Name: Lavalley Rivald
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Stand Name: Roundabout
Stand Ability:
Out ‘n’ Out
Roundabout’s only ability is that of a supreme defense. Upon activation of this ability, Roundabout changes its ghostly blue shade into an ominous purple one before rapidly expanding its form for around a second, becoming an orb of ghastly flames around a meter wide in diameter. When Roundabout enters this form, it is vulnerable without a hint of durability to protect it. Within its body in this state, space is warped and stretched, eventually collapsing into a complete void after around five seconds. Lavalley is then able to jump inside this one meter sphere of absolute darkness, whereupon his form appears to distort and shrink before funneling into the patch of darkness. Lavalley is transported to a separate dimension where he can see from the perspective of the orb in completely circular vision, but is unable to use his other senses. An object that is shot into the orb of warped space will be transported directly to Lavalley, which would make this stand ability rather useless if it simply made Lavalley a helpless target. The true defense of Out ‘n’ Out is its ability to generate a multitude of fields of gravitational energy around itself that acts as localized orbits. The orbits encompass a ten meter diameter around the orb.
All of the orbits spiral towards the orb itself but never reach it, instead curving around it outwards. Thus any object that is projected at the orb will be caught in the extremely powerful gravitational force of the orb and redirected in the exact same direction it came from. The closer one gets to the orb, the stronger the gravitational forces become. The more force an object has that is directed at the orb, the closer it travels to the orb by resisting more gravitational force. However, the closer the object gets, the stronger the gravitational force and therefore the faster the object is redirected. The gravitational fields right next to the orb are ludicrously powerful, easily capable of heavily pressuring space much like how The Hand does, making direct confrontation with fists a foolish maneuver. It is worth noting that the orbits are all perfectly interconnected, spiraling in symmetry towards the orb and curving out and out in symmetry also. It is possible to break through the defense by throwing an object in the exact same curving trajectory as the orbits, “riding” the orbits so to speak and abusing the constantly increasing power of the orbits to break through and strike the orb.
In this state, Lavalley can direct Roundabout to move. However, Roundabout can only take linear paths and moves incredibly sluggishly. In this manner, Roundabout can enhance its defense even further by picking up objects with its orbits which act like vacuums. Since stationary objects don’t have the force to reach the inner layers of Roundabout’s orbits to be broken down or destroyed, they will instead start orbiting Roundabout. However this also serves as a weakness as the more objects that Roundabout picks up, the less Lavalley can see through Roundabout’s “eyes”. Lavalley can order Rounadbout to increase its gravitational pressure on its orbits to draw in objects enough to throw them at targets, but doing so heavily drains energy. Lavalley is unable to leave Roundabout until the orbits are removed.
Weapon: No need for weapons when you have defense.
Personality:Lavalley is a stern and austere man, embracing the gravity of life with all its fortunes and misfortunes with undiscriminating acceptance. He takes little stock in levity or banter, instead placing faith in the unchanging and mundane. He faces reality casually, letting events pass by him without disturbing him. Many seek an escape from reality to gain happiness, but to Lavalley, reality itself has plenty of escapes within its boundaries to prosper in. One could say that he lives his life fully in this regard. In consequence, Lavalley sees his world as it is, without any sentimental flair to brighten it or gloomy black to darken it. Such a passive view gives Lavalley a stoic character, but it is with such passivity that Lavalley can act rationally and fruitfully. Analytic and observant, Lavalley seizes opportunities by their throat and clenches with all his might. Of course, opportunities to Lavalley are beggars among emotions but tycoons among pragmatic values. Yet Lavalley is not entirely geared towards such a gray consideration of his world, and possesses a surprisingly empathetic nature that he has not utilized. In addition, he upholds a distinct noble bearing much like the JoJo family, and is able to discern the characters of people much like how Speedwagon was able to. Despite Lavalley's logical and practical nature, he is prone to feeling nervous shock or surprise when events do not go the way he predicts or as logic would ordain. Lavalley also has a habit of narrating important things that go on as they happen.
Lavalley was a close subordinate of Robert E.O. Speedwagon in his foundation, working as a medical researcher in the foundation's supernatural division.
What is courage?: “To Become One With Fear Itself”
StatsDestructive Power: E (Defense yo.)
Speed: E (Moves slow but defense yo)
Range: D (10 meters is D I think)
Durability: A (Defense yo)
Precision: C