Hi there, my name is Bridget, I'm completely new to this site but not to RPing. I've been a member of a few odd sites that the RP scene always died off, I'm somewhere between casual and advanced RP. I'm kind of shy I guess considering it took me a lot of courage to even post this. The sites I had been on weren't as nice as this one. I would prefer to RP in PM just because it feels more private,it makes me feel more comfortable. I'm really interested in romance because I'm a huge sap, but not consuming the RP with romance. I like really in depth plots and RP's that last a long time. If I can think of anything else I'll post more later. Thank you for your time. 
(contact me on Skype! If you'd like: brilprice)

(contact me on Skype! If you'd like: brilprice)