Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Vanguardian
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Vanguardian Dank Maymays

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"The Universe, the largest thing in well, everything. Or at least it was thought to be the largest, but now, there is proof that there is something bigger, or rather, one other thing creating a Doubleverse. Another Universe has been found by scientist in one of the far off space empires in some other galaxy far off. This universe seems to be on a collision course with ours and soon, the universes shall become one. While a lot of things is unknown about this universe, it has been showed that it has a different laws of physics then ours, and different elemental particles have been found pushing out of the other universe as we speak."
-Quote By an Unknown Scientist.

The universes collided about 100 years after this quote was made, the reason why it charged at our universe so fast is unknown, but what is known is that now, physics has been completely thrown out of whack, new types of planets and stars have been introduced, and empires that come from both universes have now started to form rivalries. The Universe they come from, named Tractus, has existed for a longer time then ours, scientists say. It is also believed that universes, like galaxies, are floating around in an ever expanding area called the Sphereoverse. A huge area that holds a bunch of smaller expanding objects known as universes.

When the two universes collided, trillions of things died. Galaxies near the universal border exploded by the sudden change of physics. The ones farther out where hit by the sudden wave of scientific change. It seems that universes each have there own sets of scientific rules, and when two collide, the physics in both universes change once they completely merge to form one. Galaxies that where on the other side of the universes, such as the milky way, where hit, but the hit barely did any damage, with only about 10 billion dying in that area.

It has now been ten thousand years since collision, and things still have not gone back to normal.

With the sudden change of physics that happened, races have been forced to adapt in such a short amount of time, which, luckily for most, happened at a decent speed. Species such as Humans, a type of ape like creatures, learned to adapt with the sudden influx of this new type of matter-like substance known as omnia. Omnia can be created by certain machines. Dark Omnia, a rare substance, has the ability to mutate living and non living things. That means that if Dark Omnia touches a planet, there is a chance for that planet to change and evolve like living things itself. This also applies for stars, moons, and any other non living thing.

Dark Omnia spread through this new Universe formed from the ashes of both, and majority of the races that lived in the Universe where changed by the New Dark Omnia, but the same applies for the species who lived in Tractus. With Dark Matter suddenly moving through there universe, they also changed, this is because Dark Matter, like Dark Omnia, has the ability to mutate races that have not been in contact with it before. This applies to the species that lived in Tractus.

1. No Godmode
2. No Metagaming
3. I have not thought of everything for the new laws of physics, so in your app, you can go and add some new information about it as long as it does not conflict with what someone else has already added.
4. Don't Be a Douchebag
5. 3 paragraph is the bare minimum for each post
7. Do not be a fascist, so no insane war goals.
8. No Arguing in the OOC.
9. Do not Spam.
10. You may send in apps whenever, the rp shall always be open. (This also means we want apps sent during the Interest Check Also)

Nation's Name:
Species Name:
Species Description:
Type of government:
Description of military (List Number of Soldiers, Type of Technology, etc):
Technology Information:
Culture (Religion, Language, Favorite Food, ETC):
Number of Galaxies under the control of the nation:
Leaders Name:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vanguardian
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Vanguardian Dank Maymays

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nation's Name: Empire Of Sol
Species Name: Meta-Humans
Species Description: (To Be Done)
Type of government: Absolute Monarchy
Description of military (List Number of Soldiers, Type of Technology, etc): (To Be Done)
Technology Information: (To Be Done)
Culture (Religion, Language, Favorite Food, ETC): (To Be Done)
History: (To Be Done)
Number of Galaxies under the control of the nation: 2 (Milky Way, Andromeda)
Population: 3 Trillion
Leaders Name:
Emperor George Albert Sage
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 4 mos ago

So... how did this affect space travel? Do we need constant acceleration now? Are ion engines oddly powerful? Is there a giant ocean of plasma that connects the planets and systems? Are intergalactic trains now the only way to get around?

Also, we're being insanely pessimistic about technology and the number of habitable planets if the population of Andromeda and the MWG combined is only 3 trillion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vanguardian
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Vanguardian Dank Maymays

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So... how did this affect space travel? Do we need constant acceleration now? Are ion engines oddly powerful? Is there a giant ocean of plasma that connects the planets and systems? Are intergalactic trains now the only way to get around?

Also, we're being insanely pessimistic about technology and the number of habitable planets if the population of Andromeda and the MWG combined is only 3 trillion.

Not really pessimistic, as to say that Empire of Sol has a few very large populated systems, with small other livable planets put throughout the empire. As for getting around, the ability to go light speed and much faster has been achieved, and portals/wormholes are also an easy use for transportation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demosentius

Demosentius Proxykana-Re

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

So… this is giant scale space NRP? Cool! Count me in!
I will probably join under an alternate identity, so have fun guessing who that is!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by UltikanaRe
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UltikanaRe O God Among Gods, O Lord Above All Lords

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Gr[ah]v[ih]l[ee][oh]n of Z[eh]rth[ih]m
All Sensory Organs based on head
5 limbs including reproduction tails
2.5 meters tall
Physical manipulation organs ignore gravity
Two eyes with manipulatable thermal, light, and vibration sensitivities. Very powerful on all settings.
Absorbs radioactive energy.
Reproduce asexually by removing an arrow from their tail and putting it into a breeding chamber within the appendix, this is done through a sires of natural canals and the newborn sprouts from the tail with conjoined limbs that grow apart with time.
They live in sub-artic underwater cities, but require both carbon and oxygen to survive.
DNA stays within 1% of all other members of the species, allowing for great variety, but they all have equal abilities being they have mastered positive adaption through evolution.
Their social structure is Capitalistic, with an elected official serving until another is favored. The official rules by decree, but must be reelected every SR (Standard Rotation), which is approximately equal to 6 Earth Months. They have 12 societies, all governed in the same fashion.
All members of the species have a survival instinct that includes self and kin as equals, but they will not usually help outsiders without something in return.
They have mastered energy manipulation, organic gravity resistance, bio-clones, and atomic manipulation including the creation of matter. (WIP Bookmark)
Type of government:
Description of military (List Number of Soldiers, Type of Technology, etc):
Technology Information:
Culture (Religion, Language, Favorite Food, ETC):
Number of Galaxies under the control of the nation:
Leaders Name:
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Nation's Name: The Ferrum Collective

Species Name: Machina

Species Description: Physical description varies depending on the units role in the collective however they all are sentient, inorganic, AI platforms.

Type of government: Generally the expedition fleets are autonomous systems with a consensus system however the Prime Consensus' directives are followed without question.

Description of military:

Combat Doctrine: Precision. Orbital engagements usually begins with destroying any and all means of communication, production, and defense. A thorough glassing of the surface soon fallows. When glassing is an option not advantageous than ground forces will be provided instead.

Fulvus: The bulk of the Machina war machine and the size of your average human. The Fulvus is a versitle unit able to be armed with a wide variety of weapons however the usual armament is a high power laser with great armor penatration but usually punches strait through targets with little extra internal damage. ~150,000,000 units

Cuprum: The heavy infantry. The Cuprum is twice as tall as its Fulvus cousins. It is armed with either anti-air, anti-infantry, or anti-vehicle armaments. ~75,000,000 units

Technology Information: Extremely advanced AI systems, Information Networks, Nanotechnology, Machrotechnology, Laser Systems: Mining, Industry, and War, and Slip-Space Drives.

Culture (Religion, Language, Favorite Food, ETC):



Number of Galaxies under the control of the nation:


Leaders Name: Prime Directive and the Ambassadors

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