Avatar of Vanguardian
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    1. Vanguardian 10 yrs ago


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I am interested in this.


"The Discovery that this Universe was not the first would shake the core of Civilizations all across the Trillions of Galaxies. Two Hundred Thousand Years ago, we found that the Big Bang and all the matter inside of it did not randomly pop into existence, but that it was the remnants of Hundreds of Universes, stretching back Quadrillions of years. This discovery was found accidentally when we began to study why it seemed the Universe was beginning to Shrink at a speed much faster than thought possible. Whole Galaxies would disappear within a Millenia, and the process would speed up overtime. It is only a matter of time when the Universe eats us whole, and our chapter is ended. At least we will have the confidence that we will not be the last living things to ever have the glory of existing, and that after the collapse of the Universe, there will be others who begin to live, even if that is Trillions of Years away."
-Unknown Scientist, Note Presumed To Be From Universes Ago.

"We must escape, the Universe edges ever closer, and it seems that we have less than one Thousand Years left to find a way out of this hell. We are the only ones left, New Earth stands as the final birthplace of life in the Universe because the only planets left habitable were terraformed by us Thousands of Years ago. No matter what happens, we must continue our legacy, we must find a way to make the human race survive. We've been through wars stretching across the whole Universe, plagues, genocide, we must survive this madness, we must make it out of this hell. We have sent a fleet of Arc Ships to attempt to a wormhole nearest to New Earth, and we hope that it somehow transports them to a planet safe from harm of the Universe, and that they can repopulate and rebuild our Species. Why God has done this to us, I do not know, but I do know this, we will survive, we will make it through, we will rebuild, for it is the way of Humanity, it is the way of our species."
-Unknown Soldier, Note Presumed To be From Universes Ago.

"We've made it through the wormhole, and out on the other side we see nothingness. Everything around us is darkness, no light, no stars in sight, and the Wormhole has seemed to disappear. It seems that we have failed our mission, and that we are doomed to float forever. I pray that we make it out of this alive, but I'm not sure. Most of the populace has been put in Cryogenic freezing, and it's set to open when an object large enough to be a planet passes within a lightyear of us. I'm about to go under now, so if this note is ever found, just know that I hopefully died peacefully."
-Captain Of The Arc 1, Jason Vladistov.

"It has been found, after thousands, if not millions of years in sleep, we have found our new home. It is assumed that the rest of the human race, along with New Earth, has been destroyed, but we will truly never know. I cannot believe that we have actually made it to a new home for our people, but it seems that we have. My only guess is that once the Big Bang happened again, it somehow engulfed us, making us a part of its hold. I will continue to post in here from time to time, regarding the advancement of our people, but now, I have to go wake up the rest of the ships."
-Captain Of The Arc 1, Jason Vladistov.

The Human Race would prove it's resilience once again, somehow defeating the only thing thought to be unbeatable, the Universe, making it past the Great Barrier and floating throughout the Unknown for Thousands of years, but they would survive. The planet they would find would be habitable, and Jason Vladistov and those on the Arcs 1 through 50 would join him in rebuilding his people. Once they settled down on Earth, and got a natural population growing once again, they would send out a group of Arc ships into deep space, where they would colonize more planets, thus beginning an Empire of Humans once again.

Welcome to ∞Infinite∞, the most absurd Sci-Fi NRP ever. Before you all say "Hey, that's inaccurate", I understand, but I did bend some of the rules (Such as how long you can be Cryogenically Frozen for) just for the sake of the NRP. Anyway, everything written above is the lore that must exist, anything else is up to you. The only other major thing involving that is how At least one Human Civilization must exist.

This NRP takes place in the "New Universe" 100 Thousand years after the death of Jason Vladistov. Because of Human Influence, the technology in this universe would advance must faster than the previous one, and most civilizations are already Type 3 in the Kardashev Scale, meaning that things like Dyson Spheres are okay. If you have a piece of technology that you want to use, but you don't know if it will fit the setting, ask me.

That is all of the information I have for this now, I plan on expanding this over time (The story of Jason Vladistov is a bit of a side project I have going on, so expect those to randomly pop up), other than that, I hope you enjoy.

Senatus Populusque Americanus

New Orleans, Louisiana, Senatus Populusque Americanus

Outside, thousands of Americans where standing to hear a speech from the Glorious leader Louis George King, the President of the Senatus Populusque Americanus and leader of the Nationalist Party. Today, he was going to talk about the recent events in Ethiopia and his thoughts on the attack against the Turks. The Cheering people in the crowds show that the lies voiced by the government in the Senatus Populusque Americanus has worked and that they shall follow the great President. Louis walks out and faces the crowd and they all do the national solute, raise there right hand onto there heart and there left into the sky at a Ninety Degree Angle!

"My Fellow Americans, today, you shall all know my thoughts on the recent events in Ethiopia and the Crusade against the Caliphate of Istanbul. The Murder of Zakariah Zaile was a horrible event, and that the person who sent the Assassin to do this deserves to be crucified and burnt in the middle of the most populated City on Earth While naked. I send my condolences to Fasilides and all Ethiopians, Zakariah was a great man, and may he be by God for all of Eternity. That though, is not all that I shall talk about today, recently, a Crusade against the Caliphate of Istanbul was called, and while I did not support it originally, I now see the Brutality of their followers and they must be destroyed. If anyone calls on me to join the war, I will, and I will make sure that they will be destroyed!"

The Crowd yells in Approval of what has just been said.

Legal Nation Name
Senatus Populusque Americanus (Senate and People of America)
Imperium Americana (American Empire)

What Areas Do You Control
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Cuba, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico, all of the small Caribbean Islands.

Flag or Banner

Political Party
Nationalist Party of America

Type of Government
Fascist Dictatorship ruled in the Capital City of New Orleans

2 Million Members

Oil, Steel, Agriculture

History of the Nation
It all Began during World War Three when the United States was formally split amongst Three nations, the United Territories of America, and the Senatus Populusque Americanus. Each side claimed huge chunks of the former United States, but only two sides claiming to be the true Successor, The UTA and the SPQA, and each one had the firepower to wipe each other out, but they didn't, the didn't even move troops to attack each other.

The SPQA was left to advance the nation and with control of all the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico, it was easy enough. The Oil in the south mixed with the trade routes all across the Coasts of the nation gave enough money for the restocking of Nuclear Weapons.

This peace did not last though, a fascist movement began spreading in the state of Louisiana, and it began spreading across the South. The government, who did not want a Fascist party ruling the nation, outlawed the party, which started the blaze that would ignite the American War Machine.

The first State to declare independence was Louisiana, as it was the first state to hold the party. New Orleans, which was the largest city in the state, was declared the Capital. Soon after, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, both the Carolinas, and Alabama declared independence with Louisiana, leading to a division of the nation.

The Original government started a forced draft, which caused outrage in the nation as they have not seen a draft in nearly 70 years. Riots started in big cities which gave enough leverage to the Fascist that they could occupy New Mexico and Arizona. Soon after that, the rest of the Southern States declared Independence and joined the Fascist.

The nation was formally divided into what they call the 2nd American Civil War, the Government finally got itself together with the draft riots when the Fascist troops marched on Washington D.C, burning it to the ground, and capturing the President.

The President was prepared for this, and stated that the Federal government of the SPQA shall stand strong and will fight till it's last breath. The Governments capital was moved to New York by decision of the Vice President. Because of this act, the President was dropped off in the most isolated place in the Florida Everglades to be left to die. Lets just say, they found his hat with have of it chopped off by a gator two weeks later.

The Fascist troops would continue marching across the north up to Philadelphia, which would begin the first large siege of the war. The Government troops inside the city all charged wave after wave against the fascist rebels, and at one point, they almost pushed them back, but they eventually failed, and the Fascist took the city.

After that they marched to New York, the capital. Half the troops circled the city while the other have left for Boston. Boston was taken first, in an easy siege, and the troops where sent back to take New York from the other side. The troops circling New York moved into the south and the city was pancaked between the invaders.

Within days of this, the city was taken, the war was over, and the Fascist took over the SPQA. The Presidents first act was an invasion of Cuba, in a quick act, the whole island was taken within two weeks. After that, the Bahamas peacefully decided to join. Puerto Rico after a brief time of independence during the breaking of the US also peacefully joined it.

The SPQA next invaded the Dominican Republic, and quickly they fell. Then Haiti fell, then the rest of the independent Caribbean Islands fell, and the SPQA stood tall amongst the Islands. Since then, the army has expanded and they are ready for almost anything.

Main Race
Caucasian American 65%
African American 20%
Hispanic American 10%
Asian American 5%

Main Religion
Protestant 40%
Roman Catholic 25%
Atheist/Agnostic 15%
Reformed Gnostic 8%
Other Christian 7%
Jewish 2%
Buddhist 2%
Islamic 0.5%
Other 0.5%
Finished my app!

Legal Nation Name
Senatus Populusque Americanus (Senate and People of America)
Imperium Americana (American Empire)

What Areas Do You Control
Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Cuba, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico, all of the small Caribbean Islands.

Flag or Banner

Political Party
Nationalist Party of America

Type of Government
Fascist Dictatorship ruled in the Capital City of New Orleans

2 Million Members

Oil, Steel, Agriculture

History of the Nation
It all Began during World War Three when the United States was formally split amongst Three nations, the United Territories of America, and the Senatus Populusque Americanus. Each side claimed huge chunks of the former United States, but only two sides claiming to be the true Successor, The UTA and the SPQA, and each one had the firepower to wipe each other out, but they didn't, the didn't even move troops to attack each other.

The SPQA was left to advance the nation and with control of all the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico, it was easy enough. The Oil in the south mixed with the trade routes all across the Coasts of the nation gave enough money for the restocking of Nuclear Weapons.

This peace did not last though, a fascist movement began spreading in the state of Louisiana, and it began spreading across the South. The government, who did not want a Fascist party ruling the nation, outlawed the party, which started the blaze that would ignite the American War Machine.

The first State to declare independence was Louisiana, as it was the first state to hold the party. New Orleans, which was the largest city in the state, was declared the Capital. Soon after, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, both the Carolinas, and Alabama declared independence with Louisiana, leading to a division of the nation.

The Original government started a forced draft, which caused outrage in the nation as they have not seen a draft in nearly 70 years. Riots started in big cities which gave enough leverage to the Fascist that they could occupy New Mexico and Arizona. Soon after that, the rest of the Southern States declared Independence and joined the Fascist.

The nation was formally divided into what they call the 2nd American Civil War, the Government finally got itself together with the draft riots when the Fascist troops marched on Washington D.C, burning it to the ground, and capturing the President.

The President was prepared for this, and stated that the Federal government of the SPQA shall stand strong and will fight till it's last breath. The Governments capital was moved to New York by decision of the Vice President. Because of this act, the President was dropped off in the most isolated place in the Florida Everglades to be left to die. Lets just say, they found his hat with have of it chopped off by a gator two weeks later.

The Fascist troops would continue marching across the north up to Philadelphia, which would begin the first large siege of the war. The Government troops inside the city all charged wave after wave against the fascist rebels, and at one point, they almost pushed them back, but they eventually failed, and the Fascist took the city.

After that they marched to New York, the capital. Half the troops circled the city while the other have left for Boston. Boston was taken first, in an easy siege, and the troops where sent back to take New York from the other side. The troops circling New York moved into the south and the city was pancaked between the invaders.

Within days of this, the city was taken, the war was over, and the Fascist took over the SPQA. The Presidents first act was an invasion of Cuba, in a quick act, the whole island was taken within two weeks. After that, the Bahamas peacefully decided to join. Puerto Rico after a brief time of independence during the breaking of the US also peacefully joined it.

The SPQA next invaded the Dominican Republic, and quickly they fell. Then Haiti fell, then the rest of the independent Caribbean Islands fell, and the SPQA stood tall amongst the Islands. Since then, the army has expanded and they are ready for almost anything.

Main Race
Caucasian American 65%
African American 20%
Hispanic American 10%
Asian American 5%

Main Religion
Protestant 40%
Roman Catholic 25%
Atheist/Agnostic 15%
Reformed Gnostic 8%
Other Christian 7%
Jewish 2%
Buddhist 2%
Islamic 0.5%
Other 0.5%
<Snipped quote by Vanguardian>

Did someone say Oil?
Edit: No, absolutely no, to much land and ugly borders. You could though, for say claim all of Canada and Alaska, or claim all of the Southern unclaimed US, or claim all of the Northern Unclaimed US?

Ok, how about all of the Unclaimed US + all of the Caribbean?
<Snipped quote by Vanguardian>

And what would that be?

How about all of the unclaimed US and Canada!

Decided I am coming back into this, but I will want to redo another idea for my nation.
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