Name: Lavalley Rivald
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Stand Name:

Stand Ability:
Brain Damage

Eclipse's stand ability allows him to create a potent virus that channels through both electronic and biological sources. The virus itself has mannerisms much like a regular biological virus except for the fact that it can infect electronic objects. Objects that do not run on electricity however cannot be infected. The virus itself can be spread in both contact and aerial forms. In its aerial form, it appears to be a faint dull red gas that wafts outward. The gas seems to have a mind of its own, and automatically seeks out the most distinct heat signatures. The gas moves at a respectable speed, and can freely move in any direction through most crevices and gaps with its gas form. Eclipse cannot constantly pour out this virus, and only emits it in bursts whereupon said emitted bursts continuously follow targets until the next burst is readied. A single burst of viruses usually takes around five seconds to charge and do not tax much on energy. If an electronic object is infected, orange markings will begin to appear on its surface. These markings slowly spread within and around the object as time passes. Places on the object that are covered by the viral markings will become placed under Eclipse's control entirely, allowing Eclipse to essentially utilize technopathy on said object, moving and directing it remotely. However, Lavalley must have sight of the infected object to cause Eclipse to direct the object. If an infected object is one that contains data, then the data is extracted and funneled to Eclipse, which acts as a huge database that Lavalley can access. Once the data is taken, it cannot be restored to the original owner of the data unless Lavalley transfers it.
When the virus infects an organic target, the same orange markings appear upon the point of contact with the virus. The virus essentially cuts off infected areas from the brain by rejecting all brain signals and taking control over nerves. It takes a significant amount of time for the virus to spread through an organic target, taking a day or so to completely cover an arm upon contact with said arm. Being within the immediate vicinity of Eclipse speeds up the spread of the virus to the point where it can cover said arm within five minutes. The virus can also extract "data" from the areas it effects. For example, if it infects the arm, then it can steal the muscle memories attached with said arm, rendering the arm as unfamiliar as if it had just been formed. All the muscle memory, like the data, cannot be recovered unless Lavalley transfers the memory back. The disease lasts for an indefinite amount of time but can be cured by making contact with Eclipse himself. The farther a target gets from Eclipse, the less powerful the disease becomes and the slower it spreads, to the point where it is an essential crawl once more than four hundred meters apart.
Weapon: Fists and mechanical tendrils that extend a dozen meters or so that can be mass produced. These tendrils are quite thin, being two inches thick but taper in sharp points and can inject the virus into objects. The tendrils do not transfer stand damage and can be condensed into barriers.
Personality:Lavalley is a stern and austere man, embracing the gravity of life with all its fortunes and misfortunes with undiscriminating acceptance. He takes little stock in levity or banter, instead placing faith in the unchanging and mundane. He faces reality casually, letting events pass by him without disturbing him. Many seek an escape from reality to gain happiness, but to Lavalley, reality itself has plenty of escapes within its boundaries to prosper in. One could say that he lives his life fully in this regard. In consequence, Lavalley sees his world as it is, without any sentimental flair to brighten it or gloomy black to darken it. Such a passive view gives Lavalley a stoic character, but it is with such passivity that Lavalley can act rationally and fruitfully. Analytic and observant, Lavalley seizes opportunities by their throat and clenches with all his might. Of course, opportunities to Lavalley are beggars among emotions but tycoons among pragmatic values. Yet Lavalley is not entirely geared towards such a gray consideration of his world, and possesses a surprisingly empathetic nature that he has not utilized. In addition, he upholds a distinct noble bearing much like the JoJo family, and is able to discern the characters of people much like how Speedwagon was able to. Despite Lavalley's logical and practical nature, he is prone to feeling nervous shock or surprise when events do not go the way he predicts or as logic would ordain. Lavalley also has a habit of narrating important things that go on as they happen.
Lavalley was a close subordinate of Robert E.O. Speedwagon in his foundation, working as a medical researcher in the foundation's supernatural division.
What is courage?: “To Become One With Fear Itself”
StatsDestructive Power: D
Speed: C
Range: A
Durability: D
Precision: D