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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Willem “Willie” Morningwood, Lame Willie, assistant to the Master of Coin
Age: 40

Sigil: A golden oak tree on a field of green
Words:To Rise and Shine

Willem Morningwood is bitter and whimsical towards life in general, often mocking his own condition, and views steps as his greatest enemies and chairs as his greatest allies. After the accident and depression, Lame Willie became extremely cynical, capable of appreciating irony to its fullest extent. He despises his fat employer, but enjoys the influence and protection his position bestows on him.

Spat out by his peers has made Willie thrive on isolation. Instead of the strength of his sword-arm, he had to rely on his wit. He has a sly and ruthless nature, branding himself as a survivor at all costs, trying to out-think his adversaries. Being a cripple, he has resolved to ignore, even amputate, his scruples. As such, he is no stranger to strong-arming, bribing or cajoling to have things his way. These often come in handy in both the worlds of commerce and politics.

Willem has turned himself into a caricature, and likes to mock everyone and everything. Keenly aware of the world laughing at him, he has turned to a sickly mockery and laughs back. His cane made of black oak, for instance has a silver knob in the shape of a large acorn, with leaves wrapping downward alongside the length of it.

Willem grew up as the son of a landed knight, sworn to Ashford in the Reach. As the years went by, he received a traditional upbringing, and showed some promise while being a squire and page. Like many a nobleman’s son, Willie, generous with his smile, dreamed of making a name for himself as a tourney knight. In spite of his humble origins, the son of Morningwood was a rising star in the firmament of the Reach.

His tale of glory and fame came sharply to an end when he, at the age of 18, participated in a tourney at Maidenpool. Over-confident and careless, Willem had challenged a much older and experienced knight to a bout. The subsequent exchange of tilts ended with Willem’s horse tripping, falling and crushing its rider’s leg.

For the next two months, Willem drifted between life and death for his broken, wounded leg had begun to fester. When he finally was on the mend, it became clear that his mutilated right leg would not be able to bear his full weight any longer. His old friends left him, and he could no longer bask in the adoration of fair maidens. Instead, he was shunned by most of the society and abandoned by those he held dear. Though his father did not say, it was clear he considered Willem as less than before.

Crippled, Willem experienced a period of debauchery where he consumed vast quantities of poppy-milk and passed his time with dicing and whoring. A failed attempt at suicide later, he set sail for the Free Cities where he led the life of a rogue. After spending some time in Pentos, he moved to Lys in order to escape his debts. There he was employed by a pleasure house to handle the ledgers, accounts and sensitive information. It is said he even served with a free company as its paymaster for some time.

However, eventually he returned to Westeros at the request of his ageing father. Willem agreed to pass his inheritance over to his younger brother, Ser Joss Morningwood while he took up a position as steward in Ashford, dealing with market days and financial affairs. The local lord, however, refused to recognise his talents and so Willem departed once more after helping his brother Joss.

After the final stages of the Dance of Dragons, Willie ventured to the capital and worked as a customs officer and port official, until he was selected by the Master of Coin. For the past five years, Lame Willie has toiled in royal office, and made a reputation for himself as a brilliant accountant.

Thriving in a metropolitan environment such as King’s Landing, Willem has acquired a steady income and a reputation, and works on gathering his fortune and influence. He has, ever since his time in Lys, sworn off knighthood and donned the cape of a politician, though some might call him a crook. Dealing in coin or favours, it is all the same to him.

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Name: Ascario Cosca, Captain of the Bright Banners, a Free Company
Age: 42

“You can never have too many knives.”

Literally a whoreson, Ascario is a capable warrior and, like most sellswords, is fickle, faithless and brutal. His greed is so much of a fault that it almost turns into a quality. You can always trust Cosca… trust him to side with the highest bidder. As a soldier of fortune, he tries to enjoy life as much as possible, for tomorrow you might find your heart pierced by an arrow, or your spleen ruptured by a spear.

In a fight, Ascario Cosca is vicious, swift and incredibly agile as befits a bravo and mercenary. He is utterly pragmatic and ruthless, caring little for the fates of his men (though he is careful to conceal it of course lest the fools lynch him), always pressing them. The job needs to be done, as long as he is paid. He might look like just a joker, but he is far more cunning than he seems.

Incredibly vain and witty, he considers himself the epitome of manly attraction, in spite of having some feminine quirks. He likes to display his qualities, and is blind to his own faults. Lacking scruples and morals, Cosca has committed terrible and heinous crimes in his life, from murder and all sorts of abuse to wholesale torture and merciless slaughter.

Ascario has several great loves in his life that all compete but are never mutually exclusive. Though not exclusively attracted to women, Cosca is a great womanizer and sees all women as conquests. Other than carnal pleasures, he is fond of the bottle, dice, fists and of course the thing that makes it all possible: coin.

Cosca was born to a Tyroshi concubine and so there is quite some doubt about his parentage. His mother always told him it was a Braavosi ship captain, but it could just as well been a lowly Myrish sailor. Nevertheless, Ascario was forced to look out after himself, helping out in the brothel occasionally, or working the streets as a purse-cut. He was little more than a gutter-rat. As he grew up, it became apparent he had a talent for violence and manipulating, joining one of the local gangs.

At the age of fourteen he left the city, using his flamboyance and genial ways to join up with the Bright Banners. He served first as a mere kitchen boy and farrier, until one of the crossbowmen took him as his shield boy. After carrying a large pavise for a few years, Ascario enlisted as a regular soldier of fortune.

Fighting in the Disputed Lands saw him wounded several times, even when he climbed the ladder of the company. It also introduced him with exploiting the company’s strengths when negotiating contracts. Aside from commanding the pike-men of the Bright Banners, Ascario functioned as a notary who drafted contracts. Aware of the military power monopoly in the Free Cities, Cosca became notorious for his capriciousness, and after rising to captain-general soon dictated terms to his ostensible employers.

Ascario Cosca preferred fighting indirectly, not directly— thus, only reluctantly endangering himself and the enlisted men, avoiding battle when possible, also avoiding hard work and winter campaigns, as these all reduced the total number of trained soldiers available, and was detrimental to the company’s political and economic interest. The Bright Banners set a trend. They fought by outmanoeuvring the opponent and fighting his ability to wage war, rather than risk uncertain fortune —defeat, capture, death— in battlefield combat.

The Company:

You'll See Us Coming

Though not with the best reputation, the company is well-known and infamous throughout Essos. A motley crew of disparate and displaced soldiers, the Bright Banner has become the home of many a desperate man who knows how to fight. There are axemen from Qohor and Norvos, bravos from Braavos, Lyseni sellswords, Tyroshi pikemen and all other sorts of mercenaries from both sides of the Narrow Sea that serve with the Dun Banner. The units of bowmen are mostly made up of Dornish, and some Summer Islanders with their deadly bows, while occasionally contingents of Myrish crossbowmen march along. In total, the Bright Banners number 2,000 regulars, of which two-hundred are mounted fighting men, and the majority are pikemen.

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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

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OneEyedChurro Pam Grier's Fro

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Placeholder for my cast o' peeps. Oh lawdy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sini
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Name:House Velaryon
Seat: Driftmark
Words: "The Old, the True, the Brave"
Affiliation:House Targaryen (Dragonstone)

House Velaryon of Driftmark rules the island of Driftmark, the largest island of Blackwater Bay in the crownlands. Their castles include Driftmark and High Tide, as well as the towns of Hull and Spicetown, though the latter was put to the torch during the Dance. High Tide was also sacked. The head of House Velaryon is titled Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark. The Velaryons are sworn to Dragonstone.

House Velaryon is an ancient and proud house, with the blood of old Valyria in its veins. The Velaryons traveled to Westeros before the Targaryens, having settled on the island of Driftmark, and they claim that they received the Driftwood Throne from the Merling King to conclude a pact. The Velaryons filled their coffers by gaining monopoly over the passing trade and Velaryon ships dominated the middle reaches of the narrow sea while their allies, the Targaryens, ruled the skies with their dragons.

The House continued to maintain close ties with the Targaryens after the Doom of Valyria, as evidenced by the marriage of Aerion Targaryen and Valaena Velaryon, the parents of Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys. When Aegon and his sisters began their Wars of Conquest, Driftmark men followed, and the lord of the house, Daemon Velaryon, became Aegon's master of ships. Furthermore, the first ever Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was Ser Corlys Velaryon. Since the Conquest, Velaryons have intermarried with the Targaryens several times.

During the Dance of the Dragons, the Velaryons were major supporters of the blacks against the greens, as Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen's first husband had been Laenor Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen, the Queen Who Never Was, was wed to Lord Corlys Velaryon. Dragonriders from the house during the civil war included Laenor's sons Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey Velaryon, although accusations persisted that Harwin Strong was actually the father. Even without these champions (all of whom died in the civil war), the House's wealth and fleets at the time made them a significant power of Westeros, with only the Greyjoys able to match them at sea. Corlys used these fleets to blockade Blackwater Bay. However, Spicetown and High Tide were sacked after the blockade was broken in the Battle in the Gullet, with the Velaryons losing nearly a third of their ships.

The death of Corlys's wife, Princess Rhaenys, angered the Sea Snake against Rhaenyra, who had refused to send her sons at Rhaenys's side. Rhaenyra brought Corlys back into the fold by making him her Hand. To gain more dragonriders, the blacks recruited several dragonseed smallfolk, among them Addam of Hull and his brother Alyn. According to their mother, Marilda of Hull, the two boys were fathered by the late Ser Laenor Velaryon, Rhaenyra's first husband, but Mushroom hinted that Addam and Alyn were actually fathered by Lord Corlys himself. Corlys had spent many of his days at the shipyards of Hull where Marilda's father was a shipwright, and Mushroom claimed the boys were kept far from court and away from the fiery-tempered Princess Rhaenys.

Upon Prince Jacaerys’s call for dragonseeds, House Velaryon gained two ‘lost sons’ in the shape of Addam and Alyn. Where Addam succeeded in bonding with a dragon (Seasmoke), and was thus raised to knighthood, Alyn failed to find his intended mount (Grey Ghost). Instead, he attempted to bond with Sheepstealer who set him ablaze. His brother beat out the flames and so Alyn’s life was spared, though he would bear the marks of dragonfire on his back and legs for the rest of his life.

Addam was able to bond to the dragon Seasmoke, though Alyn failed in his own attempt. Lord Corlys adopted both boys into the House, petitioning Rhaenyra to remove the taint of bastardy from them, making them his heirs. Later, as Rhaenyra grew paranoid, she suspected the boys of treachery. Corlys spoke in their defense and warned Addam in time for him to flee King's Landing. Addam went on to fight at the Second Battle of Tumbleton, defeating Rhaenyra's foes at the cost of his own life. Meanwhile, Corlys was thrown in the dungeon, costing Rhaenyra the Velaryon fleet. He was eventually pardoned by King Aegon II Targaryen.

Of the princely Velaryons (Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey) none survived. Nor did Vaemond Velaryon, who had attempted to overthrow Corlys and Laenor for which he paid with his life. His sons attempted to inherit Driftmark as well, but had their tongues cut out. This leaves the Velaryons thinned out. Only Daeron Velaryon remained true to the old Sea Snake.

Sworn to your house: lesser landed nobles

Members of the House:
  • Lord Corlys Velaryon of Driftmark, Lord of the Tides (elderly)
  • Ser Laenor Velaryon, his son (slain by his friend Qarl Correy over a quarrel in Spicetown in 120 AC)
  • Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey, Laenor’s sons (perished during the Dance)
  • Laena, wife to Daemon Targaryen (died during childbirth in 120 AC)
  • Ser Addam Velaryon (formerly of Hull, dragonrider, died at 2nd battle of Tumbleton, reputed son of Laenor)
  • Alyn Velaryon, Corlys’s heir (formerly of Hull, reputed son of Laenor, 18)
  • Ser Daeron Velaryon (nephew to Corlys, cousin to Alyn)
  • Daenaera Velaryon, Daeron’s daughter

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 6 mos ago

House Arryn

Name: House Arryn
Seat: The Eyrie (in Spring, Summer & Autumn) & The Gates of the Moon (in Winter)
Words: As high as Honour
Affiliation: Sided with the Blacks
Description: House Arryn are the lords of the Vale, Descendants of King Artys Arryn who vanquished the First Men of the Vale. They have rarely married with members of other faiths and thus retain one of the purest Andal bloodlines in Westeros. House Arryn is famed for having successfully defeated the Targaryen invasion Fleet during the Dragon Conquest and postponing the submission of the Vale. House Arryn is also famous for possessing an unassailable seat in the Eyrie. Unlike the Lannisters, the Tyrells and the Baratheon, however, the Arryns did not merely inherit their seats from previous rulers, but instead designed and built the Eyrie themselves. Although they are known to be great warriors as was King Artys, the Arryns often prefer to stay behind the safety of their Mountains and their great fortresses.

Sworn to your house:
-House Arryn of Gulltown (Knightly house)
-House Belmore of Strongsong (Lordly House)
-House Corbray of Heart's Home(Lordly House)
-House Donniger (Knightly House)
-House Egen (Knightly House)
-House Elesham of the Paps (Lordly House)
-House Grafton of Gulltown {CITY} (Lordly House)
-House Hersy of Newkeep (Lordly House)
-House Hunter of Longbow Hall (Lordly House)
-House Lynderly of Snakewood (Lordly House)
-House Melcolm of Old Anchor (Lordly House)
-House Moore
-House Pryor of Pebble (Lordly House)
-House Redford of Redfort (Lordly House)
-House Royce of Runestone (Lordly House)
-House Ruthermont
-House Sunderland of Sisterton (Lordly House)
-House Templeton of Ninestars (Knightly House)
-House Upcliff of Witch isle (Lordly House)
-House Waynwood of Ironoaks (Lordly House)
-House Wydman
-House Waxley of Wickenden (Lordly House)

Members of the House:
1 Lady Jeyne Arryn- Current lady of the Vale
2 The Falcon Prince- Roland Arryn Heir to the Vale ( 13 years old nephew to Lady Jeyne)
3 Lady Sharra the White dove ( 14 year oldSister to Roland Arryn and neice to Lady Jeyne Arryn)

character sheets:

1. Lady Jeyne Arryn 'The Maiden of the Vale'
Age: 40
Appearance: Despite her age and having lived through the Dance of the Dragons Lady Jeyne Arryn has retained much of her beauty. Her long brown hair has not yet started turning grey and hey pale grey eyes although surrounded in wrinkles are still as keen as ever. She is tall for a woman and this contributes towards preserving her dignity despite occupying a position that is traditionally occupied by men who are able to rely on a broad council of advisors.

Lady Jeyne is very cautious, and is very aware of the precarious situation House Arryn is in. Aware that she has no heirs and that her niece and nephew were orphaned by the Dance she has vowed to raise Roland and Sharra correctly as she would her own children. She is caring, honest, good natured and wary of outside threats to the vale and is stubborn to a fault. Had she been born a man her reluctance to risk anything would have had her labeled as a craven but in many other aspects she has achieved more as a woman than many great lords have achieved in their lives.

Lady Jeyne took over rule of the Vale after the death of her brother who died just before the Dance of the Dragons whilst fighting the clansmen of the Vale. Jeyne was aware that she was no true lady of the Vale merely a Regent until her brothers' son come of age and has taken every single opportunity to ensure that Roland is well positioned to be a good ruler once he comes of age.

2.Roland Arryn -The Falcon Prince
The future Lord Arryn is a boy yet and therefore remains short, however he looks very much like his father did at his age sharing his same dark green eyes and broad shoulders. Maester Rodrik has suggested that this is a good indicator that he will grow up to be a tall and formidable warrior like his sire. Dark haired.

Cautious like his aunt but the impetuosity of youth is still very much present in Roland. His military strategy is very much defensive choosing to wield the traditional sword and shield and heavy plate and to rely on strong fortifications. He is trusting of those on his council but very much distrusting of those he does not yet know well. Well mannered and intentioned yet perhaps living atop the Eyrie has rendered him a little unaware to the needs of his peasantry. Roland is very curious and has reputedly read every single book in the Eyrie Library and many of the ones in Strongsong.

Roland Arryn was raised by his father to be a fighter and served as a squire to house Belmore for several years. Upon his fathers' death his aunt lady Jeyne began raising Roland and his sister focusing on their diplomatic and intrigue skills and the need to surround themselves with only people they can trust entirely. Roland has spent the majority of his life in the Eyrie but has lived in StrongSong for nearly three years forming bonds of friendship with the Belmore boys and has participated in squire tourneys in Gulltown. His Aunt is currently looking for eligible ladies for him to marry so that he may carry on the Arryn line.

3.Lady Sharra Arryn The White Dove
Appearance: Roland's sister has often been compared to the Eyrie itself, she is tall and slender like its seven towers, yet strong enough to withstand any threat and much like the Eyrie is very much apart from the rest of the world. Her extraordinarily pale skin has also been compared to the White Marble of the seat of House Arryn. Sharra wears her long brown hair in the style of the northern ladies and has little time for the styles of the south and shares the green eyes of her brother except where his are dark green hers are Bright and piercing.

Sharra is an introvert and dosen't really have any friends beyond her family,her handmaidens and her closest retainers. Like her brother she has spent many days studying the books of the Vale and the arts diplomacy and trade. It is said that lady Sharra knows the history of the years before the Conquest Better than Maester Rodrik himself. She is fascinated by Geography and has often climbing beyond the walls of the Eyrie with her brother explore the Rocks and the streams of the Giants' lance when nobody is watching.

She is acutely aware that her comfortable will be subject to change as her aunt will be looking for a matrilineal match for her in order to further strengthen the Arryn line. She is not as close to her aunt as her brother is but her brother is her closest friend and confidante.
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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Hella Cute
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Hella Cute Veritable Princess

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> >>><<< <
"Growing Strong"
> >>><<< <

The Tyrells are descendants of the Andals, they are the Lords of Highgarden, Lords Paramount of the Reach, and Wardens of the South. Tyrell knights are models of chivalry throughout the Seven Kingdoms.

The Tyrells were the High Stewards of Highgarden at the time of Aegon’s landing. The Tyrells served faithfully under House Gardener until the combined forces of King Mern Gardener Ninth of His Name, King of the Reach and Lord of Highgarden and King Loren Lannister, First of His Name, King of the Rock and Lord of Casterly Rock were defeated on the Field of Fire by Aegon the Conquer and his dragons three. While King Loren bent the knee to Aegon Targaryen, King Mern and his two sons were burnt alive by his dragons while riding in the vanguard.

Harlen Tyrell, High Steward of Highgarden, bent the knee to the Dragon in the aftermath of the Field of Fire. For his fealty, Aegon Tarygaryen named Harlen Tyrell Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Mander, and Warden of the South in spite of his weak blood ties to House Gardener. Harlen disappeared in Dorne during the First Dornish War.

During the Dance of the Dragons, Lyonel Tyrell was Lord of Highgarden; he was, however, an infant. Lord Lyonel’s mother was his regent and despite her anticipated support for the Greens, House Tyrell remained neutral. The sworn houses of Tyrell were split between Black and Green during the Dance of the Dragons.

Three battles were fought in the Reach during the dance. the first on the Honeywine. Hightower forces were crippled by Reachmen who supported the black; the intervention of Prince Daeron Targaryen and his dragon saved the Hightower forces from complete destruction. The second and third battles were fought over Tumbleton, near the border of the Crownlands. Two of Queen Rhaenyra’s dragonseeds turned traitor and joined Prince Daeron of House Targaryen in sacking the city. Three of the green’s dragons died after the Second Battle of Tumbleton, however the city itself was not lost. The crippling loss of the rideable dragons at Tumbleton stopped the greens from sacking Kings Landing.

After the war the Reachmen returned to their houses bloodied and bruised to lick their wounds. House Tyrell sent a small contingency of knights to Tumbleton to help keep the peace. All in all, Tyrell came out of the Dance of the Dragons nearly intact. The Hightowers had proven loyal bannermen by defending Highgarden from Ser Ulf the White

Sworn Houses

///// \\\\\
House Appleton of Appleton
House Ashford of Ashford
House Blackbar of Bandallon
House Caswell of Bitterbridge
House Chester, Lords of Greenshield
House Cordwayner of Hammerhal
House Crane of Red Lake
House Florent of Brightwater Keep
House Footly of Tumbleton
House Fossoway of Cider Hall
House Graceford of Hollyhall
House Grimm of Grimston, Lords of Greyshield
House Hewett of Hewett Castle, Lords of Oakenshield
House Hightower of the Hightower
House Kidwell of Ivy Hall
House Merryweather of Longtable
House Oakheart of Old Oak
House Peake of Starpike
House Redwyne of the Arbor
House Rowan of Goldengrove
House Roxton of the Ring
House Serry, Lords of South Shield
House Shermer of Smithyton
House Tarly of Horn Hill
House Vyrwel of Darkdell

\\\\\ /////

Lady Leonette of House Redwyne, Lady Regent of Highgarden, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South, Lady Paramount of the Mander
Twenty Years of Age

As written by Ryam Florent, Maester of Highgarden in The Lords and Ladies of Highgarden:

Lady Leonette was thrust into regency at the age of 16. Though naive to the world of Westerosi politcs, Lady Leonette relied heavily on a group of advisors: Ser Moryn Flowers Castellan of Highgarden, Ryam Florent Maester of Highgarden, and Septa Rhea Graceford in her early years. Though now, at the end of the Dance of the Dragons, she’s beginning to stand her own in the courts. Lady Leonette recognized that House Tyrell had lost a great deal of repute both with the Realm and with her own bannermen when she had opted out of the Dance of the Dragons. She made it her goal to restore the house’s reputation and influence over King’s Landing and over the Reachmen before her son comes of age.

Lady Leonette of House Redwyne was the firstborn daughter and thirdborn child of Lord Jafer of House Redwyne, Lady Leonette was born 112AC to Lady Elinor of House Hightower who died in childbirth.

Lady Leonette came to Highgarden at 12 years of age and served as handmaiden under Lady Lynesse of House Florent who had mothered Lord Alester of House Tyrell. At the time Lord Alester was 32 years of age and had already fathered a bastard son and two daughters by his late wife: Lady Lysa of House Hightower who had died of fever. Lady Leonette served two years under Lady Lynesse before she first bled. Lord Jafer Redwyne sent a raven to Lord Luthor of House Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South and Lord Paramount of the Mander to wed their children. Lord Alester was 34 and Lady Leonette was 14 when they were wed.

128AC at the age of 36 Lord Alester gained the titles Lord of Highgarden, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South and Lord Paramount of the Mander on the death of his father. That year he also fathered his firstborn son Lord Lyonel Tyrell shortly before falling three stories to his own death in a drunken stupor. Lord Lyonel gained the titles of Lord of Highgarden, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South and Lord Paramount of the Mander which he passed to Leonette of House Redwyne, his mother and Lady Regent.

The Dance of the Dragons broke out in 129AC, Lady Leonette kept House Tyrell neutral in the war to come despite anticipation of her intervening on behalf of the greens and allying with the Redwynes and the powerful Hightowers. After the war, her castellan recommended sending Tyrell knights to Tumbleton, the scene of the most intense fighting in the Reach and so it was.

Ser Jon Flowers, Knight of the Kingsguard, Bastard of Lord Alester of House Tyrell
Four and Twenty Years of Age

Excerpt from The Book of the Brothers
His sigil is in the top left of the page, the colors of House Tyrell have been reversed. Or, a rose vert.

Ser Jon Flowers was born out of bastardy 108AC to Lord Alester of House Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South, and Lord Paramount of the Mander.

Ser Jon entered pagedom under Ser Bryndon Hightower at the age of ten and squired under him at the age of four and ten. During his squiredom Ser Jon and Ser Bryndon together slew two bandit knights and a contingency of smallfolk.

Ser Bryndon Hightower knighted Ser Jon Flowers on his twentieth nameday.

Ser Jon Flowers took up arms for House Hightower in the Dance of the Dragons. Ser Jon slew seven men at the Battle of Honeywine. Ser Jon slew six of Lord Roderick’s Winter Wolves at the First Battle of Tumbleton. Ser Jon slew four men at the Second Battle of Tumbleton before retreating with the Hightower host.

Ser Jon became a hedge-knight in 130AC after the Hightowers retreated into the Reach. Ser Jon slew a total of three and twenty soldiers committing banditry under the colors of House Tarly, House Florent, House Peake, House Hightower and House Crane.

Ser Jon Flowers was summoned to King’s Landing 130AC at the behest of King Aegon of House Targaryen Second of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm to join his Kingsguard.

Lady Desmera of House Tyrell, Firstborn Daughter of Lord Alester of House Tyrell
Six and Ten Years of Age

Maester Ryam Florent in The Lords and Ladies of Highgarden:

Lady Desmera has always excelled in her studies, particularly in manners of court for which the ladies of House Tyrell are renowned. She and Lady Leonette oft practice in the great hall when the court is closed, she may well be the primary reason for Lady Leonette’s distancing herself from her council. Whatever the reason, Lady Desmera is a great asset to this house and a brilliant example for the ladies of House Tyrell. She first bled in 131AC and has hence remained unmarried.

Lady Desmera is the firstborn daughter of Lady Lysa of House Hightower and Lord Alester of House Tyrell, born 116AC. Lady Lysa caught fever and died in 119AC while Lady Desmera was only three years of age. Lord Alester remarried in 126AC to Lady Leonette of House Redwyne who is only four years Lady Desmera’s senior. Lady Desmera showed contempt towards her young step-mother but as the years have passed the two have developed what she calls "a close sister-like bond."
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idlehands heartless

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Joytex Patron Saint of Procrastination

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

House Greyjoy
We Do Not Sow
Affiliation: Sided with the blacks

What is dead may never die!
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Ruby No One Cares

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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Cold
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Cold Real Person

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Septon of the Starry Sept, member of the Most Devout

Age: 56
Appearance: TBD


Clement is known as a man of dedication and ritual almost to the point of compulsion. Already in his days as a brown brother he would start every day with exactly one hour of prayer before breaking fast with only bread and water. When not called to religious duties, Clement spends most of his morning buried in books of theology and philosophy. In the afternoons he often delivers sermons and leads prayer, in particular to the Crone, or wanders the streets giving alms to the poor.

His scholarly work and keen sense of administration has earned Clement the respect of fellow godsworn while his piety and patience earned him the trust of smallfolk and nobles alike during his time as Septon in Oldtown. To many he is known as scholarly, patient and devout but those close to him may recognise a worryingly vindictive streak. Some that crossed him found that Clement did not only possess great patience but also a very long memory.

As a man with considerable secular power, the Septon struggles to reconcile his convictions and theology with the realities of politics. The purity and simplicity of his days in the septry are long past and armed only with prayer and the will of the Seven, Clement wades ever deeper in the secular affairs of the Faith and the Crown.


As the third and youngest son of Oswald Far, a successful carpenter in a town near Brightwater Keep, Clement was destined for a life in service of the Faith. After a basic education and working a few years with his father, the boy aged 17 at the time was sent off to the septry along the Honeywine river. Having a son join the godsworn gave the family great prestige and Clement himself welcomed the move. He eagerly took up his studies in philosophy and theology and quickly developed a reputation of diligence and wisdom among his brothers. At the surprisingly young age of 25 Clement was chosen to become a proctor and help the Elder Brother run the septry. While he remained in touch with his family the first few years he saw them less and less as his responsibilities in the septry grew and he began writing his own theological treatises.

Years later, with word of his theology and his keen sense of administration had spread, Clement was offered a position at the Starry Sept in Oldtown. The choice was not as straightforward as it would seem as Clement, still a young man of 36, had grown quite attached to the silence and purity of the septry. However, as a proctor he had learned that not even the monastic brothers could escape the politics of the septons or the greed and ambition of local lords. Finally, Clement agreed to a place in the Starry Sept, thinking that he could use it to better serve the Faith and spread his ideas among the people.

Things were different in Oldtown. While he had some experience with negotiating with local lords and nobles when he still lived at the septry, the corruption he saw in his days at the Starry Sept shocked him to his core. Unenthusiastically Clement took it upon himself to right what he considered a grievous wrong and an insult to the Seven. He climbed the ranks rapidly and while some recognised his zeal and dedication, others believed the rise to be driven by ambition and lust for power. It is no coincidence that it was in these years that Clement used his new position of authority to exact revenge on those that had once crossed him. Corrupt brothers, greedy nobles and various others suddenly found the the Starry Sept to be uncooperative when they needed it most. He found new ways to give favours to friends and foes alike, consolidating his power in Oldtown and spreading his name among the godsworn of Westeros. When the old septon died Clement was the clear replacement and subsequently raised to the Most Devout.

During the Dance of the Dragons, Septon Clement followed and supported the consensus in the Most Devout that the Faith should remain uninvolved. After the two years that brought great pain and suffering, the Most Devout put to a vote once more the idea to provide guidance to the secular rulers of Westeros. With a small majority and above all the support of the High Septon, it was decided that the Faith should seek to be involved in the regency. As Septon of the Starry Sept, renowned theologian and a man still owed favours by many, Clement could think of no man better equipped to offer the guidance of the Faith to the secular rulers of Westeros than himself.


House Tully

Family, Duty, Honour

Seat: Riverrun
Affiliation: Blacks

Sworn to House Tully:
House Frey
House Blackwood
House Bracken
House Darry
House Mallister
House Mooton
House Piper
House Ryger
House Strong
House Vance of Atranta
House Vance of Wayfarer’s Rest

Members of the House:
- Lord Kermit Tully (17) of Riverrun
- Lanna Piper (39), widow to the late Lord Elmo Tully, mother of Lord Kermit
- Elinor Tully (14), daughter of late Lord Elmo
- Ser Osryk Tully (40), uncle of Lord Kermit
- Myria Tully (16), daughter of Ser Osryk
- Ser Erryk Tully (18), cousin of Kermit
- Maester Hugo (61)
- Castellan Osmund (55)


Kermit Tully

Lord of Riverrun

Age: 17
Appearance: TBD


The experiences of the war weigh heavily on Kermit Tully but the two years shaped who he had become. Before he was known as a rather mischievous person, always looking to push the boundaries of his peers and teachers or chasing after the girls at court. As a 16-year-old he was taught to glorify battle and the heroes that came out victorious, but this changed in his very first battle. As the campaign for the blacks progressed Kermit became adept at killing and gradually his ability to grieve and mourn his lost friends made way for a cold and calculated lust for violence.

Having buried his grandfather and father both as well as many friends and companions, the young Lord of Riverrun matured quickly and grew the fortitude and character for command. In the Battle of the Kingsroad, Kermit and a number of other mostly young Riverlords crushed a Baratheon force over ten times as large. With King’s Landing a day away even greater fame and glory awaited him.

Whereas the bloodshed and destruction turned the young lord violent, his success in battle made him arrogant. While his time as Lord has been short, it is clear that Kermit is a war-time leader. Truly ruling and rebuilding remains a prospect that daunts him.


Two years ago, at the age of 15, Kermit Tully had no thoughts of command or leadership. His Lord grandfather still lived and his father who was heir was still strong and vigorous. He had only one sister 3 years younger so spent most of his time with the sons of other lords. He was known as a boy with no respect for authority and often ran off with friends to chase after the girls at court or neighbouring towns. At this time he was especially close to his cousin Erryk and Edmund Darry, son of Lord Edwyn Darry.

When the war broke out Kermit was considered only an average fighter and squired for his uncle Ser Osryk. During the first battles Kermit did not only learn how to fight but also learned what it is to suffer. Though he had come out relatively unscathed most of the time, all around him men and boys were dying. The lucky ones died on the field, others wailed and cried for days as their maimed bodies slowly gave up. Still others died from disgusting diseases on the long marches and during the nights that grew colder and colder as the summer came to an end.

With the death of his grandfather a few days after the Second Battle at Tumbleton Kermit became the new heir to Riverrun and was raised to knighthood by his Lord father. Only 15 years of age at that point, Ser Kermit Tully now commanded is own company in the host of his father and other riverlords. Similarly a number of boys whom he had known since childhood had become knights and lords in their own right because of their bravery in battle or the deaths of fathers and relatives.

Only 49 days later his father too died and the young Kermit became the new Lord of Riverrun. When he turned 17 a month later Lord Kermit had become more comfortable with shedding blood and leading his men. His true test and moment of greatest glory came when he led a force of only 4,000 men against a Baratheon force of over 40,000. The Lads, all veterans of many battles at this point, crushed the enemy force of mainly green and unbloodied men. Lord Borros Baratheon was slain in personal combat by Kermit. Many lives were lost and Kermit had to bury his good friend and fellow commander Lord Edwyn Darry.

Only a day’s march separated the triumphant Lads from King’s Landing when Kermit received word of Aegon II’s death.
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House Baratheon

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House Frey

The Twins – The Crossing

“The Twins—two squat, ugly, formidable castles, identical in every respect, with the bridge arching between—had guarded the crossing for centuries.” – Catelyn Tully

The Twins, sometimes known as the Crossing, are the seat of House Frey in the northern Riverlands. It is a fortified crossing of the Green Fork of the Trident and consists of two identical castles and a tower in the middle of their bridge.

The Twins consist of two identical castles standing on a margin of the Green Fork of the Trident. A stone bridge arches between them. This bridge is wide enough for two wagons to cross abreast, and is guarded by a tower in the middle known as the Water Tower. It is the only crossing point over the Green Fork for hundreds of miles in either direction, from the North to the western Riverlands. It lies directly athwart the main route from Winterfell to Riverrun.

The Freys have held the crossing of the Green Fork for six hundred years. It took them three generations to complete the bridge, after which they built timber keeps on each bank of the river. Since then, the Freys have grown wealthy by charging a heavy toll on all those who need to cross - a fact which irks many older or more powerful houses. The timber keeps have since been replaced by stone. These castles are what give the stronghold its name, for they are identical. They have high curtain walls, deep moats and a barbican and portcullis in each. The bridge footings rise from within the inner keeps. Given their strong castle, strategic location, lands, wealth, and numbers, the Freys are one -if not the- of the most powerful bannerhouses sworn to House Tully.

The seat of the Lord of the Crossing is a massive chair of black oak. Its back is carved in the shape of two towers joined by an arched bridge.

Two blue towers united by a bridge on silver-grey, representing the Twins.

Words: We Take Our Toll

House Frey is one of the younger houses in Westeros, dating back some six centuries when its founder was awarded lands and nobility. The founding Frey had a vision of building a great bridge spanning the Green Fork of the Trident and began its construction. His grandson ultimately finished the bridge's construction and built wooden keeps on both sides as well. Later generations replaced the timber keeps with identical stone keeps that were named the Twins. A large tower was constructed in the middle of the bridge and called the Water Tower.

The Twins' defensible construction and strategic location allowed the Freys to prosper by exacting tolls for passage across the river. The Freys grew into one of the richest and most powerful houses of the Trident. Their quick rise to prominence has caused other powerful houses to look down on them as upstarts. Animosity with the Darrys from Darry was nursed, for instance and the Freys also became bitter rivals with their neighbours to the north, where the Crannogmen ruled.

House Frey aided Aegon the Conquerer during his War of Conquest and rebelled against King Harren the Black of Harrenhal. Afterward, the Freys joined the other river lords in swearing fealty to House Tully. During the Dance of the Dragons, House Frey sided with the blacks against the greens. Lord Forrest Frey died fighting Westermen in the Battle by the Lakeshore.

Sworn to the Twins:
House Charlton
House Erenford
House Haigh
Housa Nayland of Hag's Mire

Members of the House:
  • Lord Calder Frey, Lord of the Crossing
  • Lord Forrest Frey, his brother, dead at the God’s Eye
  • Lady Sabitha Vypren, widow to Forrest, martial woman said to prefer women over men
  • Walda, Lyana, Amerei, Selyse, his four daughters
  • Walder Frey, his infant son
  • Lady Darla Frey, elder sister to Calder, former wife to Jon Chyttering, died when falling off a horse
  • Domeric Chyttering, son of Jon Chyttering and Darla Frey, squire at the Harrenhal
  • Ser Franklyn Frey, his brother, a good tourney fighter
  • Steffon Frey, a squire
  • Ser Addam Frey, a cousin, a good lance
  • Marei, his sister
  • Ser Benfred Frey, another cousin
  • Ser Tom Fishbone, a Tully bastard sired on Bethany Frey, sister to Ser Benfred Frey, has a fish-skeleton for his sigil (under revision)

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