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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

the doc sighed "You are right, he knows too much. but are you alive? can you breath? he saved us and thats all it comes down to."
Fire walked up to the two, joining in there little conversation. Doc is Correct, if the Old human Was working for someone, we would've been dead before we even woke up, Fire added his Logical logic,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Paul jolted out of his sleep undisturbed by the change of his usually scenery which was his lab. "Damn.....I'm not dead yet." He muttered to himself before getting off of an very uncomfortable hammock. Paul yawned and searched his body for a cigar. "Damn....no cigar either. What the hell's going on!!!!" He shouted unable to find his pistol and sword. He stormed out the hut shouting. " Someone better have my shit or I'm blowing this fucker to the sky!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Schal had left to gather his gear while his team talked recovering all of his gear again he return to his team. "If that old man gives us any trouble I'll shoot him myself," Schal said joining the conversation. Seeing Paul storm out of the place "Someone go after Paul before he gets lost," he said lighting one of his cigarettes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KzkSkippy
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KzkSkippy A Mongoose's Creed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"There's worse things in the world than dying, Eyebrows." Tam shrugged him off curtly. The overly logical xeno had been a constant source of argument for as long as she'd known him. She didn't expect there was any malice behind it, just one of those personality conflicts. That didn't mean she looked forward to their arguments either. "Oh for- I'll get him!" She used the opportunity to disengage when the engineer stormed out. She'd worked with him more than most people on the team, given the overlap in their specialties. She tended towards the more maintenance oriented jobs though, taking care of armor and drones, while he did the more... esoteric jobs. Inwardly, she'd suspected more than once that he was an avatar of saint MacGuyver reborn. "Hey, Paul!" She stuck her head out the door. "Gear's in here, old-fuck is tentatively designated as friendly. Don't bother the locals."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Oh...." He walked back to the hut and went into the study. He reequipped all his belongings and happily pulled a cigar out of a pack and put the pack back into his pocket. " So...this old fuck person....why did he help us?" Paul asked putting the cigar in his mouth and holding the end of his pistol to the end of his cigar firing it. The cigarette lit and the bullet pierced through the ceiling of the hut. " Who gives two shits for the locals , they can just be my test subjects for my next bomb." He looked at Schal. " Hey boss man , have you figured out were we're at or am I , your most favorable slave, have to find out myself?" He asked laughing and taking a puff of his cigar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Chris headed over to the place where the weapons were stored and took everything he had. He put the helmet on, glad that he could see through it again. He then grabbed a hold of his gun and then waited for further orders once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

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Khopesh woke up, groggily, to all the commotion. The first thing he noticed that he was on straw, then he noticed the rather rustic interior design. Then the old man sitting. He sat himself up and patted himself down, his exos was still there, belt, but he was missing his rifle and his pistol holster was empty. This was no time to be humorous, but he didn't detect any threat either. He scanned the room, finding several of his fellow mercenaries, his eyes stopped at one of the more recent recruits. Khopesh couldn't remember her name, he thought for a second, then decided to just leave it. "You there, rookie, could you get me my rifle and pistol?" He asked, his faceplate shifted from the blue skull and then displayed silhouettes of his weapons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Khopesh woke up, groggily, to all the commotion. The first thing he noticed that he was on straw, then he noticed the rather rustic interior design. Then the old man sitting. He sat himself up and patted himself down, his exos was still there, belt, but he was missing his rifle and his pistol holster was empty. This was no time to be humorous, but he didn't detect any threat either. He scanned the room, finding several of his fellow mercenaries, his eyes stopped at one of the more recent recruits. Khopesh couldn't remember her name, he thought for a second, then decided to just leave it. "You there, rookie, could you get me my rifle and pistol?" He asked, his faceplate shifted from the blue skull and then displayed silhouettes of his weapons.
Fire pointed to the study hall in the little hut they were in, I believe your weapons may be found in there, He told him, but was cut off by some stupid Human attempting to Light a cig with a pistol, Fire then logically yelled at the person, telling him It is not logical to "talk shit" about the locals when there is one right next too you, also Lighting a cig with a pistol is extremely dangerous and I calculate a 40% chance of a person getting shot,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Khopesh woke up, groggily, to all the commotion. The first thing he noticed that he was on straw, then he noticed the rather rustic interior design. Then the old man sitting. He sat himself up and patted himself down, his exos was still there, belt, but he was missing his rifle and his pistol holster was empty. This was no time to be humorous, but he didn't detect any threat either. He scanned the room, finding several of his fellow mercenaries, his eyes stopped at one of the more recent recruits. Khopesh couldn't remember her name, he thought for a second, then decided to just leave it. "You there, rookie, could you get me my rifle and pistol?" He asked, his faceplate shifted from the blue skull and then displayed silhouettes of his weapons.
Atara rolled her eyes but compled, deciding she may as well get her own gear. "Yeah, whatever. I'm only getting it because I still have to get my own though." She'd been keeping a watch on things, but it was still. Far too peaceful, she thought. Even if the old man was genuine, everything to her felt too artificial. But it didn't matter. Her opinion didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. She was the gopher after all, she though sardonically. She entered the room and found that her pack had been laid out, and everything inside hit had been taken out and laid neatly. Her frown deepened. She didn't like that, she didn't like that at all. Why had the man rifled through her things? For what purpose? She packed up her bag, slid it on her shoulders, and grabbed Khopesh's stuff too. Atara reentered the room. Tossing his things to Khopesh, she told the others, "I know no one cares, but I have a bad feeling about this. It might be nothing, but my instincts are going crazy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Skyrte> Fire pointed to the study hall in the little hut they were in, I believe your weapons may be found in there, He told him, but was cut off by some stupid Human attempting to Light a cig with a pistol, Fire then logically yelled at the person, telling him It is not logical to "talk shit" about the locals when there is one right next too you, also Lighting a cig with a pistol is extremely dangerous and I calculate a 40% chance of a person getting shot,
Paul looked at Fire and stuck the middle finger. "Fuck your logic and the locals. For all we could know he doesn't even like the locals. Also I don't care if lighting my cigar with a pistol is dangerous , if you don't wanna get hurt then move. " He walked over to the rookie. "Look if something makes you fell uncomfortable then kill it simple as that." He heavily inhaled his cigarette.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Atara rolled her eyes. "Thanks, but I did go through military training on my home planet, I'm not a complete idiot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by nerminator> Paul looked at Fire and stuck the middle finger. "Fuck your logic and the locals. For all we could know he doesn't even like the locals. Also I don't care if lighting my cigar with a pistol is dangerous , if you don't wanna get hurt then move. " He walked over to the rookie. "Look if something makes you fell uncomfortable then kill it simple as that." He heavily inhaled his cigarette.
Fire took the persons highly Illogical logic, and Lifted his Jet-black revolver with both of his hands, sending a Bullet flying straight at the persons leg, at a extreme speed, Escaping it would be hard, but hey, if something makes you uncomfortable by human logic you should kill it right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Paul didn't care to dodge the bullet. He bit down hard on his cigarette as the bullet pireced through his leg. He turned towards Fire spitting his cigarette out. "Ah....did I strike a nerve....." Paul kneeled down laughing and checked his wound. He was bleeding a bit and probably needed someone to attend to it before it gets to infected. He limped into the hut ignoring Fire. Paul's not a fan of arguments so he just brushed it off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Schal rubbing his temple he turned back to the old man "alright first thing were are we second were is our crash ship?" he asked. Dratcen he stroked his chin "your in the kingdom of Afaledon. As for your ship its that strange metal thing right? I can take you to it." the old wizard stood up and walked over to the door stopping he waving his hand his staff and wizard hat flew into the hands. "What how did you do that!" Schal said in surprise. "Magic," Dratcen said confused by Schal's reaction "Any way time get ready we are heading to the crash sight. Khopesh, Tam I want you to try to recover the long range transmitter," he order fallowing the wizard outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Yes sir," sid Atara, stepping around what seemed to be possibly escalating into a testosterone grudge match to follow the head of the company outside. Her eyes widened at the old man's supposed 'magic'. She didn't believe in magic but that had to have come from some some sort of power. She decided not to ask about the 'magic' and to try another tactic. "I've never heard of Afaledon before. Where is it exactly, and who's in charge here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Fire was quite amazed at how the human took the bullet so easily, the last time he shot someone in the leg the person Screamed, cried, and eventually Died on the spot. Humans are full of surprises, Fire checked his ammo, they're was 6 bullets left, It wasn't logical wasting a bullet on that human, but last time Fire checked Revolver bullets were easy to buy, His ratocan side sometimes gets the better of him, The hat trick thing didn't really faze fire, he just wondered how the heck that was possible, but hey, humans are full of surprises.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Paul lit another cigar pulling rose his gun out of his holster and taking it off of safety mode. " Who ever did this is gonna get a bullet to the skull for destroying my beautiful lab." He walked and stood behind Schal. He watched the old guy pull of some magical shit with his hat. Though science and magic aren't really the best of subjects to mix together Paul was still fascinated by the trick. " Hey , gandalf can you teach me that trick?" Paul asked taking another puff of his cigar
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KzkSkippy
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KzkSkippy A Mongoose's Creed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tam might have paid attention to the obvious display of stage magic. She also might have responded to her team leader. These were all important, relevant things that were happening. However, somewhat more relevant, was the fact that this pointy-eared primitivist asshat just shot one of her teammates. In another situation, Tam might have shot Fire. However, as much as she might clash with Fire, she also gave him a little bit of credit for being a teammate. That prevented her from killing him... for now. It did not, however, preclude less lethal methods of ensuring he didn't do it again. Muscles forged by a combination of heavy-grav environment and scientific intervention flexed, and a hundred-plus kilo's of Narakan flung herself at the shooter. What she might have lacked in finesse, Tam made up for in raw strength and years of experience in barside brawls and company-town riots. She hit like a train. Striking as the xeno casually checked his weapon, she attempted to disarm and grapple. "Sarge! Get the fuck over here!" under the circumstances, she didn't bother with formalities, "Fucking Fire just shot Paul!" [Action: Disarm and Restrain Fire. @Nerminator: PM me if you wish to contest. Sorry, there is just literally no way someone could react casually to watching that happen]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

the gun still smoking a bit, Fire put it back in its Holster, He was surprised by the human Suddenly disarming him, Barely having the time too Defend himself, Fire only gave a quick look, before being Smacked in the face by a Extremely strong human, A Tooth as white as snow came flying out of Fires mouth in a arc, followed by a bit of blood, the blood was a Dark shade of blue, Fire hit the ground, his gun Falling to his side onto the ground, fortunately not causing any freak accidents, Fires mind flew with confusion, wondering what the heck just happened
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KzkSkippy
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KzkSkippy A Mongoose's Creed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Tam planted a knee in her apparently psychotic teammates back, twisting his shooting arm around behind him to keep him from going for that pistol. As long as his bones worked close enough to a humans, she was fairly confident that would hold him. She looked at the shooters victim. "Paul, stop pretending to be a badass and get something on that leg. Krishna, gun's do kill people you know!"
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