You have ten to spend in each category. And each can be any skill you can think of (I would suggest using a broad title for the magic skill category. In other words if you want your character shooting fireballs then don't put "fireballs," put "fire magic" to encompass a variety of spells)
So lets say you want your character to start off with some physical buff (magic which drastically improves physical abilities) and decent in necromancy for a novice. Your skills in magic might look like:
Necromancy: 6
Physical Buff: 4
Non-Magic Combat, fighting skills not involving magic (though you can use, say, physical buff and muay thai, for example, in an attack. Its only practical.) For here, I actually want you to be more specific (for example, don't just put "guns: 5" as a skill). In the case of guns, it would need to be more specific, like rifles, pistols, shotguns, and so on as holding different types of guns feel different and takes different kinds of skill.
Same deal with Support Skills. Don't just put "sports" (though you could put "athletics" if you mean to say your character is good at picking up a sport.) And this category means anything that could be useful in making money, earning respect, or helpful in a combat situation without being a combatant skill (such a first aid knowledge).
Feel free to use my CS on the next page as an example. And I will work with you to fix your CS if its wrong.