fire didn't encounter anyone, he then landed on a nearby planet looking for work and found the mercenaries, the Mercs, not knowing Fires past let him join as the combat medic Weapons: a revolver with 8 bullets he rarely uses them, (Whatever sort of weapon you would like) gear: a medkit with a lots of fast-acting medical supplies, a surgical kit and some combat armor, other: the rest of the world do not know about the vulcani's existence, however the Merchant who is sending thugs after the Mercs (us) are part of the hudsons bay company,
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Took some liberties, hope you're okay with that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Everyone is accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HHShetland


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Just posting here to declare my interest, if I can handle multiple RPs at once, anyway. I always have ideas.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by User
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Appearance: Name: Doc. (Charles Richardson) Age: 48 Gender: Male personality: A man of calm and percision he takes his time to work through a task at hand. Is a great man to have by your side in a fire fight if you are freinds, can heal up a simple wound in 2 seconds and undertake surgurys in space. he will snap if pushed and species: Cyborg, he is human but after a accident most of his body is mechanical Relation: Has a family back home, Has 0 patence for rookies or screw arounds, has been fighting for 27 years and is battle harderned Weapons: (Whatever sort of weapon you would like) SFP-LazerMarker is a small lazer marking pistole, used for air strikes and targeting drones/soilders, M12 Rifle a large AR type gun that fires multiple lazers a second is a AK of space rarly over heating. Attack/Defence Drone is a small drone that can create a make shift force feild r sheild from parts around or itsb engergy supplies, it also fires large engery shots at hostiles (anything not progamed in) L1Phazer is just a small charge blaster (you hold the trigger till it charges to full or not and let go and it fires a small ball of energy gear: (the other items they carry EX; tools) Full lazer and first aid tools, Rocket exo, Personalised dog tags. (more when i have more ideas)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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he accepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

is it just me or isn't Doc kinda, OP. I know I'm not the GM but I don't think one person should be a War hardened veteran with 27 years of fighting that can heal himself in a matter of seconds and somehow know how to do surgery and a pistol a Laser AK47 that rarely jams and drone that can spawn shields energy shots and a Special gun that can charge up a big shot also a first aids kit and a rocket launcher,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well i assume that his weapons have an ammo issue and the self heal can be overwhelmed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KzkSkippy
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KzkSkippy A Mongoose's Creed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

User, you are a massive troll. I just spent a minute and half trying to get your username to load.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

By the way if your CS is accepted you can move them into the character tab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So... When are we starting?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

First I want to know HOW Sci-fi this is, are we in a Firefly-esc world were theres Guns with bullets and very cowboyish, or are we in like a Mass effect world with all sorts of fancy gadgets, Plez halp b0ss
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