Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here isa video of a cat grooming a baby to help tide you over

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Uskglass


Member Offline since relaunch

Mine ought to be up upon the morrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, finally seems like I'll have a day where I can sit down and write for more than 15 minutes at a stretch. I should have something up today, maybe tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Ok. The map is up on roll20 and visible.

Note: It's not 100% finished. I still need to edge in everyone's borders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Ok. Everyone except Brovo, Gat and the nation of Shadowreach has their borders, be aware that they may not be 100% accurate to your territories, apologies where that is the case, either your territories changed a bit since being added to the map or something like that.


Now the map is out. The first round of random events is going out, and everyone gets one ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 2 days ago

Hopefully that'll elicit more activity. :I
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Nation Name : Shadowreach

Races of the Nation:
Dragon Ogres

Nation History:
The nation of Shadowreach is not yet even a full century old, before it stood an Elven nation called Ilumistead, the elves that populated it had enslaved the Centigors, Dragon Ogres and Giants fearing that leaving them unchained beyond justice would allow their true natures to flourish beyond where it could be simply cauterised at the source. It was a grave error that brought down the peaceful civilisation, for three hundred years their ways seemed to work, but their slaves grew surlier instead of more passive under the 'nurturing' influence of their mages. Dragon Ogre and Centigors found with magic talent were quietly put to death where the others couldn't see. What they had not planned on was their pets being more intelligent than they had expected.

Shielded by them were Kaleth and Zzevallen who were seeking out forbidden magics with wild abandon, but skilled discretion. These two pushed and prodded their fellow slaves into the direction of revolution, sometimes through raw magic, other times with talk and coercion, it was the Giant Regar who drove their planned insurrection into full blown war. Regar had been brought down from the mountain mines where he had killed, and eaten, his own father, his handlers forced to get an elven mage to subdue it long enough to bring to trial. A trial that the elves made the biggest mistake of all. They forced all other slaves in the city to be present for Regars execution, for unnatural and innumerable crimes against the nation, and his own family.

Kaleth undid the subduing magics as Zzevallen began to wildly lash about with death magic. The revolution was on. It took only seven years for the Elves to fall into the same subservient position their new masters had once held them. But they were forced into submission with fear, horror and the blackest magics knowing that they were not just slaves of labour. But food.

Important Characters:
Regar the Indomitable, Lord of Giants, Ravager of Smaller Women, Destroyer of a thousand Elves, Eater of Grolik, father of Regar.
Regar is tall even for his kind, and there is nothing kind about his appearance, clad in armour and eyes full of rage Regar is every inch the hateful spiteful Lord of Shadowreach. Though many suggest, not too loudly, that Regar is not the brains of the nation. That he exists as a powerful, and very very violent figurehead.

Kaleth and Zzevallen; Lich Lords of damnation.
Kaleth and Zzevallen are the Lich Archmage Dragon Ogres who are the intellectual gods of Shadowreach. Their magic is that which most of the citizenry recognise as the true force. And its a fact reinforced by the occasional presence of the Zombie Giants. It is they, most believe, who are the architects of the Shadowreach civilisation and where it is today, and none ever dare deny that it is their magic that freed them from Anoredhel slavery and encroachment.

Size Matters
Masters of Horror

Population Traits:
The Peoples Entertainment
March to War
Know your place!
War Taxes
Tales of Horror
The Bloody Altars of the Priesthood

Academic Traits:
Academy of Power
University of War

Military Basic Traits:
Bring down the walls!
Heavy Armour
War Paint
Death before Dishonour
Buckets of Heads
Right of Conquest

Archery Traits:
Dragon Bows
Composite Bows

Infantry Traits:

Cavalry Traits:
The Ride of the Dead
Cantabrian Circle
Thunder of Hooves
Masterful Cavalry

Navy Traits:
Heavy Ships

Airborne Traits:

Tradesman Traits:
Strong Stone Foundations
Horrifying Edifice

Merchant Traits:
Angarak Gold
Crossbow Haggling

Magecraft Traits:
The Burning Man
Rune Magic
Blood Magic
Hex Magic
Death Magic
In Power Reanimated
Arch Spellcaster
Reputation of Nightmare

Monster Traits:
Beast Armour
Sorcerous Bindings
Breed them for Strength

Mechanist Traits:

Flaws: (4)

Custom Traits:

Mountain Capital;
3 Citadels;
2 Medium Cities;
2 Coastal Provinces:
4 Forest Provinces;
16 Plains Provinces;
1 River;
3 Deserts;

10 Elite Giants:
6 Regiments Dragon Ogre Royal Guard Infantry:
4 Regiments Centigor Royal Guard Ranged:
10 Regiments Experienced Dragon Ogre Infantry:
10 Regiments Experienced Centigor Archers:

4 Zombie Giants:
6 Regiments Centigor Wights:
6 Regiments Dragon Ogre Wights:

Giant Hero of the Realm: 10
2x Dragon Ogre Lich Archmages: 46
2x Centigor Mages: 16
2 Dragon Ogre Lord Commanders: 10

4 Units of Drakes: 80

Air Force:
2 Units of Chimera
2 Units of Manticores

20 Longships
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kad can you post the google doc image link to the map in here? Too much work scrolling through the chat logs to find it
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Iarumas said
Kad can you post the google doc image link to the map in here? Too much work scrolling through the chat logs to find it

ctrl+f "google" on the chat logs yielded this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Nexerus said
ctrl+f "google" on the chat logs yielded .

Ah perfect, saves me the effort of pressing buttons
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kad whats the policy on doing actions like levying troops or conscripting the masses? Can that be done?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Iarumas said
Kad whats the policy on doing actions like levying troops or conscripting the masses? Can that be done?

Recruiting new troops is done in the Growth Period. The option to conscript the masses is there, but it'd be a massive act of desperation or a massive gamble.

It can pay off, for example, in giving you lots of bodies to throw at a problem.
But it can also fail miserably, being untrained, they bring down the whole cohesion your army might have and if they break, they break en-mass.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You have to weigh up the pros and cons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I see, also, whats the policy on restarting a new nation once the one you start of with is destroyed?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Iarumas said
I see, also, whats the policy on restarting a new nation once the one you start of with is destroyed?

There is a degree of "character shielding" for a nation. Short of godmodding (which is grounds for GM nation destroying event) your nation can't be reduced to complete destruction unless you agree. Though it can certainly be hurt.

But it is entirely plausible to agree to a storyline arc (so to speak) with someone where they take your nation and, through underground efforts etc the people rise up, hidden armies, robin hood what have you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kad, my first IC post will take a while more. I am unused to writing for more than one character at a time. ^^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'm back home and will work on a post tonight. It should be up by Wednesday.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Iarumas


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I wanted to do a fluff post to add to my nation history for this but I couldn't be assed so here are the specifics to my cult and haunted by the past flaws. Also, do not question the gaping holes of my logic:

My current official history basically exalts St.Angela for uniting the lands and implementing a progressive and just society and system and all that jazz. Of course there are various interpretations for the faith and how you worship but by and large most is tolerated. Mostly.

The actual events is that there were two Celestials that descended, Angela and her sister Esmerelda. It was actually the latter who did all of the work that Angela is credited with since Esmerelda was murdered and written out of history by Angela but evidence does exist of Esmerelda. It's not only the existence of Esmerelda but also the omission of Angela's less than savoury qualities that poses a threat. Her vanity and greed bankrupted an entire petty kingdom and broke the back of it's peasantry as they were basically enslaved to her desire, as well as killed as she flayed and scarred and outright murdered beautiful girls and women across the land as well as ignoring and causing famine. She was also a practitioner of blood magic to enhance and maintain her beauty, often taking baths in virgin blood a-la Elizabeth Bathory style because fuck it why not.

(The whoring part I am not sure how to work with and am unsure whether it will be implemented or not. This is just one of the options im considering)
The whoring part is also not widely known since while it is generally thought that the Celestines are Angela's descendants the official line is that they came in after her to maintain her works and all that, that they are not related to her by blood. The inbreeding is obviously known to the Celestines who practice it since they believe that their blood is pure and to lose it would lose the connection they have with Angela, thus weakening them. Some well connected High Men nobility are aware of this but generally keep silent because you dont question those who can damn you to hell both in this life and the next.

Those Men that do serve as aides and such are selected from a special class (the descendants of the once enslaved peasantry that served Angela) who are purposefully bred and indoctrinated for servitude to the Celestine rulers. They permanently live in the Celestine places of residence and are the most loyal of all their subjects not knowing the world outside. The wider populace know them simply as any other ordinary servants but the Celestines and a handful of High Men nobility know otherwise.

There are certain parts of the Church, mostly the most secretive of Inquisitorial branches, which are aware of Esmerelda's existence and some of the history associated with her. This includes the fact that some branches of the Angelian family tree weren't originally Angellian to begin with as Esmerelda sired at least two children that Angela did not kill of with their mother.

Other strong evidence lies in the hands of the bones cult and within the remnants of the Old Kingdoms. Unexplored castles and ruins hide untouched books, art and other paraphernalia of that era that could be used as evidence to incriminate the Saint, the Church (on this topic, aside from the Inqusitorial branch mentioned above and a few well connected members, a large body of the church is unaware of all this) and the religion in general.

The Bones Cult are the descendants of the necromancers who plagued the land during the Interregnum of the Old kingdoms era. They maintain a small but constant and dedicated membership using ghouls and other undead to pursue their cause of freedom. Their main thing is that they have Esmerelda as a lich Queen. She was aware of her sister's nature but never fully knew the extent with which Angela would go for attention, or her jealousy, but just in case she prepared a powerful but complex spell to preserve herself largely in tact in case she were to die. This involved an agreement with the necromancers to halt their brutal persecution. The result was that she did stay alive but the spell was never fully completed and now while as her soul resides in her partly decayed body, that body cannot move and she can do no action aside from telepathic communication. The Cult serves her purposes as their alliance still holds, they need her as living proof of Angela's actions and as a source of knowledge and she needs them to fix her body. However, intentionally or not, not much progress has been made in that department.

The cult has also collected strong evidence of Angela's, and the Church's, origins from people who are well known (scholars, writers, kings etc...) from the Old Kingdoms period. There have been previous incidents where they spread this material without their name on it so it was taken as historical works without incrimination.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jorick
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Jorick Magnificent Bastard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I should actually have a post up soon. My previous plans to get a post up fell through due to my plans for my first perspective blowing up from 4 paragraphs into a 14 paragraph monster.

Also, GreenGoat, I notice you have a character named Jorick. That's neat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGoat
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GreenGoat Harmless Flower Person

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh. Yeah, I just noticed.

The name was floating about in the back of my head, and I just put it in there. ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


Member Offline since relaunch

Awesome post Jorick. *Has some minions applause*
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