Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KzkSkippy
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KzkSkippy A Mongoose's Creed

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Tamrapani Zaerayev Vadiyashti Daegev... You know what? Just call me Tam. Age: 29 Gender: Female Personality: Boisterous doesn't begin to cover it. Tam parties hard and works harder, painfully aware that life is short and going out of your way not to enjoy it will only make it shorter. She's got a big mouth, and will constantly fill your comm channels with off-color jokes, sexual innuendo and general blasphemies against sanity and good taste. She's quick to anger, but just as quick to forgive, and tends to laugh off little things like bruises or dislocations as "good fun". Species: Heavy-grav world human. Broad-shouldered, thick skinned and well muscled by a combination of natural adaptation and generations of gene-modding. Relation: Tam's family life is... complicated to say the least. Her home planet of Naraka is pretty much a deathworld, and most of it's inhabitants work the dangerous, but high-paying mines. Because of the high mortality rate, Narakans practice chain marriages, with multiple husbands and wives as sort of a mutual assurance against accidental death. In the black humor of the mining worlds, well, sorry your mom died, but at least you've got spares. Tam has six living father's and four living mothers, as well as several dead ones who she quietly honors. Gear: Tamrapani is the unit's armourer. It's her job to take care of the various bits of finicky technology that give a mercenary unit its tactical edge. As such, she carries a toolkit almost as big as some of her teammates in addition to her combat shotgun and service pistol. Her favorite tool, however, is the massive fitting wrench strapped to the side of her pack, which she uses to break things almost as often as she repairs them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dreamcaster


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Atara "Rook/Rookie" Havelock Age: 21 Gender: Female personality: Atara is quite smart actually, as well as dedicated, determined and loyal. Some call her determination "stubbornness". She is often quiet, she isn't shy really but rather reserved and just not a chatty person. However, she can be kind and friendly when she feels like it. She likes to think she's brave, but that can lead her to doing stupid things. As far as the group goes, she has only been in the group for two years, hence her nicknames of Rook and Rookie, so she tries not to get in anyone's way and unless she has any bright ideas, she usually defers to the older and more experienced members of the group. Also, because she knows she's young and inexperienced she doesn't like showing weakness in front of her team or asking for help. species: Tanithian (as in from my made up planet Tanith). Skin tones vary from snow-white to scarlet-red to jet-black and every shade in between and in build are similar to humans/terrans. At age 13, Tanithians choose their vocational path, and until 18 years old they train for their vocation. Atara chose military. Relation: Atara has parents and an older brother. Historically, Atara's relationship with her mother has been strained due to Atara being interest and eventually choosing a more militaristic path rather than following in her mother's footsteps and becoming a healer. Just how much ebbs and flows. Atara's relationship with her brother is also strained because he chose to be a soldier as part of Tanith's military while Atara chooses not to be tied down to her home planet and it's rules and regulations. Atara has a wonderful relationship with her father though, who is a Tanithian ambassador to another planet. Weapons: She has a rifle, machine gun, and a pair of pistols. She also has small throwing knives that can be shot from her gauntlets and a larger knife for close quarter fighting. gear: She has a pack in which she carries everything. Though she is not that skilled in healing, she carries a basic first aid kit. She also has mountain climbing ropes and tools, an energy powered lantern, and if you dig down deep enough, a novel or two from the Intragalactic Library.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Appearance: *incase the picture doesn't work* He looks like Light yagami from death note, Name: (actual name) barrack wilson, Age: 20 Gender: male (Male or female) personality: he is a pretty unique person, He is extremely sarcastic and Cynical at times but however, to his friends he'll often be Frank and honest, Usually nice but he often jokes around a lot, He also has little care for human life, Usually this really disturbs people, but you get used to it. However he'll often jump in front of the bullet for his friends, or usually, Throw some random bystander in front of a bullet to save his friends. His jokes are usually very very, dark, also he is the first to follow orders, and the last to rebel, species: Human (Like I said, there is a whole universe out there for you to make whatever sort of creature you want) Relation: Barrack Wilson was born in a little megacity on in the middle of America called Very new york, his mom was often Absent but his father was usually at home, However he usually didn't care, His parents were one of the more richer people of the Megacities, by richer I don't mean like, Mega rich, just rich enough to have a good house, Pay the ever expanding taxes and bills, and still put food on the table, while most would usually only be able to do one, And then it all changed when he was 20, when the infamous little Coloratum gladius test was started by a rich company and the help of the CIA (yeah, it still exists), He was one of the unfortunate 7, He was given a special weapon which was tied to his life force, I could go on about this but I will later, He and 7 other people were Put in a Abandoned space station and were never allowed to leave, Until of course, only 1 of them was still alive, the last remaining survivor would be used for a little bit of tests, and would be mass-cloned to make a tiny army, the survivor would teach them all So barrack brutally murdered his way to victory, while everyone was making alliances, He was attacking lone people, ensuring none of them lived long enough to pair up, and then he brutally massacred the final survivors, he became very fond of the tests filled with glee he was proud of his Achievement, Though he was a totally different person before, he changed, he was completely desensitized, taught to Kill without mercy, and taught to follow orders unless it involved him ruining the companies investments but however, his testing was cut short, the program was shut down rather forcefully by the american government, since they broke like, 7 human rights, But however him and the former owner set off and started there own business in the black market, the owner (whos name was marco) would do the actual business while Barrack would stab the life out of anyone who attempted to stop them, and then Marco hired a group of mercs to handle some business opponents, and when the mercs were done Barrack was sent to end them, Weapons: a medium sized sword, it is all sliver colored but the center of the sword is glowing red and has a ruby embedded in it the Rufus Ira gladius, a sword tied to his own life force, it is completely indestructible and it has a special little glowing red center, when pressed it sends Barrack unto a murderous glee, causing him to viciously murder his enemies and sometimes his friends, with a smile on his face, it also takes a while to recharge, (3 pages) and acts as a massive pain killer, ignoring all pain until his little rampage ends, however once his rampage stops, he'll feel all the pain he felt when he was rampaging, at the same time gear: he has a band on his arm, with the word RUFUS (latin for red) on it, it is connected to the Coloratum gladius tests, he usually conceals it
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Project Name: Achilles Appearance: Programming: Achilles is unique among modern robotic warfare in that he is controlled by a highly intelligent sentient AI. This AI has been modelled after the human brain, with vastly improved computing capabilities and logical faculties. This allows it to adapt to it's opponents on the battlefield, rapidly learning new techniques and tricks. It is capable of emotion, to an extent, as a necessary side effect. It is capable of all human emotions, but they are suppressed and overruled by it's most prevalent trait - loyalty. Nothing will cause this robot to betray those it considers it's allies. Materials: Modern robotics is a mixture of bio-engineering and conventional cybernetics. The AI, memory and processing power is held within a central 'brain', consisting of superenhanced biological tissue, a mass of receptors forming automatic links similar to grey matter. It's circuitry is similarly biological, allowing for rapidly adapting and regrowing links - even in a state of near destruction Achilles can continue to function. It's armour plating is formed from carbon-tubing enhanced with cyclical ions. In effect, it's a layer of reinforced diamond with the capability to put itself back together, scratches and holes rapidly closing, provided they're small. Larger quantities of damage can only be repaired using advanced machinery. Physical Capabilities: The Artificial Muscle used in the construction of Achilles consist of a variety of layered Nylon strings with electro-sensitive synapses, which grant it the strength of 50 men. It can tear apart steel with it's bare hands, and crush a man's head with ease. It's heavy armour prevents it from moving around at an optimal pace, but it can still easily outrun a human. Weaponry: The Achilles can utilize a modified version of almost any conventional infantry weapon. However, it's increased strength allows it to utilize the Magstorm, a specialized railgun with a rotating barrel. Using high-powered electromagnets, the Magstorm fires AP rounds at Mach 3, allowing for a perfect storm of destructive capabilities. It uses massive amounts of ammunition, carried on the Achilles' back, but it's offensive capabilities are worth the cost.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Appearance: Name: Alexander Gildone Age: 28 Gender: Male personality: Prefers to keep focused on the mission, but will give sly remarks, towards other team members if he is provoked. He prefers to keep to himself and not talk much around most people. He is known to give his teammates nick names during the missions though. species: Human Relation: Alex never knew his parents because he was a orphan left in the woods. He was soon found by a soldier and brought to a military base. He grew up around soldiers all his life, so he knows no other way of living. He soon learned at a young age that he was very agile and could move around in the trees, without alerting anyone. He also was very good with a sniper rifle, so they trained him to be a scout. He was one of the youngest soldiers to leave that base a full fledged soldier. He then joined the mercenary group because it was good money and it gave him the chance to use what he had learned. Weapons: He carries two sniper rifles, one is high powered for large enemies and the second is a silenced sniper rifer to take out smaller targets quietly if needed. He also carries a pistol and a combat knife. gear: He had a cloaking device to help him hide in the trees, though it works best when he doesn't move. He also has a pair of digital binoculars that allow him to pick up heat signatures, heart rates, and see in infrared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Dunyain
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago


Name: Asuna Kato
Age: 29
species: Human
Gender: Female

On first impression Asuna seems more like someone who'd be reclusive, a loner and more at odds with the group then she is, but she's more social with them then you'd expect, and has settled in there. A bit dry at time in personality (though a decent since of humor manages to work it's way out at times), she's somewhat solemn, laid back, and very direct to the point, unless there's an argument to be made, or something to get done. At these times her demeanor changes from relaxed/calm to at it's worst, overbearing and willing to overstep her bounds if it gets the job done.

Born to a family with a long history in the medical field, and a large clinic on Xeros, it was inevitable Asuna would get a good amount of education in the field, whether formally, or simply from being around every aspect of it so much. Much to her parent's pleasure she took to it quite well, only with one small twist. Unlike the more traditional practices her family employed, Asuna had an interest in machines,and the integration and merging of those machines with natural life. Excelling in the study of both computer engineering with a focus on robotics, and biochemistry, and then the merging of two.

Asuna Joined the group a couple years back. According to her everything was fine back home (though the rim planet Xeros had its fair share of troubles to choose from), what caused her to up and leave her rather well off life for this is unknown. Due to her background, she serves as the team's medic, as well as helping to maintain the tech that is so vital to such a group's success.


gear: Shield/force field generator - extends just far enough to provide both personal protection and cover one other person, in the worst case, if there's need to tend to an injured squad member in the heat of combat. field med supplies pack. Multi-purpose energy blade, variable lengths/thickness/etc. for everything from stabbing to the duties of a simple tool.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Appearance: in envirosuit/MEC suit
has not been seen out of envirosuit (will decide a normal aperence when it fits)
Name: Dracul Anu
Age: ??? (claims to be very old)
Gender: male
personality: care full and watch full, but very nice and friendly if you can befriend him. very odd.
species: ???? claims to be a drakonian however this race is not wildly known to the universe. supposedly he can turn near invisible in sunlight when out of suit, and his blood is made of a super cold unknown liquid that evaporates at room temperature, allowing him to go on EVA misions without a space suit, only needing a oxygen supply. however, none of this has been confirmed yet, besides the blood being unknown and evaporating outside of his suit.
Relation:he was discovered by the iron talon in a empty, oxygen less space ship with no known form of propulsion, drifting in the sector, all alone. upon retrevel it was discovered that it had a single crewmember on it. he was very helpful and cooperative, but could not be trusted. he claims to be a "drakonian" from a planet called "minimus" that is in a perpetual state of winter, far beyond what anyone could think of. he claims to have been a explorer who got lost. none of his claims have been confirmed. as far as it is known there is no planet called minimus that even remotely fits his descriptions. after many attempts to find out anything about him that can be confirmed (enviro suit seems to be boulth primitive and high tech, using a close system, nanobots , and basic motors to keep him alive, water evaporates upon leaving the suit) they finally let him go, only for him to return, wanting to apply for the iorn talon.
Weapons: grav rifle/ rail gun/ anything big
gear: enviro suit, which is met to allow him to do anything that most races would be able to do without it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by NubianLegend
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NubianLegend Creative Rebel

Member Seen 28 days ago

Name: Lt. Colonel Dwayne Armstrong

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Personality: Dwayne Armstrong is usually a calm and collected type, sharing some of his makeup with that of several aquatic lifeforms , aspects of his personality resembles that of a great white and electric eel respectively. His favorite music to listen to is Jazz and he is partial to a perfectly undercooked steak. Due to his military background, Armstrong possesses a good mind for improvising and tactics, Armstong is also quite good at adapting to new, often stressful circumstances with some ease. Though mentality strong, at times he's prone to intense predatory urges. It's in his DNA afterall.

Species: Chimera - Bio-engineered human spliced with the DNA of various aquatic species.

Relation: (Not sure what goes here)

Weapons: Lightbearers - a multi-purpose weapon that uses an ionized heatsource for a variety of melee applications, think of a more flexible kind of lightaber.


--Plasma blade: The Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword, commonly known as the Energy Sword, is a close quarters weapon. The Type-1 Energy Weapon/Sword consists of a curved hilt, housing an energy storage module and a device for projecting the plasma which forms the blade. The actual blade is composed of partially ionized 'blades' of free moving electron based gas held in blade-like form by two small magnetic field generators built into the handle of the weapon. The style of blade Armstrong uses resembles a shark's fang, based on the design of the Chinese broadsword.

--Bash Co. Plasma Semi-automatic hand-gun: The Plasma Pistol is a smaller handheld version of the venerable Plasma Rifle. Assault Marines in particular favor the Plasma Pistol, frequently using them alongside a sword of some sort. Imperial Guard Commissars and Officers also favor the weapon. Usually found in the hands of civilians. While it lacks in terms of raw power, it makes up for in stealth and usability. Additionally, he has a custom silencer or scope attachment.

--Bash Co. Stealth Wet-suit: Just your standard wet suit. Not much else to say about it.

--Anti-gravity disrupter balls: Once his balls drop, you're in for some trouble. Any device caught within the range of the balls are temporarily neutralized due to interfering polar electro-magnetic fields rendering guns of most types ineffective. It also can act as a shield or detaining device. Necessary for situations that call for non-lethal tactics.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Shi Sairen
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Personality: Shi is a serene person. She stays calm in almost any situation, acting rationally. This is mostly due to a lack of other emotions. Shi has a hard time feeling the emotions that normal creatures feel. Most if this is a result of her species, and so it is a problem that Shi can't get over with ease.

Species: Siren - Named after the woman of human myth, sirens re creatures of unrivaled beauty with incredible voices. Their serene nature causes them to lack most emotions that are not necessary for deception. Sirens have fish like qualities but seem to be able to hover a small distance off of the ground. This is a very limited distance, as they cannot go higher than one foot of the ground. This is a result of sirens' lack of feet, which keeps them from walking on land, though their legs around for greater aquatic movement. Sirens also have higher developed breathing systems that allow them to breathe under water and on land. A siren's voice is said to be able to change one's heart but the truth of that is unknown as no one has ever proved that.

Relation: Shi was abandoned by the other sirens. She received the name Shi as she was abandoned. The reason for her abandonment was her voice. Shi was almost entirely mute, only able to use her voice in dire circumstances, a huge disadvantage for a siren. So Shi did the only thing she could. She searched for other things to do with her life. And Iron Talon was what she had decided to do.

Weapon: Trident - Shi's trident is capable of giving electric shocks to the creatures it stabs.

Gear: Shi has a small hand held device that she uses a means of communication. The device allows Shi to type what she wishes to say and the device itself will say it for her m
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